User-Token which decode/decryption algorithm is that? - encoding

I have a string, but what I want to know is how this is generated?
I did some research over the last days, and it seems its an base64 encoding but here we have also special characters in the string like "/+=". The plain text should be b33912c6-b805-412b-9660-b80186fc3b9f, but no encoding/encryption method I found online could get the same string.
Which encryption or encoding algorithm is used here?


Is it possible to base64 decode part of a base64 encoded message

I am working on a project where I am getting parts of base64 encoded data, but not the whole thing. Is it possible to figure out what that part of the base64 encoded data was?
For example. Say I base64 encode hello world
It becomes aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
But say I am only able to capture sbG8gd29y
Which base4 decodes to ݽ
I am familiar with how base64 encoding process works and I cannot think of a way to figure out what part of a base64 encoded message is without adding data randomly to the chunk on the front and back and comparing with dictionary words, but the problem is I am not even 100% sure that the data I am working with includes dictionary words.
I just spent a little time using an online conveter (
If you take your captured section you can run it through the converter and see that its an invalid length for a base64 encoded string.
For a captured section to have a valid length you will need to add some extra characters (0-3 depending on the length of the section). A valid base64 string has a length that is exactly devisible by 4.
Pick a character ('a' for example) and then run through the posibilities of adding the correct amount of characters to the section, front and back. With your added characters the string will be decodable and one of the decoded values will be more readable, that will be the one that has the partially decoded data.
decodes to:
i��lo wor
You can make a rudimentary programatic test for readability by counting the number of 'normal' characters within the string (a-z for example). You will need to make up your own mind what is 'normal', it will depend on the expected language of the data and the context (is it known to be numeric only for example).

How to auto detect a String encoding?

I have a String which contains some encoded values in some way like Base64.
The problem is that I really don't know if it's actually Base64 (there are A-Z, a-z. 0-9, +, /) so it can be some any other code that i'm not familiar with.
Is there a way or any other online site to send him an encoded input and it can tell me in which code is it?
I'm not asking how to know if my String is UTF-8 or iso-8859-1 or something like that.
What I need is to know in which is my code is encoded.
To be more clear,
I need something to get an input like: 23Nzi4lUE4qlc+Pmc3blWMS1Irmgo3i8UTQHhoL7VyzqpEV/i9bDhoiteZ0a7/TqcVSkrXR89V2Yj7tEFDGJx4gvWEBs= this is the encoded String that I have.
The output should be the type of the encoded String and it's decoding like:
Base64 -> "Big yellow fish is swimming in the tube."
Maybe there is some program which get's an input and tries to decode it with a list of coding types (Base64 and etc.). The output doesn't really matter because it's the users decision if it's good or not.
This site handles base64 de/encoding.
Since Base64 is just one instance of a class of encoding schemes ( specifically, encoding a bit stream as base_<n> number ), you probably will never fare better than testing for just a couple of standard encoding schemes.
You either check the well-formedness of the encoding scheme or try to decode without getting an error thrown using a web service or your own code.
In (possibly pathological) cases there will be more than one encoding scheme for which a given octet stream will successfully decode.
Best practice would be to take the effort invested into setting up the verification to committing the data provider to one (or 'a few') encoding(s) first (won't always be possible, of course).

How to decode mixed string with unicode symbols?

Yesterday I was confused by output of FM SSFC_PARSE_CERTIFICATE. It serves for decoding fields of X.509 certificate into readable format.
Everything is OK for latin symbols, but cyrillic letters are turned into something like \u041F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442.
Besides, if original text contains mixed symbols, i.e. latin, non-latin, spaces and digits, the task becomes even more comlex: Hello! \u041F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442 1234.
I wrote some code myself to scan string character by character and decode single entities using CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE=>UCCP and it seems to work well, but I'd like to know if there is a standard way to acheive same result?
Well, it's seams like in your input xstring all non-latin charcodes have been escaped instead of being encoded in UTF8. So if you not satisfied with your DIY solution, you should work upstream of the call to FM SSFC_PARSE_CERTIFICATE

Perl encodings question

I need to get a string from <STDIN>, written in latin and russian mixed encodings, and convert it to some url:
$search_url = "" . uri_escape($query);
But this proccess goes bad and gives out Mojibake (a mixture of weird letters). What can I do with Perl to solve it?
Before you can get started, there's a few things you need to know.
You'll need to know the encoding of your input. "Latin" and "russian" aren't (character) encodings.
If you're dealing with multiple encodings, you'll need to know what is encoded using which encoding. "It's a mix" isn't good enough.
You'll need to know the encoding the site expects the query to use. This should be the same encoding as the page that contains the search form.
Then, it's just a matter of decoding the input using the correct encoding, and encoding the query using the correct encoding. That's the easy part. Encode provides functions decode and encode to do just that.

What kind of text code is %62%69%73%68%6F%70?

On a specific webpage, when I hover over a link, I can see the text as "bishop" but when I copy-and-paste the link to TextPad, it shows up as "%62%69%73%68%6F%70". What kind of code is this, and how can I convert it into text?
URL encoding, I think.
You can decode it here:
Most programming languages will have functions to urlencode/decode too.
This is URL encoding. It is designed to pass characters like < / or & through a URL using their ASCII values in hex after a %. However, you can also use this for characters that don't need encoding per se. Makes the URL harder to read, which is sometimes desirable.
URL encoding replaces characters outside the ascii set.
More info about URL encoding in the w3schools site.
As mentioned by others, this is simply an ASCII representation of the text so that it can be passed around the HTTP object easily. If you've ever noticed typing in a website URL that has a space in it, the browser will usually convert that to %20. That's the hexadecimal value for the "space" character in ASCII.
This used to be a way to trick old spam scrapers. One way spammers get email addresses is to scrape the source code of websites for strings matching the pattern "username#company.tld". By encoding just the username portion or the whole string as ASCII characters, the string would be readable by humans, but would require the scraper to convert it to a literal string before it could be used to send emails. Of course, modern-day spamming tools account for these sort of strings.