Configuring Wildfly standalone.xml in Galleon feature-pack - wildfly

I'm working on a POC for a Galleon feature-pack providing the Camunda BPM subsystem.
My current progress can be found here:
This article and the linked example/template have been very helpful thus far, but unfortunately I'm stuck at a point which these don't quite cover: customizing the standalone.xml configuration.
The required additions to standalone.xml are as follows: standalone.xml. So basically there are 4 additions:
The Camunda BPM extension and subsystem. This was no problem.
The H2 driver and Camunda datasource. The wildfly-datasources-galleon-pack was very helpful for this.
A job-executor configuration.
A process-engine configuration.
I can not figure out how to achieve 3 and 4. Starting with 3, the CLI command to simply add the job-executor (without a nested job-acquisitions element) is as follows:
/subsystem=camunda-bpm-platform/job-executor=job-executor:add(core-threads=3, max-threads=5, queue-length=10)
After some experimentation I came to the following feature spec (see camunda-subsystem.xml):
<feature spec="subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform">
<param name="subsystem" value="subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform"/>
<feature spec="subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform.job-executor">
<param name="job-executor" value="default"/>
<param name="core-threads" value="3"/>
<param name="max-threads" value="5"/>
<param name="queue-length" value="10"/>
Leading to the error message:
Failed to build configuration model standalone named standalone.xml:
Failed to resolve feature reference subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform for
Foreign key parameter host of
reference subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform does not exist
I am stuck there. IIUC this has to do with the parent-child relationship between the camunda-bpm-platform element and the job-executor element. The "foreign key parameter host" seems to refer to the "host" param in the generated spec.xml for camunda-bpm-platform (this is the one for job-executor btw), but if I try to define it as follows:
<feature spec="subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform">
<param name="host" value="subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform"/>
<param name="subsystem" value="subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform"/>
I get the error "Feature spec subsystem.camunda-bpm-platform.job-executor does not define parameter host", even though (as you can see) I defined the param in the parent "camunda-bpm-platform", not the "job-executor" child.
What am I missing here? Could someone point me in the right direction?

it seems that you ran into a bug in galleon. We are investigating it. For now you can workaround the problem by generating the features for domain as done in:


(Keycloak) Freemarker Template system properties and environment variables

We wanted to work on the Templates and tried to get the system properties that we set earlier in the standalone.xml file like this.
<property name="testProp" value="TestVal"/>
In the Docs of Keycloak its described like the following.
${} - for system properties
${env.ENV_VAR} - for environment variables.
But nothing worked for us. We always get the following error Message “An internal server error has occurred”.
What is the right way to get the system properties and the environment variables in the Freemarker Template?
Keycloak Theme Property Documentation
is missing how to add them in the template.
It is however just a bit lower in the same document
So in could be
Then uses in .ftl as
In order to use system properties in the freemarker template of keycloak, do the following configuration.
Declare your system properties in the standalone.xml
<property name="UATLogin" value="http://localhost:9090" />
Add variable inside to access the system property.
As an example, I have done the testing with register.ftl

Sitecore 8.1 error: "No session Id managers were found to manage the session Id for the current request"

I'm attempting to get a basic layout up and running in Sitecore 8.1, and I've hit an error about which I can find very little information. When attempting to view any page (even the backend interface or connecting from Sitecore Rocks), I get the message "No session Id managers were found to manage the session Id for the current request."
Some Googling suggests that this has to do with some issues with the out-of-box session provider and recommends swapping it out for keeping the sessions in Mongo. Sitecore's documentation provides a description of this, both for shared and private sessions. I've attempted to implement those but continue to receive the same error.
Here's my code as it stands now:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<add name="mongo" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB.MongoSessionProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB" connectionString="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" sessionType="shared"/>
App_Config/Include/ConnectionStrings.config (excerpt)
<add name="session" connectionString="mongodb://localhost/sharedsession" />
Web.config (excerpt)
<sessionState mode="Custom" cookieless="false" timeout="20" sessionIDManagerType="Sitecore.FXM.SessionManagement.ConditionalSessionIdManager" customProvider="mongo">
<add name="mongo" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB.MongoSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB" sessionType="Standard" connectionStringName="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" />
<add name="mssql" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.Sql.SqlSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.Sql" sessionType="Standard" connectionStringName="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" />
Note that this is on my local development machine. I have Mongo running (and confirmed its connection to Sitecore), and I created both the session and sharedsession databases in it using use session and use sharedsession, which I understand to be the way to create DBs in Mongo.
Am I missing something here? Or does the error simply not mean what I think it means?
The message you are seeing is not supposed to be an error, it is rather a log warning. It is related to retrieving the configuration of the Session ID Manager rather that to the configuration of the session itself.
Why this warning normally appears
In the Sitecore.config under <pipelines> there's the getSessionIdManager pipeline defined.
In the Sitecore.FXM.config, there is a processor configured for this pipeline:
<processor type="Sitecore.FXM.Pipelines.ChooseSessionIdManager.FXMSessionIdManagerProcessor, Sitecore.FXM" />
This pipeline allows to dynamically select a Session ID Manager for the request. In the default Sitecore configuration, a non-default Session ID Manager will be used only for requests with explicit sessionId URL parameter, i.e. for FXM requests only.
For all other requests, no Session ID Manager will be explicitly selected, and the default System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager will be used; this is reflected in the warning message you're seeing. There is nothing wrong with this situation per se, this is by default and by design.
Seeing the message as an error on every page request
This definitely sounds like a defect to me. This message is supposed to be logged once per application lifetime instead of being thrown as an exception on every page.
You should report this to Sitecore support.
An attempt to fix
I cannot debug your system, so I have to do this blindfolded. I would try to create you own Session ID Manager selector:
public class CustomSessionIdManagerProcessor
public void Process(GetSessionIdManagerArgs args)
if(args.SessionIdManager == null)
args.SessionIdManager = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager();
Configure it as the last processor in the getSessionIdManager pipeline. This will make sure that there is always an explicitly selected Session ID Manager and should hopefully prevent the error from happening.
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<processor type="YourNamespace.CustomSessionIdManagerProcessor, YourAssembly" />
In case it helps anyone else, we were running into this issue as well after upgrading to Sitecore 8.1 rev. 151003.
In our particular case the issue was with a namespace change in this line in the Web.config:
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20"
That should be the following:
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20"
It might have been something we missed in the upgrade guide, but we finall found it after pulling down the a copy of Sitecore 8.1 rev. from the downloads page.

WCF Web Service Metadata Publishing Disabled Error

I modified my web.config to add a custom binding in order to increase the buffer and message size, and it seems like in creating the service element explicitly, it has somehow broken the reference to my behavior element.
When I try to run my web service from VS using the WCF Test Client, or I go to the service page, I get the error:
Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled.
I've compared my web.config to a few different sources on this and everything seems to match. I've no idea what the issue is.
Here is the System.serviceModel element:
<service name="BIMIntegrationWS.BIMIntegrationService" behaviorConfiguration="metadataBehavior">
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
<endpoint address="http://localhost:1895/BIMIntegrationService.svc"
binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="customBinding0"
<behavior name="metadataBehavior">
<!-- To avoid disclosing metadata information, set the value below to false and remove the metadata endpoint above before deployment -->
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
<!-- To receive exception details in faults for debugging purposes, set the value below to true. Set to false before deployment to avoid disclosing exception information -->
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/>
<binding name="customBinding0">
<binaryMessageEncoding />
<httpTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="262064"
maxBufferPoolSize="262064" />
<serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
It almost seems like either the web service page is not finding the element. I don't get an error complaining that the target behaviorConfiguration doesn't exist, or anything like that, just that Metadata publishing is not enabled.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think i've "fixed" the issue. More coming later.
In order to "fix" my issue, I basically added a new WCF service to my application, and had it implement my previous interface, I then copied all the code from my original service and when I tweaked the .config file (to look pretty much like the one posted in the question), everything worked fine.
Ofcourse, I know, like we all know, that there is no magic here, that there must be some discrepancy. This is when I noticed/remembered, that after I had created my original service, called "BIMIntegrationService.svc", I had decided that this was too long of a name, so I renamed/refactored my class to "BIMIntegrationWS". Doing this, however, does not change the name of the service file (and therefore the name of the file in the http:// address).
Long story short, I made 2 changes to my .config and everything worked:
1) I changed:
<service name="BIMIntegrationWS.BIMIntegrationService" behaviorConfiguration="metadataBehavior">
<service name="BIMIntegrationWS.BIMIntegrationWS" behaviorConfiguration="metadataBehavior">
After running the service like this, I got an error (a helpful one this time) complaining that if multipleSiteBindings was enabled, the endpoint address had to be relative. So:
2) I set that to false (because I don't remember why it was in there in the first place) and everything worked fine.
I guess I should have taken a hint when it seemed like my web service was not using my "service" element at all. :\
Actually, you can see in my second comment, in the original question, that the auto-generated tag was pointing to: , as opposed to "BIMIntegrationService".
That should have given it away.
I doubt many other people will have this same issue, but just in case.
I've had the same trouble; I've gotten everything configured correctly (even copied the code from a previous service I have running) and yet no change on allowing the service to expose metadata. yet, if I make a spelling error, parse error, etc. to the app.config I'm given exceptions telling me to correct the problem (which tells me the service is reading the config, just disregarding it.
I was able to bypass it by generating the config settings in the host application:
System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
ServiceBase host = new Servicebase(typeof(MyService), new Uri("http://localhost:1234/"));
Basically allow the code to override and push the config file changes i wanted applied. I know it's not ideal, but I was exposing the service through a windows service which made this do-able. if you do get your problem resolved, please pass along the solution though as I'd be curious to know why (at least in yours, if not both our cases) it's failing.

Where to define <Environment...> elements in JBoss

I try to define environment entries in JBoss 5.1 and added following to the server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/context.xml file:
<Environment type="java.lang.String" name="name" value="value" />
Following error occurs on startup:
2010-01-26 14:50:08,383 ERROR
(main) XML error parsing: context.xml
Failed to parse source: Resource
cannot appear in this position.
Expected content of Context is
unordered_sequence: attributes?
InstanceListener* Realm? Parameters*
Manager? Loader? Valve* SessionCookie?
Resources? Listener*
Where may I define environment entries in JBoss (but outside of application's EAR)?
This article confirms that (likely) it is not possible to configure environment entries in JBoss. Author suggests to use PropertiesService as alternative.
Property configuration in properties-service.xml works great!

making server.log append=true

How do I make the log server\\log\serve.log to be appended. i.e. whenver I restart JBoss it should not override the content of the log but continue from the end of it?
Add <param name="Append" value="true"/> to the <Appender> in your conf/jboss-log4j.xml file. There may be multiple appenders defined, so make sure you get the one that handles server.log.
Try setting <param name="Append" value="true"/> in your log4j.xml. This may be on a FileAppender och RollingFileAppender section. Just look for the appender that writes to server.log.
Short answer: change the log file name (e.g. myapp.log)
Longer answer: We've also seen a case where the server.log got truncated in jboss. Somewhere, someone is truncating the server.log file in some static initialization block we couldn't find. Changing the file name seems to work and the contents was appended to.
we had the same issue on our remote Ubuntu 16.04 Linuxes running Jboss EAP 6.4.0 but not when we ran our Jboss server locally in Eclipse/Windows.
The append property was already set to true.
I finally made it work by declaring the property append before the filename in the standalone-full.xml.
<property name="append" value="true"/>
<property name="fileName" value="${jboss.server.log.dir}/server.log"/>