How to persist streaming data to disk in DolphinDB? - streaming

By default, the streaming table keeps all streaming data in memory.How can I persist streaming data to disk in DolphinDB? For example, I have a stream table like following:
colNames = `time`sym`qty`price
t=streamTable(n:0, colNames, colTypes)
share t as trades_stream

You can call enableTablePersistence or enableTableShareAndPersistence to persist data to disk.Examples are as follows:
colNames = `time`sym`qty`price
t=streamTable(n:0, colNames, colTypes)


Insertion is done twice on DB

I have a single record in the dataset but from the method that saves to the database, it is executed twice. What can be caused this? how do I solve it? I save the file in a blob storage.
def saveFile[T](dataset: Dataset[T]): Unit = {
val res = => {
val operation = saveToTable()
I think your method is being executed twice because dataset.write.mode("overwrite").json("...json") will save the dataset to the specified location and if you run the saveFile method again, it will save the dataset again to the specified location. Try using dataset.write.mode("append").json("...json") which will save the dataset to the specified location if it doesn't exist, otherwise it will append the dataset to the specified location.

Synapse - Notebook not working from Pipeline

I have a notebook in Azure Synapse that reads parquet files into a data frame using the synapsesql function and then pushes the data frame contents into a table in the SQL Pool.
Executing the notebook manually is successful and the table is created and populated in the Synapse SQL pool.
When I try to call the same notebook from an Azure Synapse pipeline it returns successful however does not create the table. I am using the Synapse Notebook activity in the pipeline.
What could be the issue here?
I am getting deprecated warnings around the synapsesql function but don't know what is actually deprecated.
The code is below.
val pEnvironment = "t"
val pFolderName = "TestFolder"
val pSourceDatabaseName = "TestDatabase"
val pSourceSchemaName = "TestSchema"
val pRootFolderName = "RootFolder"
val pServerName = pEnvironment + "synas01"
val pDatabaseName = pEnvironment + "syndsqlp01"
val pTableName = pSourceDatabaseName + "" + pSourceSchemaName + "" + pFolderName
// Import functions and Synapse connector
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SqlAnalyticsConnector.
// Get list of "FileLocation" from control.FileLoadStatus
val fls:DataFrame =
// Read all parquet files in folder into data frame
// Add file name as column
val df:DataFrame =
withColumn("FileLocation", input_file_name())
// Join parquet file data frame to FileLoadStatus data frame
// Exclude rows in parquet file data frame where ProcessedDate is not null
val df2 = df.
join(fls,Seq("FileLocation"), "left").
// Write data frame to sql table
This case happens often and to get the output after pipeline execution. Follow the steps mentioned.
Pick up the Apache Spark application name from the output of pipeline
Navigate to Apache Spark Application under Monitor tab and search for the same application name .
These 4 tabs would be available there: Diagnostics,Logs,Input data,Output data
Go to Logs ad check 'stdout' for getting the required output.
Check the above video link for detailed live procedure.

AWS Glue add new partitions and overwrite existing partitions

I'm attempting to write pyspark code in Glue that lets me update the Glue Catalog by adding new partitions and overwrite existing partitions in the same call.
I read that there is no way to overwrite partitions in Glue so we must use pyspark code similar to this:
final_df.withColumn('year', date_format('date', 'yyyy'))\
.withColumn('month', date_format('date', 'MM'))\
.withColumn('day', date_format('date', 'dd'))\
.partitionBy('year', 'month', 'day')\
However with this method, the Glue Catalog does not get updated automatically so an msck repair table call is needed after each write. Recently AWS released a new feature enableUpdateCatalog, where newly created partitions are immediately updated in the Glue Catalog. The code looks like this:
additionalOptions = {"enableUpdateCatalog": True}
additionalOptions["partitionKeys"] = ["year", "month", "day"]
dyn_frame_catalog = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame_from_catalog(
database = "my_db",
table_name = "my_table",
transformation_ctx = "my_ctx"
Is there a way to combine these 2 commands or will I need to use the pyspark method with write.mode('overwrite') and run an MSCK REPAIR TABLE my_table on every run of the Glue job?
If you have not already found your answer, I believe the following will work:
DataSink5 = glueContext.getSink(
path = "s3://...",
connection_type = "s3",
updateBehavior = "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE",
partitionKeys = ["year", "month", "day"],
enableUpdateCatalog = True,
transformation_ctx = "DataSink5")
catalogDatabase = "my_db",
catalogTableName = "my_table")

Clickhouse Materialised view is not triggered

I created a table that reads the kafka topic with JSONAsString format
CREATE TABLE tracking_log_kafka_raw
jsonString String
) ENGINE = Kafka
kafka_broker_list = 'kafka:9092',
kafka_topic_list = 'tracking_log_new',
kafka_group_name = 'test_1',
kafka_format = 'JSONAsString';
Final table
jsonString String
) ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY jsonString
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;
And materialized view
FROM tracking_log_kafka_raw;
But when I write to kafka, the messages get into the tracking_log_kafka_raw table, but they are not triggered mat view , so nothing gets into the final k_t_res table.
I tried using JSONEachRow format and everything worked, but the message format in kafka doesn't allow it to be used.
The problem was the version of clickhouse used. Initially used, after switching to everything worked

SparkSQL performance issue with collect method

We are currently facing a performance issue in sparksql written in scala language. Application flow is mentioned below.
Spark application reads a text file from input hdfs directory
Creates a data frame on top of the file using programmatically specifying schema. This dataframe will be an exact replication of the input file kept in memory. Will have around 18 columns in the dataframe
var eqpDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(eqpRowRdd, eqpSchema)
Creates a filtered dataframe from the first data frame constructed in step 2. This dataframe will contain unique account numbers with the help of distinct keyword.
var distAccNrsDF ="accountnumber").distinct().collect()
Using the two dataframes constructed in step 2 & 3, we will get all the records which belong to one account number and do some Json parsing logic on top of the filtered data.
var filtrEqpDF =
eqpDF.where("accountnumber='" + data.getString(0) + "'").collect()
Finally the json parsed data will be put into Hbase table
Here we are facing performance issues while calling the collect method on top of the data frames. Because collect will fetch all the data into a single node and then do the processing, thus losing the parallel processing benefit.
Also in real scenario there will be 10 billion records of data which we can expect. Hence collecting all those records in to driver node will might crash the program itself due to memory or disk space limitations.
I don't think the take method can be used in our case which will fetch limited number of records at a time. We have to get all the unique account numbers from the whole data and hence I am not sure whether take method, which takes
limited records at a time, will suit our requirements
Appreciate any help to avoid calling collect methods and have some other best practises to follow. Code snippets/suggestions/git links will be very helpful if anyone have had faced similar issues
Code snippet
val eqpSchemaString = "acoountnumber ....."
val eqpSchema = StructType(eqpSchemaString.split(" ").map(fieldName =>
StructField(fieldName, StringType, true)));
val eqpRdd = sc.textFile(inputPath)
val eqpRowRdd =",")).map(eqpRow => Row(eqpRow(0).trim, eqpRow(1).trim, ....)
var eqpDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(eqpRowRdd, eqpSchema);
var distAccNrsDF ="accountnumber").distinct().collect()
distAccNrsDF.foreach { data =>
var filtrEqpDF = eqpDF.where("accountnumber='" + data.getString(0) + "'").collect()
var result = new JSONObject()
result.put("jsonSchemaVersion", "1.0")
val firstRowAcc = filtrEqpDF(0)
//Json parsing logic
The approach usually take in this kind of situation is:
Instead of collect, invoke foreachPartition: foreachPartition applies a function to each partition (represented by an Iterator[Row]) of the underlying DataFrame separately (the partition being the atomic unit of parallelism of Spark)
the function will open a connection to HBase (thus making it one per partition) and send all the contained values through this connection
This means the every executor opens a connection (which is not serializable but lives within the boundaries of the function, thus not needing to be sent across the network) and independently sends its contents to HBase, without any need to collect all data on the driver (or any one node, for that matter).
It looks like you are reading a CSV file, so probably something like the following will do the trick: // Using DataFrameReader but your way works too
foreachPartition { rows =>
val conn = ??? // Create HBase connection
for (row <- rows) { // Loop over the iterator
val data = parseJson(row) // Your parsing logic
??? // Use 'conn' to save 'data'
You can ignore collect in your code if you have large set of data.
Collect Return all the elements of the dataset as an array at the driver program. This is usually useful after a filter or other operation that returns a sufficiently small subset of the data.
Also this can cause the driver to run out of memory, though, because collect() fetches the entire RDD/DF to a single machine.
I have just edited your code, which should work for you.
var distAccNrsDF ="accountnumber").distinct()
distAccNrsDF.foreach { data =>
var filtrEqpDF = eqpDF.where("accountnumber='" + data.getString(0) + "'")
var result = new JSONObject()
result.put("jsonSchemaVersion", "1.0")
val firstRowAcc = filtrEqpDF(0)
//Json parsing logic