Powershell setting new local users forced password change - powershell

Afternoon folks,
I've got a quick question. I'm making a script to make local user accounts based off a csv file. I have it all working no problem using the New-LocalUser command. What I am curious about is there a parameter string I can add or anything to have it so the user Has to change the password upon first login?
I've looked through https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.localaccounts/new-localuser?view=powershell-5.1 I just was wondering if there was something I've missed.

You haven't. Most of the time, when cmdlets are released, they don't include all functionality for a particular technology (e.g. Get-Service versus Win32_Service). In this case, New-LocalUser, Get-LocalUser, Set-LocalUser are in this boat.
However, in order to achieve what you're after, the WinNT provider has exposed this functionality for a long time:
$u = New-LocalUser -Name test -Password ('123456789' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
$WinNt = [adsi]"WinNT://localhost/$($u.Name)"
$WinNt.PasswordExpired = 1


Configure SharePoint 2010 UPS with PowerShell

SOLUTION FOUND: For anyone else that happens to come across this problem, have a look-see at this: http://www.harbar.net/archive/2010/10/30/avoiding-the-default-schema-issue-when-creating-the-user-profile.aspx
TL;DR When you create UPS through CA, it creates a dbo user and schema on the SQL server using the farm account, however when doing it through powershell it creates it with a schema and user named after the farm account, but still tries to manage SQL using the dbo schema, which of course fails terribly.
NOTE: I've only included the parts of my script I believe to be relevant. I can provide other parts as needed.
I'm at my wit's end on this one. Everything seems to work fine, except the UPS Synchronization service is stuck on "Starting", and I've left it over 12 hours.
It works fine when it's set up through the GUI, but I'm trying to automate every step possible. While automating I'm trying to include every option available from the GUI so that it's present if it ever needs to be changed.
Here's what I have so far:
$domain = "DOMAIN"
$fqdn = "fully.qualified.domain.name"
$admin_pass = "password"
New-SPManagedPath "personal" -WebApplication "http://portal.$($fqdn):9000/"
$upsPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "SharePoint - UPS" -Account "$domain\spsvc"
$upsApp = New-SPProfileServiceApplication -Name "UPS" -ApplicationPool $upsPool -MySiteLocation "http://portal.$($fqdn):9000/" -MySiteManagedPath "personal" -ProfileDBName "UPS_ProfileDB" -ProfileSyncDBName "UPS_SyncDB" -SocialDBName "UPS_SocialDB" -SiteNamingConflictResolution "None"
New-SPProfileServiceApplicationProxy -ServiceApplication $upsApp -Name "UPS Proxy" -DefaultProxyGroup
$upsServ = Get-SPServiceInstance | Where-Object {$_.TypeName -eq "User Profile Service"}
Start-SPServiceInstance $upsServ.Id
$upsSync = Get-SPServiceInstance | Where-Object {$_.TypeName -eq "User Profile Synchronization Service"}
$upsApp.SetSynchronizationMachine("Portal", $upsSync.Id, "$domain\spfarm", $admin_pass)
Start-SPServiceInstance $upsSync.Id
I've tried running each line one at a time by just copying it directly into the shell window after defining the variables, and none of them give an error, but there has to be something the CA GUI does that I'm missing.
For anyone else that happens to come across this problem, have a look-see at this: http://www.harbar.net/archive/2010/10/30/avoiding-the-default-schema-issue-when-creating-the-user-profile.aspx
TL;DR When you create UPS through CA, it creates a dbo user and schema on the SQL server using the farm account, however when doing it through powershell it creates it with a schema and user named after the farm account, but still tries to manage SQL using the dbo schema, which of course fails terribly.
The workaround is to put my code into its own script file, and then use Start-Process to run the script as the farm account (it's a lot cleaner than the Job method described in the linked article):
$credential = Get-Credential ("$domain\spfarm", $SecureString)
Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-File C:\upsSync.ps1" -Credential $credential

Copying from one server to other with credentials

I'm trying to copy a file from one server to another server so that it doesn't ask me to enter my login info and I don't have to store the password blatently in the code. The problem is, it's still coming up with a credential request GUI, even though I give the -Credential parameter. This is how I store the password in a file:
read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\secString.txt
Then the code looks like this:
function GetSecureLogin() {
$username = "usa02xxxswg2\20xbackup"
$password = get-content C:\secString.txt | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $password
function CopyFileToFolder ([string]$Source, [string]$destination){
Copy-Item "$Source" -Destination "$destination" -Credential $cred #this is where the login info box is coming up but shouldn't be
######################start here#####################
$cred = ""
$tempSource = "filename.txt"
$ToLocation = "$ToLoc"
CopyFileToFolder $tempSource $ToLoc
Any ideas? I'm relatively new to PowerShell, so I could be doing something silly. I'm not sure how to tell if $cred is getting back to my Copy function ok or if it's out of scope.
I've looked at these examples but I'm having trouble deciding if I need to do something different because they are specifying the server info and I'm trying to avoid that since I just want to use UNC path like I was doing before. The copying was working fine without login because I was using my Active Directory login to save the task. Now we want to use a locally saved login (where the script is run) and then it needs a different local login when it's trying to access the other server.
copy-item with alt cred,
powershell without prompt for cred,
copy without cred,
copy with alt cred,
cred without password prompt
I'm trying to figure out if returning $cred from my GetSecureLogin function, and assigning it to $cred in the main part of the script will fix the problem where it's asking me for the login info when I do the copy. It looks like my co-worker moved all the directories, so I still have to test this once I figure out where he moved them to.
Looks like I figured it out. I did it like this link. It was a little tricky in that I didn't have to use the directory that came after my sharename, but once I got rid of the subdirectory, it worked.
copy with credentials and New-PSDrive

How to run PowerShell script from a computer to untrusted domain?

I have some PowerShell scripts to update data in active directory. Now I want to run these scripts from another domain joined computer, but the user that is currently logged in does not have admin rights to AD to run the scripts. How can I pass the credentials first to connect to domain as administrator and then run the script?
I know about the command get-credentials but I don't want any manual intervention.
There is batch file which runs the script and I want to put the credentials once.
I also don't want to show the password to the logged in user. Is there any possibility we can save the password in encrypted format?
Hope there is trust between the two domains
$Server = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
$username = 'Domain\XXXXXXXXXX'
$password = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
$securepassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($username,$securepassword)
Get-ADComputer -Identity $Server -Credential $cred
You can change the entire script in to exe file using PowerGUI and use credentials to save it from being opened.
use the script by Brenton J.W. Blawat for encryption located at http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/PowerShell-Script-410ef9df
use the simple script mentioned in the below article
Instead of using a batch file you could write a VBS wrapper and then use the script encoder to turn it into a VBE. The script encoder is technically not supported in Vista or 7 but it still works if you can find it somewhere. The other option would be to put all your code into a .Net EXE. Once it’s compiled it would hide the password from an ordinary user. Someone that knows what they are doing could still extract it so be aware of that. The same goes of an encoded VBE.

Use Powershell with CruiseControl.Net for secure password storage?

The CruiseControl.Net tfs integration requires a username and password for a user with rather high privileges to be stored in the configuration files. I'm not very fond of that, and have tried to think of ways to have the password stored securely and yet maintain fully automated builds.
Powershell has good support for this with the ConvertTo-SecureStringand ConvertFrom-SecureString commands, and something like this would handle the encryption:
"password-string" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | Out-File pwd.dat
And this could handle decryption:
$user = "mydomain\myuser"
$pwd = Get-Content pwd.dat | ConvertFrom-SecureString
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user, $pwd)
CruiseControl.Net has a <powershell> task that can be used for running powershell scripts, but I'm unsure whether this can be made to return anyhting. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to implement secure passwords with CruiseControl.Net? Using Powershell isn't necessary, I'm just figuring it would be neat.
Found a workaround at least: if you omit the <user>,<password> and <domain> parameters, CruiseControl will use the credentials for the user running the service.
The more general question, whether it is possble to catch output remains to be tested. I guess it could be possible to set an environment variable using [system]::SetEnvironmentVariable(name,value), but I haven't tested this.

Creating file in a user context in powershell

I am trying to create a file using powershell in a specific user context. E.g I have a user user01 on my local machine and I want to create a file in its context.
I am doing something like
New-Item c:\file.txt -Credential User01
It works but prompts me for password which I dont want it to. Is there any way I can accomplish this without having it prompt for password ?
The credential parameter on new-item is not actually supported for filesystems, so I'm not sure what you mean by "it works." It does NOT create the file as the passed user. In fact, the filesystem provider will say:
"The provider does not support the use of credentials. Perform the operation again without specifying credentials."
Taking an educated guess, I'd say you're trying to create a file with a different owner. PowerShell cannot do this on its own, so you'll need the following non-trivial script:
It works by enabling the SeBackup privilege for your security token (but you must already be an administrator.) This allows you to set any arbitrary owner on a file. Normally you can only change owner to administrators or your own account.
Oh, and this script is for powershell 2.0 only.
Rather than use a PowerShell cmdlet or .NET scripting on this one, you might take a look at the Windows utility takeown.exe. However, even it requires you supply the user's password that you're assigning ownership to.
Ok, I do start process in the user context and then create a file. Works like a charm.
Password, FilePath and UserName are passed in as arguments from command line.
$pw = convertto-securestring "$Password" -asplaintext –force
$credential = new-object -typename system.management.automation.pscredential -argumentlist "-default-",$pw
$localArgs = "/c echo>$FilePath"
[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start("cmd", $localArgs, "$UserName", $credential.Password, "$Computer")
Or just make a call to SUBINACL.EXE? No need for password then.