GWT History.replaceItem is behaving strange in compiled mode but works fine in superdev - gwt

I came across a strange behavior (seems a bug) when calling History.replaceItem() that only happens in compiled code (not superdev) and not in every call, just in a specific place. For example, if I call replaceItem("Test"), instead of redirecting me to /mymodule#Test it redirects to mymodule/B074C219323C1E9000476B2275FF2790.cache.html##Test/ (regardless if issue event is true or false). I have no idea what to check or where to start from. Any clues?

It seems it was because I had this in my gwt config file:
<add-linker name="std"/>
I removed it and now it works fine.


hot swapped warning without making any changes (Spring tool suite 3.9)

When running my code in debug mode, I keep getting 2 error messages:
Could not delete [path_to]\productiondb.log. May be locked by another process
I don't know what process might be locking it. It comes when I make changes to the code while my Pivotal tc Server is running in debug mode, but it dosent seem to create a lot's of trouble. Sometimes however, I get this warning:
Also due to some changes. I usally just restart the server and move on. This isen't the real problem, the real problem is that I get these messages when I havent doen any changes. Somethimes it accures when I run a certen part of the code, other times i occurs when I open certen codes in sts, however, it doen't seem to stop at the same place twice.
I am suspecting that this has something to do with git. I am using git to change between versions and doing tests. So I am thinking that STS has some of the code in memory from before I changed branche with git, and isen't updating it before I run or open the file with that code. But I am rather new to both sts and git, and can't be certan that it would work that way. If it is, does anyone know how to update sts after I have changed branch? If it is not, does anyone know what might causing it?
If you run an app in debug mode, the Eclipse Debugger tells the application when code gets changed and tries to use the debug API to swap in the new code into the running application. This is especially useful if you debug your code, hit a breakpoint, step through the code, fit the issue, change the code, and press save. At that moment, the Eclipse compiler updates the class file and tells the running JVM to swap in the new code. If that succeeds, the debugger will jump back to the last stack frame and the execution of your app will continue with the beginning of the method that you entered. This allows you to directly continue to debug and step through the updated code without restarting the app.
While this is a great feature of the JVM, it is very limited in terms of what scope of changes to the classes the JVM can deal with while doing this hot-swap. It is usually limited to method implementations. So adding new methods, adding or deleting members of the class, etc, are not supported. As a result, the above screenshot will appear. It means that the JVM wasn't able to hot-swap the changed code and will continue to run with the previously loaded code instead of the changed one.

Typo3 (8.731) Plugin Controller ignored the first time, every call after that works fine

I have a typo3 plugin, that handles the /code/xyz.
When a code is called the first time it doesn't work and results in a 404. When it's called the second time it's running into the controller (I've set breakpoints there).
What could be the reason for the difference of behavior between the two calls. With nothing changed by me two calls right after each other exhibit the same behavior.
Thanks in advance.
Ok, this one was a hard one to crack.
Even though we thought is was Realurl the problem was a different one.
The integrator doing the upgrade from 7 to 8 missed one breaking change:

Aurelia/Babel 6 sourcemaps shown as html

I have an aurelia application updated to the latest beta, 1.0.0-beta.1.2.1 at the time of this writing. This version of aurelia already uses Babel 6, and my application is based on the based on the ASP.NET 5 ES2016 navigation skeleton.
"All of a sudden", whenever I try to open my untranspiled javascript source files in Chrome (Version 49.0.2623.110 m (64-bit)) Developer tools, for instance main.js, all I get to see is the html of Index.cshtml.
It doesn't matter which javascript file I try to open, it always shows the html of Index.cshtml instead of javascript.
The transpiled files are displayed correctly in Chrome Dev Tools.
I've had this before but it usually meant I had a binding or templating error somewhere, but in this case the application works perfectly, so it probably has to do with the sourcemaps... Or does it?
My questions are:
What is the best way to track down a subtle binding or templating
error in Aurelia? Everything I've tried to do in my applcation works
fine, but I don't want to rule out this being my own fault just yet.
In case it's not my fault, has anybody come across this before? What
is the reason the sourcemaps are not working; is it Aurelia? is it
Babel 6? Is it Chrome?
It doesn't seem to be a Chrome issue; the same problem occurs in Edge.
Update 2
By turning off Enable javascript sourcemaps on Chrome Developer Tools I can debug de transpiled code.
The transpilation gulp tasks I'm using are copy/pasted from the version mentioned above.
Has anybody else come across this issue?
Ok, I think I've found the problem.
I changed includeContent to true for sourcemaps.write in the build-system gulp task defined in build\tasks\build.js, so that line 23 of that file looks as follows:
.pipe(sourcemaps.write({ includeContent: true}))
This comes set to false in the navigation skeleton, so more people should have this same issue. Anyhow, this seems to have solved the problem.
I also removed the sourceRoot: "/src" parameter in that call, as it is only necessary when includeContent is false.

Unable to turn on GWT Super Dev Mode

While trying to use GWT Super Dev Mode, I followed those guidelines :
Introducing Super Dev Mode
How does GWT's Super Dev Mode work?
However, I am stuck at the step trying to turn on Super Dev Mode :
Once I fully compiled my project, I run the code server and the dev mode, go at (without the ?gwt.codesvr= and then click on the bookmark Dev Mode On. It detects my module, asks me to recompile, a glass screen appears with a message Compiling MyApp ... and then nothing ... No error, no stack trace either in Chrome or Eclipse. Just nothing happens.
Debugging the js code from dev_mode_on.js file, the script is interrupted at line 324 :
function getBindingParameters(module_name, get_prop_map) {
var session_key = '__gwtDevModeSession:' + module_name;
--> var prop_map = get_prop_map(); <--
Once the function get_prop_map is called, a few more obfuscated functions run and the debugger returns.
I know it is still experimental, but do you have any idea of what I could have done wrong ?
PS: I am using GWT 2.5, GWT-maven-plugin 2.5 and Chrome 23.0.1271.64 m
We have found a similar issue and tracked down the cause, looks like a boundary case not handled in GWT.
More info can be found here:
I don't have an answer, but I can give some general debugging tips for this sort of problem.
Super Dev Mode currently (as of 2.5) doesn't report any progress to the web browser while it's compiling. It won't update the dialog until the compile finishes. So it's possible that it's just very slow for your program for some reason, or the compile stopped and somehow didn't report an error like it normally does.
However, there are other ways you can monitor its progress. The compiler log is available as a web page by following links from the code server's front page; you will have to refresh the page to see updates. Or you could look at the log on disk in the code server's work directory. (You can set the work directory with the -workDir argument when you start it.)
Another way is to start the code server from the command line. Any stack traces from the code server will be printed there. You should also be able to look at the output in Eclipse or IntelliJ if you're running it from there.
From this you should be able to tell whether the compiler is slow, but still working (it's still printing output) or has actually stopped with a stack trace.

Waiting mouse cursor in my GWT application stays infinitely (only in Chrome, only in Production)

Could you please tell me why I have waiting mouse cursor in my gwt application as if page not fully loaded ? It doesn't happen on dev server. It only happens in production. Also it's happening in Chrome but doesn't in IE.
Link to my app is here.
I checked it again in Chrome, but for me no wait cursor is Displayed. But i think, your Google Chrome is trying to open the Google Translate Menu. For me it came quickly and the page loading stopped and the mouse was at normal position.
I prefer you try updating your chrome.
I have also checked the same in my co-workers Laptop and its working fine too.
If problem still persists, please use CCleaner Software and clear all Temporary files, Browser Cache, Recent files etc. Why because, GWT creates a lot of temporary files which may reduce your system performance. So after each cleaning, just restart the system also. I had few such resolutions recently.
I opened your link in Firefox and got the following error
ERROR: Possible problem with your *.gwt.xml module file. The compile
time user.agent value (safari) does not match the runtime user.agent
value (gecko1_8). Expect more errors
This is because, you have compiled your code for Webkit browsers only. If you have added a line as below in your gwt module xml file,
<define-property name="user.agent" values="ie6">
you may either remove it or you can add more browser support via this.