Material-ui autocomplete on enter key press move to next element - autocomplete

The material ui autocomplete is working very nicely for me. I have just one question: when the user presses the enter key on the keyboard, it selects the appropriate entry in the list as expected. Is there a way to move on to the next form element automatically?


Move to next input field on pressing Tab in Flutter Windows Application

I have a form with multiple TextFormField. I would like for the user to be able to move to the next field using tab or go back using Shift+Tab. The page looks as follows:
When I focus on Contract Number field and press tab, instead of going to composition field it goes to Invoices written in the Side Navigation which is created using NavigationRail. And on pressing tab again it moves to Payments. And on third tab it moves to Composition Text Field.
Is there a way I can fix the order in which this happens?
You can create a traversal group. For example if you have 10 elements in a column you can wrap the column and add a policy
policy: OrderedTraversalPolicy()
child: Column(),
More info focusTraversalGroup Ajax Tookit AutoCompleteExtender stops working in update panel after partial postback

I have an update panel with some text entry boxes, a clear button and a save button. Under the boxes I have a repeater that holds database entries. When a user enters data in the textboxes and clicks the Save, a database row is created and the repeater rebinds and shows the new dataset. There are buttons on each repeater row for "Delete" and "Edit". When the Edit button is clicked on a row, the data from that row is populated back into the text boxes. When I do that, the autocomplete extenders stop working. I have a button that simply clears the textboxes. If I click that button and clear the textboxes, the autocomplete starts working again. Even if I remove all code from that "Edit" button in the repeater command and don't have it populate the text boxes from the row clicked, the autocomplete stops working. Something is happening on the item command for the repeater row that is turning off the autocomplete. Any suggestions?
I had some javascript functions running from the code behind on page load. Moving that from the server side page load to the javascript pageLoad() function fixed the issue

iPhone skips over non-text form fields

When using an iPhone to fill out a form, I hit the Next button on top of the keyboard to navigate from one field to the next. Non-text fields such as lookup and radio are skipped right over to the next text field. A dropdown field however, can be accessed with Next/Previous. How to prevent this from happening?
Any suggestions?

GWT:how to display a popup at the poistion of the key pressed

I am trying to display a word suggestion list when ctl+space entered as in eclipse.
For that I need to know the location where user has entered ctrl+space so that i can display the suggestion list exact below to the word user just entered.
I see ways to get the mouse cursor position , But isnt there a way to get the keyboard button pressed position ,
I am writing inside textArea, I tried getCursor, but it gives me the no of word on which user entered ctrl+space. Not the location as per the Window.
Any idea
There is no reliable, accurate and cross-browser way to do it with TextArea.
You can experiment with a RichTextArea (you don't have to provide a toolbar for rich text features) and its getFormatter().insertHTML() method. It will insert a new HTML element at a cursor position. You can insert a list of suggested words, that you can style to look anyway you like, or you can insert an empty div and try to show a panel relative to it.
Or you can use a different UI approach. Create a panel with a fixed position relative to your TextArea and show your suggested words there - similar to the way good smartphone keyboards show suggested words just above the keyboard itself. Once your users realize that suggested words always show up in the same place, they may even like this design better.

iPhone Go button Does not apper if textarea is the last input

I have this weird issue with a form on one of my sites. Form have 2 input fields a text input and a textarea under it. Submit button at the bottom and it is inout type sumit.
When I type in text input "GO" button appears on the keyboard, but, when typing in textarea it turns to "return" button.
If i change location of inputs so that text input is the last Go button appears as usually. as I fill text are first.
Is it possible to get Go button appear while typing in textarea?
Go to your laptop or desktop and click a textarea. Pressing the enter button does not submit the form.
The answer to your question is therefore simple: a textarea is a multiline input field which requires a return button, leaving no space for the go button. The answer is no. Use a normal input instead.