GvrEventSystem vs EventSystem - unity3d

Working on a Unity hybrid VR (cardboard) /2D app. The cardboard side of it works fine. I am having trouble with the 2D/VR switching.
When I am in 2D mode, reticle does not move, although screen taps register. So the app seems unaware of the gyro.
I feel like I am missing something fundamental here. I have a GvrEventSystem prefab that has both an EventSystem and GvrPointerInputModule components.
What obvious thing am I over-looking?
I have been asked to add relevant code. Here is the code for 2D-VR switching on-the-fly. This code executes w/out error, and the app switches between VR and 2D mode every 3 seconds:
readonly string NONE_STRING = "";
readonly string CARDBOARD_STRING = "cardboard";
void Start()
Invoke("GoPhone", 3.0f);
void GoPhone()
Invoke("GoVR", 3.0f);
void GoVR()
Invoke("GoPhone", 3.0f);
void SetVREnabled(bool isEnabled)
if (isEnabled)
IEnumerator LoadDevice(string newDevice)
if (String.Compare(XRSettings.loadedDeviceName, newDevice, true) != 0)
yield return null;
if (!XRSettings.loadedDeviceName.Equals(NONE_STRING))
XRSettings.enabled = true;
Although I feel like my problem is a configuration problem, and not a code problem. In the editor, which does not support VR mode, the app behaves in 2D mode as expected.
Also ETA:

User error! I did not follow the "Magic Window" instructions as detailed at https://developers.google.com/vr/develop/unity/guides/magic-window... let my folly be a warning to future generations!


Mariokart like game in unity and mirror

Hi I have a question about mirror.
I have made a mariokart like game. it works almost perfectly I only have one problem I cant seem to fix.
when I shoot a weapon on the server it works perfectly. On the client it also works when I'm standing still. but when I do it on the client while driving it spawns behind the cart because of syncing or something. How can I fix this?
this is the code
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && hasItem)
hasItem = false;
_icon.sprite = null;
private void CmdFireWeapon()
GameObject item = Instantiate(tempItem, weaponSpawner.position, weaponSpawner.rotation);

Unity 3D Main Camera Orthographic doesn't work after build

I'm newbie with Unity3D.
here is my source, very simple
public void persp_ortho_Btn_Clicked()
if (!Camera_Controller.shared_instance.isOrthoCamera)
Camera_Controller.shared_instance.isOrthoCamera = true;
Camera.main.orthographic = true;
ui_camera.orthographic = true;
Camera_Controller.shared_instance.isOrthoCamera = false;
Camera.main.orthographic = false;
ui_camera.orthographic = false;
When i run with this code in Editor (Game simulate window)
this works well like below :
But, after build and run .exe,
main camera doesn't change to ortho camera, also like below :
it seems the "orthographic" property of main camera is change true to false, false to true in built runtime as well either. But maybe the view matrix is not changed.
Why this happen and how can i fix this ??
Your code should work unless something is forcing the camera to stay in the same perspective. I am not able to say what might be the cause with the details provided.
Just test out if the camera will switch without the if statement. Like this
public void persp_ortho_Btn_Clicked()
Camera.main.orthographic = !Camera.main.orthographic;
If so, then there is some issue with the condition check.
Alternatively, you can try using Unity cinemachine to get a smooth transition.

TryGetFeatureValue always 0 for Unity XR Input's CommonUsages.trigger

I am developing a VR game in Unity (2020.3.15f2) using the XR Interaction Toolkit package (1.0.0-pre.5) for my Oculus Quest 2. At this stage in my development, I am trying to recognize presses to the trigger and grip buttons on the controllers respectively in order to animate some 3D hand models. Here's the script I've written to accomplish this:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
public class HandPresence : MonoBehaviour {
public InputDeviceCharacteristics controllerCharacteristics;
public GameObject handModelPrefab;
private InputDevice targetDevice;
private GameObject spawnedHandModel;
private Animator handAnimator;
void Start() {
void TryInitialize() {
List<InputDevice> devices = new List<InputDevice>();
InputDevices.GetDevicesWithCharacteristics(controllerCharacteristics, devices);
if (devices.Count > 0) {
targetDevice = devices[0];
spawnedHandModel = Instantiate(handModelPrefab, transform);
handAnimator = spawnedHandModel.GetComponent<Animator>();
void UpdateHandAnimation() {
if (targetDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.trigger, out float triggerValue)) {
handAnimator.SetFloat("Trigger", triggerValue);
} else {
handAnimator.SetFloat("Trigger", 0);
if (targetDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.grip, out float gripValue)) {
handAnimator.SetFloat("Grip", gripValue);
} else {
handAnimator.SetFloat("Grip", 0);
void Update()
if (!targetDevice.isValid) {
} else {
The issue I'm experiencing is that the values of both triggerValue and gripValue are always 0. The value of targetDevice looks fine. I also tried using triggerButton, gripButton, primaryButton, etc. and they are always 0/false as well. The hand models show up just fine and their movement is in sync with the movement of the controllers, but they just don't seem to want to register any button presses.
I've been stuck on this one for hours and would very much appreciate any insight, thank you!
Is your project setup with the (new) Input System? I have no problem detecting there trigger and grip values.
Also make sure the targetDevice actually uses trigger and grip features, maybe it is another device such as the HMD.

UnityWebRequest does not complete [duplicate]

I'm trying to use a cloud TTS within my Unity game.
With the newer versions (I am using 2019.1), they have deprecated WWW in favour of UnityWebRequest(s) within the API.
I have tried the Unity Documentation, but that didn't work for me.
I have also tried other threads and they use WWW which is deprecated for my Unity version.
void Start()
IEnumerator PlayTTS()
using (UnityWebRequestMultimedia wr = new UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(
yield return wr.Send();
if (wr.isNetworkError)
//AudioClip ttsClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(wr);
The URL in a browser (I used Firefox) successfully loaded the audio clip allowing me to play it.
What I want it to do is play the TTS when something happens in the game, it has been done within the "void Start" for testing purposes.
Where am I going wrong?
Thanks in advance
UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip automatically adds a default DownloadHandlerAudioClip which has a property streamAudio.
Set this to true and add a check for UnityWebRequest.downloadedBytes in order to delay the playback before starting.
Something like
public AudioSource source;
IEnumerator PlayTTS()
using (var wr = new UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(
((DownloadHandlerAudioClip)wr.downloadHandler).streamAudio = true;
while(!wr.isNetworkError && wr.downloadedBytes <= someThreshold)
yield return null;
if (wr.isNetworkError)
// Here I'm not sure if you would use
// or rather
Typed on smartphone so no warranty but I hope you get the idea

Continuous QR-Code scanning in Unity

Question asked just to give solution :)
Main idea is to recognize QR-code on Unity without ANY additional action like tapping on the screen or sth like this.
(For me it's not necessary that "vuforia free" have watermark, so here is my solution)
(Also Vuforia works with camera much faster and no need to realize manually autofocus)
Continious QR code recognition using Vuforia as webcam source and ZXing Library as QR recognizer
using UnityEngine;
using Vuforia;
using ZXing;
public class QRCodeReader : MonoBehaviour {
private bool _isFrameFormatSet;
IBarcodeReader _barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
void Start () {
InvokeRepeating("Autofocus", 2f, 2f);
void Autofocus () {
private Vuforia.Image GetCurrFrame()
return CameraDevice.Instance.GetCameraImage(Vuforia.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.GRAYSCALE);
void RegognizeQR()
if (!_isFrameFormatSet == _isFrameFormatSet)
_isFrameFormatSet = CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(Vuforia.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.GRAYSCALE, true);
var currFrame = GetCurrFrame();
if (currFrame == null)
Debug.Log("Camera image capture failure;");
var imgSource = new RGBLuminanceSource(currFrame.Pixels, currFrame.BufferWidth, currFrame.BufferHeight, true);
var result = _barcodeReader.Decode(imgSource);
if (result != null)
Debug.Log("RECOGNIZED: " + result.Text);
Its possible to realize also without Vuforia, ofc. Unity provides the possibility to get a camera and show it’s input on a webcamtexture. It's possible to find more documentation here.
ZXing lib you can find here, or build it by your own hands using sourse code located on github.
Both libs is cross-platform, so must be no issues on different devices.