Fancytree dnd5 triggering multiple loads of lazy nodes on hover - fancytree

I just updated my application from the old Dnd extension to Dnd5 and I'm now seeing multiple/many server AJAX calls (usually 5 or 6) when I hover over lazy-load nodes while dragging. I have only implemented the dragStart, dragEnter, and dragDrop callbacks, and I only see the dragEnter callback being called once when I hover. Is there some special handling or response required from the lazyLoad callback to prevent this? I should also point out that I also updated to the latest version of Fancytree (2.34.0) so perhaps something else has changed that is causing this? (My tree works fine otherwise.)

Seems you found a bug. This will be fixed in Fancytree 2.34.1


ag-grid-vue: Is there an event which is guaranteed to fire before onGridReady and onFirstDataRendered?

I've just started using ag-grid with vue, and noticed that sometimes onGridReady fires first, and sometimes onFirstDataRendered fires first. I was wondering if there was an event guaranteed to fire before both of those, so that I could set this.gridApi = grid.api once. (I'm currently setting it at the beginning of both as a workaround).
Update: this only seems to happen when the vue component containing the grid is initialized after page load (via a v:if), and not when it is visible on page load.
Actually you missed something I suppose, cuz onFirstDataRendered couldn't be executed before gridReady - cuz only after initialization (exact grid-ready event) - the grid itself would be ready to proceed.
Here is a hierarchy from ag-grid doc, which sais :
GridReadyEvent - will be executed very first.

TinyMCE how to detect an image is removed

I've been looking into the documentation of TinyMCE 4 docs and I can't figure out how to detect an image in WYSIWIG is removed.
When that occurs I want to remove it's parent, something simillar that is explained here: API 3. I am using version 4 by the way.
I found something that I can work with, I might going to use DOMNodeRemoved event tinymce get image details on deletion
Mutation events like DOMNodeRemoved are deprecated. It is better to use Mutation Observes instead to detect removed nodes.
You may check for removed nodes and additaionally check if an img has been removed.

TinyMCE inside Durandal widget - callback after routing transition?

I'm trying to use TinyMCE in a widget but it fails. I think the problem is that view is still hidden when "viewAttached" is fired. It seems that TinyMCE has a bug/feature (read last paragraph) and can't be displayed when the target (textarea) is hidden (or inside a hidden div).
I got it working by doing the job in a setTimeout but it's crappy.
Is there a callback that I could attached to which is fired after the view is unhided (after the transition is completed)?
I found one solution:
Explicitly subscribe to the "isNavigating" observable of the router and add TinyMCE when "isNavigating" value becomes false.
Still : this has the effect of flickering - you see the textarea and then it is replaced by TinyMCE... but this is not a Durandal problem IMO.
Edit 1
Finally, I think the the best solution (for now... follow the link below for the thread on the subject) is to do a setTimeout(xyz(), 0) - I have seen a lot of people using this technique and it prevents the flickering.!topic/durandaljs/5NpSwMBnrew
Durandal does have a callbacks when you're using composition - you just put a function on to your viewModel with the correct name. In your case, you would use viewAttached:
Here's the docs:

Hook into onExecCommand event with TinyMCE 4

I am using TinyMCE 4 but the documentation is terrible. I am trying to provide a live preview of the content in another div (outside of the editor). Right now I am listening to these events:
$(document).on('tinymce:changed tinymce:init', ...)
This is working when text is entered, but it does not trigger when commands are executed (changing existing text to bold for example).
It looks like in TinyMCE 3.x there is an onExecCommand event that does what I want. But I can't find any documentation on how to listen to the global jQuery event like I am doing with with change and init. Does anyone know what event it is firing?
In the migration guide you can find the following example:
// Old event
editor.onInit(editor, args) {
// Custom logic
// New event
editor.on('init', function(args) {
// Custom logic
So the one problem is to get right event name and the right editor instance :)
The onExecCommand() event becomes 'ExecCommand' in v4.
So adding a handler on command execution should be like this (be sure that editors are already initialized when executing code below):
for (ed_id in tinymce.editors) {
tinymce.editors[ed_id].on('ExecCommand', function(args) {
For some reason this event fires twice when command is executed. I think you will overcome this issue.
Though this method does not uses jQuery bindings, it works for me and possibly will solve your problem too.
In case this helps anyone else, here is a list of all the events tinymce 4 allows:

Unable to call getValues() on an Ext Js FormPanel on initialization of a container Panel

I have an Ext Js panel that I am adding to my main TabPanel. The panel I am adding contains a FormPanel as one of it's items and inside the FormPanel I have a Name field. What I want to do is change the name of the Tab based on the name in the form field.
The problem is that if I call the FormPanel's getForm().getValues() inside of the panel's initComponent, I get the following javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dom' of undefined
If I do this outside of initComponent (e.g. on a button press) everything works fine. After doing some testing, I think the issue is that the FormPanel isn't actually rendered yet (and thus the dom doesn't exist), getValues() fails. However, I can't seem to figure out a way to get my FormPanel's values from the Panel on load.
I tried to listen for events. I tried:
this.detailForm.on('afterrender', function () { alert('test'); });
but doing this showed that AfterRender is called prior to the form actually being rendered (it's not visible on the screen). Changing the alert to my custom function handler produces the previous dom exception. I attempted to use the activate and enable events instead of afterrender, but even though the API says that FormPanel fires those events, the alert('test') never gets called.
I can't seem to find any way for my panel to get the inner FormPanel's values upon loading my panel. Does anyone have any ideas?
Using getFieldValues() in place of getValues() will collect values by calling each field instance's getValue() method instead of by reading from the DOM. This should allow you to get your values regardless of the form's rendered state.
I've got the same problems on one of my projects, I managed to fix it using the afterlayout event.
I'd give setting .deferredRender:false a try.
Probably best to roll out of your afterlayout changes, then test with just a straight deferredRender:false config item.
I believe the problem is caused because the inactive tabs are not rendered until they become active. In your scenario, you cannot get the values, because they don't exist until the tab is activated/shown.
Setting deferredRender:false will render the items within all tabs. There could be a performance hit by setting deferredRender:false, so testing you must do.
Hope this helps.