Use values-production.yaml instead of values.yaml for Helm Dependencies - kubernetes

I am creating a helm chart that uses multiple dependencies. For some of those dependencies I would like to use their values-production.yaml instead of the default values.yaml. I have tried adding a tag section to the dependencies to call the production values but that doesn't seem to work. For example the redis chart has production-values.yaml and values.yaml. Is there a way for me to use the production-values within my chart's dependencies?
Eg my helm Chart.yaml looks like:
apiVersion: v2
name: parentChart
- name: redis
version: 10.5.3
repository: "#stable"
- prd-values

There are two ways to provide your values file.
helm install -f myvals.yaml ./mychart
helm install --set foo=bar ./mychart
The order of specificity: values.yaml is the default, which can be overridden by a parent chart’s values.yaml, which can in turn be overridden by a user-supplied values file, which can in turn be overridden by --set parameters.
This means if you have same values in your values.yaml and values-production.yaml then only values-production.yaml will be used as it will overwrite the fields in values.yaml.


Include configmap with non-managed helm chart

I was wondering if it is possible to include a configmap with its own values.yml file with a helm chart repository that I am not managing locally. This way, I can uninstall the resource with the name of the chart.
I am using New Relics Helm chart repository and installing the helm charts using their repo name. I want to include a configmap used for infrastructure settings with the same helm deployment without having to use a kubectl apply to add it independently.
I also want to avoid having to manage the repo locally as I am pinning the version and other values separately from the help upgrade install set triggers.
What you could do is use Kustomize. Let me show you with an example that I use for my Prometheus installation.
I'm using the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart, but add some more custom resources like a SecretProviderClass.
kind: Kustomization
- name: kube-prometheus-stack
version: 39.11.0
releaseName: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
valuesFile: values.yaml
includeCRDs: true
- secretproviderclass.yaml
I can then build the Kustomize yaml by running kustomize build . --enable-helm from within the same folder as where my kustomization.yaml file is.
I use this with my gitops setup, but you can use this standalone as well.
My folder structure would look something like this:
├── kustomization.yaml
├── secretproviderclass.yaml
└── values.yaml
Using only Helm without any 3rd party tools like kustomize there are two solutions:
Depend on the configurability of the Chart you are using as described by #Akshay in the other answer
Declare the Chart you are looking to add a ConfigMap to as a dependency
You can manage the Chart dependencies in the Chart.yaml file:
# Chart.yaml
- name: nginx
version: "1.2.3"
repository: ""
With the dependency in place, you can add your own resource files (e.g., the ConfigMap) to the chart. During Helm install, all dependencies and your custom files will be merged into a single Helm deployment.
values.yaml # defines all values including the dependencies
Chart.yaml # declares the dependencies
templates/ # custom resources to be added on top of the dependencies
configmap.yaml # the configmap you want to add
To configure values for a dependency, you need to prefix the parameters in your values.yaml:
my-configmap-value: Hello World
nginx: #<- refers to "nginx" dependency
image: ...

kube helm charts - multiple values files

it might be simple question but can't find anywhere if it's duable;
Is it possible to have values files for helm charts (stable/jenkins let's say) and have two different values files for it?
I would like in values_a.yaml have some values like these:
componentName: "jenkins-master"
image: "jenkins/jenkins"
tag: "lts"
password: {{ .Values.secrets.masterPassword }}
and in the values_b.yaml - which will be encrypted with AWS KMS
masterPassword: xxx
the above code doesn't work and wanted to know, as you can put those vars in kube manifests like it
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ }}
namespace: {{ .Values.config.namespace }}
can they be somehow passed to other values files
If it was possible I would just put the
password: xxx
in values_b.yaml but vars cannot be duplicated, and the official helm chart expects the master.password val from that file - so has to somehow pass it there but in encrypted way
I'm not quite sure but this feature of helm might help you.
Helm gives you the functionality to pass custom Values.yaml which have higher precedence over the fields of the main Values.yaml while performing helm install or helm upgrade.
For Helm 3
$ helm install <name> ./mychart -f myValues.yaml
For Helm 2
$ helm install --name <name> ./mychart --values myValues.yaml
The valid answer is from David Maze in the comments of the response of Kamol Hasan.
You can use multiple -f or --values options: helm install ... -f
values_a.yaml -f values_b.yaml. But you can't use templating in any
Helm values file unless the chart specifically supports it (using the
tpl function).
If you use multiple -f then latest value files override earlier ones.

programmatically overriding values in sub-charts in helm

I searched for hours, but I can't find any solution for my problem.
Short Version: Is it possible to genarate new .Value properties at templating time?
Long Version: I want to deploy the ElasticStack with Logstash, Kibana, Elasticsearch and I want to use the offical helm templates for Kibana and Elasticsearch.
My Idea is to create a new Chart (elk) with the 3 subcharts.
elasticsearch (official helm template)
kibana (official helm template)
My problem is the multiple declaration of the same property in the top-level values.yaml
My elk/values.yaml looks like the following
clusterName: "elasticsearchtest"
imageTag: "7.3.0"
replicas: 3
minimumMasterNodes: 2
storageClassName: gp2-resize
elasticsearchHosts: "http://elasticsearchtest-master:9200"
imageTag: "7.3.0"
elasticsearchHosts: "http://elasticsearchtest-master:9200"
imageTag: "7.3.0"
Note the repitition if I want to change the clustername or specify the imagetag. It feels really bad to overwrite the subcharts' values in this way.
It is possible to create a top-level values.yaml like this:
clusterName: "elasticsearchtest"
imageTag: "7.3.0"
and overwrite the subcharts values at templating time?
There is no way to template values.yaml, if you are not going to use external tools (eg. Ytt)
However, if you can change values.yaml in the subcharts, then you can assign it to the global variables, and define them once in the parent Helm chart.

helm - programmatically override subchart values.yaml

I'm writing a helm chart that uses the stable/redis chart as a subchart.
I need to override the storage class name used for both microservices within my chart, and within the redis chart.
I'm using helm 2.12.3
I would like to be able to specify redis.master.persistence.storageClass in terms of a template, like so
name: azurefile
usePassword: false
storageClass: {{ $ }}
Except, as I understand, templates aren't supported within values.yaml
As this is a public chart, I'm not able to modify it to depend on a global value as described here in the documentation
I considered using {{ $.Values.redis.master.persistence.storageClass }} elsewhere in my chart rather than {{ $ }}, but this would:
Not hide the complexity of the dependencies of my chart
Not scale if I was to add yet another subchart dependency
In my values.yaml file I have:
name: azurefile
storageClass: azurefile
I would like to specify a single value in values.yaml that can be overwritten at chart deploy time.
e.g. like this
helm install --set mychart
rather than
helm install --set --set redis.master.persistence.storageClass mychart
As you correctly mentioned, helm value files are plain yaml files which cannot contain any templates. For your use case, you'd need to use a templating system for your values files also which basically means you are also generating your value files on the go. I'd suggest taking a look at helmfile. This lets you share values file across multiple charts and application environments.

Setting nested data structures from helm command line?

I'm installing the prometheus-redis-exporter Helm chart. Its Deployment object has a way to inject annotations:
# deployment.yaml
{{ toYaml .Values.annotations | indent 8 }}
Typically if I was providing a values file, I could just do this:
# values.yaml
foo: bar
bash: baz
And then install the chart with:
helm install --values values.yaml
However, in some cases it is more simple for me to specify these values on the command line with --set instead, I'm just not sure how I would specify a nested set like that.
How can I set the above annotations object when installing a helm chart on the commandline:
helm install --set <what_goes_here>
The helm docu has a section The Format and Limitations of --set, which contains what you are looking for.
--set outer.inner=value results in:
inner: value
Therefore your whole helm command looks like this:
helm install --set,annotations.bash=baz stable/prometheus-redis-exporter
Just to add, if you are looking to override a key with a "." in the key name, add a back slash ("\") before the ".".
for example, with values (taken from grafana):
To edit the root_url value we would pass
--set grafana\.ini.server.root_url=