Multiple drivers with Mapbox Optimization API? - mapbox

Using the Mapbox Optimization API is it possible to optimize the routes between multiple drivers?
Example: 6 locations are added, 2 drivers are added, the routes get split / optimized between the two drivers
I'm still in the planning stage, so I haven't poked around too much myself yet, but the code and all the examples I've seen are directed towards single driver optimization only... Has anybody done something like this before? Anything you can recommend to point me in the right direction?

Mapbox's Optimization API returns a duration-optimized route between the input coordinates, which is also known as solving the so-called "Travelling Salesman Problem". This is a well-known, NP-hard graph theory problem, meaning there is no general polynomial-time solution known for the problem.
The underlying data used for computing the aforementioned duration-optimized route are the cost functions of the edges connecting the coordinates input to the API request. You could retrieve the cost values (including traffic) between a set of these coordinate positions using Mapbox's Matrix API.
Adding a second driver/salesman to the problem makes the problem exponentially harder to solve, as discussed in the answer to this Stack Overflow post.
Here is a link to a scientific paper discussing a possible approach to this problem.
As evidenced by the research community, a solution for the Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem is not straightforward to implement. If you do not want to engage in this non-trivial task of implementing an algorithm that would solve it for you, you could implement a function that will make an educated guess on how to split up the destination coordinates between the two drivers. This "educated guess" could be based on values obtained from the Matrix API. You could make a one-to-many request for each driver, then take the lesser of the two durations for each coordinate and assign the coordinate to the appropriate driver. Then, you can use Mapbox's Optimization API to solve the two separate travelling salesman problems individually.
Even if you did implement an algorithm that would solve the Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem, the problem's complexity grows exponentially with the number of drivers and the number of waypoints. Therefore, you could end up with a solution that works, but would not necessarily compute in a reliable amount of time. These performance limitations are something to keep in mind when going about implementing a solution.


Reinforcement learning. Driving around objects with PPO

I am working on driving industrial robots with neural nets and so far it is working well. I am using the PPO algorithm from the OpenAI baseline and so far I can drive easily from point to point by using the following rewarding strategy:
I calculate the normalized distance between the target and the position. Then I calculate the distance reward with.
rd = 1-(d/dmax)^a
For each time step, I give the agent a penalty calculated by.
yt = 1-(t/tmax)*b
a and b are hyperparameters to tune.
As I said this works really well if I want to drive from point to point. But what if I want to drive around something? For my work, I need to avoid collisions and therefore the agent needs to drive around objects. If the object is not straight in the way of the nearest path it is working ok. Then the robot can adapt and drives around it. But it gets more and more difficult to impossible to drive around objects which are straight in the way.
See this image :
I already read a paper which combines PPO with NES to create some Gaussian noise for the parameters of the neural network but I can't implement it by myself.
Does anyone have some experience with adding more exploration to the PPO algorithm? Or does anyone have some general ideas on how I can improve my rewarding strategy?
What you describe is actually one of the most important research areas of Deep RL: the exploration problem.
The PPO algorithm (like many other "standard" RL algos) tries to maximise a return, which is a (usually discounted) sum of rewards provided by your environment:
In your case, you have a deceptive gradient problem, the gradient of your return points directly at your objective point (because your reward is the distance to your objective), which discourage your agent to explore other areas.
Here is an illustration of the deceptive gradient problem from this paper, the reward is computed like yours and as you can see, the gradient of your return function points directly to your objective (the little square in this example). If your agent starts in the bottom right part of the maze, you are very likely to be stuck in a local optimum.
There are many ways to deal with the exploration problem in RL, in PPO for example you can add some noise to your actions, some other approachs like SAC try to maximize both the reward and the entropy of your policy over the action space, but in the end you have no guarantee that adding exploration noise in your action space will result in efficient of your state space (which is actually what you want to explore, the (x,y) positions of your env).
I recommend you to read the Quality Diversity (QD) literature, which is a very promising field aiming to solve the exploration problem in RL.
Here is are two great resources:
A website gathering all informations about QD
A talk from ICLM 2019
Finally I want to add that the problem is not your reward function, you should not try to engineer a complex reward function such that your agent is able to behave like you want. The goal is to have an agent that is able to solve your environment despite pitfalls like the deceptive gradient problem.

iBeacon: Particle filter extension for Fingerprinting position estimation

i have implemented a full fingerprint solution in my application.
Offline phase: I can create multiple observation points and calibrate them with the mean rssi values of all the beacons in the room.
Live phase: Here I compare the actual values with the database values to get the closest position.
Now I've read that the inclusion of a particle filter can improve the accuracy of the fingerprint solution.
Does anybody know how and why can I implement this?
I assume you can use them together as complementary solutions to each other, since I'm not aware of an approach that combines both of them practically.
Here is a nice paper about using particle filters with BLE, it does discuss other approaches as well including Fingerprinting.
To comment on your question, I know that particle filters will work better when there is line of sight between the observer and beacons. On the other hand, your current solution should work with better accuracy when there is no line of sight and especially when you are already using a database to map beacon distances to your observations.
What I would do as an "extension" is to use both methods side by side, and take advantage of the database when inside known locations depending on line of sight. For example you can use particle filter inside small rooms with less obstacles, otherwise you can put a threshold for your estimation and compare it with your database value and switch to Fingerprinting when inside more obsolete or larger indoor areas.

Best Method to Intersect Huge HyperLogLogs in Redis

The problem is simple: I need to find the optimal strategy to implement accurate HyperLogLog unions based on Redis' representation thereof--this includes handling their sparse/dense representations if the data structure is exported for use elsewhere.
Two Strategies
There are two strategies, one of which seems vastly simpler. I've looked at the actual Redis source and I'm having a bit of trouble (not big in C, myself) figuring out whether it's better from a precision and efficiency perspective to use their built-in structures/routines or develop my own. For what it's worth, I'm willing to sacrifice space and to some degree errors (stdev +-2%) in the pursuit of efficiency with extremely large sets.
1. Inclusion Principle
By far the simplest of the two--essentially I would just use the lossless union (PFMERGE) in combination with this principle to calculate an estimate of the overlap. Tests seem to show this running reliably in many cases, although I'm having trouble getting an accurate handle on in-the-wild efficiency and accuracy (some cases can produce errors of 20-40% which is unacceptable in this use case).
aCardinality + bCardinality - intersectionCardinality
or, in the case of multiple sets...
aCardinality + (bCardinality x cCardinality) - intersectionCardinality
seems to work in many cases with good accuracy, but I don't know if I trust it. While Redis has many built-in low-cardinality modifiers designed to circumvent known HLL issues, I don't know if the issue of wild inaccuracy (using inclusion/exclusion) is still present with sets of high disparity in size...
2. Jaccard Index Intersection/MinHash
This way seems more interesting, but a part of me feels like it may computationally overlap with some of Redis' existing optimizations (ie, I'm not implementing my own HLL algorithm from scratch).
With this approach I'd use a random sampling of bins with a MinHash algorithm (I don't think an LSH implementation is worth the trouble). This would be a separate structure, but by using minhash to get the Jaccard index of the sets, you can then effectively multiply the union cardinality by that index for a more accurate count.
Problem is, I'm not very well versed in HLL's and while I'd love to dig into the Google paper I need a viable implementation in short order. Chances are I'm overlooking some basic considerations either of Redis' existing optimizations, or else in the algorithm itself that allows for computationally-cheap intersection estimates with pretty lax confidence bounds.
thus, my question:
How do I most effectively get a computationally-cheap intersection estimate of N huge (billions) sets, using redis, if I'm willing to sacrifice space (and to a small degree, accuracy)?
Read this paper some time back. Will probably answer most of your questions. Inclusion Principle inevitably compounds error margins a large number of sets. Min-Hash approach would be the way to go.
There is a third strategy to estimate the intersection size of any two sets given as HyperLogLog sketches: Maximum likelihood estimation.
For more details see the paper available at

ELKI implementation of OPTICS clustering algorithm detects only one cluster

I'm having issue with using OPTICS implementation in ELKI environment. I have used the same data for DBSCAN implementation and it worked like a charm. Probably I'm missing something with parameters but I can't figure it out, everything seems to be right.
Data is a simple 300х2 matrix, consists of 3 clusters with 100 points in each.
DBSCAN result:
Clustering result of DBSCAN
MinPts = 10, Eps = 1
OPTICS result:
Clustering result of OPTICS
MinPts = 10
You apparently already found the solution yourself, but here is the long story:
The OPTICS class in ELKI only computes the cluster order / reachability diagram.
In order to extract clusters, you have different choices, one of which (the one from the original OPTICS publication) is available in ELKI.
So in order to extract clusters in ELKI, you need to use the OPTICSXi algorithm, which will in turn use either OPTICS or the index based DeLiClu to compute the cluster order.
The reason why this is split into two parts in ELKI probably is so that you can on one hand implement another logic for extracting the clusters, and on the other hand implement different methods like DeLiClu for computing the cluster order. That would align well with the modular architecture of ELKI.
IIRC there is at least one more method (apparently not yet in ELKI) that extracts clusters by looking for local maxima, then extending them horizontally until they hit the end of the valley. And there was a different one that used "inflexion points" of the plot.
#AnonyMousse pretty much put it right. I just can't upvote or comment yet.
We hope to have some students contribute the other cluster extraction methods as small student projects over time. They are not essential for our research, but they are good tasks for students that want to learn about ELKI to get started.
ELKI is a fast moving project, and it lives from community contributions. We would be happy to see you contribute some code to it. We know that the codebase is not easy to get started with - it is fairly large, and the generality of the implementation and the support for index structures make it a bit hard to get started. We try to add Tutorials to help you to get started. And once you are used to it, you will actually benefit from the architecture: your algorithms get the benfits of indexing and arbitrary distance functions, while if you would implement from scratch, you would likely only support Euclidean distance, and no index acceleration.
Seeing that you struggled with OPTICS, I will try to write an OPTICS tutorial in the new year. In particular, OPTICS can benefit a lot from using an appropriate index structure.

Pathfinding algorithm with only partial knowledge of graph

I need to program an algorithm to navigate a robot through a "maze" (a rectangular grid with a starting point, a goal, empty spaces and uncrossable spaces or "walls"). It can move in any cardinal direction (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) with constant cost per move.
The problem is that the robot doesn't "know" the layout of the map. It can only view it's 8 surrounding spaces and store them (it memorizes the surrounding tiles of every space it visits). The only other input is the cardinal direction in which the goal is on every move.
Is there any researched algorithm that I could implement to solve this problem? The typical ones like Dijkstra's or A* aren't trivialy adapted to the task, as I can't go back to revisit previous nodes in the graph without cost (retracing the steps of the robot to go to a better path would cost the moves again), and can't think of a way to make a reasonable heuristic for A*.
I probably could come up with something reasonable, but I just wanted to know if this was an already solved problem, and I need not reinvent the wheel :P
Thanks for any tips!
The problem isn't solved, but like with many planning problems, there is a large amount of research already available.
Most of the work in this area is based on the original work of R. E. Korf in the paper "Real-time heuristic search". That paper seems to be paywalled, but the preliminary results from the paper, along with a discussion of the Real-Time A* algorithm are still available.
The best recent publications on discrete planning with hidden state (path-finding with partial knowledge of the graph) are by Sven Koenig. This includes the significant work on the Learning Real-Time A* algorithm.
Koenig's work also includes some demonstrations of a range of algorithms on theoretical experiments that are far more challenging that anything that would be likely to occur in a simulation. See in particular "Easy and Hard Testbeds for Real-Time Search Algorithms" by Koenig and Simmons.