TYPO3 is it possible to skip 9.5 update - typo3

I'm currently preparing to update my TYPO3 8.7 site to a 10.0, this update is set for April since that's when the LTS release will be. However, I was wondering if it's best practice to update to 9.5 first or to skip said version and go straight to 10.0.
Of course, backups will be made before doing any of this work and my server can handle the 10.0 version since we have an empty one running at the moment.

You should upgrade to 9.5 first to execute all the core & extension updaters (database)
see documentation
In my experience, you can just do the extension updaters and then go to the next version but you will have to fix your site extension in version 10. See the changelog for all breaking changes


Typo3 Database update from typo3 v7.6 to typo3 v11.53

I want to update typo3 v7.6 to v11.5.3. I copied the files from the latest version to the old installation. The files are updates but I am facing database issues. The DB structure of v11.5.3 is different from v7.6. I need to migrate my data from v7.6 database to v11.53 database. Is there any way I can do it?
The core does only ship migrations for 2 major versions. Therefore you need to switch 1st to version 9 and do all the upgrade steps there and after that you can update to 11 and do the update wizards of 10+11.
All upgrade wizards can either be run via cli or via Install Tool.
Additional code migrations can easily done by using tools like rector
I personally don't care if the the frontend works in the intermediate versions and fix that at the end but as 7.6. is really old (and the used code could even be outdated in those old times) it will take a bit of manual work.

No option to upgrade from 7.6.x to 8.7.x in Install-Tool Core update or upgrade wizard

why the Core update shows me "No regular update available" and upgrade wizard shows me "No updates to perform!"?
I'd like to upgrade from 7.6.31 LTS to the latest 8.7.x LTS version.
The wizards for upgrading in the TYPO3 install tool always only performed upgrades on the same main-branch. So a change from version 7 to 8 or 8 to 9 was never considered and has to be done manually. One reason might be that also some extensions follow the same concept and it will be hard to keep the site running with automatic updates between branches.
Especially problematic would be an automatic upgrade from 8 to 9, because many things changed technically (t3_ckeditor instead of rte_htmlarea, Doctrine Dbal instead of the old TYPO3 database-layer).
So, currently there is just no option to upgrade from 7 to 8 and you've to accept to have to do that upgrade manually.
Nevertheless the upgrade-wizard is still supporting you with required database-updates and other actions to perform.
Some upgrades also require an update of PHP which would be impossible for the wizard.

How to Upgrade TYPO3 7.6.x to 8.x.0

What are the required steps to upgrade TYPO3 7.6.x to 8.X?. Currently My project running on TYPO3 7.6.15 and linux systems.
The only requirement that changes when you update from TYPO3 7 LTS to TYPO3 8 LTS ist the PHP version.
TYPO3 8 LTS requires at least PHP 7.0.
So first of all you need a local environment and a server with PHP 7.0 or 7.1. Then make a copy of your project (keep the original as a backup and a reference) and check all extensions. You want to know a) if you still need them and b) if they are already available for TYPO3 8LTS. If they are, you are fine, if they are not, you have to find an alternative, disable the extension (temporarily) or just wait with the update.
You then update the core and the extensions to the latest releases and go to the install tool. First you want to compare the DB structure to add new fields and tables (don't remove anything yet). After that go to the Upgrade Wizards and perform all of them that are not marked as "optional". Perform the optionals as you need them.
Now your backend should work if no extension breaks it. Your next steps are testing the functionalities that are provided by your extensions and make sure they still work. You might also want to have a look at the breaking changes of the TYPO3 core since 7 LTS to see if your system might be affected. Those can also be found in the install tool (Upgrade Analysis) and they usually have a migration documented.
You can find additional advice regarding updates of TYPO3 systems here: https://usetypo3.com/upgrading-projects.html

How to downgrade typo3 7.4.0 to 6.2.15

What are the steps to downgrade a typo3 site and is this even possible?
I cannot get a few plugins to work on my 7.4 typo site so I decided to downgrade but I cannot find anything about it on typo forums or in the documentation. Are there any steps I can follow if this is possible.
Before upgrading your website you should always backup your data and avoid downgrading at any time.
Compatibility mode for TYPO3 6.x
The system extension compatibility6 is shipped with TYPO3 7, have you tried installing this extension already?
See also: Retaining compatibility to TYPO3 CMS 6
Downgrading from 7.x back to 6.2
There is no such thing as a documentation with downgrade instructions. But if you have no other option than you can try the following:
Before running TYPO3 again:
Backup your data
Remove the TYPO3 7 core as well the composer.json (and /vendor/ directory), .htaccess and index.php file from your website.
Remove the content of /typo3temp/, /fileadmin/_processed/ and /fileadmin/_temp_/.
uninstall all TYPO3 7 related (system) extensions by setting the state to inactive in the /typo3conf/PackagesStates.php file.
Uninstall or downgrade all extensions which are only compatible with TYPO3 7.x.
Set manual the ['SYS']['compat_version'] in /typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php to '6.0' (we let TYPO3 think that we are uograding from 6.0. Please note that TYPO3 7 doesn't have this option anymore and you need to create it yourself.
Remove all array items from the array ['INSTALL']['wizardDone'] in /typo3conf/PackagesStates.php.
Set manual options such as ['FE']['activateContentAdapter'] back if needed.
Put the TYPO3 6.2 core back in it's place.
Now you're allowed to run TYPO3 again:
Log in on the install tool by accessing /typo3/install/.
Run the database compare but please don't remove fields or tables that belongs to extensions which you have temporary disabled for downgrading purposes.
Clear all caches from the install tool.
Run al steps from the upgrade wizard.
Reactivate disabled extensions (manually).
Check if the ['SYS']['compat_version'] is set to '6.2'.
Test your TYPO3 instance as good as you can.
Arek van Schaijk solution worked to downgrade 8.7 to 7.6. But a couple of additional changes might require.
in the file
change fileCreateMask from 0664 to 0660
change folderCreateMask from 2775 to 2770
Symbolic links can be rectified with this solution.

Firebird upgrade from 2.1.3 to 2.5?

Is there a list anywhere or best practice instructions for update firebird databases from one version to another (in my case 2.1.3 to 2.5.2)?
I have seen backup and restore mentioned. I have updated from 1.5 to 2.1 in the past but that just worked i.e. I just installed the new firebird version, however I aware that this was probably just luck.
The Firebird 2.5.2 release notes has a section on compatibility issues that you need to be aware of when upgrading. Also the Firebird install directory contains additional info on upgrading in misc/upgrade/metadata/metadata_charset.txt. If your database has the incorrect metadata charset things might break (but AFAIK they would have been broken under Firebird 2.1 as well).
Technically you can upgrade to 2.5 without a backup and restore cycle on your database, but that means the On Disk Structure (ODS) of the database isn't upgraded to ODS 11.2, which could mean that you can't actually use some of the new features (or: performance improvements) introduced with the newer version. This could be worse if you are actually still on ODS 10.1 from Firebird 1.5.