Mapbox Studio - Road Exit Shield and Road Number Shield - mapbox

I'm currently editing my own style in Mapbox Studio and I've selected to show the road number and road exit shields.
I can locate the individual layers for these two but I'm having trouble figuring out what to edit in the style panel to produce what I want to see:
When you zoom out, road number shields remain visible, but there appears to be a step change for the exit number shields - they completely disappear after zooming out less than 14. So I'm looking through each option for a step change at about this value but I can't seem to find anything that has this.
Can anyone advise what I can change to keep the exit number shields visible when zooming out, in a similar style to the road number shields?

When you have the style panel open for the road-exit-shield, at the top right of the window, click Select data (and follow the instruction to expand all layers) then you will see the 'zoom extend' in this window which can be altered.
style panel image


zen mode visual studio code — highlight only current function and blur the rest

There was a plugin for vim that would blur out everything in the current file except for the function your cursor was on or in the body of. I've googled every combo of query that describes that and looked through git commits of my old vimrcs but can't find it anywhere!
If you would scroll down or up into another function/body it will "reveal" that and blur everything else. It would also center with horizontal margin.
Regardless, is there an edit to zen mode or a plugin that could achieve this? And if not the blur effect, then is there a way to limit the characters visible to a number?
Something like the image halfway down in this article.

VS Code extension API for registering pointer down and up and translating coordinates to line/character position

I have developed a VS Code Box Drawing extension which works by using selection's start and end positions to work out a level rectangle between the two positions in the text and replaces the edge characters of the rectangle with Unicode box drawing characters.
This works great with a selection start and end positions provided, but it also requires at least white space to already extend all the way to the right edge of where the box is supposed to end, otherwise the selection cannot be made that far.
I would like to achieve two things:
Be able to use mouse events and figure out would-be positions from them even if they extend beyond the length of the lines, so that I can back-fill the missing line length with white-space as I go drawing the box.
Be able to draw arrows (simple enough using the Bresenham's line algorithm).
I have read the Visual Studio Code API Reference and it has only one mention of the mouse pointer in this section underneath the languages header:
The rest, like tracking the mouse, positioning the hover, keeping the hover stable etc. is taken care of by the editor.
I have also read through the Extensibility Reference finding nothing relevant to what I aim to achieve.
This extension only makes sense for monospaced fonts, so additionally, I'd like to find out if there is a way to tell if the editor font is monospaced so I can reject extension activation with an error if that's not the case.
This is something the VS Code team doesn't currently enable (not a part of the extension API) not wants to enable in the near future:
I think that exposing mouse events to the extension API is not something that we'd be likely to add
Source comment on GitHub

Eclipse feature: switch blocked sash in debug perspective

When I debug my apps in Eclipse I use 4 areas i.e: Debug-Console-Code-Variables:
I can move for free both vertical axes, but the orizontal is blocked and I con only move it for both areas:
There is some way to unblock the horizontal axe and block the vertical one?
NOTE: I've googled a lot to find this but I can't, I'm sure is because I call this zones, areas or panels but Eclipse documentation name them different...
The separator is called a Sash or PartSash.
The way this perspective is designed the horizontal sash stretches across the full width of the page, so you can't do what you want.

changing eclipse colors but don't know what this part of the screen is even called

Having tried and failed to convert my eclipse to a fully white on black display I tried to revert to black on white...and now have only one area remaining in the old mode. The problem is I don't even know what this part of the screen is called, so I can't figure out where in the 18 places eclipse sets colors to go to fix it.
Its the area on the left of the Java editor where you see + or - for expanding / collapsing sections of text. How do I set the background color of this area?
Maybe the Plug-in Spy can help you here. Try Alt+Shift+F1. It shows details about the view you point your mouse at.

How to make an exe for my united iphone application

I created a game using unity iphone.there are six characters in my game,first you click one character,the character was selected, and then you click a target position,the selected character will move to your target position. this function work well in the unity3d iphone engine. however when i build an exe file for it, although the exe file can be opened in window xp, I can only selected the character,the rest operation can't work.I don't know what cause this problem, can you give me some advise.
My build step is below:
In Unity…
Select “File” from the top menu.
Select “Build Settings”
Select “PC & Mac Standalone” under the platforms column (lower left)
On the combo box labelled “Target Platform” select “Windows”
Click “Switch Platform” button (lower left, 1st button).
When all the assets have been reconverted to suit the new platform, you’ll be ready to click the build button (lower right).
Thanks in advance.
You'd need to be more clear on your problem.
First of, did you added Input controls for Mouse control? If not, go to Input settings and add it. There you can basically define which input events (mouse, keyboard, joystick, touchscreen) are mapped to what actions.
For example, if you want mouse and keyboard movement, you have to add Horizontal and Vertical axis twice. Once for mouse input, one for keyboard input. I guess it's same for iPhone, since it's touchscreen you probably have to add some kind of axis or code which will handle it correctly. Can't tell much more, as I don't have iPhone neither the unity license for it.
Second off, your question would be more appropiate to be asked at, which is unity's official Stockexchange version for asking/answering questions and there are only unity developers there.