Testing a Scala Aplication with ScalaTest - scala

I have been going through documentations on ScalaTest but able to figure out what type of approach i should take for testing the app.
Code is divided amoung controller and service.
eg. Controller Code example
class Controller1 #Inject()(service1: ServiceClass1, authAction : AuthAction)
extends InjectedController {
//returns a list[]
def getSomeValue() = authAction {
val res = service1.getValue1()
val json = Json.toJson(res)
Service Code Example -:
def getValue1() = {
implicit val graph = db.g
val infos = graph.V.hasLabel[someModel].toList()
infos.map(vertex => {
val someModel = vertex.toCC[someModel]
val item = info(someId =
category = SomeModel.category,
description = someModel.description)
I am very new to Testing and Scala both, I also understand the code but not able to understand where to begin.
This is just a sample code which is very similar.

It seems like what you're looking for is a way to mock service1.getValue1() in your Controller1.
Scalatest supports a couple different ways to do this: http://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/testing_with_mock_objects
In your case, to test def getSomeValue(); you'd need to define a mock and set the right expectations so that when called from the test, the mock returns the expected responses.
If you'd like to use scala mock, you'd need to add it as a dependency in your sbt build config. You can do that by adding this dependency to your tests:
"org.scalamock" %% "scalamock" % "4.4.0" % Test
And then, your test could be something like this:
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
class Controller1Spec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
"Controller1" should "respond with a valid response" in {
val mockService = mock[ServiceClass1]
(mockService.getValue1 _).when().returning("Some Response").once()
val mockAuthAction = mock[AuthAction] //assuming you've got an action called AuthAction
//you'd need to mock this one too, in order for it to work
(mockAuthAction.invokeBlock _) expects(_) onCall((r,b) => b(r))
new Controller1(mockService, mockAuthAction) shouldBe Ok("Some Response")
There's a number of posts on mocking for Scala which you should be able to find, like this one here: https://scalamock.org/user-guide/advanced_topics/


Mock new object creation in Scala

I want to write unit test for below scala class.
In the below implementation, QueryConfig is final case class.
class RampGenerator {
def createProfile(queryConfig: QueryConfig): String = {
new BaseQuery(queryConfig).pushToService().getId
The unit test I have written is this
class RampGeneratorTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"createProfile" must "succeed" in {
val rampGenerator = new RampGenerator()
val queryConfig = QueryConfig("name", "account", “role")
val baseQuery = mock(classOf[BaseQuery])
val profile = mock(classOf[Profile])
when(new BaseQuery(queryConfig)).thenReturn(baseQuery)
val id = rampGenerator.createProfile(queryConfig)
Currently it gives below exception, which is expected, since I don't have mocked class used in when. How do I mock the new instance creation?
when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:
There are two options:
Use powermockito to mock the constructor (see this question for details)
Externalize object creation
A bit more on the second option - this is actually a testing technique that helps in a variety of situations (a couple of examples: yours, creating akka actors and asserting on hierarchies) - so it might be useful to just have it in the "toolbox".
In your case it'll look something like this:
class RampGenerator(queryFactory: QueryFactory) {
def createProfile(queryConfig: QueryConfig) = queryFactory.buildQuery(queryConfig).pushToService().getId()
class QueryFactory() {
def buildQuery(queryConfig: QueryConfig): BaseQuery = ...
class RampGeneratorTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"createProfile" must "succeed" in {
val rampGenerator = new RampGenerator()
val queryConfig = QueryConfig("name", "account", “role")
val queryFactory = mock(classOf[QueryFactory])
val profile = mock(classOf[Profile])
val baseQuery = mock(classOf[BaseQuery])
val id = rampGenerator.createProfile(queryConfig)
Please note query factory does not have to be a separate factory class/hierarchy of classes (and certainly does not require something as heavyweight as abstract factory pattern - although you can use it). In particular, my initial version was just using queryFactory: QueryConfig => BaseQuery function, but mockito cannot mock functions...
If you prefer to inject factory method directly (via function), Scalamock has support for mocking functions

Scala Mockito Guice and Partial Mocking .... methods get called twice

I have the following code written in Scala, Guice, Mockito and ScalaTest
import javax.inject.Singleton
import com.google.inject.Inject
class TestPartialMock #Inject()(t1: Test1, t2: Test2) {
def test3() = "I do test3"
def workHorse() : List[String] = {
println("+++++ came inside ++++++++")
List(t1.test1(), t2.test2(), test3())
class MainModule extends ScalaModule {
override def configure() = {
and I have written unit test cases with partial mocking
class PartialMockTest extends FunSpec with Matchers {
describe("we are testing workhorse but mock test3") {
it("should return mock for test3") {
val module = new TestModule
val injector = Guice.createInjector(module)
val tpm = injector.getInstance(classOf[TestPartialMock])
val result = tpm.workHorse()
result should contain ("i do test2")
result should contain ("i do test1")
result should contain ("I am mocked")
result should not contain ("I do test3")
class TestModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule with MockitoSugar {
override def configure() = {
val module = new MainModule()
val injector = Guice.createInjector(module)
val realobject = injector.getInstance(classOf[TestPartialMock])
val x = spy(realobject)
when(x.test3()).thenReturn("I am mocked")
My tests are successful and I can see that it mocks the right set of methods and calls the actual implementation of the right set of methods. BUT when I look at the output I see
info] Compiling 5 Scala sources to /Users/IdeaProjects/GuicePartialMock/target/scala-2.12/classes...
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/IdeaProjects/GuicePartialMock/target/scala-2.12/test-classes...
+++++ came inside ++++++++
+++++ came inside ++++++++
[info] PartialMockTest:
[info] we are testing workhorse but mock test3
[info] - should return mock for test3
[info] Run completed in 2 seconds, 92 milliseconds.
Why am I seeing the print statement came inside twice?
Based on advice of Tavian ... this is the final code which worked
class TestModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule with MockitoSugar {
override def configure() = {
val module = new MainModule()
val injector = Guice.createInjector(module)
val realobject = injector.getInstance(classOf[TestPartialMock])
val x = spy(realobject)
when(x.test3()).thenReturn("I am mocked")
For spies, you need to be careful of expressions like
because x.workHorse() really is invoked in this expression! x doesn't "know" that it's inside a when() call, as the expression is lowered into something like this:
tmp1 = x.workHorse();
tmp2 = when(tmp1);
tmp3 = tmp2.thenCallRealMethod();
Instead, you can write
which will suppress the invocation of the real workHorse() implementation.
But, you don't need to do any of this for this example—calling real methods is the default behaviour of spies.
As you mentioned in the question title, you have a combination of 3 technologies. Actually 4 technologies including build tool that is used to run the test. You can isolate the problem by
1) Remove Guice and instantiate everything directly
2) Run code as a simple App instead of running as a test by sbt/gradle/maven.
Also it makes sense to print stack trace together with a came inside message to find a caller.

How to test controllers using deadbolt2 DeadboltActions or is there another framework which allows this easily?

I'm using Play! 2.4 with Deadbolt2 for authorization. However, since I introduced the authorization rules, I'm unable to write successful tests for my controllers. As an example:
class VisitController #Inject() (authorization: DeadboltActions) extends Controller {
def fetchDailyVisits(date: Date) = authorization.Restrict(List(Array(ADMIN_ROLE), Array(MANAGER_ROLE))) {
Action.async {
visitService.findDailyVisits(date).map(result =>
I'm using specs2 in the tests. My test looks like this atm:
class VisitControllerSpec extends PlaySpecification with Mockito with ScalaFutures {
val deadboltActions = mock[DeadboltActions]
"VisitControllerSpec#fetchDailyVisits" should {
val testDate = Date.from(LocalDate.of(2016, 2, 25)
"Return Status Ok with returned list" in {
val expected = List(completeVisitWithId, anotherCompleteVisitWithId)
visitService.findDailyVisits(testDate) returns Future { expected }
val request = FakeRequest(GET, "/visits?date=2016-02-25")
val result = new VisitController(deadboltActions)
result.futureValue.header.status must beEqualTo(OK)
contentAsJson(result) must_== Json.toJson(expected)
How do I mock deadboltActions in a way I can specify the user will be allowed access?
Is there another way? Maybe by providing a different DeadboltHandler? It seems kind of obvious this would be the way to go, I just don't seem to be able to figure it out and there aren't a lot of Deadbolt2 examples out there (at least for scala).
Or, being more extreme, any other authorization framework out there that works well with scala play and allows to handle security as a cross-cutting concern without poluting the controllers? Deadbolt2 is too limited for this reason, but I honestly can't find a better authorization framework (unless I write my own).
There are a number of different ways you can do this.
If your DeadboltHandler has a DAO injected for accessing the subject, you can override the binding of the DAO to provide one containing test subjects.
abstract class AbstractControllerSpec extends PlaySpecification {
def testApp: Application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test).bindings(bind[SubjectDao].to[TestSubjectDao]).build()
See the test app for an example of using this approach.
Alternatively, you can extend your DeadboltHandler implementation to override getSubject and provide a test subject from here. The binding is handled in the same way as above.
Finally, you can keep all your code as-is and populate the test database with subjects; the requests you send will be shaped by your authentication requirements (headers, something in a cookie, etc).
For unit testing, something similar applies. Given a SubjectDao that has some hard-coded subjects for test purposes, you can use WithApplication and an injector look-up to get what you need.
class TestSubjectDao extends SubjectDao {
val subjects: Map[String, Subject] = Map("greet" -> new SecuritySubject("greet",
"lotte" -> new SecuritySubject("lotte",
"steve" -> new SecuritySubject("steve",
"mani" -> new SecuritySubject("mani",
"trippel" -> new SecuritySubject("trippel",
override def user(userName: String): Option[Subject] = subjects.get(userName)
With a controller that looks something like this:
class Subject #Inject()(deadbolt: DeadboltActions) extends Controller {
def subjectMustBePresent = deadbolt.SubjectPresent()() { authRequest =>
Future {
Ok("Content accessible")
We can then unit test it like this:
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.DeadboltActions
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.test.controllers.composed.Subject
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.test.dao.{SubjectDao, TestSubjectDao}
import play.api.Mode
import play.api.inject._
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import play.api.mvc.{Result, Results}
import play.api.test.{FakeRequest, PlaySpecification, WithApplication}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object SubjectPresentUnitSpec extends PlaySpecification with Results {
"Subject present " should {
"should result in a 401 when no subject is present" in new WithApplication(new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test).bindings(bind[SubjectDao].to[TestSubjectDao]).build()) {
val deadbolt: DeadboltActions = implicitApp.injector.instanceOf[DeadboltActions]
val controller = new Subject(deadbolt)
val result: Future[Result] = call(controller.subjectMustBePresent(), FakeRequest())
val statusCode: Int = status(result)
statusCode must be equalTo 401
"should result in a 200 when a subject is present" in new WithApplication(new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test).bindings(bind[SubjectDao].to[TestSubjectDao]).build()) {
val deadbolt: DeadboltActions = implicitApp.injector.instanceOf[DeadboltActions]
val controller = new Subject(deadbolt)
val result: Future[Result] = call(controller.subjectMustBePresent(), FakeRequest().withHeaders(("x-deadbolt-test-user", "greet")))
val statusCode: Int = status(result)
statusCode must be equalTo 200
It doesn't answer exactly to my original question, which was mostly related with Deadbolt2, but I kept getting frustrated with the fact I had to specify my authorization rules in my controllers, which is not truly cross cutting.
The answer provided by Steve Chaloner helps, but still forced me to go through a few hoops.
Enter Panoptes. This authorization framework is based on Filters instead of Action chaining, so it allows to easily specify authorization rules in a central location and outside of the controllers.
Setting your security rules in Panoptes is somewhat similar to Spring Security and it looks like this:
class BasicAuthHandler extends AuthorizationHandler {
override def config: Set[(Pattern, _ <: AuthorizationRule)] = {
Pattern(Some(POST), "/products") -> atLeastOne(withRole("Admin"), withRole("Manager"))
Pattern(Some(GET), "/cart[/A-Za-z0-9]*") -> withRole("Admin"),
Pattern(None, "/orders[/A-Za-z0-9]*") -> withRole("Admin")
Other than that, you need a couple of lines to declare the filter and plug in your AuthorizationHandler.
class Filters #Inject()(securityFilter: SecurityFilter) extends HttpFilters {
override def filters = Seq(securityFilter)
class ControllerProviderModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = { bind(classOf[AuthorizationHandler]).to(classOf[MyAuthorizationHandler])
The README file in the git repository has more details and code samples.
It's also customizable to the point it allows to create your own AuthorizationRules. In my project I have a requirement where I need to check the mobile device that makes the call is registered in the system. I can write an AuthorizationRule to handle this for me for every request whose path matches my pattern.
Unit testing controllers is extra simple, because any mocking of the security layer can be ommited. They can be tested like any other class.
If you're having similar issues or also believe authorization rules don't belong in the controllers, have a go at Panoptes, it might suit your needs. Hope this helps someone else.

How to perform unit test in controller?

Let say, i have controller like the following:
class JenisKejahatanControl #Inject()(service: JenisKejahatanService, val messagesApi: MessagesApi) extends Controller with I18nSupport {
def add = Action.async { implicit request =>
lazy val incoming = JenisKejahatan.formJenisK.bindFromRequest()
incoming.fold( error => {
lazy val response = ErrorResponse(BAD_REQUEST, messagesApi("request.error"))
}, { newJenisK =>
lazy val future = service.addJenisK(newJenisK)
future.flatMap {
case Some(jenis) => Future.successful(Created(Json.toJson(SuccessResponse(jenis))))
case None => Future.successful(BadRequest(Json.toJson(ErrorResponse(NOT_FOUND, messagesApi("add.jenis.kejahatan.fail")))))
and the i want to test my def add using specs2, how to do it?
Since your controller has injected components the bit I assume that one bit you're missing is how to obtain an instance of it in your spec with the various dependencies satisfied. For this you can use the GuiceApplicationBuilder to obtain a Play application instance, and then use its injector to get an instance of your controller without having to construct it manually (more dependency injection docs here and specifically about testing with Guice here.)
If you can construct your controller manually, as in the example, that's great and makes things simpler, but controllers tend to have non-trivial dependencies which you will most likely want to mock using the overrides method on the GuiceApplicationBuilder.
With an instance of your controller constructed, it's then really simple to "apply" a mock (fake) request to your action methods and determine that they give the status and body you expect. Here's an example:
import controllers.{SuccessResponse, JenisKejahatanControl}
import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder
import play.api.inject.bind
import play.api.mvc.Result
import play.api.test.{FakeRequest, PlaySpecification}
import scala.concurrent.Future
class JenisKejahatanControlSpec extends PlaySpecification {
"JenisKejahatanControl#add" should {
"be valid" in {
// Build an instance of a Play application using the
// default environment and configuration, and use it
// to obtain an instance of your controller with the
// various components injected.
val jenisController = new GuiceApplicationBuilder()
.overrides( // Mock the data service
.toInstance(new MockJenisKejahatanService))
// Create a "fake" request instance with the appropriate body data
val request = FakeRequest().withFormUrlEncodedBody("name" -> "test")
// Apply the request to your action to obtain a response
val eventualResult: Future[Result] = jenisController.add.apply(request)
// Check the status of the response
status(eventualResult) must_== CREATED
// Ensure the content of the response is as-expected
contentAsJson(eventualResult).validate[SuccessResponse].asOpt must beSome.which { r =>
r.jenis.name must_== "test"

Scala and mockito to test twilio MessageFactory.create() method

I'd like to test our Twilio integration using some simple dependency injection and mocking. It seems to me the easiest method would be to use mockito to intercept the following message create call:
val messageFactory: MessageFactory = smsProvider.getAccount().getMessageFactory()
val message: Message = messageFactory.create(params)
Ideally I'd like to stub out the create call so that I can validate that it was called, and that the parameters are correct.
I'm new to Mockito though, and trying to piece together how to use it in Scala (and if this kind of testing is even possible). Most examples I've found are in Java, etc., and don't translate well to Scala.
You can use mockito with Scala. Add mockito to your library dependencies (e.g., using SBT something like libraryDependencies += "org.mockito" % "mockito-core" % "1.8.5" % "test") and you're set.
If you're using Scalatest, there's also MockitoSugar that you can mix in as a trait or import statically, giving you the syntactic sugar mock[ClassToMock] instead of mockito's mock(classOf[ClassToMock]).
Mockito allows you to pass a mock-object as external dependency to your "unit under test" and assert that a certain method is called. In your case, the external dependency should either be messageFactory or smsProvider. However, the latter requires you to pass a stub for smsProvider to return a mock for MessageFactory.
Your code could look as follows:
import org.mockito.Mockito.verify
import org.mockito.Matchers.any
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
// Your Test
class MessageCreatorTest extends FlatSpec with MockitoSugar {
val messageCreator = new MessageCreator
"createMessage" should "create a new message" in {
val factory = mock[MessageFactory]
// Your Unit Under Test
class MessageCreator {
def createMessage(messageFactory: MessageFactory): Unit ={
messageFactory.create(List("Foo", "Bar"))
// The external dependency of your Unit Under Test
trait MessageFactory {
def create(params: List[String]) = new Message("Hello")
// A plain value
case class Message(message: String)
However, if your unit under test depends on smsFactory, you'll notice that setting up the test becomes more of a burden:
import org.mockito.Mockito.{when, verify}
import org.mockito.Matchers.any
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
class MessageCreatorTest extends FlatSpec with MockitoSugar {
val messageCreator = new MessageCreator
"createMessage" should "create a new message" in {
val factory = mock[MessageFactory]
val account = mock[Account]
val smsProvider = mock[SmsProvider]
class MessageCreator {
def createMessage(smsProvider: SmsProvider): Unit = {
val messageFactory = smsProvider.getAccount.getMessageFactory
messageFactory.create(List("Foo", "Bar"))
trait MessageFactory {
def create(params: List[String]) = new Message("Hello")
case class Message(message: String)
trait SmsProvider {
def getAccount: Account
trait Account {
def getMessageFactory: MessageFactory
In that case however, the test tells you that you're violating the Law of Demeter.