Cron Function on AWS Lambda by Serverless runs on alpha stage instaed of prod? - deployment

I already try with serverless.yml file by writing custom & it's active for prod only,but It's running on prod as well as alpha.
custom field is as below:
defaultStage: dev
alpha: false
dev: false
prod: true
cron function is as below:
handler: sendData.handler
enabled: ${self:custom.enabled.${self:provider.stage}}
- schedule:
rate: cron(30 1 ? * MON *)
description: 'Runs every Monday at 7:00 AM'
These two stages from different account, When I was trying deploying on prod it's run properly but in case of stage alpha deployment it's remain active for alpha, which I already set as false.

You have set the enabled flag on the function, however it should be on the schedule event:
handler: sendData.handler
- schedule:
rate: cron(30 1 ? * MON *)
enabled: ${self:custom.enabled.${self:provider.stage}}
description: 'Runs every Monday at 7:00 AM'


Skip taskB taskC when task A is failed even though conditions of taskB & taskC are met

Q1: I have a single job in ADO YAML pipeline which have 4-5 tasks under steps. I want to trigger those tasks based on few conditions so I've used ADO Expressions. But now i want to skip the taskB when taskA fails. By default it should happen but seems like my task condition is overriding the continueonerror:false
Can you suggest how to do this ?
tried alternative workaround: Multi Job Pipeline setup with 1 task in 1 job & it works fine for us, but want to know how we can setup for multiple tasks in a single job ?
Q2 : Even if i can get taskA status as a variable using REST API & set variable concepts, how can i add multiple conditions in task.something like " variable1=succeeded & variable2 = p1 or variable3 = p2 "
Sample yaml
task: A
condition: or(eq(v1, p3), eq(v2, 3), eq(v4, 5))
task: B
condition: or(eq(v1, p1), eq(v2, 6))
task: C
condition: or(eq(v1, p2), eq(v2, 8))
According to your expectation to skip TaskB if TaskA fails, you may consider adding succeeded() as part of the condition in TaskB together with your other evaluations. Kindly take the following sample YAML for a reference.
trigger: none
- name: p1
default: 1
- name: p2
default: 2
- name: p3
default: 3
v1: 2
v2: 6
v3: 2
v4: 5
- script: |
echo A
echo "##vso[task.logissue type=error]Simulate task failure."
exit 1
name: TaskA
# continueOnError: true
condition: or(eq(variables['v1'], ${{ parameters.p3 }}), eq(variables['v2'], 3), eq(variables['v4'], 5))
- script: echo B
name: TaskB
condition: and(succeeded(), or(eq(variables['v1'], ${{ parameters.p1 }}), eq(variables['v2'], 6)))
- script: echo C
name: TaskC
condition: and(succeededOrFailed(), or(eq(variables['v1'], ${{ parameters.p2 }}), eq(${{ parameters.p2 }}, 8)))
When TaskA failed the condition evaluation of succeeded() for TaskB would be False; hence TaskB was skipped.
TaskC uses succeededOrFailed() in its condition and will continue to run, even if a previous dependency has failed, unless the run was canceled.
See more information on Specify conditions.

Alert based on metric value compared to one of its own label values

I am using kube-prometheus-stack and the yaml snippets you see below are part of a PrometheusRule definition.
This is a completely hypothetical scenario, the simplest one I could think of that illustrates my point.
Given this kind of metric:
cpu_usage{job="job-1", must_be_lower_than="50"} 33.72
cpu_usage{job="job-2", must_be_lower_than="80"} 56.89
# imagine there are plenty more lines here
# with various different values for the must_be_lower_than label
# ...
I'd like to have alerts that check the label must_be_lower_than and alert. Something like this (this doesn't work the way it's written now, just trying to demonstrate):
alert: CpuUsageTooHigh
message: 'On job {{ $labels.job }}, the cpu usage has been above {{ $labels.must_be_lower_than }}% for 5 minutes.'
expr: cpu_usage > $must_be_lower_than
for: 5m
P.S I already know I can define alerts like this:
alert: CpuUsageTooHigh50
message: 'On job {{ $labels.job }}, the cpu usage has been above 50% for 5 minutes.'
expr: cpu_usage{must_be_lower_than="50"} > 50
for: 5m
alert: CpuUsageTooHigh80
message: 'On job {{ $labels.job }}, the cpu usage has been above 80% for 5 minutes.'
expr: cpu_usage{must_be_lower_than="80"} > 80
for: 5m
This is not what I'm looking for, because I have to manually define alerts for some of the various values of the must_be_lower_than label.
There is currently no way in Prometheus to have this kind of "templating".
The only way to get something near would be to use recording rules that that define the maximum value for the label:
- record: max_cpu_usage
expr: vector(50)
- record: max_cpu_usage
expr: vector(80)
# ... other possible values
Then use it in your alerting rule:
alert: CpuUsageTooHigh
message: 'On job {{ $labels.job }}, the cpu usage has been above {{ $labels.must_be_lower_than}}% for 5 minutes.'
expr: cpu_usage > ON(must_be_lower_than) GROUP_LEFT max_cpu_usage
for: 5m

can slot take entity values without a action function or forms in RASA?

is it possible to pass values in the entity to slots without form or writing an action function?
- intent: place_order
examples: |
- wanna [large](size) shoes for husky
- need a [small](size) [green](color) boots for pupps
- have [blue](color) socks
- would like to place an order
- lookup: size
examples: |
- small
- synonym: small
examples: |
- small
- s
- tiny
- synonym: large
examples: |
- large
- l
- big
- lookup: color
examples: |
- white
- red
- green
version: "2.0"
- greet
- goodbye
- affirm
- deny
- mood_great
- mood_unhappy
- bot_challenge
- place_order
- size
- color
type: text
type: text
- text: "Hey! can I assist you ?"
- text : "your order is {size} [color} boots. right?"
version: "2.0"
- story: place_order
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
- intent: place_order
- action: utter_order_list
debug output: it recognize entity , but the value is not passed to slot
Hey! can I assist you ?
Your input -> I would like to place an order for large blue shoes for my puppy
Received user message 'I would like to place an order for large blue shoes for my puppy' with intent '{'id': -2557752933293854887, 'name': 'place_order', 'confidence': 0.9996021389961243}' and entities '[{'entity': 'size', 'start': 35, 'end': 40, 'confidence_entity': 0.9921159148216248, 'value': 'large', 'extractor': 'DIETClassifier'}, {'entity': 'color', 'start': 41, 'end': 45, 'confidence_entity': 0.9969255328178406, 'value': 'blue', 'extractor': 'DIETClassifier'}]'
Failed to replace placeholders in response 'your order is {size} [color} boots. right?'. Tried to replace 'size' but could not find a value for it. There is no slot with this name nor did you pass the value explicitly when calling the response. Return response without filling the response
"slot" is an unknown keyword. you should write "slots" instead of "slot" in the domain file and it will work.

How to define a CloudWatch Alarm on the sum of two metrics with CloudFormation?

I need to trigger an alarm when the sum of the same metric (ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible) on two different queues exceed the value of 100
In September '17, this answer stated that the only way to do it was with a Lambda function getting the two values and summing them up via CloudWatch API.
At writing time, Feb. '19, it is possible to use "Metric Math", so there is no need to have a lambda function or an EC2 instance. Is it possible to use Metric Math to define an Alarm directly in CloudFormation ?
It is actually possible to implement the Alarm logic directly in CloudFormation.
Assuming to have two Scaling Policies ECSScaleUp and ECSScaleDown, the alarm definition will look like:
Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
AlarmName: !Join ['-', [!Ref 'MyService', 'SQSCumulativeAlarm']]
AlarmDescription: "Trigger ECS Service Scaling based on TWO SQS queues"
- Id: e1
Expression: "fq + sq"
Label: "Sum of the two Metrics"
- Id: fq
MetricName: ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible
Namespace: AWS/SQS
- Name: QueueName
Value: !GetAtt [ FirstQueue, QueueName]
Period: 60
Stat: Average
Unit: Count
ReturnData: false
- Id: sq
MetricName: ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible
Namespace: AWS/SQS
- Name: QueueName
Value: !GetAtt [ SecondQueue, QueueName]
Period: 60
Stat: Average
Unit: Count
ReturnData: false
EvaluationPeriods: 2
Threshold: 100
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold
- !Ref ECSScaleUp
- !Ref ECSScaleDown
- !Ref ECSScaleUp
- !Ref ECSScaleDown

Oppo Realme1 Job Schduler Min interval for Periodic Work is 1 hr

Currently I am using WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha05. I set periodic Work Request using below code.
When interval is below 1 hr then In Oppo Realme (Android Version - 8.1.0 , ColorOSVersion V5.0)
job execute at 1 hr. When interval greater than 1 hr job execute at exact time . when interval is smaller than 1 hr then job execute at 1 hr.
Please let me know any log or information required :
Code For Schdule Periodic Job:
PeriodicWorkRequest uploadWork = new PeriodicWorkRequest.
Builder(LocationUpdatesJobService.class ,interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE, uploadWork);
in all other device Periodic Work request interval is proper. In Oppo Realme 1 work execute at 1 hr.
Oppo Realme 1: Interval 15 Min
I debug Job Schduler using below command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
JOB #u0a249/18: cc2fc59 com.cygneto.field_sales/
u0a249 tag=job/com.cygneto.field_sales/
Source: uid=u0a249 user=0 pkg=com.cygneto.field_sales
Service: com.cygneto.field_sales/
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+21m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Extras: mParcelledData.dataSize=180
Backoff: policy=1 initial=+30s0ms
Has early constraint
Has late constraint
Required constraints: TIMING_DELAY DEADLINE
Satisfied constraints: APP_NOT_IDLE DEVICE_NOT_DOZING
Unsatisfied constraints: TIMING_DELAY DEADLINE
Doze whitelisted: true
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -9m4s617ms
Run time: earliest=+29m55s383ms, latest=+50m55s383ms
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
Oppo Realme 1: Interval 1hr 10 Min
Service: com.cygneto.field_sales/
PERIODIC: interval=+1h10m0s0ms flex=+1h10m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Extras: mParcelledData.dataSize=180
Doze whitelisted: true
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -4m19s846ms
Run time: earliest=+1h5m39s833ms, latest=+2h15m39s833ms
Last successful run: 2018-07-25 17:01:23
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
Other Device :
Log :
PERIODIC: interval=+15m0s0ms flex=+15m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -29s237ms
Run time: earliest=+14m30s690ms, latest=+29m30s690ms
Last successful run: 2018-07-25 17:29:19
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
I also try Using different library. I found same behavior in Job Scheduler and Android-Job.
job period length is 15 min but execute at 1 hr but when i try using firebase job dispatcher
job execute at correct 15 min interval time.
i debug Job Scheduler and Android-Job using below command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
Job Scheduler:
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 1 hr
JOB #u0a266/1: a0dd846 com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
u0a266 tag=*job*/com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
Source: uid=u0a266 user=0 pkg=com.jobscheduler_periodic
Service: com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+15m0s0ms
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 1 hr:
JOB #u0a266/3: 10c0d65 com.jobscheduler_periodic/
u0a266 tag=*job*/com.jobscheduler_periodic/
Source: uid=u0a266 user=0 pkg=com.jobscheduler_periodic
Service: com.jobscheduler_periodic/
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+5m0s0ms
Firebase Job Dispatcher:
I debug firebase job Dispatcher using below command:
adb shell "dumpsys activity service GcmService | grep com.jobscheduler_periodic"
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 15 min
u0|com.jobscheduler_periodic: 1
(scheduled) com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.firebase.jobdispatcher.GooglePlayReceiver{u=0 tag="MyJobService" trigger=window{s
tart=720s,end=900s,earliest=46s,latest=226s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,CHARGING] attributes=[RECURRING] scheduled=-673s last_
run=N/A jid=N/A status=PENDING retries=0 client_lib=FIREBASE_JOB_DISPATCHER-1}
This happens to be an OEM bug. Unfortunately, it is very hard to work around these kind of bugs, in a battery efficient way. If you want a period of 15 mins, I suggest using the following workaround:
Use a OneTimeWorkRequest instead of a periodic work request, and upon first execution of the first work request, schedule a second from inside the worker with an initialDelay of 15 mins. That will essentially give you what you want.