vertx.executeBlocking failing - vert.x

I am new to vertx and am trying to execute a function1 using vertx.executeBlocking from
public class ABCHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext> {
public ABCHandler( Vertx vertx)
{this.vertx =vertx;}
public void handle(RoutingContext routingContext) {
vertx.executeBlocking(future -> {
function1(routingContext, as ->
if (as.failed()) {;
} else {
}, rs -> {
if (rs.failed()) {
} else {
routingContext.put("key_1", rs.result());;
ABCHandler is meant to validate some data before request is routed to actual URI. But after; I am getting 500 (Internal server error).
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.route().handler(new ABCHandler(vertx));
BodyHandler.create().setBodyLimit(10000));"/abc").handler(routingContext -> {
//some code
Also, when I run same code as non blocking it works.
Any help here is much appreciated.


VertX JUnit 5 MongoDB test does not complete (TimeoutException) or completes too early (testContext.awaitCompletion not working)

During migration from JUnit4 to JUnit5 using VertX I read the migration guides which explain:
how to use the changed Promise and Future Vertx interfaces
how to VertxTestContext, Vertx auto-injection in Vertx Tests
how to use testContext.awaitCondition(), textContext.completing(), testContext.completeNow() etc.
Having this information in mind I wrote the following test:
Test Code:
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
class RestApiTest {
static void setUpMongoDatabase() throws IOException {
void setUp(Vertx vertx, VertxTestContext ctx) {
vertx.deployVerticle(ApiVerticle.class.getName(), options, ctx.completing());
return WebClient.create(vertx);
void tearDown(Vertx vertx, VertxTestContext testContext) {
assertThat(vertx.deploymentIDs().size(), is(equalTo(2)));
static void stopMongoDatabase() {
void test(Vertx vertx, VertxTestContext testContext) {
Future<Void> insertFuture = insertTestData();
// This ether throws a TimeoutException or does not block until the insert completed
testContext.awaitCompletion(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// assert
mongoClient.findOne(COLLECTION, QUERY, result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) testContext.completeNow();
else testContext.failNow();
Future<Void> insertTestData() {
Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise();
Future<Void> future = promise.future();
mongoClient.insert(COLLECTION, QUERY, result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
} else {;
return future;
testContext.awaitCompletion() ether throws a TimeoutException
or does not block until the async insert completed so that my assert returns successfully
How can I wait for the async mongo query to complete before I continue with my test?
The problem was that I am using the VertX Promise and Future classes:
those classes only work on a VertX Verticle
my insertTestData() method is not executed on a Verticle
One solution is to use the java.util.concurrent.ReentrantLock and Condition classes instead:
void test() {
insertTestData(); // This is now synchronous as required
// assert
mongoClient.findOne(COLLECTION, QUERY, result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) testContext.completeNow();
else testContext.failNow();
void insertTestData() {
ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Condition condition = lock.newCondition();
mongoClient.insert(COLLECTION, QUERY, result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
try {
condition.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} finally {

No handlers for address while using eventBus in communicating between verticles of a springboot project

I developed a project with Springboot and used Vertx as an asynchronous reactive toolkit. My ServerVerticle, create a httpServer which receives http requests from an Angular app and sends messages to it via eventBus. By the way, the time that received message arrives, ServerVerticle sends it to another verticle which has service instance in it (for connecting to repository). i tested it with postman and get "No handlers for address" error as a bad request.
here is my ServerVerticle:
HttpServerResponse res = routingContext.response();
EventBus eventBus = vertx.eventBus();
eventBus.request(InstrumentsServiceVerticle.FETCH_INSTRUMENTS_ADDRESS, "", result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
res.setStatusCode(200).write((Buffer) result.result().body()).end();
} else {
My instrumentVerticle is as follows:
static final String FETCH_INSTRUMENTS_ADDRESS = "fetch.instruments.service";
// Reuse the Vert.x Mapper :)
private final ObjectMapper mapper = Json.mapper;
private final InstrumentService instrumentService;
public InstrumentsServiceVerticle(InstrumentService instrumentService) {
this.instrumentService = instrumentService;
private Handler<Message<String>> fetchInstrumentsHandler() {
return msg -> vertx.<String>executeBlocking(future -> {
try {
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
logger.error("Failed to serialize result "+ InstrumentsServiceVerticle.class.getName());;
result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
} else {
public void start() throws Exception {
and i deployed both verticles in the springbootApp starter.

How to dynamically route an incoming request by using a URL->responsible-backend-service mapping service?

I am new to spring-cloud-gateway and I can't answer the question if I solved my problem the intended way. I hope someone can point me into the right direction, give advice or provide some exemplary sample code.
An incoming request at my spring-cloud-gateway service shall be forwarded to the correct backend service (there are X of such backend services, each responsible for a specific task).
The request itself does not contain enough information to decide which backend service to route to.
An additional REST-service exists that maps an arbitrary URL-to-responsible-backend-service-name. The response format is some small JSON, containing the name of the backend-service to forward to.
What would be the easiest/best/smartest/intended solution to implement this functionality with spring-cloud-gateway?
I tried implementing a GatewayFilter that first calls the mapping-service and depending on the result set GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTRfor the exchange.
This works ok. But I have additional questions.
Is it possible to omit the .uri("not://needed")) part in the route setup?
Why does the order value need to be higher than 9999? (see code example)
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public RouteLocator myRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes().route(r -> r
.filters(f -> f.filter(new CustomRequestFilter()))
.uri("not://needed")) // how to omit ?
public static class CustomRequestFilter implements GatewayFilter, Ordered {
public int getOrder() {
return 10000; // why order > 9999 ? (below 10000 does not work)
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
return getBackendServiceMappingResult(exchange.getRequest().getURI().toString()) //async call to REST service mapping URL->backend service name
.flatMap(mappingResult -> {
URI uri = mapServiceNameToBackendService(mappingResult.getServiceName());
exchange.getAttributes().put(ServerWebExchangeUtils.GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR, uri);
return chain.filter(exchange);
private URI mapServiceNameToBackendService(String serviceName) {
try {
switch (serviceName) {
case "serviceA": return new URI("");
case "serviceB": return new URI("https://someotherhost:443/");
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
static class MappingResult {
String serviceName;
public String getServiceName() {
return serviceName;
static Mono<MappingResult> getBackendServiceMappingResult(String uri) {
WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080");
return client.get().uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path("/mapping").queryParam("uri", uri).build()).retrieve().bodyToMono(MappingResult.class);
Is there a better approach (with spring-cloud-gateway) to solve the requirement?
You can use this
public RouteLocator myRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes().route(r ->
.filters(f-> {
f.changeRequestUri(serverWebExchange -> buildRequestUri(serverWebExchange, CustomRequestFilter));
return f;
private Optional buildRequestUri(ServerWebExchange exchange,CustomRequestFilter customRequestFilter ){
boolean updateuri = true;
if(updateuri) {
ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
String path = request.getPath().pathWithinApplication().value();
try {
uriBiulder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(new URI(backendUri)).path(backendPath)
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
}else {
uriBiulder = new URI("")
return Optional.of(uriBiulder);

Vertx instance variable is null when trying to access it from it's method

Below is verticle
package com.api.redis.gateway.verticle;
import java.util.UUID;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.redis.RedisClient;
import io.vertx.redis.RedisOptions;
public class SimpleRestChild extends SimpleRestServer{
RedisClient client;
public void start() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
client = RedisClient.create(vertx, new RedisOptions().setHost("").setPort(6379));
client.subscribe("channelForServiceToPublish", handler -> {
System.out.println("SimpleRestServer subscibed to the channel successfully");
public void handleSubscription(RoutingContext routingContext) {
JsonObject requestAsJson = routingContext.getBodyAsJson();
requestAsJson.put("uuid", getUUID());
// this client object is null.
client.set("request", requestAsJson.toString(), handler ->{
System.out.println("Simple server is setting value to redis client");
if(handler.succeeded()) {
System.out.println("Key and value is stored in Redis Server");
}else if(handler.failed()) {
System.out.println("Key and value is failed to be stored on Redis Server with cause : "+ handler.cause().getMessage());
client.publish("channelForServerToPublish", "ServiceOne", handler -> {
if(handler.succeeded()) {
System.out.println("Simple Server published message successfully");
}else if(handler.failed()) {
System.out.println("Simple Server failed to published message");
routingContext.vertx().eventBus().consumer("io.vertx.redis.channelForServiceToPublish", handler -> {
client.get("response", res ->{
if(res.succeeded()) {
JsonObject responseAsJson = new JsonObject(res.result());
if(responseAsJson.getString("uuid").equalsIgnoreCase(requestAsJson.getString("uuid"))) {
}else if(res.failed()) {
System.out.println("Failed to get message from Redis Server");
routingContext.response().setStatusCode(500).end("Server Error ");
private String getUUID() {
UUID uid = UUID.randomUUID();
return uid.toString();
And below is the main verticle from where the above verticle is getting deployed and on any request to httpserver it's hanlder method is getting called.
package com.api.redis.gateway.verticle;
import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.BodyHandler;
import io.vertx.redis.RedisClient;
import io.vertx.redis.RedisOptions;
public class SimpleRestServer extends AbstractVerticle{
public void start(){
int http_port = 9001;
vertx.deployVerticle("com.api.redis.gateway.verticle.SimpleRestChild", handler -> {
if(handler.succeeded()) {
System.out.println(" SimpleRestChild deployed successfully");
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
SimpleRestChild child = null;
try {
child = (SimpleRestChild) Class.forName("com.api.redis.gateway.verticle.SimpleRestChild").newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Server started at port : " + http_port);
When handleSubscription is getting called for any "/subscription" request. client object is coming as null.
As per my understanding two objects are getting created here. One with start() and other not having start().
I want to initialize Redisclient once.And use this object when handleSubscription() will get called for any request to "/subscription".
How to achieve this ?
How to fix this problem.
the requests may be coming in before the client initialization is actually complete.
AbstractVerticle has two variations of start():
start(), and
start(Future<Void> startFuture)
the overloaded version with the Future parameter should be used to perform potentially long-running initializations that are necessary to do before the Verticle can be considered deployed and ready. (there's a section dedicated to this topic in the docs).
so you might try changing your code as follows:
public class SimpleRestChild extends SimpleRestServer {
RedisClient client;
public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) {
client = ...
// important point below is that this Verticle's
// deployment status depends on whether or not
// the client initialization succeeds
client.subscribe("...", handler -> {
if(handler.succeeded()) {
} else {;
public class SimpleRestServer extends AbstractVerticle {
public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) {
int http_port = 9001;
vertx.deployVerticle("...", handler -> {
// if the child Verticle is successfully deployed
// then move on to completing this Verticle's
// initialization
if(handler.succeeded()) {
Router router = ...
// if the server is successfully installed then
// invoke the Future to signal this Verticle
// is deployed
.listen(http_port, handler -> {
if(handler.succeeded()) {
} else {;
} else {;
using this type of approach, your Verticles will only service requests when all their dependent resources are fully initialized.

Vert.x - RxJava - zip observables

I am trying to zip to observables using Vert.x and RxJava. I don't know if I am misunderstanding something or this is just some kind of bug. Here is the code.
public class BusVerticle extends Verticle {
public void start() {
final RxVertx rxVertx = new RxVertx(vertx);
Observable<RxMessage<JsonObject>> bus = rxVertx.eventBus().registerHandler("busName");
Observable<RxHttpClientResponse> httpResponse = bus.mapMany(new Func1<RxMessage<JsonObject>, Observable<RxHttpClientResponse>>() {
public Observable<RxHttpClientResponse> call(RxMessage<JsonObject> rxMessage) {
RxHttpClient rxHttpClient = rxVertx.createHttpClient();
return rxHttpClient.getNow("/uri");
Observable<RxMessage<JsonObject>> zipObservable =, httpResponse, new Func2<RxMessage<JsonObject>, RxHttpClientResponse, RxMessage<JsonObject>>() {
public RxMessage<JsonObject> call(RxMessage<JsonObject> rxMessage, RxHttpClientResponse rxHttpClientResponse) {
return rxMessage;
zipObservable.subscribe(new Action1<RxMessage<JsonObject>>() {
public void call(RxMessage<JsonObject> rxMessage) {
I want to make an HTTP request using information from the received message and then zip both observables, the event bus and the HTTP response, in order to reply to the message with information from the HTTP response.
I am not getting any response for the message where I am sending it.
Thanks in advance!
I have solved it with a workaround. Some kind of mixed solution.
public class BusVerticle extends Verticle {
public void start() {
final RxVertx rxVertx = new RxVertx(vertx);
vertx.eventBus().registerHandler("busName", new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
public void handle(final Message<JsonObject> message) {
RxHttpClient rxHttpClient = rxVertx.createHttpClient();
Observable<RxHttpClientResponse> httpRequest = rxHttpClient.getNow("/uri");
httpRequest.subscribe(new Action1<RxHttpClientResponse>() {
public void call(RxHttpClientResponse response) {
message.reply(new JsonObject().putString("status", "ok"));