I'm thinking of creating my own custom ApplicatoinLoader for my Play application.
Is there a custom execution context hidden here somewhere?
Does this mean inside of my custom application loader, I can wire up my custom akka actors and not have to create a custom execution context?
That execution context is inherited from BuiltInComponents:
Which inherits it from AkkaComponents:
As you can see, the execution context is just the actor systems default dispatcher.
Is it a good practice to make use of singleton object to process client requests?
As object instance is singleton, and if its in middle of processing a client request , and meanwhile another request arrives then same instance is invoked with new client data. Won't it make things messy?
When using singleton objects we must ensure everything inside it as well as everything it calls must be thread-safe. For example, javax.crypto.Cipher does not seem to be thread-safe, so it should probably not be called from a singleton. Consider how guice uses #Singleton to specify threadsafety intention:
public class InMemoryTransactionLog implements TransactionLog {
/* everything here should be threadsafe! */
Also consider the example of Play Framework which starting version 2.4 began moving away from singleton controllers and started encouraging class controllers.
It depends on whether the object holds any mutable data or not.
If the object is just a holder for pure functions and immutable state, it does not matter how many threads are using it at the same time because they can't affect each other via shared state.
If the object has mutable state then things can definitely go wrong if you access it from multiple threads without some kind of locking, either inside the object or externally.
So it is good practice as long as there is no mutable state. It is a good way of collecting related methods under the same namespace, or for creating a global function (by defining an apply method).
I am new to scaldi. I have a class being used in my cloud environment configuration where I want two things to happen.
bind [EnvironmentInfo] to new EnvironmentInfo initWith(_.init())
First, I want it to be a singleton. It retrieves the runtime information (Google AppEngine in this case) and it should do this once on instantiation. It seems like initWith is a good choice.
Next, I want instantiation to be delayed until first request. Following the execution path it is being instantiated well before the first call.
If I can get delayed instantiation, then initWith should move to the class constructor.
My answer ended up being simple. I abstracted the singleton "state" and accessed it as a 'lazy val ...'.
I have a java class, call it "Job", that implements an interface that I export as a service using blueprint. Although the class is defined as a bean with scope="prototype" in the blueprint xml file, and the service referen ces that bean, I can see from a System.out.println(this) statement in an instance method of the Job, that each time I access the service from a caller bundle, it reuses the same instance of the class Job that it created when I start the bundle; my caller bundle looks up the service references, calls context.getService(serviceReferences[0]) to get the reference to the Job service and then calls the method on that service (eg. Job.run()).
I thought making the scope of the service bean def prototype would give me a new instance of Job each time I called getService from the caller bundle, but my experiments are showing me that it's still using the same object instance.
So how do I call the service and have it create a new instance of Job each time, rather than reusing the same object?
I also need another service reference injected as a property into the bean Job since the bean interface doesn't have a set method to do this. So each new instance has to be created as the bean Job so that it can inject the property with a setX() method.
If you use prototype scope for a bean, it means that a new instance will be created every time the bean is injected to another bean / service within the same blueprint container.
In your case a new instance of a bean is created as it is injected into the service component. However, the service component can provide only the same instance every time it is requested by another bundle.
For me it seems to me that you try to use blueprint and prototype scope for a task that should be done programmatically. You want to use a service that creates a new instance every time. That means that you should define a JobFactory interface and its implementation and register it as an OSGi service. On the other side, you should use JobFactory to instantiate as many Job instances as you want.
You could also use PrototypeServiceFactory but you have to register it programmatically as well. In my opinion, when someone wants to use PrototypeServiceFactory, it is time to extend the API with a Factory.
How can I add interceptor to an interface registration so that it is executed when I call a method from resolved instance (IoC.Resolve) but not when I use an instance that has been injected (as constructor argument) from the inside of my class/object?
In our infrastructure we add an interceptor that opens/closes nhibernate session for every call but then the injected proxy instance will open a session inside of a session and cause deadlocks if you query the same entity in outer and inner session.
I've had a look at this and I don't see any easy way to change the behavior of the interceptor depending on the context in which it is called.
What you could do is create an interceptor that wraps a component with a singleton lifetime that creates a single session and returns the same session while it is not closed. When trying to create a second session, it returns the initial session and increments a sessionCreated counter. When trying to close a session it decrements the sessionCreated counter and only closes it if it is 0
It appears that Unity IoC defaults to creating a new instance of an object when it resolves a type. But my question is there someway to be explicit and tell my container that whenever I have it resolve an object type to give me a new instance of said type?
IE i want to be explicit and force the container to make sure theInstance is a new instance each time it resolves type:MyNewObject (or all types for that matter)
MyNewObject theInstance = container.Resolve<MyNewObject>();
Yes it is easily configurable by a TransientLifetimeManager
When you register a class should have something like
container.Register<IMyNewObject, MyMewObject>(new TransientLifetimeManager());
container.Register<MyMewObject>(new TransientLifetimeManager())
If you're applying IoC principles properly, your class declares its dependencies and then the container handles the lifecycles of them. For example, you want to grab an HttpRequest object and the container handles providing the current thread-local one, or whatever.
Your code shouldn't really have to care about the life-cycle of its dependencies, as it should never be responsible for clearing up after them or what-have-you (all of that should be encapsulated in the dependency itself, and invoked by the container when it is shut down).
However, if you do need to care in your code about whether you get a singleton instance or a per-injected instance of the same type, I like to be explicit about it by using the type system itself, just as the Guice container for Java does with its Provider pattern. I've created a Guice-style IProvider<T> interface that I use to do this, and I just wire it up with a simple static factory method for them like so:
Provider.Of<Foo>(() => { /* Code to return a Foo goes here */})