Test is not an annotation type - eclipse

in my maven project, i have added the testng dependency as below:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.testng/testng -->
But, then when i write a simple test as below, it cannot find #Test :
public class Test{
public void test() {
it complains with Test is not an annotation type
i tried to add the test manually by the below line:
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
but again it complains with:
The import org.testng.annotations.Test conflicts with a type defined in the same file
I have Forced Update my project by maven several times but still no success.

It is not working because your class name also the "Test" so, you have to change the class name then only #Test annotation will work.

Remove scope tag from respective dependency in pom.xml. It shall work.


Error while creating building a hibernate app without Maven

I am learning to hibernate so I made a small app for crud operation using mySQL as database. However, I am getting some errors and I cannot find the solution anywhere. SDK 17.0.2, I am not using maven , Also all hibernate final jar files have been added
my class:
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import com.luv2code.hibernate.demo.entity.Student;
public class CreateStudentDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create session factory
SessionFactory factory= new Configuration()
//Create session
Session session = factory.getCurrentSession();
try {
//Create a Student object
System.out.println("Creating new student");
Student tempStudent = new Student("Pau;", "Wall", "paul#luv2code.com");
//Start a transaction
//save the student object
//commit transaction
finally {
runtime error :
java.security.PrivilegedActionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass(java.lang.String,[B,int,int,java.lang.ClassLoader,java.security.ProtectionDomain)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass(java.lang.String,[B,int,int,java.lang.ClassLoader,java.security.ProtectionDomain)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Object, Object[])" because "com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector.defineClass" is null
java removed java.xml.bind from JAVA 9 and higher editions.
You need to add these jar files manually to your library
basically you can to that in this way.
If you use Intellij this is the easyest way:
If you use intellij here is a step my step to get these files through IDE
go to project structure:
Libraries, and click + sign
Chick to from Maven:
Paste these dependencies to the search.
It will automatically find exact jar files to download, Kist Paste it and click to the enter that is it.
Also later you can just add these files to the classpath just in case:
java removed java.xml.bind from JAVA 9 and higher editions.
Here is the eclipse solution:
In Eclipse IDE:
Download these jar files and paste them inside lib folder:
Go the project properties: The last line
Done these steps:
Happy Coding! :)

How to enable Eclipse auto-completion in application.yml for custom properties declared by #ConfigurationProperties?

I made a simple class with configuration properties for my spring-boot project. Everything work as a charm (spring-boot catches options) except the fact that Eclipse doesn't recognize new properties as valid options in application.yml and highlights them as unknown.
Here is the class:
public class ServerProperties {
private Integer delay;
private DataAdapter dataAdapter = new DataAdapter();
// setters and getters were cut out for the sake of readability
public static class DataAdapter {
private String baseUrl;
private String targetCode;
// setters and getters
Autocompletion does not work for those properties:
I added the dependency for Spring Boot Configuration Processor to pom.xml as recommended in Spring.io reference, but it does not work as supposed.
Tried to switch to application.properties but autocompletion still doesn't work.
Spring boot configuration processor works as an annotation processor during compilation time.
It's necessary to enable annotation processing for the Eclipse project and register the processor:
Go to Project / Properties menu
Open Java Compiler / Annotation Processing. Enable project specific settings and check "Enable annotation processing"
Open Java Compiler / Annotation Processing / Factory Path. Check "Enable project specific settings"
Click "Add variable" button, select "M2_REPO", click "Extend" and find org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-configuration-processor/x.x.x.RELEASE/spring-boot-configuration-processor-x.x.x.RELEASE.jar in the Maven repository, where x.x.x is version of your Spring Boot.
Apply changes
Recompile the project, or just touch and save the class with configuration properties to trigger partial recompilation.
I had the same problem and fixed it by adding this to my pom.xml:

Maven test finds but not executes tests

I have some test-classes under the folder src/test/java (some of these having name ending by *Test). Each class has some methods annotated with #Test
Running these tests with JUnit (on Eclipse, right click on the class, then run as, the JUnit Test) I have no problems. But I want to run these tests using mvn test.
The problem is that I obtain always this:
It seems that mvn finds the tests, but it doesn't execute them. Why?
Furthermore, it seems that also classes having a name that doesn't end with *Test are considered by Maven.
This is part of my pom.xml:
And this is part of my effective pom:
You are using a very outdated version of JUnit.
In JUnit 3.x, tests did not use annotations; the method names had to start with test*.
In JUnit 4.x, test methods had to be annotated with #Test, which is what you apparently have.
In your pom, you need to upgrade JUnit:

How to: SLF4J with multiple bindings in a GWT Maven multi-module project?

I have a GWT multi-module Maven project.
client-module //client side: contains some base classes. I use JDK's java.util.log so that it logs on Firebug's console
server-module //server side: extends some code from client-module (so it uses JUL) for common behaviour. I use log4j
client-module is shared code.
I want to use SLF4J globally but it seems that I cannot use multiple bindings (multiple bindings per project, single binding per maven module).
I would agree, but I want to use a specific SLF4J binding per maven module.
So in my case would be SLF4J-JDK for client-module and SLF4J-log4j for server-module.
Pieces of relevant code:
public abstract class BaseFoo {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseFoo.class.getName());
// ... interesting stuff
public class Foo extends BaseFoo {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseFoo.class.getName());
// ...more interesting stuff
I have already tried to configure according to documentation, but it doesn't work.
The problem is that SLF4J needs to be GWT ready.
The error I get:
[ERROR] Line 23: No source code is available for type org.slf4j.Logger; did you forget to inherit a required module?
What it means that GWT compiles the BaseFoo class to Javascript (that's why is it in client-module to run on client side) but fails because the classes/source code in SLF4j are not emulated.
Do you have any workarounds?

JUnit + Maven + Eclipse: Why #BeforeClass does not work?

I am using JUnit 4, Maven 2 and latest Eclipse. Problem is simple: I would like to perform some setup (connecting to a database) before my tests are executed.
I tried #BeforeClass in many different locations but Eclipse and Maven are ignoring this. Any help on accomplishing this initial setup?
public abstract class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {
public static void doBeforeClass() throws Exception {
System.out.println("No good #BeforeClass");
Now the tests extending BaseTestCase:
public class LoginActionTest extends BaseTestCase {
public void testNothing() {
System.out.println("TEST HERE");
assertEquals(true, true);
Maven and Eclipse just ignore my #BeforeClass ??? Any other way to perform setup before tests?
Sergio, you were right about extending TestCase causing the problem. If you extend TestCase, JUnit treats your test class as an old (pre JUnit 4 class) and picks org.junit.internal.runners.JUnit38ClassRunner to run it. JUnit38ClassRunner does not know about #BeforeClass annotation. Check out source code of runnerForClass method of AllDefaultPossibilitiesBuilder and runnerForClass method of JUnit3Builder for more details.
Note: This problem is not related to Eclipse or Maven.
I suspect that you are running with JUnit 3. Try renaming your test to something which does not start with "test". If the test is no longer executing, you are using JUnit 3 (which assumes that test methods are methods which starts with "test").
Please post your Eclipse launch config.
I have similar problem and I fixed it by specifying surefile and junit versions explisitly:
More info is here: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/junit.html
It seems junit 3.8.1 version is used transiently through maven-resources-plugin and plexus-container-default. You can print dependency tree by calling mvn dependency:tree. I think there's no other way to make surefire use junit 4.