Apache Beam CloudBigtableIO read/write error handling - apache-beam

We have a java based Data flow pipeline which reads from Bigtable, after some processing write data back to Bigtable. We use CloudBigtableIO for these purposes.
I am trying wrap my head around failure handling in CloudBigtableIO. I haven;t found any references/documentation on how the errors are handled inside and outside the CloudBigtableIO.
CloudBigtableIO has bunch of Options in BigtableOptionsFactory which specify timeouts, grpc codes to retry on, retry limits.
google.bigtable.grpc.retry.max.scan.timeout.retries - is this the retry limit for scan operations or does it include Mutation operations as well? if this is just for scan, how many retries are done for Mutation operations? is it configurable?
google.bigtable.grpc.retry.codes - Do these codes enable retries for both scan, Mutate operations?
Customizing options would only enable retries, would there be cases where CloudBigtableIO reads partial data than what is requested but not fails the pipeline?
When mutating few millions of records, I think it is possible we get errors beyond the retry limits, what happens to such mutations? do they fail simply? how do we handle them in pipeline? BigQueryIO has function that collects failures and provides a way to retrieve them through side output, why do CloudBigtableIO doesn't have one such functions?
We occasionally get DEADLINE_EXCEEDED errors while writing mutations but the logs are not clear whether the mutations were retried and successful or Retries were exhausted, I do see RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException but that is of no use, if we are not able to handle failures
Are these failures thrown back to the preceding step in data flow pipeline if preceding step and CloudBigtableIO write are fused? with bulk mutations enabled it is not really clear on how the failures are thrown back to preceding steps.

For question 1, I believe google.bigtable.mutate.rpc.timeout.ms would correspond to mutation operations, though it is noted in the Javadoc that the feature is experimental. google.bigtable.grpc.retry.codes allows you to add additional codes to retry on that are not set by default (defaults include DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, UNAVAILABLE, ABORTED, and UNAUTHENTICATED)
You can see an example of the configuration getting set for mutation timeouts here: https://github.com/googleapis/java-bigtable-hbase/blob/master/bigtable-client-core-parent/bigtable-hbase/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/bigtable/hbase/TestBigtableOptionsFactory.java#L169

It is only for setting the number of time to retry after a SCAN timeout.
Regarding retries on mutation operations
This is how Bigtable handles operations failures.
Regarding your question about handling errors in the pipeline
I see that you already are aware for the "RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException". Please keep in mind that in order to retrieve the detailed exceptions for each failed request you have to call the "RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException#getCauses()"
As for the failures, Google documentation states:
" Append and Increment operations are not suitable for retriable batch
programming models, including Hadoop and Cloud Dataflow, and are
therefore not supported inputs to CloudBigtableIO.writeToTable.
Dataflow bundles, or a group of inputs, can fail even though some of
the inputs have been processed. In those cases, the entire bundle will
be retried, and previously completed Append and Increment operations
would be performed a second time, resulting in incorrect data."
Some documentation that you may consider helpful:
Cloud Bigtable Client Libraries
Source code for Cloud Bigtable HBase client for Java
Sample code for use with Cloud BigTable
Hope you find the above helpful.


Kafka Streams: How bad is it to have side effects in filter, map?

If it depends, what side effects are OK and which are definitely BAD?
My situation is that it feels more natural to filter out some events and log them and increment a metric (an HTTP call) in a single function passed to filter. However, the documentation mentions to put side effects such as logging in peek and foreach, but doesn't mention why.
The main reason against any external API calls is that many Streams API methods are time sensitive. If you do too much work, then the consumer group within the topology will fail to heartbeat and cause a rebalance, thereby halting the data flow. Even peek/foreach require an internal consumer and can have the same problem
That being said, HTTP / DB calls without a short client timeout can be bad. Logging or interfacing with local system resources is good.
If you really need external TCP/UDP calls, then stream/branch the data to some output topic, then use Kafka Connect for that.
In addition to the timing considerations that #OneCricketeer mentioned, you may want to consider if you are using exactly-once semantics (EOS) or at-least-once semantics (ALOS).
With EOS, the side effect would happen once per record; whereas, with ALOS, there's a chance that a given record may be processed multiple times.
You can read more about that here: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#semantics

Flink: posting messages to an external API: custom sink or lambda function

We are developing a pipeline in apache flink (datastream API) that needs to sends its messages to an external system using API calls. Sometimes such an API call will fail, in this case our message needs some extra treatment (and/or a retry).
We had a few options for doing this:
We map() our stream through a function that does the API call and get the result of the API call returned, so we can act upon failures subsequently (this was my original idea, and why i did this: flink scala map with dead letter queue)
We write a custom sink function that does the same.
However, both options have problems i think:
With the map() approach i won't be able to get exactly once (or at most once which would also be fine) semantics since flink is free to re-execute pieces of pipelines after recovering from a crash in order to get the state up to date.
With the custom sink approach i can't get a stream of failed API calls for further processing: a sink is a dead end from the flink APPs point of view.
Is there a better solution for this problem ?
The async i/o operator is designed for this scenario. It's a better starting point than a map.
There's also been recent work done to develop a generic async sink, see FLIP-171. This has been merged into master and will be released as part of Flink 1.15.
One of those should be your best way forward. Whatever you do, don't do blocking i/o in your user functions. That causes backpressure and often leads to performance problems and checkpoint failures.

Backfill Beam pipeline with historical data

I have a Google Cloud Dataflow pipeline (written with the Apache Beam SDK) that, in its normal mode of operation, handles event data published to Cloud Pub/Sub.
In order to bring the pipeline state up to date, and to create the correct outputs, there is a significant amount of historical event data which must be processed first. This historical data is available via JDBC. In testing, I am able to use the JdbcIO.Read PTransform to read and handle all historical state, but I'd like to initialize my production pipeline using this JDBC event data, and then cleanly transition to reading events from Pub/Sub. This same process may happen again in the future if the pipeline logic is ever altered in a backward incompatible way.
Note that while this historical read is happening, new events are continuing to arrive into Pub/Sub (and these end up in the database also), so there should be a clean cutover from only historical events read from JDBC, and only newer events read from Pub/Sub.
Some approaches I have considered:
Have a pipeline that reads from both inputs, but filters data from JDBC before a certain timestamp, and from pub/sub after a certain timestamp. Once the pipeline is caught up deploy an update removing the JDBC input.
I don't think this will work because removal of an I/O transform is not backward compatible. Alternately, the JDBC part of the pipeline must stay there forever, burning CPU cycles for no good reason.
Write a one-time job that populates pub/sub with the entirety of the historical data, and then starts the main pipeline reading only from pub/sub.
This seems to use more pub/sub resources than necessary, AND I think newer data interleaved in the pipeline with much older data will cause watermarks to be advanced too early.
Variation of option #2 -- stop creating new events until the historical data is handled, to avoid messing up watermarks.
This requires downtime.
It seems like it would be a common requirement to backfill historical data into a pipeline, but I haven't been able to find a good approach to this.
Your first option, reading from a Bounded source (filtered to timestamp <= cutoff) and PubSub (filtered to timestamp > cutoff) should work well.
Because JDBC.Read() is a bounded source, it will be read all the data and then "finish" i.e. never produce any more data, advance its watermark to +infinity, and not be invoked again (so there's no concern about it consuming CPU cycles, even if it's present in your graph).

External processing using Kafka Streams

There are several questions regarding message enrichment using external data, and the recommendation is almost always the same: ingest external data using Kafka Connect and then join the records using state stores. Although it fits in most cases, there are several other use cases in which it does not, such as IP to location and user agent detection, to name a few.
Enriching a message with an IP-based location usually requires a lookup by a range of IPs, but currently, there is no built-in state store that provides such capability. For user agent analysis, if you rely on a third-party service, you have no choices other than performing external calls.
We spend some time thinking about it, and we came up with an idea of implementing a custom state store on top of a database that supports range queries, like Postgres. We could also abstract an external HTTP or GRPC service behind a state store, but we're not sure if it is the right way.
In that sense, what is the recommended approach when you cannot avoid querying an external service during the stream processing, but you still must guarantee fault tolerance? What happens when an error occurs while the state store is retrieving data (a request fails, for instance)? Do Kafka Streams retry processing the message?
Generally, KeyValueStore#range(fromKey, toKey) is supported by build-in stores. Thus, it would be good to understand how the range queries you try to do are done? Also note, that internally, everything is stored as byte[] arrasy and RocksDB (default storage engine) sorts data accordingly -- hence, you can actually implement quite sophisticated range queries if you start to reason about the byte layout, and pass in corresponding "prefix keys" into #range().
If you really need to call an external service, you have "two" options to not lose data: if an external calls fails, throw an exception and let the Kafka Streams die. This is obviously not a real option, however, if you swallow error from the external lookup you would "skip" the input message and it would be unprocessed. Kafka Streams cannot know that processing "failed" (it does not know what your code does) and will not "retry", but consider the message as completed (similar if you would filter it out).
Hence, to make it work, you would need to put all data you use to trigger the lookup into a state store if the external call fails, and retry later (ie, do a lookup into the store to find unprocessed data and retry). This retry can either be a "side task" when you process the next input message, of you schedule a punctuation, to implement the retry. Note, that this mechanism changes the order in which records are processed, what might or might not be ok for your use case.

Smartsheet API rate limit exceed

Last week encountered for the first time a rate limit exceed error (4003) in our nightly batch-process. This batch proces is synchronising Smartsheet objects with our TimeTracking application 4TT.
Since 2016 this proces works fine, but somehow now this rate limit error occurs and therefore stops synchronising. With the help of the API (and blog about rate limit) I managed to change the code, putting in pauses when this error occurs. This has taken me quite a lot of time, as every time the error occured in a different part of the synchronisation proces.
Is there or will there be a way to let the API automatically pauses, when the rate limit is about to exceed in stead of changing the code every time. And for those who don't want this feature, for example adding an optional boolean argument 'AutomaticallyPauseWhenRateLimitExceeds' (default false) when making the connection to the Smartsheet API?
You'll need to include logic in your code to effectively handle the rate limiting error -- there's no mechanism by which the Smartsheet API can automatically handle this situation for you.
A simple approach would be for you to include logic in your code such that when a rate limiting error is thrown, your code pauses execution for 60 seconds before continuing. Alternatively, a more sophisticated approach would be to implement exponential backoff logic in your code (an error handling strategy whereby you periodically retry a failed request with progressively longer wait times between retries, until either the request succeeds or the certain number of retry attempts is reached).
Implementing this type of error handling logic should not be difficult or tedious, provided that your code is structured in an efficient manner (i.e., error handling logic is encapsulated in a single location).
Additional note: The Smartsheet API Best Practices blog post (specifically the Be practical: Adhere to rate limiting guidelines section) contains info about this topic.
All our SDKs include error retry. So that's the easiest way to handle this situation. http://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#sdks-and-sample-code
I found this and other interesting problems (in my lab) while updating the sheet including Poor Internet connection/bandwidth issues.
If unable to accommodate your code to process chunks of data, my suggestion is to use a simple Try/Catch logic to pause the thread/task for 60 secs and then try again.
using System.Threading
... //all your code goes here
// your code to Save/update the Sheet goes here
catch (Exception ex)
The next step is to work notifications when those errors happen