Orientdb - query in multiple databases - orientdb

I need create a query using multiples Orientdb Databases.
I tried something like that in database1.
select from vertex1 where field1 in ( select field2 from database2:vertex2)
Is It possibly create a SQL query in OrientdbDB using multiples database?


NVL / COALESCE equivalent in MongoDB

I'm new to MongoDB. I'm using SpringBoot JPA with MongoDB
I want to convert below MySql query to MongoDB
select * from table_name where FIELD1=COALESCE( '0?', FIELD1) and FIELD2=COALESCE( '1?', FIELD2) and FIELD3=COALESCE( '2?', FIELD3)
I need to write it in #Query("some Mongo query")

flink Table SQL Api

I want to know can we write query using two tables ( join) in flink Table and SQL api.
I am new to flik, I want to create two table from two different data set and query them and produce other dataset.
my query would be like select... from table1, table 2... so can we write like this query which querying two tables or more?
Flink's Table API supports join operations (full, left, right, inner joins) on batch tables (e.g. those created from a DataSet).
SELECT c, g FROM Table3, Table5 WHERE b = e
For streaming tables (e.g. those created from a DataStream), Flink does not yet support join operations. But the Flink community is actively working to add them in the near future.

Update from existing table in Redshift

I would like to update a value in Redshift table from results of other table, I'm trying to run to following query but received an error.
update section_translate
set word=t.section_type
from (
select distinct section_type from mr_usage where section_type like '%sディスコ')t
where word = '80sディスコ'
The error I received:
ERROR: Target table must be part of an equijoin predicate
Can't understand what is incorrect in my query.
You need to make the uncorrelated subquery to a correlated subquery,
update section_translate
set word=t.section_type
from (
select distinct section_type,'80sディスコ' as word from mr_usage where section_type like '%sディスコ')t
where section_translate.word = t.word
Otherwise, each record of the outer query is eligible for updates and the query engine rejects it. The way Postgre (and thus Redshift) evaluates uncorrelated subqueries is slightly different from SQL Server/ Oracle etc.

Get all tables from all databases by a query

I want to get a list of all the tables in all the DBs like: db_name, table_name, card
I tried sysibm.tables, syscat.tables & sysibm.systables but they all relevant to the current DB I'm connecting to..
what basically I'm looking for is equivalent to DBA_TABLES / CDB_TABLES in oracle..

IN clause with large list in OpenJpa causing too complex statement

I have to create a named query where I need to group my results by some fields and also using an IN clause to limit my results.
The it looks something like this
SELECT new MyDTO(e.objID) FROM Entity e WHERE e.objId IN (:listOfIDs) GROUP BY e.attr1, e.attr2
I'm using OpenJPA and IBM DB2. In some cases my List of IDs can be very large (>80.000 IDs) and then the generated SQL statement becomes too complex for DB2, because the final generated statement prints out all IDs, like this:
SELECT new MyDTO(e.objID) FROM Entity e WHERE e.objId IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...) GROUP BY e.attr1, e.attr2
Is there any good way to handle this kind of query? A possible Workaround would be to write the IDs in a temporary table and then using the IN clause on this table.
You should put all of the values in a table and rewrite the query as a join. This will not only solve your query problem, it should be more efficient as well.
declare global temporary table ids (
objId int
) with replace on commit preserve rows;
--If this statement is too long, use a couple of insert statements.
insert into session.ids values
select new mydto(e.objID)
from entity e
join session.ids i on
e.objId = i.objId
group by e.attr1, e.attr2;