Looping through File Groups such as FileGroup159, FileGroup160, etc. in Powershell - powershell

So I got the code to work how I like it for individual files. Based on some of the suggestions below, I was able to come up with this:
$Path = "C:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\"
$Num = 160
$ZipFile = "FileGroup0000000$Num.zip"
$File = "*$Num*.txt"
$n = dir -Path $Path$File | Measure
if($n.count -gt 0){
Remove-Item $Path$ZipFile
Compress-Archive -Path $Path$File -DestinationPath $Path
Rename-Item $Path'.zip' $Path'FileGroup0000000'$Num'.zip'
Remove-Item $Path$File
else {
Write-Output "No Files to Move for FileGroup$File"
The only thing I need to do now is have $Num increment after the program finishes each time. Therefore the program will run, and then move $Num to 160, 161, etc. and I will not have to re initiate the code manually. Thanks for the help so far.

Your filename formatting should go inside the loop and you should use the Format operator -f to get the preceding zeros, like:
159..1250 | ForEach-Object {
$UnzippedFile = 'FileGroup{0:0000000000}' -f $_
$ZipFile = "$UnzippedFile.zip"
Write-Host "Unzipping: $ZipFile"
# Do your thing here


PowerShell create a duplicate folder with zero-size files

I want to create a 0-filesize mirror image of a set of folder, but while robocopy is really good, it doesn't save all of the information that I would like:
robocopy D:\documents E:\backups\documents_$(Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd_HHmm")\ /mir /create
The /create switch makes each file in the duplicate folder have zero-size, and that is good, but I would like each file in the duplicate folder to have [size] appended to the end of the name with the size in KB or MB or GB, and the create / last modified time on every file to exactly match the original file. This way, I will have a zero-size duplicate of the folder that I can archive, but which contains all of the relevant information for the files in that directory, showing the size of each and the exact create / last modified times.
Are there good / simple ways to iterate through a tree in PowerShell, and for each item create a zero size file with all relevant information like this?
This would be one way to implement the copy command using the approach I mentioned in the comments. This should give you something to pull ideas from. I didn't intend to spend as much time on it as I did, but I ran it on several directories and found some problems and debugged each problem I encountered. This is a pretty solid example at this point.
function Copy-FolderZeroSizeFiles {
param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $FolderPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DestinationPath )
$dest = New-Item $DestinationPath -Type Directory -Force
Push-Location -LiteralPath $FolderPath
try {
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem '.' -Recurse) {
$relPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $item -Relative
$type = if ($item.Attributes -match 'Directory')
{ 'Directory' }
else { 'File' }
$destItem = New-Item "$dest\$relPath" -Type $type -Force
$destItem.Attributes = $item.Attributes
$destItem.LastWriteTime = $item.LastWriteTime
} finally {
Note: the above implementation is simplistic and represents anything that isn't a directory as a file. That means symbolic links, et al. will be files with no information what they would be linked to.
Here's a function to get the conversion from number of bytes to N.N B/K/M/G format. To get more decimal places, just add 0's to the end of the format strings.
function ConvertTo-FriendlySize($NumBytes) {
switch ($NumBytes) {
{$_ -lt 1024} { "{0,7:0.0}B" -f ($NumBytes) ; break }
{$_ -lt 1048576} { "{0,7:0.0}K" -f ($NumBytes / 1024) ; break }
{$_ -lt 1073741824} { "{0,7:0.0}M" -f ($NumBytes / 1048576) ; break }
default { "{0,7:0.0}G" -f ($NumBytes / 1073741824); break }
Often, people get these conversions wrong. For instance, it's a common error to use 1024 * 1000 to get Megabytes (which is mixing the base10 value for 1K with the base2 value for 1K) and follow that same logic to get GB and TB.
Here is what I came up with with the additional parts in the question, change $src / $dst as required (D:\VMs is where I keep a lot of Virtual Machines). I have included setting all of CreationTime, LastWriteTime, LastAccessTime so that the backup location with zero-size files is a perfect representation of the source. As I want to use this for archival purposes, I have finally zipped things up and included a date-time stamp in the zipfile name.
# Copy-FolderZeroSizeFiles
$src = "D:\VMs"
$dst = "D:\VMs-Backup"
function ConvertTo-FriendlySize($NumBytes) {
switch ($NumBytes) {
{$_ -lt 1024} { "{0:0.0}B" -f ($NumBytes) ; break } # Change {0: to {0,7: to align to 7 characters
{$_ -lt 1048576} { "{0:0.0}K" -f ($NumBytes / 1024) ; break }
{$_ -lt 1073741824} { "{0:0.0}M" -f ($NumBytes / 1048576) ; break }
default { "{0:0.0}G" -f ($NumBytes / 1073741824); break }
function Copy-FolderZeroSizeFiles($FolderPath, $DestinationPath) {
Push-Location $FolderPath
if (!(Test-Path $DestinationPath)) { New-Item $DestinationPath -Type Directory }
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem $FolderPath -Recurse -Force) {
$relPath = Resolve-Path $item.FullName -Relative
if ($item.Attributes -match 'Directory') {
$new = New-Item "$DestinationPath\$relPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -EA Silent
else {
$fileBaseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($item.Name)
$fileExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($item.Name)
$fileSize = ConvertTo-FriendlySize($item.Length)
$new = New-Item "$DestinationPath\$(Split-Path $relPath)\$fileBaseName ($fileSize)$fileExt" -ItemType File
"$($new.Name) : creation $($item.CreationTime), lastwrite $($item.CreationTime), lastaccess $($item.LastAccessTime)"
$new.CreationTime = $item.CreationTime
$new.LastWriteTime = $item.LastWriteTime
$new.LastAccessTime = $item.LastAccessTime
$new.Attributes = $item.Attributes # Must this after setting creation/write/access times or get error on Read-Only files
Copy-FolderZeroSizeFiles $src $dst
$dateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmm"
$zipName = "$([System.IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($dst))\$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($dst))_$dateTime.zip"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($dst, $zipName)

Powershell: Logging foreach changes

I have put together a script inspired from a number of sources. The purpose of the powershell script is to scan a directory for files (.SQL), copy all of it to a new directory (retain the original), and scan each file against a list file (CSV format - containing 2 columns: OldValue,NewValue), and replace any strings that matches. What works: moving, modifying, log creation.
What doesn't work:
Recording in the .log for the changes made by the script.
Sample usage: .\ConvertSQL.ps1 -List .\EVar.csv -Files \SQLFiles\Rel_1
Param (
[String]$List = "*.csv",
[String]$Files = "*.sql"
function Get-TimeStamp {
return "[{0:dd/MM/yyyy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date)
$CustomFiles = "$Files\CUSTOMISED"
IF (-Not (Test-Path $CustomFiles))
MD -Path $CustomFiles
Copy-Item "$Files\*.sql" -Recurse -Destination "$CustomFiles"
$ReplacementList = Import-Csv $List;
Get-ChildItem $CustomFiles |
ForEach-Object {
$LogFile = "$CustomFiles\$_.$(Get-Date -Format dd_MM_yyyy).log"
Write-Output "$_ has been modified on $(Get-TimeStamp)." | Out-File "$LogFile"
$Content = Get-Content -Path $_.FullName;
foreach ($ReplacementItem in $ReplacementList)
$Content = $Content.Replace($ReplacementItem.OldValue, $ReplacementItem.NewValue)
Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Value $Content
Thank you very much.
Edit: I've cleaned up a bit and removed my test logging files.
Here's the snippet of code that I've been testing with little success. I put the following right under $Content= Content.Replace($ReplacementItem.OldValue, $ReplacementItem.NewValue)
if ( $_.FullName -like '*TEST*' ) {
"This is a test." | Add-Content $LogFile
I've also tried to pipe out the Set-Content using Out-File. The outputs I end up with are either a full copy of the contents of my CSV file or the SQL file itself. I'll continue reading up on different methods. I simply want to, out of hundreds to a thousand or so lines, to be able to identify what variables in the SQL has been changed.
Instead of piping output to Add-Content, pipe the log output to: Out-File -Append
Edit: compare the content using the Compare-Object cmdlet and evaluate it's ouput to identify where the content in each string object differs.

Bulk renaming photos and adding letters to duplicate file names in Powershell

I have a question about a powershell script. I want to rename a bunch of photos within a folder. I have a .csv file of the old names and the new names. This is a section of that file:
OldFile NewFile
{5858AA5A-DB1B-475A-808E-0BFF0B885E5B}.jpeg 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Notes-20200828.jpeg
{FA1E4CEE-0AD8-4B40-A5AD-4BB22C0EE4F0}.jpeg 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Other-20200828.jpeg
{FD20FA44-B3D2-4A6A-B73D-F3BADC2DDE71}.jpeg 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Vicinity-20200831.jpeg
{E0DDA4CD-7783-417C-9BE0-705FFA08CD17}.jpeg 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Vicinity-20200831.jpeg
{76DC6315-942D-444C-BA04-92FC9B9FF1A5}.jpeg 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Vicinity-20200831.jpeg
{3C853453-0A0D-40B5-B3B7-B0F84F92D512}.jpeg 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Vicinity-20200831.jpeg
Many of the new file names will be duplicates. For those files, I want to add a letter (A,B,C, so on) in the middle of the name at an exact location.
For example, if the file, 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-Vicinity-20200831.jpeg, is a duplicate, I want to add "A" right after "Vicinity", so that the file is called 975NNNN-AGUIRRESUGARASSOCSTACK-VicinityA-20200831.jpeg. The letter will always be at that exact same location (right before the third -).
This is the script I have so far. I know it's not right and I haven't been able to even attempt at adding the letter within the script. (I'm a complete Powershell newbie.)
$filesToRename = Import-CSV C:\Users\clair\OneDrive\Documents\JOA\batch_photos\Rename_Central_Aguirre.csv
foreach ($file In $filesToRename) {
if (Test-Path $file.NewFile) {
$letter = -begin { $count= 1 } -Process { Rename-Item $file.OldFile
"file-$([char](96 + $count)).jpeg"; $count++}
} else {
Rename-Item $file.OldFile $file.NewFile
Could I get some guidance on how to achieve this file naming system?
When renaming files using a character from the alphabet will mean you will only have 26 options. If that is enough for you, you can do the following:
$folderPath = 'D:\Test'
$filesToRename = Import-CSV C:\Users\clair\OneDrive\Documents\JOA\batch_photos\Rename_Central_Aguirre.csv
foreach ($file In $filesToRename) {
$oldFile = Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $file.OldFile
if (Test-Path $oldFile -PathType Leaf) {
# split the new filename into workable parts
$newName = $file.NewFile
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($newName)
$parts = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($newName) -split '-'
$suffix = $parts[-1]
$prefix = $parts[0..($parts.Count -2)] -join '-'
$charToAppend = 0 # counter to go through the characters in the alphabet. 0..25
while (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $newName) -PathType Leaf) {
if ($charToAppend -gt 25) {
# bail out if al characters have been used up
throw "Cannot rename file '$($file.OldFile)', because all characters A-Z are already used"
$newName = '{0}{1}-{2}{3}' -f $prefix, $alphabet[$charToAppend++], $suffix, $extension
Rename-Item -Path $oldFile -NewName $newName
else {
Write-Warning "File '$($file.OldFile)' not found"
I think you need to use the method.Insert(). This is a small example how it works:
I ve created a txt named 975NNNN-AGUIRRERM1-Vicinity-20200829.txt in C:\Test just for testing purpose, in your example the first code line is to identify the duplicate(s)
#Code to identify duplicates (insert your code instead of mine)
$files=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Test -File -Name
#The following line indentifies the location of the last "-" (I understand you always have 3 "-" right?)
#This inserts on the position $DashPos, the letter "A")

Parse directory listing and pass to another script?

I am trying to write a PowerShell script that will loop through a directory in C:\ drive and parse the filenames with the file extension to another script to use.
Basically, the output of the directory listing should be accessible to be parsed to another script one by one. The script is a compiling script which expects an argument (parameter) to be parsed to it in order to compile the specific module (filename).
Clear-Host $Path = "C:\SandBox\"
Get-ChildItem $Path -recurse -force | ForEach { If ($_.extension -eq ".cob")
Write-Host $_.fullname
If ($_.extension -eq ".pco")
Write-Host $_.fullname }
You don't need to parse the output as text, that's deprecated.
Here's something that might work for you:
# getmyfiles.ps1
Param( [string])$Path = Get-Location )
dir $Path -Recurse -Force | where {
$_.Extension -in #('.cob', '.pco')
# this is another script that calls the above
. getmyfile.ps1 -Path c:\sandbox | foreach-object {
# $_ is a file object. I'm just printing its full path but u can do other stuff eith it
Write-host $_.Fullname
$Path = "C:\Sandbox\"
$Items = Get-ChildItem $Path -recurse -Include "*.cob", "*.pco"
From your garbled code am guessing you want to return a list of files that have .cob and .pco file extensions. You could use the above code to gather those.
$File = $Items.name
$FullName = $items.fullname
Write-Host $Items.name
Adding the above lines will allow you to display them in various ways. You can pick the one that suites your needs then loop through them on a for-each.
As a rule its not a place for code to be writen for you, but you have tried to add some to the questions so I've taken a look. Sometimes you just want a nudge in the right direction.

powershell result of 'if condition' write to a outfile

In powershell i am writing a script using 'if' condition to check a folder for files received in last 2 hours. The code works fine and the output is written to the screen, instead i want it to write to a file which can be emailed.
Request for kind help.
EDIT: Code
$f = 'D:\usr\for_check'
$files = ls $f
Foreach ($file in $files)
$createtime = $file.CreationTime
$nowtime = get-date
if (($nowtime - $createtime).totalhours -le 2)
You can either use the redirection operator > or Out-File
"abc" > c:\out.txt
"abc" | Out-File c:\out.txt
Your code is way too complicated. Something like this would be more PoSh:
$src = "D:\usr\for_check"
$out = "C:\output.txt"
$append = $false
Get-ChildItem $src | ? {
$_.CreationTime -ge (Get-Date).AddHours(-2)
} | % { $_.Name } | Out-File $out -Append:$append
You will want to use the >> operator instead of > or out-file operators as they will overwrite the file every time it's used. Whereas the >> operator will write to the file on the next line.
$file >> c:\out.txt
Writing each line to the file inside the loop can cause a lot of disk I/O.
You can wrap the loop in a script block, and then output all the lines to the file in one write operation.
$f = 'D:\usr\for_check'
$files = ls $f
&{Foreach ($file in $files)
$createtime = $file.CreationTime
$nowtime = get-date
if (($nowtime - $createtime).totalhours -le 2)
} | set-content c:\outfile.tx