Docker container does not receive new files (updates) when rebuilding container that has a named volume - docker-compose

I have a dockercontainer that i build using a dockerfile via a docker-compose. I have a named volume, on the first build, it copies a file into /state/config
all is well, while the container is running, the /state/config receives more data because of a process I have running
the volume is setup like so
- config_data:/state/config
on the dockerfile i use the copy like so
COPY --from=builder /src/runner /state/config/runner
So, as I say the first run - when no docker container or volume exists, then the /state/config recevies the "runner" file and also adds data into this same directory while the container is running.
Now I don't wish to destroy the volume, but if i rebuild the container using docker build or docker-compose build --no-cache then the volume stays - which is what i want but the runner is NOT updated.
I even tried to exec into the container and remove runner and then rebuild the container again and now the copying of the file does not even happen.
I wondered why this happening ?
Of course, I think i may have a work around, to place the file inside the docker container using the temporary volumes and not a named volume meaning the next time it is re-created then the file is recopied.
But I am confused why - its happening
Anybody help ?


Docker-compose does not see the new volume added in `docker-compose.yml`

I have a docker-compose.yml from which I started a couple of services. I add a new volume mapping to one of the services and then try to restart the container with
docker compose restart <service_name>
but the volume is still not mapped and not available from within the image.
What is the right way to add a volume to an image defined with docker compose?
Oki, so it turns out that restart is just a refresh of the existing image but changes nothing in the parameters with which it is started.
In order to have compose take into account volume mapping changes in the docker-compose.yml file one has ro run:
docker compose up --build <service_name>
There might be other solutions, but this is what I ended up doing.

Postgres docker container init scripts not running when extending another image tag

I have dockerfile which has the following command for building the image
FROM postgres:9.6.2-alpine
COPY postgresql.conf /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/postgresql.conf
COPY postgres-*.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
CMD ["postgres", "-c", "config_file=/docker-entrypoint-
and from this image in the repository I am creating another local docker image as
ARG FROM_IMAGE_TAG=v9.6.2-latest
FROM <url for the image above>:${FROM_IMAGE_TAG}
COPY postgres-create-zfunction.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
The script in the 2nd dockerfile is copied to the container but it is not getting executed. When I tried to run the scipt locally it is working perfect inside the container, however during start up it is not getting executed and I do not see any logs for errors in the container too.
Any suggestions on how to run the script will be helpful
The issue was resolved by removing the volume mapping which was created when I first ran the docker-compose build. So every-time I want to run the scripts I have to delete the volume mapping in local filesystem and do the docker-compose up or build commands
see the comment by blag on this issue

How to add an already build docker container to docker-compose?

I have a container called "postgres", build with plain docker command, that has a configured PostgreSQL inside it. Also, I have a docker-compose setup with two services - "api" and "nginx".
How to add the "postgres" container to my existing docker-compose setup as a service, without rebuilding? The PostgreSQL database is configured manually, and filled with data, so rebuilding is a really, really bad option.
I went through the docker-compose documentation, but found no way to do this without a re-build, sadly.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
You don't refer containers on docker-compose, you use images.
You need to create a volume and/or bind mount it to keep your database data.
This is because containers do not save data, if you have filled it with data and did not make a bind mount or a volume to it, you will lose everything on using docker container stop.
docker cp
Docker cp will copy the contents from container to host.
Create a folder to save all your PostgreSQL data (ex: /home/user/postgre_data/)
Save the contents of your PostgreSQL container data to this folder (docker hub postgres page for further reference: ;
Run a new PostgreSQL (same version) container with a bind mount poiting to the new folder;
This will maintain all your data and you will be able to volume or bind mount it to use on docker-compose.
Reference of docker-compose volumes:
Reference of postgres docker image:
Reference of volumes and bind mounts:
You can save this container in a new image using docker container commit and use that newly created image in your docker-compose
docker container commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]
I however prefer creating images with the use of Dockerfiles and scripts to fill my data etc.

When are docker-compose on-the-fly volumes reused vs. recreated?

I have a docker-compose.yml like this:
version: '2'
build: .
- /usr/src/app
If I do docker-compose up, then any changes I make to the /usr/src/app are persisted across runs. I can control+C and then docker-compose up, and the contents are still there.
But if I do docker-compose run app ls -la /usr/src/app, then the path is always empty.
My goal is that I'd like to have that volume 1) automatically created on the fly for me, 2) specific to this docker-compose project (since I'll have many others), and 3) persist across docker-compose up/run/etc.
I think one way around this is to use named volumes, which will automatically pull the name of my docker-compose project.
But with on-the-fly containers, is this the expected behavior? They persist automatically for docker-compose up, and are recreated from scratch for each docker-compose run?
Also, is there any documentation that makes clear the lifetime of on-the-fly containers?

How to run a command once in Docker compose

So I'm working on a docker compose file to deploy my Go web server. My server uses mongo, so I added a data volume container and the mongo service in docker compose.
Then I wrote a Dockerfile in order to build my Go project, and finally run it.
However, there is another step that must be done. Once my project has been compiled, I have to run the following command:
./my-project -setup
This will add some necessary information to the database, and the information only needs to be added once.
I can't however add this step on the Dockerfile (in the build process) because mongo must already be started.
So, how can I achieve this? Even if I restart the server and then run again docker-compose up I don't want this command to be executed again.
I think I'm missing some Docker understanding, because I don't actually understand everything about data volume containers (are they just stopped containers that mount a volume?).
Also, if I restart the server, and then run docker-compose up, which commands will be run? Will it just start the same container that was now stopped with the given CMD?
In any case, here is my docker-compose.yml:
version: '2'
image: mongo:latest
- /data/db
command: --break-mongo
image: mongo:latest
- mongodata
- "28001:27017"
command: --smallfiles --rest --auth
build: .
- "6060:8080"
- mongo
- mongodata
- mongo
And here is my Dockerfile to build my project image:
FROM golang
ADD . /go/src/my_project
RUN cd /go/src/my_project && go get
RUN go install my_project
RUN my_project -setup
ENTRYPOINT /go/bin/my_project
I suggest to add an entrypoint-script to your container; in this entrypoint-script, you can check if the database has been initialized, and if it isn't, perform the required steps.
As you noticed in your question, the order in which services / containers are started should not be taken for granted, so it's possible your application container is started before the database container, so the script should take that into account.
As an example, have a look at the official WordPress image, which performs a one-time initialization of the database in it's entrypoint-script. The script attempts to connect to the database (and retries if the database cannot be contacted (yet)), and checks if initialization is needed;
I notice you created a "data-only container" to attach your volume to. Since docker 1.9, docker has volume management, including naming volumes. Because of this, you no longer need to use "data-only" containers.
You can remove the data-only container from your compose file, and change your mongo service to look something like this;
image: mongo:latest
- mongodata:/data/db
- "28001:27017"
command: --smallfiles --rest --auth
This should create a new volume, named mongodata if it doesn't exist, or re-use the existing volume with that name. You can list all volumes using docker volume ls and remove a volume with docker volume rm <some-volume> if you no longer need it
You could try to use ONBUILD instruction:
The ONBUILD instruction adds to the image a trigger instruction to be executed at a later time, when the image is used as the base for another build. The trigger will be executed in the context of the downstream build, as if it had been inserted immediately after the FROM instruction in the downstream Dockerfile.
Any build instruction can be registered as a trigger.
This is useful if you are building an image which will be used as a base to build other images, for example an application build environment or a daemon which may be customized with user-specific configuration.
For example, if your image is a reusable Python application builder, it will require application source code to be added in a particular directory, and it might require a build script to be called after that. You can’t just call ADD and RUN now, because you don’t yet have access to the application source code, and it will be different for each application build. You could simply provide application developers with a boilerplate Dockerfile to copy-paste into their application, but that is inefficient, error-prone and difficult to update because it mixes with application-specific code.
The solution is to use ONBUILD to register advance instructions to run later, during the next build stage.
Here’s how it works:
When it encounters an ONBUILD instruction, the builder adds a trigger to the metadata of the image being built. The instruction does not otherwise affect the current build.
At the end of the build, a list of all triggers is stored in the image manifest, under the key OnBuild. They can be inspected with the docker inspect command.
Later the image may be used as a base for a new build, using the FROM instruction. As part of processing the FROM instruction, the downstream builder looks for ONBUILD triggers, and executes them in the same order they were registered. If any of the triggers fail, the FROM instruction is aborted which in turn causes the build to fail. If all triggers succeed, the FROM instruction completes and the build continues as usual.
Triggers are cleared from the final image after being executed. In other words they are not inherited by “grand-children” builds.
In docker-compose you can define:
restart: no
To run the container only once, which is useful for example for db-migration containers.
Your application need some initial state for working. It means that you should:
Check if required state already exists
Depends on first step result init state or not
You can write program for checking current database state (here I will use bash script but it can be every other language program):
RUN if $(./; then my_project -setup; fi
In my case if script will return 0 (success exit status) then setup command will be called.