Bindings already exsist for a different website - azure-devops

In details on IIS in windows server.
IIS tree structure:
Default Web Site * Parent Root folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Applications\Default Web Site
Employee * Sub App Root Folder C:\inetpub\ExternalEmployee
Sample * Sub App Root Fodler C:\inetpub\TEST_Project
I want to deploy my application in sub application folder "C:\inetpub\ExternalEmployee" but not in parent root folder. So when I browse I can see img2.png
my default site looks like.
Current Issues:
Bindings already exsist for a different website.
Config type: IIS website
IIS web App MAnage:
Web site named: Default web site
Physical path: %SystemDrive%\inetpub\Test_Project
Hope this helps in solving my issue.

If you were deploying your app to a deployment group in azure devops release pipeline. You can add IIS web app manage task to manage your web's Physical path and bindings before IIS web app deploy task.
Please check below example, if you want to deploy the application in sub application folder C:\inetpub\ExternalEmployee. You can set Physical path to C:\inetpub\ExternalEmployee.
And you can click the 3dots of the Add binding fields to set the binding.
Bindings already exsist for a different website.
To fix this error you can either set a new binding for your web app, or you can try to find out which website has taken the binding on the windows server and remove the binding using below script.
Get-WebBinding -Port 80 -Name "website name" | Remove-WebBinding
Hope above helps!


How to put api in the folder of main site

I have Flutter Website in IIS 10 and I want to put my API to the same domain in the "API" folder
how do I do it?
First, right click your website - Add web application
Second, name the alias as "API" ,choose the path as your api application folder.
Then, visit "domain/API" will be your API content. Such as there is a "weatherforecast" route in my testAPI.

TFS-2017 web interface issues

I have created a release pipeline in TFS web interface. Instead of default website, I have created a new website in IIS in dev server.
How to configure this website in IIS WEB APP MANAGE and IIS Web App Deploy what is the path I have to give in Virtual Application in IIS WEB APP MANAGE and IIS Web App Deploy in TFS web interface.
IIS Web App Manage:
Creating an IIS Web Site and Application Pool. Typically this is only needed the first time deploying to a target machine.
Example: To create an application Site/Application enter /Application as the Virtual path . The parent website should be already existing.
IIS Web App Deploy:
If you have created the web site/application, then you just need to deploy it directly with IIS Web App Deployment task.
You can reference this thread :

Wildfly: Management user vs Application user

I downloaded Wildfly (wildfly-13.0.0.Final) and I want to configure it. I start standalone.bat in the bin folder of JBOSS_HOME directory (I use Windows platform).
I go to management console: localhost:8080 -> Administration Console. I see this
Your WildFly Application Server is running.
However you have not yet added any users to be able to access the admin console.
To add a new user execute the add-user.bat script within the bin folder of your WildFly installation and enter the requested information.
I run add-user.bat and it asks me what kind of user I would like to add.
I need a user to have permissions to deploy, redeploy applications. For example, for Apache Tomcat I can consifure tomcat-users.xml file and add users there (, so when I log into console as that user, I can deploy applications.
You need to add a Management user with the add-user.bat, whose credentials you will be able to log in the web admin with.
You could direclty add the user to the file in the configuration directory of your standalone or domain, but the entry must be of the form <username>:DIGEST-MD5(<username>:ManagementRealm:<password>), which the add-user.bat script will handle for you.
You don't need any particular role unless you set up RoleBasedAccessControl.
Applicative users are used by applications with frameworks such as JAAS and are interfaced through the "default" security-domain, which refers to the ApplicationRealm containing those users.
As I read
Management user is used to enter the web console. Here you can deploy app, make settings, add resources (JPA config for example). Application users do not have access to the web console. They can be used for example to authenticate services. For example to invoke remove EJB bean, you need application user credentials to access the remove server.

Set document root in Zend Framework 1.12.x application in Azure Web Sites

I have a problem setting the document root for a Zend Framework application that I want to run in Azure.
Now I'm testing Web Sites, Cloud Service and VM's to deploy my work.
Deploying with Webmatrix works fine, but I need to set the document root of IIS to a subfolder.
- application
- htdocs => Webroot with Web.config
- libs
How do I set this? With a second Web.config outside of htdocs Redirecting inside? Tried that, but IIS doesn't seem to like it (500err).
The only thing I found was building a WEBSITE_PRIVATE_EXTENSIONS to change the ApplicationHost.config: Azure PHP Documentation
This seems to be which seems to be overly complicated...
Go to Portal and open the CONFIGURE tab for your site
Scroll all the way to the bottom
Change site\wwwroot to point wherever you want to

Two zend applications: one in a subdomain, one on root

I'm using Zend for my corporate website. This website contains two seperate applications, namely the website itself (which is a CMS) and the customer panel. The administration panel will be launched on a subdomain, namely The website runs on a shared hosting package.
What would be the smartest configuration for this situation?
Create the admin panel as a module then use the Hostname router to direct the sub-domain requests to it.
I've choosen the following configuration. On domain-level I've created the application folder. This folder contains two folders, namely 'cms' and 'billings'. I've also created a ServerAlias so that the subdomain points to index.php. In index.php I use PHP's $_SERVER HTTP HOST to determine which application needs to be loaded.