MPU-6050: Correctly reading data from the FIFO register - i2c

The MPU-6050 is a popular module that contains a temperature sensor, accelerometer, and gyroscope. A user may read the sensor information over I2C or SPI. Two documents are publicly available for reading data out of the IC registers. These are:
The MPU-6000 and MPU-6050 Register Map and Descriptions Document
The MPU-6000 and MPU-6050 Product Specification
Reading individual registers of the IMU over I2C skews samples across time because of bus communication latency. Consequently, a sequential read of the X, Y, and Z axis registers of a sensor are not synchronized. To address this, the device provides a 1024-byte internal FIFO queue. Data configured to be pushed to the queue are pushed together at the sample rate. Hence reading the FIFO yields synchronized data.
See (2), section 7.17:
The MPU-60X0 contains a 1024-byte FIFO register that is accessible via the Serial Interface. The FIFO configuration register determines which data is written into the FIFO. Possible choices include gyro data, accelerometer data, temperature readings, auxiliary sensor readings, and FSYNC input. A FIFO counter keeps track of how many bytes of valid data are contained in the FIFO. The FIFO register supports burst reads. The interrupt function may be used to determine when new data is available
The datasheets specify that in order to read from the FIFO, you must perform the following:
Enable the FIFO (bit 6, register 0x6A, Document (1), Section 4.29)
Configure the FIFO with what sensor information to push (register 0x23, Document (1), Section 4.7). I enable XG_FIFO_EN, YG_FIFO_EN, ZG_FIFO_EN, and ACCEL_FIFO_EN by setting bits 6, 5, 4, and 3 respectively.
If you have performed these steps, then it claims (Document (1), Section 4.33) that:
Data is written to the FIFO in order of register number (from lowest to highest). If all the FIFO enable flags (see below) are enabled and all External Sensor Data registers (Registers 73 to 96) are associated with a Slave device, the contents of registers 59 through 96 will be written in order at the Sample Rate.
The contents of the sensor data registers (Registers 59 to 96) are written into the FIFO buffer when their corresponding FIFO enable flags are set to 1 in FIFO_EN (Register 35).
However, I find that this does not hold true. Given the flags I have enabled in the configuration register, I expect the following sequence to come from the FIFO:
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* BYTE # | VALUE | Register (dec) *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* 0 | ACCEL_XOUT[15:8] | 59 *
* 1 | ACCEL_XOUT[7:0] | 60 *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* 2 | ACCEL_YOUT[15:8] | 61 *
* 3 | ACCEL_YOUT[7:0] | 62 *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* 4 | ACCEL_ZOUT[15:8] | 63 *
* 5 | ACCEL_ZOUT[7:0] | 64 *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* 6 | GYRO_XOUT[15:8] | 67 *
* 7 | GYRO_XOUT[7:0] | 68 *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* 8 | GYRO_YOUT[15:8] | 69 *
* 9 | GYRO_YOUT[7:0] | 70 *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
* 10 | GYRO_ZOUT[15:8] | 71 *
* 11 | GYRO_ZOUT[7:0] | 72 *
* ----------------------------------------------------------- *
Yet reading 12 bytes from the FIFO does not correspond with the same data when reading individual registers. It also doesn't seem to make much sense when I accelerate the IMU, or rotate it. I therefore am not sure how exactly to read the FIFO. This is the problem I face
Are you sure you are correctly writing to registers?: Yes, I am able to set various configurations such as the sampling rate, interrupts, etc. I am confident I am correctly able to read from the FIFO
Are you sure there is anything in the FIFO to read?: Yes, I have enabled FIFO overflow interrupts. I currently wait for an interrupt, and then read from the FIFO register.
Are you checking the FIFO length register before reading? Yes, it contains 1024 bytes (maximum capacity) when the FIFO-overflow interrupt occurs.
Haven't other people done this before?: Nobody has a concrete explanation on how to read the FIFO (e.g: this similar question on another forum that gets an RTFM). A majority of searchable questions related to reading the FIFO are (a) unanswered, (b) told to use generic XYZ Arduino library (I cannot use it), (c) told to read the data sheet (I have).

Okay, so I've figured out the problem. The issue was that I was failing to reset the FIFO prior to reading it - otherwise everything was more or less okay. I'll show you exactly how I setup the IMU now.
Source Files
I created a source file to read the MPU-6050 registers. I've attached them here for reference in the following explanation:
Header File
Source File
In order to setup the IMU, I performed the following steps within a FreeRTOS task (prior to the main loop).
// Performs the I2C configuration for the MPU-6050 IMU. Saves handle
static mpu6050_err_t init_imu (mpu6050_i2c_cfg_t **handle) {
mpu6050_err_t err = MPU6050_ERR_OK;
uint8_t flags;
// Configure the MPU-6050 I2C data structure
static mpu6050_i2c_cfg_t i2c_cfg = (mpu6050_i2c_cfg_t) {
.sda_pin = I2C_SDA_PIN,
.scl_pin = I2C_SCL_PIN,
.slave_addr = I2C_IMU_SLAVE_ADDR,
.i2c_port = I2C_IMU_PORT_NUM,
.clk_speed = I2C_APB_CLK_FREQ / 200, // Requires 400kHz
// Initialize I2C
if ((err = mpu6050_init(&i2c_cfg)) != MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Configure Power Management 1 to wake the IMU (don't reset)
flags = 0x0;
if ((err = mpu6050_configure_power(&i2c_cfg, flags)) != MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Configure accelerometer sensitivity
flags = A_CFG_8G;
if ((err = mpu6050_configure_accelerometer(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Configure gyro sensitivity
flags = G_CFG_500;
if ((err = mpu6050_configure_gyroscope(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Configure the Digital-Low-Pass-Filter
flags = DLFP_CFG_FILTER_2;
if ((err = mpu6050_configure_dlfp(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Set the sampling rate to ~50Hz
flags = 19;
if ((err = mpu6050_set_sample_rate_divider(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Configure interrupt behavior
flags = 0x0;
if ((err = mpu6050_configure_interrupt(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Enable interrupts after every sensor refresh
if ((err = mpu6050_enable_interrupt(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Enable + Reset the FIFO
if ((err = mpu6050_enable_fifo(&i2c_cfg, flags))
!= MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Configure the data pushed to the FIFO
if ((err = mpu6050_configure_fifo(&i2c_cfg, flags)) != MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
return err;
// Save the configuration
*handle = &i2c_cfg;
return err;
If you configure as I described, then it should work. Of course, you may be using a different library or wrapper for the device, but the functions you can enable should be similarly accessible. Once I had done all this, I was able to read the FIFO at each interrupt as follows:
// Read the FIFO length
if (mpu6050_get_fifo_length(i2c_cfg_p, &len) != MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
ERR("FIFO length fetch error!");
// Check if enough samples are ready - else continue (check later)
if (len < FIFO_BURST_LEN) {
// Fetch data from FIFO
if (mpu6050_receive_fifo(i2c_cfg_p, &data) != MPU6050_ERR_OK) {
ERR("FIFO data fetch error!");


STM32F405 bare metal spi slave - MISO data messed up sometimes

I've set up two STM32 Boards, one as SPI-master, the other one as slave.
I write directly to registers without any framework.
Master to slave communication is working perfectly. But the slave sends garbage sometimes.
I first tried interrupts, but the slave would always send garbage and often receive garbage.
Now I implemented DMA. This is working way better, the slave now always receives correct data. But sending is still an issue.
If the transmission is 3 to 5 Bytes long the data from the slave is correct in 95% of all cases.
If the transmission is longer then 5 bytes, then after the 4th or 5th byte there is just random byte foo. But the first 4 bytes are nearly (95%) always correct.
The signals are clean, I checked them with an oscilloscope. The data which the master receives shows up properly on MISO. So I guess the slave somehow writes garbage into the SPI DR, or the data register gets messed up.
I know SPI slaves on non-FPGAs are tricky, but this really is unexpected...
Anyone can point me a direction? I'm desperate and thankful for any bit of advice.
This is the code
void DMA1_Stream3_IRQHandler( void )
if (spi2_slave)
while( (spi_spc->SR & (1<<1)) == 0 ); // must wait for TXE to be set!
while( spi_spc->SR & (1<<7) ); // must wait for busy to clear!
DMA1_Stream3->CR &= ~(1<<0); // Disable stream 3
while((DMA1_Stream3->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait till disabled
DMA1_Stream3->NDTR = 3; // Datenmenge zum Empfangen
DMA1_Stream3->CR |= (1<<0); // Enable DMA1_Stream3 (TX)
DMA1->LIFCR = (1<<27); // clear Transfer complete in Stream 3
// fire SPI2 finished CBF
if (spi2_xfer_done != 0)
if (spi2_xfer_len > 0)
spi2_xfer_done(spi2_rx_buffer, spi2_xfer_len);
while( spi_spc->SR & (1<<7) ); // must wait for busy to clear!
GPIOB->ODR |= (1<<12); // Pull up SS Pin
spi_spc->CR2 &= ~((1<<0) | (1<<1)); // Disable TX and RX DMA request lines
spi_spc->CR1 &= ~(1<<6); // 6:disableSPI
DMA1->LIFCR = (1<<27); // clear Transfer complete in Stream 3
// fire SPI2 finished CBF
if (spi2_xfer_done != 0)
spi2_xfer_done(spi2_rx_buffer, spi2_xfer_len);
while( (spi_spc->SR & (1<<1)) == 0 ); // must wait for TXE to be set!
// For Slave TX DMA
void DMA1_Stream4_IRQHandler( void )
DMA1_Stream4->CR &= ~(1<<0); // Disable stream 4
while((DMA1_Stream4->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait till disabled
spi_spc->CR2 &= ~(1<<1); // Disable TX DMA request lines
DMA1->HIFCR = (1<<5); // clear Transfer complete in Stream 4
void mcu_spi_spc_init_slave(void (*xfer_done)(uint8_t* data, uint32_t dlen))
spi2_slave = 1;
spi2_xfer_done = xfer_done;
for (int c=0;c<SPI2_BUFFER_SIZE;c++)
spi2_tx_buffer[c] = 'X';
spi2_rx_buffer[c] = 0;
// Enable the SPI2 peripheral clock
// Enable port B Clock
RCC->AHB1ENR |= (1<<1);
// Enable DMA1 Clock
// Reset the SPI2 peripheral to initial state
* SPC SPI2 SS: Pin33 PB12
* SPC SPI2 SCK: Pin34 PB13
* SPC SPI2 MISO: Pin35 PB14
* SPC SPI2 MOSI: Pin36 PB15
// Configure the SPI2 GPIO pins
GPIOB->MODER |= (2<<24) | (2<<26) | (2<<28) | (2<<30);
GPIOB->PUPDR |= (02<<26) | (2<<28) | (2<<30);
GPIOB->OSPEEDR |= (3<<24) | (3<<26) | (3<<28) | (3<<30); // "very High speed"
GPIOB->AFR[1] |= (5<<16) | (5<<20) | (5<<24) | (5<<28); // Alternate function 5 (SPI2)
// Clock Phase and Polarity = 0
// CR1 = LSByte to MSByte, MSBit first
// DFF = 8bit
// 6 MHz Clock (48MHz / 8)
spi_spc->CR1 = (7<<3) | (0<<2) | (0<<1) | (1<<0) // 0:CPHA, 1:CPOL, 2:MASTER, 3:CLOCK_DIVIDER
| (0<<7) | (0<<11); // 7:LSB first, 11:DFF(8Bit)
spi_spc->CR2 = (0<<2) | (1<<1) | (1<<0); // 2:SSOE, 0:Enable RX DMA IRQ, 1:Enable TX DMA IRQ
// DMA config (Stream3:RX p2mem, Stream4:TX mem2p
// DMA for RX Stream 3 Channel 0
DMA1_Stream3->CR &= ~(1<<0); // EN = 0: disable and reset
while((DMA1_Stream3->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait
DMA1_Stream4->CR &= ~(1<<0); // EN = 0: disable and reset
while((DMA1_Stream4->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait
DMA1->LIFCR = (0x3D<<22); // clear all ISRs related to Stream 3
DMA1->HIFCR = (0x3D<< 0); // clear all ISRs related to Stream 4
DMA1_Stream3->PAR = (uint32_t) (&(spi_spc->DR)); // Peripheral addresse
DMA1_Stream3->M0AR = (uint32_t) spi2_rx_buffer; // Memory addresse
DMA1_Stream3->NDTR = 3; // Datenmenge zum Empfangen
DMA1_Stream3->FCR &= ~(1<<2); // ENABLE Direct mode by CLEARING Bit 2
DMA1_Stream3->CR = (0<<25) | // 25:Channel selection(0)
(1<<10) | // 10:increment mem_ptr,
(0<<9) | // 9: Do not increment periph ptr
(0<<6) | // 6: Dir(P -> Mem)
(1<<4); // 4: finish ISR
// DMA for TX Stream 4 Channel 0
DMA1_Stream4->PAR = (uint32_t) (&(spi_spc->DR)); // Peripheral addresse
DMA1_Stream4->M0AR = (uint32_t) spi2_tx_buffer; // Memory addresse
DMA1_Stream4->NDTR = 1; // Datenmenge zum Senden (dummy)
DMA1_Stream4->FCR &= ~(1<<2); // ENABLE Direct mode by CLEARING Bit 2
DMA1_Stream4->CR = (0<<25) | // 25:Channel selection(0)
(1<<10) | // 10:increment mem_ptr,
(0<<9) | // 9: Do not increment periph ptr
(1<<6) | // 6: Dir(Mem -> P)
// Setup the NVIC to enable interrupts.
// Use 4 bits for 'priority' and 0 bits for 'subpriority'.
NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping( 0 );
uint32_t pri_encoding = NVIC_EncodePriority( 0, 1, 0 );
NVIC_SetPriority( DMA1_Stream4_IRQn, pri_encoding );
NVIC_EnableIRQ( DMA1_Stream4_IRQn );
NVIC_SetPriority( DMA1_Stream3_IRQn, pri_encoding );
NVIC_EnableIRQ( DMA1_Stream3_IRQn );
DMA1_Stream3->CR |= (1<<1); // Enable DMA1_Stream3 (RX)
spi_spc->CR1 |= (1<<6); // 6:EnableSPI
In the future the system has to send and receive roughly 500 bytes.
So, I did it. It was a whole bunch of things. Also, my assumption in the question was wrong. My slave did not receive/send valid data.
The signals were shown as clean by the oscilloscope, but the scope itself was adding noise to the lines, that was not visible on the scope itself. Not measuring the lines helped.
I put 100 OHM resistors close to the MASTER pins. This was not working, out of desperation I put the resistors close to the slave instead. Suddenly I got valid data. (This has been the main culprit all along)
According to the comment of Ashley Miller, I implemented a circular buffer, where I always send a fixed length every time. So the slave knows exactly what to expect. This mitigated eventual errors that could be produced when switching off / resetting the DMA shortly after the transmission.
The UART tricked me also. When getting too much data at once ( as little as 20 or 30 bytes! ) my terminal program gliched and threw the bytes randomly around. So part of the problem was just that... I'm using GtkTerm for those who are interested.
The Clock mode CPOL= 0 and CPH = 0 doesn't work at all. I set both master and slave to the same setting and it just received garbage. If I loop back the master to itself (connect MISO to MOSI a.k.a. exclude the slave) then it works regardless of clock mode.
This seems to stem from a timing issue, where the slave has to react too fast and can't handle even the slowest possible speed (approx. 100 kHz). I did not go into details on this.
I hope I could help someone with this.

How to change quantum in xv6? [duplicate]

Right now it seems that on every click tick, the running process is preempted and forced to yield the processor, I have thoroughly investigated the code-base and the only relevant part of the code to process preemption is below (in trap.c):
// Force process to give up CPU on clock tick.
// If interrupts were on while locks held, would need to check nlock.
if(myproc() && myproc() -> state == RUNNING && tf -> trapno == T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER)
I guess that timing is specified in T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER, but I can't figure out how these two can be modified, these two are specified in trap.h:
#define T_IRQ0 32 // IRQ 0 corresponds to int T_IRQ
#define IRQ_TIMER 0
I wonder how I can change the default RR scheduling time-slice (which is right now 1 clock tick, fir example make it 10 clock-tick)?
If you want a process to be executed more time than the others, you can allow it more timeslices, *without` changing the timeslice duration.
To do so, you can add some extra_slice and current_slice in struct proc and modify the TIMER trap handler this way:
if(myproc() && myproc()->state == RUNNING &&
tf->trapno == T_IRQ0+IRQ_TIMER)
int current = myproc()->current_slice;
if ( current )
myproc()->current_slice = current - 1;
Then you just have to create a syscall to set extra_slice and modify the scheduler function to reset current_slice to extra_slice at process wakeup:
// Switch to chosen process. It is the process's job
// to release ptable.lock and then reacquire it
// before jumping back to us.
c->proc = p;
p->state = RUNNING;
p->current_slice = p->extra_slice
You can read lapic.c file:
// The timer repeatedly counts down at bus frequency
// from lapic[TICR] and then issues an interrupt.
// If xv6 cared more about precise timekeeping,
// TICR would be calibrated using an external time source.
lapicw(TDCR, X1);
lapicw(TICR, 10000000);
So, if you want the timer interrupt to be more spaced, change the TICR value:
lapicw(TICR, 10000000); //10 000 000
can become
lapicw(TICR, 100000000); //100 000 000
Warning, TICR references a 32bits unsigned counter, do not go over 4 294 967 295 (0xFFFFFFFF)

Would my solution work for 8-bit bus addressing using BSRR and BRR?

I have set an 8-bit bus on (PD0:PD7) on the stm32 MCU to send addresses to another chip (0:255). I am interested if a function like below would work for fast change in addresses. I could not find an example directly showing register to be equal to integer so I want to confirm it would work. I need a function to which I will give an integer value for the address (0:255) and it will set the 8 pins of the bus with this value:
void chipbus(uint16_t bus8){
GPIOD->regs->BSRR = bus8; // set all the '1' in bus8 to high
GPIOD->regs->BRR = 255-bus8; // 255-bus8 inverts the 8 bits
// BRR to set the new '1' to low
If this solution works, I am curious also if I change the bus to ports PD5:PD12 would my function work as:
void chipbus(uint16_t bus8){
GPIOD->regs->BSRR = bus8*32; // set all '1' in bus8 to high
// multiply by 32 to shift 5 bits/pins
GPIOD->regs->BRR = (255-bus8)*32; // 255-bus8 inverts the 8 bits
// BRR to set the new '1' to low
Thank you!
Yes, both should work. However, a more recognisable but equivalent formulation would be:
void chipbus(uint16_t bus8) {
GPIOD->regs->BSRR = bus8; // set all the '1' in bus8 to high
GPIOD->regs->BRR = (~bus8) & 0xFF; // inverts the 8 bits // BRR to set the new '1' to low
void chipbus(uint16_t bus8) {
GPIOD->regs->BSRR = bus8<<5; // set all '1' in bus8 to high, shift 5 bits
GPIOD->regs->BRR = ((~bus8)&0xFF)<<5; // inverts the 8 bits
But, there is an even faster way. BSRR is a 32bit register than can both set and reset. You can combine the two write accesses into one:
void chipbus(uint16_t bus8) {
GPIOD->regs->BSRR =
(bus8<<5) | (((~bus8) & 0xFF) << (16+5));
Happy bit-fiddling!
Yes, it'd definitely work. However, as others have noted, it's advisable to set the outputs in a single operation.
Taking advantage of the full 32 bit BSRR register, it can be done without inverting the data bits:
GPIOD->regs->BSRR = bus8 | (0xFF << 16);
GPIOD->regs->BSRR = (bus8 << 5) | (0xFF << (16 + 5));
because BSRR has the functionality to set some bits and reset some others in a single write operation, and when both the set and reset bits for a particular pin is set, the output becomes 1.
I wouldn't recommend using this approach. Writing to BSRR and BRR as two separate steps means that the bus will transition through an unintended state where some bits are still set from the previous value.
Instead, consider writing directly to the GPIO output data register (ODR). If you need to preserve the original value of the upper bits in the port, you can do that on the CPU side:
GPIOD->regs->ODR = (GPIOD->regs->ODR & 0xff00) | (bus8 & 0x00ff);

STM32 SPI data is sent the reverse way

I've been experimenting with writing to an external EEPROM using SPI and I've had mixed success. The data does get shifted out but in an opposite manner. The EEPROM requires a start bit and then an opcode which is essentially a 2-bit code for read, write and erase. Essentially the start bit and the opcode are combined into one byte. I'm creating a 32-bit unsigned int and then bit-shifting the values into it. When I transmit these I see that the actual data is being seen first and then the SB+opcode and then the memory address. How do I reverse this to see the opcode first then the memory address and then the actual data. As seen in the image below, the data is BCDE, SB+opcode is 07 and the memory address is 3F. The correct sequence should be 07, 3F and then BCDE (I think!).
Here is the code:
uint8_t mem_addr = 0x3F;
uint16_t data = 0xBCDE;
uint32_t write_package = (ERASE << 24 | mem_addr << 16 | data);
while (1)
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, &write_package, 2, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
It looks like as your SPI interface is set up to process 16 bit halfwords at a time. Therefore it would make sense to break up the data to be sent into 16 bit halfwords too. That would take care of the ordering.
uint8_t mem_addr = 0x3F;
uint16_t data = 0xBCDE;
uint16_t write_package[2] = {
(ERASE << 8) | mem_addr,
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)write_package, 2, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
Added an explicit cast. As noted in the comments, without the explicit cast it wouldn't compile as C++ code, and cause some warnings as C code.
You're packing your information into a 32 bit integer, on line 3 of your code you have the decision about which bits of data are placed where in the word. To change the order you can replace the line with:
uint32_t write_package = ((data << 16) | (mem_addr << 8) | (ERASE));
That is shifting data 16 bits left into the most significant 16 bits of the word, shifting mem_addr up by 8 bits and or-ing it in, and then adding ERASE in the least significant bits.
Your problem is the Endianness.
By default the STM32 uses little edian so the lowest byte of the uint32_t is stored at the first adrress.
If I'm right this is the declaration if the transmit function you are using:
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SPI_Transmit(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
It requires a pointer to uint8_t as data (and not a uint32_t) so you should get at least a warning if you compile your code.
If you want to write code that is independent of the used endianess, you should store your data into an array instead of one "big" variable.
uint8_t write_package[4];
write_package[0] = ERASE;
write_package[1] = mem_addr;
write_package[2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
write_package[3] = (data & 0xFF);

DM6446 GPIO Bank 0 request_irq returns -22

I'm trying to set up an interrupt-handler in my driver for DM6446 GPIO BANK 0 interrupt.But request_irq returns -22.I know the Interrupt number for GPIO BANK-0 from the data sheet which states it to be 56.Following are the settings for GPIO in my code.I want to get interrupt on GPIO-10.
while((REG_VAL(PTSTAT) & 0x1) != 0); // Wait for power state transtion to finish
REG_VAL(MDCTL26) = 0x00000203; //To enable GPIO module and EMURSITE BIT as stated in sprue14 for state transition
REG_VAL(PTCMD) = 0x1; // Start power state transition for ALWAYSON
while((REG_VAL(PTSTAT) & 0x1) != 0); // Wait for power state transtion to finish
REG_VAL(PINMUX0) = REG_VAL(PINMUX0) & 0x80000000; //Disbale other Functionlaity on BANK 0 pins
printk(KERN_DEBUG "I2C: PINMUX0 = %x\n",REG_VAL(PINMUX0));
REG_VAL(DIR01) = REG_VAL(DIR01) | 0xFFFFFFFF; //Set direction as input for GPIO 0 and 10
REG_VAL(BINTEN) = REG_VAL(BINTEN) | 0x00000001; //Enable Interrupt for GPIO Bank 0
REG_VAL(SET_RIS_TRIG01) = REG_VAL(SET_RIS_TRIG01) | 0x00000401; // Enable rising edge interrupt of GPIO BANK 0 PIN 0 PIN 10
REG_VAL(CLR_FAL_TRIG01) = REG_VAL(CLR_FAL_TRIG01) | 0x00000401; // Disable falling edge interrupt of Bank 0
Result = request_irq(56,Gpio_Interrupt_Handler,0,"gpio",I2C_MAJOR);
if(Result < 0)
A little help shall be appreciated.
Thank you.
I have tried the gpio_to_irq as well for PIN-10 of BANK-0 but it returns irq no to be 72 but DM6446 has interrupt number upto 63 only in Data sheet.
I got it. If i use gpio_to_irq, It will return a valid IRQ number but different than the interrupt number(which i guess is also called IRQ number) specified in data sheet of Processor.If I see the /proc/interrupts, it will have an entry of that IRQ returned form gpio_to_irq but under GPIO type not the processor's Interrupt controller, which in my case for ARM shall be AINTC.All other interrupts are of AINTC type.
Moreover, Even if request_irq succeeds with interrupt number stated in data sheet,/proc/stat will report interrupts at both IRQ numbers i.e. AINTC and GPIO type.