Firestore Rules: How to allow specific editing of someone else's record? - google-cloud-firestore

I have an app that has Users, and Jobs.
Each Job is owned by 1 User. Only that User can edit the job.
Any User can apply to any Job. When a User applies to a Job, I want to add that user to the job.appliedCandidates array. Basically the structure is this:
- Job1
- owner = User1
- candidatesApplied
- User2
- User3
So User1 owns Job1. Let's say User4 comes along and applies to the job. Now I want to add him to candidatesApplied. But he doesn't have editing access to that job because he's not the owner!
And if I give him editing access, then he can change all the job data. Not what I want.
I'm pretty sure in Firestore you can do rules on a per-field basis, but this still doesn't solve my problem. If User4 can edit job1.candidatesApplied, that means he has access to delete the other users from the array!
I'm pretty sure that the array setup I've got going is not the way to go. One idea is to have "applicants" be a subcollection of a job, and allow any user to create a record in that subcollection, but not do anything else. But I'm not sure if this is right either.
How best should I handle this?

Given that you haven't set limits on how many applicants can apply for a job, let's just assume that the list of applicants can grow massively. If that's the case, then even modeling that data as a list in a single document is prone to error since there is a discrete max size to a document: 1 MB. And we're not even talking about security yet.
In order to avoid the max document size problem, the best way to deal with this is by putting each applicant in their own document. Whether or not that's a collection or subcollection is mostly irrelevant.
If you choose to store each applicant as a document in a collection, now you are not constrained to some arbitrary maximum of applicants, and it's easier to write rules for that. What those rules should be are outside of the scope of what you've proposed here so far. But flexible data modeling suggests that the subcollection approach is less prone to problems.


How to modelling domain model - aggregate root

I'm having some issues to correctly design the domain that I'm working on.
My straightforward use case is the following:
The user (~5000 users) can access to a list of ads (~5 millions)
He can choose to add/remove some of them as favorites.
He can decide to show/hide some of them.
I have a command which will mutate the aggregate state, to set Favorite to TRUE, let's say.
In terms of DDD, how should I design the aggregates?
How design the relationship between a user and his favorite's ads selection?
Considering the large numbers of ads, I cannot duplicate each ad inside a user aggregate root.
Can I design a Ads aggregateRoot containing a user "collection".
And finally, how to handle/perform the readmodels part?
Thanks in advance
Two concepts may help you understand how to model this:
1. Aggregates are Transaction Boundaries.
An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that are considered as a single unit. All parts of the aggregate are loaded and persisted together.
If you have an aggregate that encloses a 1000 entities, then you have to load all of them into memory. So it follows that you should preferably have small aggregates whenever possible.
2. Aggregates are Distinct Concepts.
An Aggregate represents a distinct concept in the domain. Behavior associated with more than one Aggregate (like Favoriting, in your case) is usually an aggregate by itself with its own set of attributes, domain objects, and behavior.
From your example, User is a clear aggregate.
An Ad has a distinct concept associated with it in the domain, so it is an aggregate too. There may be other entities that will be embedded within the Ad like valid_until, description, is_active, etc.
The concept of a favoriting an Ad links the User and the Ad aggregates. Your question seems to be centered around where this linkage should be preserved. Should it be in the User aggregate (a list of Ads), or should an Ad have a collection of User objects embedded within it?
While both are possibilities, IMHO, I think FavoriteAd is yet another aggregate, which holds references to both the User aggregate and the Ad aggregate. This way, you don't burden the concepts of User or the Ad with favoriting behavior.
Those aggregates will also not be required to load this additional data every time they are loaded into memory. For example, if you are loading an Ad object to edit its contents, you don't want the favorites collection to be loaded into memory by default.
These aggregate structures don't matter as far as read models are concerned. Aggregates only deal with the write side of the domain. You are free to rewire the data any way you want, in multiple forms, on the read side. You can have a subscriber just to listen to the Favorited event (raised after processing the Favorite command) and build a composite data structure containing data from both the User and the Ad aggregates.
I really like the answer given by Subhash Bhushan and I want to add another approach for you to consider.
If you look closely at your question you will see that you've made the assumption that an aggregate can 'see' everything that the user does when they are interacting with the UI. This doesn't need to be so.
Depending on the requirements of the domain you don't need to hold a list of any Ads in the aggregate to favourite them. Here's what I mean:
For this example, it doesn't matter where the the 'favourite' ad command sits. It could be on the user aggregate or a specific aggregate for handling the concept of Favouriting. The command just needs to hold the id of the User and the Ad they are favouriting.
You may need to handle what happens if a user or ad is deleted but that would just be a case of an event process manager listening to the appropriate events and issuing compensating commands.
This way you don't need to load up 5 million ads. That's a job for the read model and UI, not the domain.
Just a thought.

Which method of storing USERS, ROLES & TEAMS in my relational DB is most efficient

I'm working on developing an app as part of my college assignment. It's a project management app, and I'm having trouble deciding the best way to store users and teams in my Postgres DB. Basically, users can signup and create/join teams. A user can be a part of multiple teams (each working on multiple projects). Users also have roles in teams (with varying permissions according to the role) and while they have only one role in a given team, they may have a different role in another one. In addition, users can mark some of their teams as favorites for easy access through the front-end.
I've come up with 3 ERDs to solve this.
First, store all users in one table and and all teams in another. Users table has all the data pertaining to a user, while the team table has the team data along with the members,roles and whether or not a user has marked this team as a favorite - like below.
This will have a lot of data duplication - if a team has a hundred members, there will be 100 entries where teamid, name, description are the same.
So, in v2 I separated them and added a members table. Now, each team is saved once, and so is each user. A reference to the team and user is made each time a user joins/creates a team and is stored in the members table along with the user's role and whether or not they have favorited the team.
But, I thought it might be bad to save roles as a string. If roles ever need to be changed/updated or I need to add new roles/rename roles, it would be easier with an ID rather than a string (I think).
So, then I came up with this.
Now all roles, users and teams are stored once (its possible that I've made the roles table into something like a lookup table, which I've heard is a bad practice). All these can be referenced in the members table.
My DBMS concepts are a little weak though I have tried my best to follow steps to normalize it and bring it into BCNF form. But I'm still unsure if I've done this right, or what to fix if something is wrong.
So essentially, I would like to know:
Is my table structure correct or incorrect?
Should everything be split into multiple tables, or is some data duplication okay (since I can use multiple or creative queries to get whatever I need)?
I like your ERD3 best. I don't think it is overkill, I think it looks fine. Having a "members" table be mostly foreign keys into other tables is a common thing.
It is not necessary to eliminate every trace of commonality in every table - sometimes it is more efficient to put up with a small amount of duplication - but in your example I think your ERD3 looks good.

Database schema for a tinder like app

I have a database of million of Objects (simply say lot of objects). Everyday i will present to my users 3 selected objects, and like with tinder they can swipe left to say they don't like or swipe right to say they like it.
I select each objects based on their location (more closest to the user are selected first) and also based on few user settings.
I m under mongoDB.
now the problem, how to implement the database in the way it's can provide fastly everyday a selection of object to show to the end user (and skip all the object he already swipe).
Well, considering you have made your choice of using MongoDB, you will have to maintain multiple collections. One is your main collection, and you will have to maintain user specific collections which hold user data, say the document ids the user has swiped. Then, when you want to fetch data, you might want to do a setDifference aggregation. SetDifference does this:
Takes two sets and returns an array containing the elements that only
exist in the first set; i.e. performs a relative complement of the
second set relative to the first.
Now how performant this is would depend on the size of your sets and the overall scale.
I agree with your comment that this is not a scalable solution.
Solution 2:
One solution I could think of is to use a graph based solution, like Neo4j. You could represent all your 1M objects and all your user objects as nodes and have relationships between users and objects that he has swiped. Your query would be to return a list of all objects the user is not connected to.
You cannot shard a graph, which brings up scaling challenges. Graph based solutions require that the entire graph be in memory. So the feasibility of this solution depends on you.
Solution 3:
Use MySQL. Have 2 tables, one being the objects table and the other being (uid-viewed_object) mapping. A join would solve your problem. Joins work well for the longest time, till you hit a scale. So I don't think is a bad starting point.
Solution 4:
Use Bloom filters. Your problem eventually boils down to a set membership problem. Give a set of ids, check if its part of another set. A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which answers set membership. They are super small and super efficient. But ya, its probabilistic though, false negatives will never happen, but false positives can. So thats a trade off. Check out this for how its used :
Ill update the answer if I can think of something else.

MongoDB: How to organize data

I am a little bit uncertain on how to organize the data when using MongoDB.
I have a user with some various data. Say a classified service, with a profile and possibly some items for sale. In a relational database this data would be split up into a profile table and a for-sale table. As I understand in MongoDB this would probably all go into one "document" (well, probably except if there is very large number of items for sale).
But my classified service is a little bit special, as for each item for sale, an administrator (salesman) adds stuff to the item for sale, such as allow the ad to go public, a comment on the item and possibly more. The user should obviously not be able to alter this admin-added info.
What would be the recommended way to deal with this? Can the administrator just change (add to) the users item-document? But I guess the user can then change what the administrator has added, right? So perhaps a better approach would be for the admin to create another document that contains the added data, and these two documents would be merged before being displayed?
Maybe the following may be helpful:

Creating new collections vs array properties

Coming from a MySQL background, I've been questioning the some of the design patterns when working with Mongo. One question I keep asking myself is when should I create a new collection vs creating a property of an array type? My current situation goes as follows:
I have a collection of Users who all have at least 1 Inbox
Each inbox has 0 or more messages
Each message can have 0 or comments
My current structure looks like this:
message:"this is my message"
comment:"this is a great message"
For simplicity I only listed 1 inbox, 1 message and 1 comment. Realistically though there could be many more.
An approach I believe that would work better is to use 4 collections:
Users - stores just the username
Inboxes - name of the inbox, along with the UID of User it belongs to
Messages - content of the message, along with the UID of inbox it belongs to
Comments - content of the comment, along with the UID of the message it belongs to.
So which one would be the better approach?
No one can help you with this question, because it is highly dependent on your application:
how many inboxes/messages/comments do you have on average
how often do you write/modify/delete these elements
how often do you read them
a lot of other things that I forgot to mention
When you are selecting one approach over another you are doing tradeofs.
If you store everything together (in one collection as your first case) you make it super easy to get all the things for a particular user. Taking apart the thing that most probably you do not need all the information at once, you at the same time makes it super hard to update some parts of the elements (try to write a query that will add a comment or remove the third comment). Even if this is easy - mongodb does not handle well growing documents because whenever you exceeds the padding factor it moves the document to another location (which is expensive) and increases the padding factor. Also keep in mind that this potentially can hit mongodb's limit on the size of the document.
It is always a good idea to read all mongodb use cases before trying to design any storage schema. Not surprisingly they have a comprehensive overview of your case as well.