Calling Google APIs from within k8s cluster - kubernetes

According to "Finding credentials automatically" from Google Cloud:
...ADC (Application Default Credentials) is able to implicitly find the credentials as long as the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set, or as long as the application is running on Compute Engine, GKE, App Engine, or Cloud Functions.
Do I understand correctly that GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS does not need to be present, if I want to call Google Cloud APIs in current Google Cloud project?
Let's say I'm in a container in a pod, what can I do from within acontainer to test that calling Google Cloud APIs just work™?

Check out for how to up permissions for your pods. You have to do some mapping a so Google knows which pods get which perks, but after that it’s auto-magic as you mentioned. Otherwise calls will use the node-level google permissions which are generally minimal.


How to get IAM/service account used by juicefs to access GCS in GKE?

I'm using a juicefs-csi in GKE. I use postgre as meta-store and GCS as storage. The corresponding setting is as follow:
# ...
- name: juicefs-sc
enabled: true
reclaimPolicy: Retain
name: juicefs
metaurl: postgres://
storage: gs
bucket: gs://my-bucket
# ...
According to this documentation, I don't have to specify access key/secret (like in S3).
But unfortunately, whenever I try to write anything to the mounted volume (with juicefs-sc storage class), I always get this error:
AccessDeniedException: 403 Caller does not have storage.objects.create access to the Google Cloud Storage object.
I believe it should be related to IAM role.
My question is, how could I know which IAM user/service account is used by juicefs to access GCS, so that I can assign a sufficient role to it?
Thanks in advance.
Step by step:
Download juicefs-csi helm chart
Add values as described in the question, apply
Create a pod that mount from PV with juicefs-sc storage class
Try to read/write file to the mount point
Ok I misunderstood you at the beginning.
When you are creating GKE cluster you can specify which GCP Service Account will be used by this cluster, like below:
By Default it's Compute Engine default service account ( which is lack of a few Cloud Product permissions (like Cloud Storage, it has Read Only). It's even described in this message.
If you want to check which Service Account was set by default to VM, you could do this via
Compute Engine > VM Instances > Choose one of the VMs from this cluster > In details find API and identity management
So You have like 3 options to solve this issue:
1. During Cluster creation
In Node Pools > Security, you have Access scopes where you can add some additional permissions.
Allow full access to all Cloud APIs to allow access for all listed Cloud APIs
Set access for each API
In your case you could just use Set access for each API and change Storage to Full.
2. Set permissions with a Service Account
You would need to create a new Service Account and provide proper permissions for Compute Engine and Storage. More details about how to create SA you can find in Creating and managing service accounts.
3. Use Workload Identity
Workload Identity on your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters. Workload Identity allows workloads in your GKE clusters to impersonate Identity and Access Management (IAM) service accounts to access Google Cloud services.
For more details you should check Using Workload Identity.
Useful links
Configuring Velero - Velero is software for backup and restore, however steps 2 and 3 are mentioned there. You would just need to adjust commands/permissions to your scenario.
Authenticating to Google Cloud with service accounts

How to setup GKE Cluster and GKE pods has to communicate with cloud sql and cloud sql password stored on google cloud secret manager

I am trying to setup google kubernetes engine and its pods has to communicate with cloud sql database. The cloud sql database credentials are stored on google cloud secret manger. How pods will fetch credentials from secret manager and if secret manager credentials are updated than how pod will get update the new secret?
How to setup above requirement? Can you someone please help on the same?
You can make your deployed application get the secret (password) programmatically, from Google Cloud Secret Manager. You can find and example in many languages in the following link:
But before make sure that your GKE setup, more specifically your application is able to authenticate to Google Cloud Secret Manager. The following links can help you to choose the appropriate approche:
You can find information regarding that particular solution in this doc.
There are also good examples on medium here and here.
To answer your question regarding updating the secrets:
Usually secrets are pulled when the container is being created, but if you expect the credentials to change often (or for the pods to stick around for very long) you can adjust the code to update the secrets on every execution.

Using a Google service account keyfile in a Kubernetes serviceaccount as a testing environment replacement for GKE workload identity

I have a GKE app that uses kubernetes serviceaccounts linked to google service accounts for api authorizations in-app.
Up until now, to test these locally, I had two versions of my images- one with and one without a test-keyfile.json copied into them for authorization. (The production images used the serviceaccount for authorization, the test environment would ignore the serviceaccounts and instead look for a keyfile which gets copied in during the image build.)
I was wondering if there was a way to merge the images into one, and have both prod/test use the Kubernetes serviceaccount for authorization. On production, use GKE's workload identity, and in testing, use a keyfile(s) linked with or injected into a Kubernetes serviceaccount.
Is such a thing possible? Is there a better method for emulating GKE workload identity on a local test environment?
I do not know a way of emulating workload identity on a non-Google Kubernetes cluster, but you could change your app to read the auth credentials from a volume/file or the metadata server, depending on the environment setting. See this article (and particularly the code linked there) for an example of how to authenticate using local credentials or Google SA depending on environmental variables.The article also shows how to use Pod overlays to keep the prod vs dev changes separate from the bulk of the configuration.

GKE with Hashicorp Vault - Possible to use Google Cloud Run?

I'm looking into deploying a cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine in the near future. I've also been looking into using Vault by Hashicorp in order to manage the secrets that my cluster has access to. Specifically, I'd like to make use of dynamic secrets for greater security.
However, all of the documentation and Youtube videos that cover this type of setup always mention that a set of nodes strictly dedicated to Vault should operate as their own separate cluster - thus requiring more VMs.
I am curious if a serverless approach is possible here. Namely, using Google Cloud Run to create Vault containers on the fly.
This video (should start at the right time) mentions that Vault can be run as a Deployment so I don't see there being an issue with state. And since Google mention that each Cloud Run service gets its own stable HTTPS endpoint, I believe that I can simply pass this endpoint to my configuration and all of the pods will be able to find the service, even if new instances are created. However, I'm new to using Kubernetes so I'm not sure if I'm entirely correct here.
Can anyone with more experience using Kubernetes and/or Vault point out any potential drawbacks with this approach? Thank you.
In beta since 3 weeks, and not officially announced (It should be in a couple of days) you can have a look to secret-manager. It's a serverless secret manager with, I think, all the basic requirements that you need.
The main reason that it has not yet announced, it's because the client library in several languages aren't yet released/finished
The awesome guy on your video link, Seth Vargo, has been involved in this project.
He has also released Berglas. It's write in Python, use KMS for ciphering the secret and Google Cloud Storage for storing them. I also recommend it.
I built a python library to easily use Berglas secret in Python.
Hope that this secret management tool will meet your expectation. In any case, it's serverless and quite cheap!

How can I use Google Cloud Storage in a container deployed to the Google Container Engine?

I have a Java-Servlet application that runs in tomcat, which runs in a docker container, which runs on the Google Container Engine. It is no big deal to extend the docker image so that it also fetches and refreshes the certificates (there is only a single pod per domain, so no inter-pod-communication is required). However certbot needs to save it's credentials and certificates somewhere and the pod's filesystem seems like a bad idea because it is ephemeral and won't survive a pod restart. According to the table with storage options. Google Cloud storage seems like a good idea, because it is very cheap, the volume is auto sized and I can also access it from multiple locations (I don't need to create one disk for each individual pod which will be pretty much empty) including the web-UI (the later may be useful for debugging) and throuput and latency are really no issue for this usecase.
I created a bucket and now I want to access that bucket from a container. Google describes here and yet again here that I can mount the buckets using FUSE. What they don't mention is that you need to make the container privileged to use FUSE which does not feel quite right for me. Additionally I need to install the whole google cloud SDK and set up authentication (which I am going to store... where?). But actually I don't really need fuse access. Just downloading the config on startup and uploading the config after each refresh would be enough. So something that works similar to SCP would do...
There is gcloud which can access files from command line without the need for FUSE, but it still needs to be initialized somehow with credentials.
Here user326502 mentions
It won't work with zero configuration if the App Engine SDK is installed [..] As long as the container lives on a Google Compute Engine instance you can access any bucket in the same project.
He explains further that I magically don't need any credentials when I just use the library. I guess I could write my own copy application with those libraries, but it feels like the fact that I did not find something like this from anyone on the net makes me feel that I am completely on the wrong track.
So how would one actually access a google cloud storage bucket from within a container (as simple as possible)?
You can use gsutil to copy from the bucket to the local disk when the container starts up.
If you are running in Google Container Engine, gsutil will use the service account of the cluster's nodes (to do this, you'll need to specify the storage-ro scope when you create your cluster).
Alternatively, you can create a new service account, generating a JSON key. In Container Engine, you can store that key as a Kubernetes secret, and then mount the secret in the pod that needs to use it. From that pod, you'd configure gsutil to use the service account by calling gcloud auth activate-service-account--key-file /path/to/my/mounted/secret-key.json