mongoose find collection by _id in a list of array - mongodb

Here's my Schema
var PositiveSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
schoolID: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'School'
name: String,
restrictAwardTo: Object
Now restrictAwardTo saves the data in this format
"restrictAwardTo" : [
"_id" : "5c31907d908eb8404657cbf0",
"firstName" : "Admin 2a"
"_id" : "5c1a7677c98da061141475a8",
"firstName" : "Justice"
"_id" : "5c1a7677c98da061141475a9",
"firstName" : "Itik"
How can I search inside my document using one of the _id listed under restrictAwardTo? I tried the solutions given below
mongooseJS find docs with IDs in an array
mongoose query: find an object by id in an array but it returns empty.
in Robo3t db.getCollection('positives').find({ 'restrictAwardTo._id' : ObjectId('5c31907d908eb8404657cbf0') })
Update: In Robo3t, this query db.getCollection('positives').find({ 'restrictAwardTo._id' : {$in: ['5c1a7677c98da061141475a7']} }) works. Now I'm making it work for mongoose too.

Here's the mongoose that works for me:
Positive.find({ schoolID: mongoose.mongo.ObjectId(schoolID), "restrictAwardTo._id": { $in: [userID]} })
But I'm not entirely sure of the performance for large records.

You could go through this way.
Positive.findOne({'restrictAwardTo': {$elemMatch: {_id: userID}}},
(err,schoolInfo) => { });


What's the most economical alternative to multiple positional identifiers in MongoDB?

I have a collection named authors with the following schema:
authors: {
posts: [
post 1: {...},
post 2: {...},
post 3: {
tags: [
tag 1: {...},
tag 2: {...},
tag 3: {
As can be seen, posts is an array of objects inside the authors collection. Each object inside this array, in turn, has tags, another array of objects. And each of these tags objects has three fields: _id, name, and description.
I'm trying to write a GraphQL mutation to update this name field on matching documents in the collection.
const updatedTagInAuthor = await Author
.updateMany({ 'posts.tags._id': args.newTagInfo._id },
$set: {
'posts.$.tags.$.description': args.newTagInfo.description,
}, opts);
The above snippet obviously fails since MongoDB doesn't allow multiple positional elements ($) in a query. So is there any economical alternative to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
I tried the ArrayFilter method as MongoDB suggests:
const updatedTagInAuthor = await Author.update(
{ $set: { 'posts.$[].tags.$[tag].name': } },
{ arrayFilters: [{ 'tag._id': args.newTagInfo._id }], multi: true }
But this throws the following error:
Cannot read property 'castForQuery' of undefined
Still confused!
These are the documents I'm updating with the kind of query I have given,
{"name" : "Steve","details" : [ {
"work" : [ {
"Company" : "Byjus",
"id" : 1,
"country" : "India"
"Company" : "Vodafone",
"id" : 2,
"country" : "UK"
}]},{"name" : "Virat","details" : [ {
"work" : [ {
"Company" : "Byjus",
"id" : 1,
"country" : "India"
"Company" : "Verizon",
"id" : 3,
"country" : "US"
db.getCollection('Users').update({"details": {"$elemMatch": {"": 1}}}, {'$set': {'details.$[].work.$.Company': 'Boeing', 'details.$[].work.$.country': 'US'} }, {multi: true});
It's similar to what you asked right?
Try inserting those two Documents in a collection called User and try the above query in Mongo CONSOLE directly, not in GUI. Use the Query completely not just the $set method.
Try this,
Author.update({"posts": { "$elemMatch": { "": args.newTagInfo._id } }},
{'$set': {'posts.$[].tags.$.name':, 'posts.$[].tags.$.description': args.newTagInfo.description} },
{multi: true});

Cannot query nested document's _id (other fields work)

I want to find all documents where vendor._id has a certain value. Below is the code, I tried, but it returns nothing.
let name =, _id = sampleData._id
Product.find({"vendor._id":ObjectID(_id)}).then((products) => {
//returns empty array
With the same method I tried to query a different field and it works. But I want to query with _id because other fields could vary with time.
Product.find({"":name}).then((products) => {
//returns all documents that satisfy the condition.
Below is a sample document which I want to find
"status" : "active",
"connectedFarms" : [
"_id" : "5c412c62bf8a6602f04ae0bf",
"status" : "inActive",
"margin" : 10,
"price" : 55
"_id" : "5c4567bcb3845b0536a4d92e",
"status" : "inActive",
"margin" : 20,
"price" : 60
"_id" : "5c4567c4b3845b0536a4d931",
"status" : "active",
"margin" : 7,
"price" : 53.5
"vendor" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c3fcc0c7657ee02ac24bc21"),
"name" : "manna"
And here is the schema for this document.
let ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
vendor:{_id:String, name:String},
connectedFarms:[{_id:String, name:String, status:String, price:Number, margin:Number}],
trim: true,
Let's take a different approach on this, and make vendor its own schema. Mongoose does not allow you to nest schemas, so you cannot make the vendor._id a true ObjectID.
Vendor Schema
const VendorSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: string
module.exports = mongoose.model('Vendor', VendorSchema);
Product Schema
const ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
vendor: {
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectID,
ref: 'Vendor'
connectedFarms: [{
_id: String,
name: String,
status: String,
price: Number,
margin: Number
status: {
type: String,
trim: true,
minlength: 1
module.exports = mongoose.model('Product', ProductSchema);
Now when you want to query a product based on the vendors _id, it's very simple! All you need to do is supply the _id of the vendor in the query. NOTE: There is no reason to convert the _id to an ObjectID in the query, as mongoose accepts strings and converts them later on.
const vendorID = myVendor._id;
Product.find({ vendor: vendorID })
.then((products) => {
// Do something with the found products
That's it! Much simpler to do, and much cleaner in the database. The vendor field is now easier to reference. You also have the ability to get the full vendor object in a query if desired by populating in the query. The difference is, the population will return the vendor name and _id, rather than just the _id. To do this, run the following:
Product.find({ vendor: vendorID })
.then((products) => {
// Do something with the populated found products

Updating mongo document after it's been found

I'm trying to update a number of documents from an array of object ids passed. I want to be able to update each document by pushing the userid into the visitor array.
i'm getting this error CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value. see my code below
var estates = req.params.estates.split(',');
Estate.findByIdAndUpdate({ _id: { $in: estates } }).then(function(Estate)
Estate.visitors.push(mongoose.Types.ObjectId( req.params.userid));;
according to mongoose documentations findByIdAndUpdate first param is an id which you are passing an object
try replacing it by findOne({ _id: { $in: estates } })
Your API usage is wrong, first argument for findByIdAndUpdate should be an id, it fails to cast array to id.
for matching and updating multiple documents,
you need to use updateMany{"_id" : { $in : [1,2,3] }},{$push : {test: 2}},{$upsert : false})
or update with multi : true option{"_id" : { $in : [1,2,3] }},{$push : {test: 2}},{$upsert : false, multi : true})
{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 3, "modifiedCount" : 0 }
Estate.update({ _id: { $in: estates } }, {$push : {visitors : req.params.userid}}, {multi : true, upsert : false})
Doc findByIdAndUpdate

How to update a subdocument in mongodb

I know the question have been asked many times, but I can't figure out how to update a subdocument in mongo.
Here's my Schema:
// Schemas
var ContactSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
first: String,
last: String,
mobile: String,
home: String,
office: String,
email: String,
company: String,
description: String,
keywords: []
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true
password: {
type: String,
required: true
contacts: [ContactSchema]
My collection looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5500b5b8908520754a8c2420"),
"email" : "",
"password" : "$2a$08$iqSTgtW27TLeBSUkqIV1SeyMyXlnbj/qavRWhIKn3O2qfHOybN9uu",
"__v" : 8,
"contacts" : [
"first" : "Jessica",
"last" : "Vento",
"_id" : ObjectId("550199b1fe544adf50bc291d"),
"keywords" : [ ]
"first" : "Tintin",
"last" : "Milou",
"_id" : ObjectId("550199c6fe544adf50bc291e"),
"keywords" : [ ]
Say I want to update subdocument of id 550199c6fe544adf50bc291e by doing:
db.users.update({_id: ObjectId("5500b5b8908520754a8c2420"), "contacts._id": ObjectId("550199c6fe544adf50bc291e")}, myNewDocument)
with myNewDocument like:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("550199b1fe544adf50bc291d"), "first" : "test" }
It returns an error:
db.users.update({_id: ObjectId("5500b5b8908520754a8c2420"), "contacts._id": ObjectId("550199c6fe544adf50bc291e")}, myNewdocument)
"nMatched" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 0,
"nModified" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 16837,
"errmsg" : "The _id field cannot be changed from {_id: ObjectId('5500b5b8908520754a8c2420')} to {_id: ObjectId('550199b1fe544adf50bc291d')}."
I understand that mongo tries to replace the parent document and not the subdocument, but in the end, I don't know how to update my subdocument.
You need to use the $ operator to update a subdocument in an array
Using contacts.$ will point mongoDB to update the relevant subdocument.
db.users.update({_id: ObjectId("5500b5b8908520754a8c2420"),
"contacts._id": ObjectId("550199c6fe544adf50bc291e")},
I am not sure why you are changing the _id of the subdocument. That is not advisable.
If you want to change a particular field of the subdocument use the contacts.$.<field_name> to update the particular field of the subdocument.

MongoDB - Aggregate $match on ObjectId

I have a schema that looks like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
module.exports = mongoose.model('Owner',{
username: String,
blocks: {type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Block'},
I'm trying to run a query to see if Owner has a reference to Block's id. Owner has an array of ObjectIds. When I run db.owners.aggregate({$match: {username: 'example'}},{$unwind: "$blocks"},{$project: { _id : 1,blocks: 1}}) it returns:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("550d9dc64d9dc3d026fadfc7"), "blocks" : ObjectId("550dc117dc9605ab27070af7") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("550d9dc64d9dc3d026fadfc7"), "blocks" : ObjectId("550dc123dc9605ab27070af8") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("550d9dc64d9dc3d026fadfc7"), "blocks" : ObjectId("550dc12edc9605ab27070af9") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("550d9dc64d9dc3d026fadfc7"), "blocks" : ObjectId("550dc157dc9605ab27070afa") }
How can I match the block id? I've tried db.publishers.aggregate({$match: {username: 'example'}},{$unwind: "$blocks"},{$project: { _id : 1,blocks: 1}},{$match : {"blocks._id" : '550dc157dc9605ab27070afa'}}) but that doesn't work.
I think you don't need aggreation for that, you can use a simple find() or findOne() query:
var Mongoose = require('mongoose');
var ObjectId = Mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
Owner.findOne({ username: 'example', blocks: new ObjectId('550dc157dc9605ab27070afa') }, function (err, owner) {
that does not work right now with versions > 3.8.31
i've wasted countless hours on that one, should have tested the earlier mayor sooner...