Mirth Channel Map Not Defined Error In Source Javascript Reader - mirth

I am using $c variables for db connectivity[i declared those variables in preprocessor script] in javascript reader as a source even I used channel map variables I am getting channel map not found error...
Tried&Failed cases:
1.Added code template Lib[In Lib declared one function for db conn using those two channel map variables as parameters].
2.used those $c variables and called function as one of step in transformer and returned the db conn variable name.
3.used $c variables and called function in deploy script as global map variables as well
4. declared like channelMap.put(dbconn,Dbconn); in source js reader
Expected result: Source connector should connect to the db and read the data and return msg.
FYI: only for db connectivity I declared function and $c variables

The channelMap doesn't exist in a Javascript Reader because that is a message specific map, and in a JS Reader context, you are creating messages that don't yet exist.
A preferred solution would be to use a different Map. The configurationMap is designed for this. You edit it in the server settings, and it is read-only in your channel.
Another solution that is completely contained within the channel is to use the globalChannelMap. That will allow you to set the value once in the deploy script, and access as needed.
If you need to set the value using information that is only available in the JS Reader, you need to return your messages as RawMessages rather than strings, and you can place values into the sourceMap at the time you are creating the RawMessages.
See the official User Guide available on the mirth downloads page for more information about the different Maps and their intended purposes. Also for allowed return values from a Javascript Reader. See the User API javadoc for more information about creating RawMessages.


"Modules that use an anonymous define() call must be loaded with a require() call"

In the walkthrough step 7: JSON Model example, the app apparently works as documented but I see the following error in the console:
Error: Modules that use an anonymous define() call must be loaded with a require() call; they must not be executed via script tag or nested into other modules.
The only other instance of this message that I could find seems, to my untrained eye, to deal with a wholly different scenario.
I've tried both Firefox and Chromium, CDN hosting vs local hosting, two different UI5 versions (1.77.0 and 1.79.0), both minified and plain, so I'd suppose this is really something in the code itself.
What could it be? Also, is it something I can safely ignore and why?
Anonymous define
Calling sap.ui.define([...],...) defines a module anonymously because the 1st argument is not a string (module name) but a list of the module's dependencies. If the module name is omitted, the framework automatically determines it based on how the module script was referenced.
Use anonymous sap.ui.define once at top-level of the JS file content, not multiple times.
Replace sap.ui.define with sap.ui.require when simply requiring existing modules.
Cf. my comment at https://github.com/SAP/openui5/issues/2203#issuecomment-420918457.
Named module define
The 1st argument in sap.ui.define("MyModule",[...] ,...) defines the name of the module manually which must be passed when:
Defining a nested module within an existing module definition in a single JS file content.
Defining a module which was initiated by a <script> tag from HTML.
The walkthrough is fixed with SAP/openui5#6302b8f and SAP/openui5-docs#43 accordingly.

Macros in Datafusion using Argument setter

Using Argument setter by supplying the parameter value I want to make the Datafusion pipeline as resuable. As said by many other answer's have tried implementing using the cloud reusable pipeline example given in Google guide.I was not able to pass the parameter Json file.So how to create the API to that parameter Json file stored in Google storage.Please explain the values to be passed to Argument setter like URL,Request response etc., If any one of you had implemented in your projects.
Thank you.
ArgumentSetter plugin reads from a HTTP endpoint and it must be publicly accessible as is depicted within the GCP documentation. Currently, there is not a way to read from a non-public file stored in GCS. This behavior has been reported in order to be improved to CDAP through this ticket.
Can you please provide what you've tried so far and where you're stuck?
The URL field in argument setter would contain the API endpoint you're making a call to. Make sure you include any headers your call would need like Authorization, Accept etc.
If you're having issues with argument setter a good check is to use Curl or any other tool to make sure you're able to talk to the endpoint you're trying to use.
Here's some documentation about Argument setter: https://github.com/data-integrations/argument-setter
Define a JSON file with appropriate name/value pairs. Upload it in a GCS bucket - make it public by changing permissions (add "allUsers" in permissions list). When you save it, the file will say "Public to Internet"
Copy the https path to the file and use it in Arguments Setter. If you're able to access this path from curl/ your browser, Argument Setter will be able to do too..
There are other problems I've encountered while using Argument Setter though - the pipe doesn't supersede runtime arguments over default values provided in the URL many a times, specially when the pipe is duplicated.
To make file public
You have to make your bucket public, currently there is no other way.
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://BUCKET_NAME

DB2 external stored procedure fails with CPF9810 when called from client

In a green screen session, caling a program MYLIB/TESTPRG works when my library list is set to QGPL, QTEMP, VENDRLIB1, VENDRLIB2, VENDRLIB3. I can execute call MYLIB/TESTPRG on a green screen command line.
I want to be able to run this command from my Windows client. I created an external stored procedure MYLIB/TESTPROC with external name MYLIB/TESTPRG as I have seen in various articles. My original question stated that I could execute this procedure successfully in STRSQL in a green screen session with my library list as above, but that is false. It does not work. It simply says 'Trigger program or external routine detected an error.' Sorry for the wrong information.
When MYLIB/TESTPROC is called from the client (CALL MYLIB/TESTPROC), it fails with CPF9810 (Library &1 not found). I connected to the database via i Navigator -> Run SQL Scripts. In Connection -> JDBC Settings I had Default SQL schema = 'Use library list of server job' and set Schema list=QGPL,QTEMP,VENDRLIB1,VENDRLIB2,VENDRLIB3. I then executed CALL MYLIB/TESTPROC and got the message as stated above.
What works is when I run the program, i.e. CALL MYLIB/TESTPRG on a green screen command line.
TESTPRG is a C program that takes no arguments. The stored procedure was defined like this:
CPF9810 - Library &1 not found means that something is trying to access Library &1 (whatever that is, you didn't tell us) and the library as typed is not on the system anywhere. &1 is not the name of the library, it is a substitution variable which will display the library name in the job log. Look at the real library spelling in the job log. Check your spelling. Check the connection to make sure all the libraries are specified correctly. The message will tell you exactly which library is causing the problem.
If indeed the program works in green screen when the library list is set properly, then I would expect the problem to be in your connection where it is trying to set a library list. You cannot add a non-existent library to the library list. That is why it works in green screen, your library is necessarily typed correctly there, or it wouldn't be in the library list. You would get a similar error (same text, different error code) if you tried to add library with a spelling error to the library list in green screen.
Figure out the full text of the message (look in the job log), and you will see just what is throwing the error, and what the library is. Hint, it is not likely SQL throwing the error as those errors all look like SQL#### or SQ#####. More likely a CL command or it's processing program being called by an IBM server that is sending a CPF message.
As you have discovered, you can directly call simple programs without defining an external SQL procedure based on this documentation from IBM:
I believe the recommendation to create your own external procedure definition for simple programs is primarily to reduce ambiguity. If you have programs and procedures that happen to have matching names, you need to know the rules list to figure out which one is being called for instance.
Also, the rules for external functions are different than external stored procedures and those get confused as well.
Per my comment, I usually make my procedure calls with the library within the call command.
In a terminal session using CALL PGM(MYLIB/TESTPROC). Or in a SQL session using CALL MYLIB.TESTPROC.
This can prevent someone from inadvertently putting your procedure in a personal library or the like. I usually do not specify a session library list on my SQL clients, accepting the system library list.
I had promised to accept Douglas Korinke's comment as an answer. However, I was experimenting a lot and I am no longer sure of what I knew and when I knew it. My problem had something to do with parameter passing to the C program. If I can reproduce it with a simple case I will ask another question.
In a Java program it is possible to set the libraries by using the following method :
ds.setLibraries("list of libraries");
Example :

How can you call programs from a stored procedure?

I have followed other examples on stack exchange to call a built-in program from a stored procedure, but continue to get an error.
Working off this example (Looking for a working example of any OS/400 API wrapped in an external SQL stored procedure wrapped in a user defined SQL function) I built the following to attempt to create a wrapper command to allow me to change object security (my issue is that objects I create, regardless of library) are not always accessible to others in my some function, I must manually set to a common security group.
I get the following error:
External program CHGOBJOWN in QSYS not found
But have confirmed that going to the CL of the terminal emulator and typing QSYS/CHGOBJOWN takes me into the parameter input screen
You are trying to define a command as a program, and that just won't work. A command object (*CMD) and a program object (*PGM) are two different things, and cannot be invoked the same way. All is not lost though. There is a DB2 service that allows you to execute commands. You just have to build the proper command string.
Instead of defining a stored procedure, you can call the existing DB2 service like this:
There are a whole list of services. Documentation can be found here.

What all do we need to change while upgrading from Bing Maps v7 to v8?

I have changed the URL as per the guideline document given. But that's not enough I guess. I am getting some errors related to very widely used constructors such as Microsoft.maps.point.
Uncaught TypeError: Microsoft.Maps.moduleLoaded is not a function
at PointBasedClustering.js:455
scripts.js:1411 Uncaught TypeError: Microsoft.Maps.Point is not a constructor
at scripts.js:1411
at scripts.js:2179
I haven't changed any sequence of files. Only on replacing this particular URL results in all these errors. I searched a round a lot but due to very less community support I was unable to find any discussion about this.
It looks like your code is trying to access the namespace before it is available. Ensure that you only use the Microsoft namespace inside of your map load function. I also recommend calling your map load function by adding the callback parameter t the map script URL and specifying your callback function name there. The V8 control loads asynchronously which allows your page to load faster, but this also means that it is much easier for your code to try and access the Microsoft.Maps namespace before it is available.
Also ensure that you are not just changing the version number in the map script URL as that won't work. V8 uses a completely different URL. Take a look at some of the samples: http://bingmapsv8samples.azurewebsites.net/