prometheus operator - enable monitoring for everything in all namespaces - kubernetes

I want to monitor a couple applications running on a Kubernetes cluster in namespaces named development and production through prometheus-operator.
Installation command used (as per Github) is:
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -n production --set prometheusOperator.enabled=true,prometheus.service.type=NodePort,prometheusOperator.service.type=NodePort,alertmanager.service.type=NodePort,grafana.service.type=NodePort,grafana.service.nodePort=30906
What parameters do I need to add to above command to have prometheus-operator discover and monitor all apps/services/pods running in all namespaces?
With this, Service Discovery only shows some prometheus-operator related services, but not the app that I am running within 'production' namespace even though prometheus-operator is installed in the same namespace.
Anything I am missing?
Note - Am running performing all actions using the same user (which uses the $HOME/.kube/config file), so I assume permissions are not an issue.
kubectl version - v1.17.3
helm version - 3.1.2
P.S. There are numerous articles on this on different forums, but am still not finding simple and direct answers for this.

I had the same problem. After some investigation answering with more details.
I've installed Prometheus stack via Helm charts which include Prometheus operator chart directly as a sub-project. Prometheus operator monitors namespaces specified by the following helm values:
namespaces: ''
denyNamespaces: ''
prometheusInstanceNamespaces: ''
alertmanagerInstanceNamespaces: ''
thanosRulerInstanceNamespaces: ''
The namespaces value specifies monitored namespaces for ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor CRDs. Other CRDs have their own settings, which if not set, default to namespaces. Helm values are passed as command-line arguments to the operator. See here and here.
Prometheus CRDs are picked up by the operator from the mentioned namespaces, by default - everywhere. However, as the operator is designed with multiple simultaneous Prometheus releases in mind, what to pick up by a particular Prometheus app instance is controlled by the corresponding Prometheus CRD. CRDs selectors and corresponding namespaces selectors are controlled via the following Helm values:
serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: true
serviceMonitorSelector: {}
serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
Similar values are present for other CRDs: alertmanagerConfigXXX, ruleNamespaceXXX, podMonitorXXX, probeXXX. XXXSelectorNilUsesHelmValues set to true, means to look for CRD with particular release label, e.g. release=myrelease. See here.
Empty selector (for a namespace, CRD, or any other object) means no filtering. So for Prometheus object to pick up a ServiceMonitor from the other namespaces there are few options:
Set serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false. This leaves serviceMonitorSelector empty.
Apply the release label, e.g. release=myrelease, to your ServiceMonitor CRD.
Set a non-empty serviceMonitorSelector that matches your ServiceMonitor.
For the curious ones here are links to the operator sources:
Enqueue of Prometheus CRD processing
Processing of Prometheus CRD

I used values.yaml from, modified parameters *NilUsesHelmValues to False and it seems to work fine with that.
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -n monitoring -f values.yaml
Also, like stated, the services do show in Grafana dashboard even though they dont appear in Prometheus UI under Service Discovery or Targets.
Hope this helps other newbies like me.

no its fine but you can create new namespace for monitoring and install prometheus over there would be good to manage things related to monitoring.
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -n monitoring

You need to create a service for the pod and a serviceMonitor custom resource to configure which services in which namespace need to be discovered by prometheus.
kube-state-metrics Service example
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: kube-state-metrics
k8s-app: kube-state-metrics
annotations: "true"
name: kube-state-metrics
- name: http-metrics
port: 8080
targetPort: metrics
protocol: TCP
app: kube-state-metrics
This Service targets all Pods with the label k8s-app: kube-state-metrics.
Generic ServiceMonitor example
This ServiceMonitor targets all Services with the label k8s-app (spec.selector) any value, in the namespaces kube-system and monitoring (spec.namespaceSelector).
kind: ServiceMonitor
name: k8s-apps-http
k8s-apps: http
jobLabel: k8s-app
- {key: k8s-app, operator: Exists}
- kube-system
- monitoring
- port: http-metrics
interval: 15s


Prometheus returns error context deadline exceeded

I deployed Prometheus with an Helm chart from Rancher. Targets such as Alertmanager, Prometheus, Grafana, Node-exporter, Kubelet etc. are configured automatically. The endpoint from alertmanager refers to the IP address of the specific pod for example. I also configured multiple targets successfully like Jira and Confluence.
Since the service external-dns is running in the namespace kube-system, it's also configured automatically. But only this service is getting the error Context deadline exceeded.
I checked in a random pod if those metrics are accessible by running the command curl -s http://<IP-ADDRESS-POD>:7979/metrics. Also did this with the service ip address (kubectl get service external-dns and curl-s http://<IP-ADDRESS-SVC>:7979/metrics).
Both of these curl commands returned the metrics within a second. So increasing the scrape timeout won't help.
But when I exec in the Prometheus container and use the promtool debug metrics command it shows the same behaviour like in my browser. The external-dns returns a timeout with both of the IP addresses and if I try this with another target it just returns the metrics.
I also don't think it's a SSL issue, because I already injected the correct CA bundle for the targets Jira and Confluence.
So anybody an idea? :)
I had to edit the NetworkPolicy in the kube-system namespace. The containers from the cattle-monitoring-system namespace are now allowed to access the containers from the kube-system namespace. You can upload your NetworkPolicies here and it visualizes which resources has access or not. The NetworkPolicy looks like this now:
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-network-policy
namespace: kube-system
- from:
- namespaceSelector:
name: cattle-monitoring-system
- from:
- podSelector: {}
podSelector: {}
- Ingress

Azure Kubernetes - prometheus is deployed as a part of ISTIO not showing the deployments?

I have used the following configuration to setup the Istio
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: IstioOperator
namespace: istio-system
name: istio-control-plane
# Use the default profile as the base
# More details at:
profile: default
# Enable the addons that we will want to use
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
# Ensure that the Istio pods are only scheduled to run on Linux nodes
defaultNodeSelector: linux
strategy: anonymous
- name: istio-egressgateway
enabled: true
and exposed the prometheus service as mentioned below
kubectl expose service prometheus --type=LoadBalancer --name=prometheus-svc --namespace istio-system
kubectl get svc prometheus-svc -n istio-system -o json
export PROMETHEUS_URL=$(kubectl get svc prometheus-svc -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]['hostname','ip']}"):$(kubectl get svc prometheus-svc -n istio-system -o 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].port}')
echo http://${PROMETHEUS_URL}
curl http://${PROMETHEUS_URL}
I have deployed an application however couldn't see the below deployments in prometheus
The standard prometheus installation by istio does not configure your pods to send metrics to prometheus. It just collects data from the istio resouces.
To add your pods to being scraped add the following annotations in the deployment.yml of your application:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
annotations: true # determines if a pod should be scraped. Set to true to enable scraping. /metrics # determines the path to scrape metrics at. Defaults to /metrics. 80 # determines the port to scrape metrics at. Defaults to 80.
By the way: The prometheus instance installed with istioctl should not be used for production. From docs:
[...] pass --set values.prometheus.enabled=true during installation. This built-in deployment of Prometheus is intended for new users to help them quickly getting started. However, it does not offer advanced customization, like persistence or authentication and as such should not be considered production ready.
You should setup your own prometheus and configure istio to report to it. See:
The following yaml provided by istio can be used as reference for setup of prometheus:
Furthermore, if I remember correctly, installation of addons like kiali, prometheus, ... with istioctl will be removed with istio 1.8 (release date december 2020). So you might want to setup your own instances with helm anyway.

Dynamically update prometheus scrape config based on pod labels

I'm trying to enhance my monitoring and want to expand the amount of metrics pulled into Prometheus from our Kube estate. We already have a stand alone Prom implementation which has a hard coded config file monitoring some bare metal servers, and hooks into cadvisor for generic Pod metrics.
What i would like to do is configure Kube to monitor the apache_exporter metrics from a webserver deployed in the cluster, but also dynamically add a 2nd, 3rd etc webserver as the instances are scaled up.
I've looked at the kube-prometheus project, but this seems to be more geared to instances where there is no established Prometheus deployed. Is there a simple way to get prometheus to scrape the Kube API or etcd to pull in the current list of pods which match a certain criteria (ie, a tag like deploymentType=webserver) and scrape the apache_exporter metrics for these pods, and scrape the mysqld_exporter metrics where deploymentType=mysql
There's a project called kube-prometheus-stack (formerly prometheus-operator):
It has concepts called ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor:
Basically, this is a selector that points your Prometheus instance to scrape targets. In the case of service selector, it discovers all the pods behind the service. In the case of a pod selector, it discovers pods directly. Prometheus scrape config is updated and reloaded automatically in both cases.
Example PodMonitor:
kind: PodMonitor
name: example
namespace: monitoring
- interval: 30s
path: /metrics
port: http
- app
matchLabels: my-app
Note that this PodMonitor object itself must be discovered by the controller. To achieve this you write a PodMonitorSelector(link). This additional explicit linkage is done intentionally - in this way, if you have 2 Prometheus instances on your cluster (say Infra and Product) you can separate which Prometheus will get which Pods to its scraping config.
The same applies to a ServiceMonitor.

service selector vs deployment selector matchlabels

I understand that services use a selector to identify which pods to route traffic to by thier labels.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: svc
- name: tcp
protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 443
app: nginx
Thats all well and good.
Now what is the difference between this selector and the one of the spec.selector from the deployment. I understand that it is used so that the deployment can match and manage its pods.
I dont understand however why i need the extra matchLabels declaration and cant just do it like in the service. Whats the use of this semantically?
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
app: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
Thanks in advance
In the Service's spec.selector, you can identify which pods to route traffic to only by their labels.
On the other hand, in the Deployment's spec.selector you have two options to decide on which node the pods will be scheduled on, which are: matchExpressions, matchLabels.
How Deployment uses spec.selector
When a Deployment is changed, a new ReplicaSet is created. The ReplicaSet is responsible to manage the Pods. It uses the spec.selector to know what Pods it should manage.
If the replicas: 1 is changed in the Deployment to e.g. replicas: 2 a new ReplicaSet is created, and it observes the Pods using spec.selector to match Pods with matching labels. It only see 1 replica initially, but its desired state is now replicas: 2 so it is responsible for creating additionally one Pod from the template in the Deployment.
Selector syntax
There is two ways to declare the labels under the spec.selector in `Deployment.
matchLabels - you declare the labels
matchExpressions - you write an expression for labels
See kubectl explain deployment.spec.selector for full explanation of spec.selector alternatives.
Labels and Selectors
Labels and Selectors is a generic concept in Kubernetes and is used in multiple places. Another example is how you can filter what resources you want to see or use with kubectl. E.g. you can select the Pods for an app with:
kubectl get pod -l=app=myappname
(if your Pods is labelled with app: myappname.
why i need the extra matchLabels declaration and cant just do it like in the service. Whats the use of this semantically?
Because service spec only support equality-based selectors and the deployment is a newer resource that supports two syntax (equality-based and set-based).
The API currently supports two types of selectors: equality-based and set-based. A label selector can be made of multiple requirements which are comma-separated. In the case of multiple requirements, all must be satisfied so the comma separator acts as a logical AND (&&) operator.
The Service spec uses just the "equality-based" label selector syntax.
Newer resources, such as Job, Deployment, ReplicaSet, and DaemonSet, support set-based requirements...
My understanding is that earlier the only supported syntax was the equality-based one, like we have on the service spec, and that now, when the resource you are using supports the new syntax, you are required to use matchLabels or matchExpressions.

How to deploy a bunch of yaml files?

I would like to deploy a bunch of yaml files on my kubernetes cluster and would like to know, what is the best approach to deploy these at once.
You can directly apply folder
kubectl create -f ./<foldername>
kubectl apply -f ./<foldername>
You can also add mutiliple files in one command
kubectl apply -f test.yaml,test-1.yaml
You can also merge all YAML files into a single file and manage it further.
Marge YAML file using ---
For example :
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: test-data
app: test-data
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: 9595
- name: https
port: 9595
targetPort: 9595
app: test-data
tier: frontend
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: test-app
app: test-app
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: 9595
- name: https
port: 9595
targetPort: 9595
app: test-app
tier: frontend
kubectl apply -f <folder-name>
A simple way to deploy all files in a given folder.
You may consider using Helm (The package manager for Kubernetes). Just like we use yum or apt-get for Linux, we use helm for k8s.
Using Helm, you can deploy multiple resources (bunch of YAMLs) in one go. Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod, or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers, databases, caches, and so on. Also, you don't need to combine all your YAMLs; they can remain separate as part of a given chart. Besides, if one chart depends on another, you can use the helm dependency feature.
The reason why i use Helm is because whenever i deploy a chart, helm tracks it as a release. Any change to a chart get a new release version. This way, upgrade (or rollback) becomes very easy and you can confidently say what went as part of a given release.
Also, if you have different microservices that have stuff in common, then helm provides a feature called Library Chart using which you can create definitions that can be re-used across charts, thus keeping your charts DRY.
Have a look at this introductory video:
I would advise linking the yaml's into one. The purpose of a deployment and service yaml is to deploy your application onto the cluster in one fell swoop. You can define many deployments and services within the one file. In your case, a tool such as Kustomize will help you combine them. Kustomize comes preinstalled with kubectl.
You can combine your yamls called a Multi-Resource yaml into one file using the --- operator. i.e.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: foo
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: bar
Then make a kustomization.yaml which combines all your multi-resource yamls. There is a good guide on this here:
The documentation from k8 is here: