Different SPA on same firebase-hosting - firebase-hosting

I have firebase hosting and I want host 3 different SPA that uses same firestore and firebase hosting. And access them from different paths
1. Static Landing - with several predefined pages
paths: /, /contacts, /help, /partners
2. Main SPA with firestore access
paths: /posts, /map, /users
3. And CMS to control firestore data.
paths: /admin
I'm using react, webpack for my SPA.

I found a solution Firebase Multi-site here


Azure Container Apps

I followed a tutorial how to setup a basic front-end and back-end app (post) in an ACA environment, as follows:
a. backend - python-fastapi (I've implemented CORS related config to enable it)
b. frontend - old school html, using fetch to get and post POSTS(Ingress - External)
Here is the problem, the whole thing works if the backend is in ingress-external/public but once I changed it to ingress-internal (within Container Apps Environment only) and accordingly I will change the api url in the frontend (with the internal keyword), I'm getting CORS error.
Any idea?

S3 Hosting + Api Gateway

I'm trying to host a static site in S3 with ability to handle some dynamic content using Lambda/Api Gateway. Can't seem to be able to do that.
I want URLs to look like this:
example.com/api/* -> API Gateway
Also, when redirecting I'd like to keep the example.com as a root domain. I tried RoutingRules in S3, but redirects from the client. I need this to be transparent from the user, like proxying requests.
While Bob's answer is pretty neat for public websites and is simple but if you are looking for other alternates which can work for internal sites or don't want to use CDN, you can try following options.
Option 1 -
This is most common option people prefer. You just configure 2 different DNS hosts for static vs api.(Assuming you enable proper CORS for *.example.com)
example.com(S3) --> S3 static content
api.example.com(APIGateway) --> Lambda
Option 2 -
Example.com(APIGateway) --> /apigLambda -->Lambda
Example.com(APIGateway) --> /* --> S3 Bucket/S3 File.
API Gateway Configuration -
API Gateway S3 Backend Proxy -
Example API Urls -
Reference -
Note - In above reference Url, the bucket name is being accepted in Url Path but my example hides bucket name so users have no idea of S3 bucket name when they see API Gateway Url.
Option 3 -
As per your comment just use {proxy+} as resource for proxying S3 to support sub-folders calls but as you suggested, making just pass-through proxy doesn't give much options to transform HTTP response body which I believe still ok since you know your website content files.
You can configure this by putting a CloudFront distribution in front of both the API Gateway API and the S3 bucket for static content. This would also allow you to take advantage of CloudFront's edge caching.

How to map / to index.html in AWS API Gateway

I'm using API Gateway as a proxy to fan out requests to different services based on the requested url. For example, /api/${proxy+} is mapped to an EKS cluster with my REST api behind it. But everything that's not under /api is mapped to an S3 bucket with my static files. That's the /${proxy+} part as seen below. It's all working, except that when I request / it returns "Missing Authentication Token." Weird, because /${proxy} doesn't require API tokens or authentication of any kind.
My setup is shown below:
I have tried a variation where I added a method on "/" and return index.html specifically from that S3 bucket

Routing requests to index on Google Storage Bucket

In an attempt to host a (static) SPA app on Google Bucket Storage, I am wondering if it is possible at all, considering a typical SPA have dynamic routes.
For example, in a request to a SPA app:
You would config the server to route such request to the index.html file,
or else it will throw a 404.
How can I configure Google Bucket to redirect all (even better if I get to specify) requests to the index.html in the bucket?
Have you looked at setting the website metadata attribute in your bucket:

Google search showing up the Amazon S3 website link

This is how I set up redirection to the Amazon S3 site:
(Basically followed instructions from here)
Set up a bucket called www.mysite.com and configured it for static website hosting
In my Godaddy account, configured:
Added a CNAME entry for 'www' to point to the publicly accessible S3 site (like mysite.in.s3-website.amazonaws.com)
Added a forwarding rule (302 redirect) to make both mysite.com and www.mysite.com work - whenever someone types in mysite.com, it redirects (browser url bar changes) to www.mysite.com.
Coming to my actual problem - when I do a Google search, the pages are listed under the S3 site ( mysite.in.s3-website.amazonaws.com) - which I'd like to think of as an implementation detail. Is there something else I should do to get google recognize and show links under mysite.com ?