WinDbg !name2ee not returning JITTED code address - windbg

After attaching to a process and loading sos.dll:
.load C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\sos.dll
I next run:
!name2ee System_Windows_Forms_ni System.Windows.Forms.Application+MarshalingControl..ctor
But it does not return the JITTED code address anymore.
No errors either, just does nothing, no output.
Strange thing is, it worked fine before Thursday of last week, and I'm not aware of any changes made to the Windows environment during that time.
Can anyone suggest what I should look for to resolve the issue?
We have an application crash we are trying to troubleshoot, and the vendor is needing information from WinDBG, but I'm unable to set the breakpoint since I can't get the JITTED address.


Debugging JavaScript in Edge & VS Code causes DCOM 10016 Event / Access violation

Environment: Windows 10
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Extensions: Live Server v5.7.5 by Ritwick Dey and Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code v2.1.0
When I am debugging JavaScript files, if I put a break point in an exported class, I get the error shown in the image bellow.
I cleared the Windows System log, and right after I start debugging and get the error, a new entry is in the Windows system log. This happens every time without fail. The error in the Windows System log is:
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission
for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user DOMAIN\\local_user SID (S-1-5-21-2158192427-3696246665-2163083460-1135) from
address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID
(Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services
administrative tool.
My question is how do I fix this issue?
Update 7/26/2022:
If I remove the breakpoint from the constructor of the class and put it elsewhere in the class, it works without any errors. The error occurs if the breakpoint is in the constructor.
I found the answer and it is not anything above.
Well, I finally solved the problem. I am updating this answer so that someone else will know the answer without going down all the wrong paths that I went down. The problems was not any of the tools. The problem was with the code. While technically the code was correct, executing it with a breakpoint caused the error I talked about above. I was able to fix this problem by moving all the class member variables to the top of the class before all member functions. The error only occurs when you add a breakpoint before the member variables are defined. Code analyzers say there is nothing wrong with the code. The error message could be more informative!
If you want to see example code associated with this problem. See this post

Open() syscall on linux freezes terminal

Im trying to make a connection to a rs232 serial card PCIe-1622. I've compiled the drivers and installed the kernel modules (adv_17v35x). And in /dev it shows the relevant tty devices.
However, when I go to test them by echoing data to them or with cat. It freezes, and I get left with a cursor on the next line with no output. I can Ctrl-c to exit.
After some looking around online, I've made a simple program that opens the dev file, using open("/dev/ttyB15P0", O_RDWR); but the program gets stuck on that line, same symptoms as with echo/cat. I've placed an fprintf(stderr,"test"); before and after it, so I know it is that line/function that's holding up the program.
Does anyone have any info or insight as to what might be causing this issue, why is the device file failing to open, or even return a null file descriptor or error?
Thanks in advance.

jBoss is hanging at "Loading profile..." output line

I am trying to start a jBoss 5.1.0.GA instance and the output console is hanging on the [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Loading profile: ProfileKey#3f5f852e[domain=default, server=default, name=default] line.
The jBoss instance is copied from a remote server on which it works well.
There is not so much work logged (no more than 50 rows) and No error is displayed in console while starting up.
I understand that there may be some dependencies/connections/etc that it needs and are not satisfied, but I would expect an error to be thrown. Instead, it only hangs, without any other issue being reported.
I hope that this message will sound familiar to others that have worked more with older versions of jBoss and may direct me to investigate potential root causes.
Not proud of my findings... :) the issue was in fact that the logs were set not to write into the console. So, after looking for other log files, I found that the server started with the very well known statement Started in 1m:21s:836ms...
It is not really an issue nor an answer, but I leave this here in case others will find themselves in the same "I do not see the logs" situation (which should be also the title).
Note: in order logs to be shown, I have modified /server/default/conf/jboss-log4j.xml

failed using cuda-gdb to launch program with CUPTI calls

I'm having this weird issue: I have a program that uses CUPTI callbackAPI to monitor the kernels in the program. It runs well when it's directly launched; but when I put it under cuda-gdb and run, it failed with the following error:
error: function cuptiSubscribe(&subscriber, CUpti_CallbackFunc)my_callback, NULL) failed with error CUPTI_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED
I've tried all examples in CUPTI/samples and concluded that programs that use callbackAPI and activityAPI will fail under cuda-gdb. (They are all well-behaved without cuda-gdb) But the fail reason differs:
If I have calls from activityAPI, then once run it under cuda-gdb, it'll hang for a minute then exit with error:
The CUDA driver has hit an internal error. Error code: 0x100ff00000001c Further execution or debugging is unreliable. Please ensure that your temporary directory is mounted with write and exec permissions.
If I have calls from callbackAPI like my own program, then it'll fail out much sooner with the same error:
Any experience on this kinda issue? I really appreciate that!
According to NVIDIA forum posting here and also referred to here, the CUDA "tools" must be used uniquely. These tools include:
any profiler
a debugger
Only one of these can be "in use" on a code at a time. It should be fairly easy for developers to use a profiler, or cuda-memcheck, or a debugger independently, but a possible takeaway for those using CUPTI, who also wish to be able to use another CUDA "tool" on the same code, would be to provide a coding method to be able to disable CUPTI use in their application, when they wish to use another tool.

When I run myTest.js in Chrome an error appears, what's wrong with my dalek.js file?

This is the error message that I have every time I run myTest.js. This happens after I installed the my IE driver in my VirtualBox so that I can test from IE browsers.
cor03rock at Rockys-MacBook-Pro in ~/Desktop/Jalekoo on dev*
💩 dalek myTest.js -b chrome
TypeError: Cannot call method 'emit' of undefined
at Object.Dalek._shutdown (/Users/cor03rock/Desktop/Jalekoo/node_modules/dalekjs/lib/dalek.js:333:24)
at process.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
at process._fatalException (node.js:272:26)
Jalekoo is my Dalek folder.
It would probably help if you could post a reduced test case & what DalekJS, NodeJS version your on, as well as your operating system. Maybe your projects directory layout could also help spotting the error.
You are also talking about having installed the IE driver & your example call shows -b chrome. So do you might have mistaken that.
Also, does that error occur with other browsers (PhantomJS for example) or only for IE (Chrome?).
Would love to help you out, but I need some more information to be able to.