Why doesn't my consumer console sync up with my text file? - apache-kafka

I set up everything as recommended for a quick start, I used a text file as a source or producer which contains one sentence. when I launch a consumer console for the first time I am able to read the sentence (JSON format) in the file but when I add something in the file it's not showing in the consumer console and when I use the producer console to add something in the topic, it shows right the way in the consumer console. What could be the problem?
zookeeper UP
Connector UP
consumer UP
producer UP
Kafka UP

Kafka doesn't watch files for changes. You would need to program your own code to detect file modifications on disk then restart the producer thread to pick up those changes
Alternatively, use kafka-connect-spooldir connector, available on Github

I created a new topic and placed the file to the wrong path, so I had to edit these files:
---------- edit these lines------------------------------
Everything is working perfectly, yah!!!!!!!!!!


Is there any way to send chrome history logs to kafka?

I want to send my google chrome history to kafka.
My basic idea is to use my local data located in
C:/Users/master/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/history
To do so, I want to use Kafka file source connector.
But how can I send newly added chrome history log after I run kakfa source connector?
Is there any way track the change of source file so kafka broker can acknowledge it?
Indeed you can use FileStreamSourceConnector to achieve that. You do not need to anything else.
Once you start FileStreamSourceConnector, it will hook to the specified file. So, whenever new data is appended to the file, your connector will automatically produce to the topic.
From the link that I shared above:
This connector will read only one file and send the data within that file to Kafka. It will then watch the file for appended updates only. Any modification of file lines already sent to Kafka will not be reprocessed.
This may help you: Read File Data with Connect

How to save a kafka topic at shutdown

I'm configuring my first kafka network. I can't seem to find any support on saving a configured topic. I know I can configure a topic from the quickstart guide here, but how do I save it? I thought I could add the topic info to a .properties file inside the config dir, but I don't see any support for that.
If I shutdown my machine, my topic is deleted. How do I save the configuration?
Could the topic be deleted because you are using the default broker config? With the default config, Kafka logs are stored under /tmp folder. This folder gets wiped out during a machine reboot. You could change the broker config and pick another location for Kafka logs.

Kafka connect not working for file streaming

I have been using Kafka connect for the confluent platform using the following guide
Kafka connect quickstart
But it doesn't update the sink file anymore, any changes in the source file are not written in the kafka topic.
I have already deleted all tmp files but no change.
Thanks in advance
Start up a new file source connector with a new location for storing the offsets. This connector is meant as a demo and really doesn't handle anything except a simple file that only gets append updates. Note, you shouldn't be doing anything with this connector other than a simple demo. Have a look at the connector hub if you need something for production.
To OP, I have had this like 5 mins ago but when I restarted the connector it's fine, both test.sink.txt and the consumer are getting new line added. So in a nutshell, just restart your connector.
The FileStreamSource/Sink does not work after it worked fine and you've already restarted the zookeeper, kafka server and the connector but still it does not work then the problem is with the CONNECT.OFFSETS file in the kafka directory.
You should delete it and create a new empty one.
I faced the same problem before. But correcting the path of the input and output files in the properties files as below worked for me. And it streamed from input file(test.txt) to output file(test.sink.txt).

Load 1GB of file to Kafka producer directly from my local machine

I have experimented with the basic examples of publishing random messages from producer to consumer by command line.
Now i want to publish all the 1GB of data present in my local machine. For that i am struggling to load that 1GB of data to producer.
Help me out please.
You can simply dump a file by simple redirection to kafka topic. Assuming 1.xml is 1GB file then you can use following command.
bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test123 < ./1.xml
But please make sure that you set following properties in producer xml.
socket.request.max.bytes, socket.receive.buffer.bytes, socket.send.buffer.bytes.
You need to set max.message.bytes for test123 topic if your message size is big.
Also change Xmx parameter in console-producer.sh to avoid Out of Memory issue.
These are the general steps to load data in kafka.
We will able to understand more if you provide the error.
So couple of approaches can help:
1) You can use big data platforms like Flume which are built for such use cases.
2) If you want to implement you own code then you can use Apache commons Lib which will help you in capturing events when a new file arrives in folder (Capture events happening inside a directory) and once you have that then you can call the code which publishes the data on kafka.
3) In our project we use Logstash API to do the same which fetches from a folder and publishes data from file to kafka and then processes it through Storm.

Kafka connect tutorial stopped working

I was following step #7 (Use Kafka Connect to import/export data) at this link:
It was working well until I deleted the 'test.txt' file. Mainly because that's how log4j files would work. After certain time, the file will get rotated - I mean - it will be renamed & a new file with the same name will start getting written to.
But after, I deleted 'test.txt', the connector stopped working. I restarted connector, broker, zookeeper etc, but the new lines from 'test.txt' are not going to the 'connect-test' topic & therefore are not going to the 'test.sink.txt' file.
How can I fix this?
The connector keeps tabs of its "last location read from a file", so in case it crashes while reading the file, it can continue where it left off.
The problem is that you deleted the file without resetting the offsets to 0, so it basically doesn't see any new data since it waits for new data to show starting at a specific character count from the beginning...
The work-around if to reset the offsets. If you are using connect in stand-alone mode, the offsets are stored in /tmp/connect.offsets by default, just delete them from there.
In the long term, we need a better file connector :)