System architecture - ETL - apache-kafka

We are in the process of designing an ETL process, where we’ll be getting a daily account file (maybe half a million records, could grow) from client and we’ll be loading that file to our database.
Our current process splits the file into smaller files and load it to staging...sometime or if the process fails, we try to figure out how many records we have processed and then start again from that point. Is there any other better alternative to this problem?
We are thinking about using Kafka. I’m pretty new to Kafka. I would really appreciate some feedback if kafka is the way to go or we’re just over-killing a simple ETL process where we just load the data to a staging table and finally to destination table.

Apache Kafka® is a distributed streaming platform. What exactly does
that mean?
A streaming platform has three key capabilities:
Publish and subscribe to streams of records, similar to a message
queue or enterprise messaging system.
Store streams of records in a fault-tolerant durable way.
Process streams of records as they occur.
Kafka is generally used for two broad classes of applications:
Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data
between systems or applications
Building real-time streaming applications that transform or react to
the streams of data
If you encounter errors which make you check the last commited record to your staging database and need system to auto manage this stuff, Kafka can help you ease the process.
Though Kafka is built to work with massive data loads and spread across a cluster, you certainly can use it for smaller problems and utilize it's queuing functionalities and offset management, even with one broker (server) and low number of partitions (level of parallelism).
If you don't anticipate any scale at all, I would suggest you to consider RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ is a message-queueing software also known as a message
broker or queue manager. Simply said; it is software where queues are
defined, to which applications connect in order to transfer a message
or messages.
“How to know if Apache Kafka is right for you” by Amit Rathi
In case you chose Kafka:
When you receive a file, create a process which iterates all over it's lines and sends them to Kafka (Kafka Producer).
Create another process which continuously receive events from kafka (Kafka Consumer) and writes them in mini batches to the database (similar to your small files).
Setup Kafka:
Kafka Consumer/Producer simple example:

Don't assume importing data is as easy as dumping it in your database and having the computer handle all the processing work. As you've discovered, an automated load can have problems.
First, database ELT processes depreciate the hard drive. Do not stage the data into one table prior to inserting it in its native table. Your process should only import the data one time to its native table to protect hardware.
Second, you don't need third-party software to middle-man the work. You need control so you're not manually inspecting what was inserted. This means your process is to first clean / transform the data prior to import. You want to prevent all problems prior to load by cleaning and structuring and even processing the data. The load should only be an SQL insert script. I have torn apart many T-SQL scripts where someone thought it convenient to integrate processing with database commands. Don't do it.
Here's how I manage imports from spreadsheet reports. Excel formulas are better than learning ETL tools like SSIS. I use cell formulas to validate whether the record is valid to go into our system. This result is its own column, and then if that column is true, a concatentation column displays an insert script.
=if(J1, concatenate("('", A1, "', ", B1, "),"), "")
If the column is false, the concat column shows nothing. This allows me to copy/paste the inserts into SSMS and conduct mass inserts via "insert into table values" scripts.
If this is actually updating existing records, as your comment appears to suggest, then you need to master the data, organizing what's changed in logs for your users.
Synchronization steps:
Log what is there before you update
Download and compare local vs remote copies for differences; you cannot compare the two without a) having them both in the same physical location or b) controlling the other system
Log what you're updating with, and timestamp when you're updating it
Save and close the logs
Only when 1-4 are done should you post an update to production
My guide to synchronizing data sources and handling Creates/Updates/Deletes:
sync local files with server files


What is the correct streaming pattern to replace database table polling?

I am trying to architect an event streaming system to replace our existing database table polling mechanism. We currently have a process where Application ABC will query/scan the entire XYZ (MySQL) table every 5 minutes so that we may get any updates to our data and cache them on Application ABC. As our data grows this will not be scalable or performant.
Instead, I want to have Application ABC read from a Kafka stream that contains any new events around the XYZ table, and use that to modify Application ABC's in-memory cache.
Where I'm having a hard time formulating a good solution is the initial database table load onto the Kafka stream. Since all the XYZ data that would be consumed by Application ABC is cached, we lose that data when we redeploy all of the Application ABC nodes. So we would need some kind of mechanism to be able to get all the XYZ data from the initial load onto the stream. I know Kafka streams are supposed to allow for infinite retention but I'm not sure if infinite retention is a realistic solution in this case due to cost.
What's the usually prescribed solution around this initial load case where Application ABC would need to reload the entire database again off of the stream (every time a new instance is spun up)? Also trying to think about what is the most performant solution here so that Application ABC has the lowest latency to be able to gather all the data it needs from XYZ Table.
Another constraint to mention is that Application ABC needs to have this data in memory for performance reasons. We need to be able to iterate over the entire XYZ data set at all times. We cannot do simple queries by ID.
There is a bit to unpack here but here are is some info.
Instead of polling the DB, consider using a source connector to get the data into Kafka. Debezium is made for this. You havent specified what type of database you are using, but it does support quite a few variants. The mechanism is called CDC - Change Data Capture, and it needs to be enabled on the database and each of the tables first.
As for the Application ABC side - consider using a distributed cache with persistence enabled. Redis is a good option for this. This way it will retain the data even if your application is restarted. Reloading all the data back from Kafka is not a good idea, this will take a long time (depending on the amount of data) the application will be unavailable for that duration after a restart.

Can 2 Debezium Connectors read from same source at the same time?

As the title says, I have 2 seperate servers and I want both connectors to read from same source to write to their respective topic. A single connector works well. When I create another one in a different server they seem to be running but no data flow occurs for both.
My question is, is that possible to run 2 debezium connectors that read from same source? I couldn't find any information about this topic in documentation.
Edit: I've tested it with oracle database and never seen it's working well. Definitely wouldn't recommend using it especially in oracle.
So generally speaking, Debezium does not recommend that you use multiple connectors per database source and prefer that you adjust your connector configuration instead. We understand that isn't always the case when you have different business use cases at play.
That said, it's important that if you do deploy multiple connectors you properly configure each connector so that it doesn't share state such as the same database history topic, etc.
For certain database platforms, having multiple source connectors really doesn't apply any real burden to the database, such as MySQL. But other databases like Oracle, running multiple connectors can have a pretty substantial impact.
When an Oracle connector streams changes, it starts an Oracle LogMIner mining session. This session is responsible for loading, reading, parsing, and preparing the contents of the data read in a special in-memory table that the connector uses to generate change events. When you run multiple connectors, you will have concurrent Oracle LogMiner sessions happening and each session will be consuming its own share of PGA memory to support the steps taken by Oracle LogMiner. Depending on your database's volatility, this can be stressful on the database server since Oracle specifically assigns one LogMiner session to a CPU.
For an Oracle environment, I highly recommend you avoid using multiple connectors unless you are needing to stream changes from different PDBs within the same instance since there is really no technical reason why you should want to read, load, parse, and generate change data for the same redo entries multiple times, once per connector deployment.

Integration of Kafka in Web Application

I have a java based web application which is using 2 backend database servers of Microsoft SQL (1 server is live database as it is transactional and the other one is reporting database). Lag between transactional and reporting databases is of around 30 minutes and incremental data is loaded using a SQL job which runs every 30 minutes and takes around 20-25 minutes in execution. This job is executing an SSIS package and using this package, data from reporting database is further processed and is stored in HDFS and HBase which is eventually used for analytics.
Now, I want to reduce this lag and to do this, I am thinking of implementing a messaging framework. After doing some research, I learned that Kafka could solve my purpose since Kafka can also work as an ETL tool apart from being a messaging framework.
How should I proceed? should I create topics similar to the table structures in SQL server and perform operations on that? Should I redirect my application to write any change happening in Kafka first and then in Transactional database? Please advise on usage of Kafka considering the mentioned use case.
There's a couple ways to do this that require minimal code, and then there's always the option to write your own code.
(Some coworkers just got finished looking at this, with SQL Server and Oracle, so I know a little about this here)
If you're using the enterprise version of SQL Server you could use Change Data Capture and Confluent Kakfa Connect to read all the changes to the data. This (seems to) require both a Enterprise license and may include some other additional cost (I was fuzzy on the details here. This may have been because we're using an older version of SQL Server or because we have many database servers ).
If you're not / can't use the CDC stuff, Kafka Connect's JDBC support also has a mode where it polls the database for changes. This works best if your records have some kind of timestamp column, but usually this is the case.
A poll only mode without CDC means you won't get every change - ie if you poll every 30 seconds and the record changes twice, you won't get individual messages about this change, but you'll get one message with those two changes, if that makes sense. This is Probably acceptable for your business domain, but something to be aware of.
Anyway, Kafka Connect is pretty cool - it will auto create Kafka topics for you based on your table names, including posting the Avro schemas to Schema Registry. (The topic names are knowable, so if you're in an environment with auto topic creation = false, well you can create the topics manually yourself based on the table names). Starting from no Kafka Connect knowledge it took me maybe 2 hours to figure out enough of the configuration to dump a large SQL Server database to Kafka.
I found additional documentation in a Github repository of a Confluent employee describing all this, with documentation of the settings, etc.
There's always the option of having your web app be a Kafka producer itself, and ignore the lower level database stuff. This may be a better solution, like if a request creates a number of records across the data store, but really it's one related event (an Order may spawn off some LineItem records in your relational database, but the downstream database only cares that an order was made).
On the consumer end (ie "next to" your other database) you could either use Kafka Connect on the other end to pick up changes, maybe even writing a custom plugin if required, or write your own Kafka consumer microservice to put the changes into the other database.

Suggested Hadoop-based Design / Component for Ingestion of Periodic REST API Calls

We are planning to use REST API calls to ingest data from an endpoint and store the data to HDFS. The REST calls are done in a periodic fashion (daily or maybe hourly).
I've already done Twitter ingestion using Flume, but I don't think using Flume would suit my current use-case because I am not using a continuous data firehose like this one in Twitter, but rather discrete regular time-bound invocations.
The idea I have right now, is to use custom Java that takes care of REST API calls and saves to HDFS, and then use Oozie coordinator on that Java jar.
I would like to hear suggestions / alternatives (if there's easier than what I'm thinking right now) about design and which Hadoop-based component(s) to use for this use-case. If you feel I can stick to Flume, then kindly give me also an idea how to do this.
As stated in the Apache Flume web:
Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently collecting, aggregating and moving large amounts of log data from many different sources to a centralized data store.
As you can see, among the features attributed to Flume is the gathering of data. "Pushing-like or emitting-like" data sources are easy to integrate thanks to HttpSource, AvroSurce, ThriftSource, etc. In your case, where the data must be let's say "actively pulled" from a http-based service, the integration is not so obvious, but can be done. For instance, by using the ExecSource, which runs a script getting the data and pushing it to the Flume agent.
If you use a proprietary code in charge of pulling the data and writting it into HDFS, such a design will be OK, but you will be missing some interesting built-in Flume characteristics (that probably you will have to implement by yourself):
Reliability. Flume has mechanisms to ensure the data is really persisted in the final storage, retrying until is is effectively written. This is achieved through the usage of an internal channel buffering data both at the input (ingesting peaks of loads) and the output (retaining data until it is effecively persisted) and the transaction concept.
Performance. The usage of transactions and the possibility to configure multiple parallel sinks (data processors) will your deployment able to deal with really large amounts of data generated per second.
Usability. By using Flume you don't need to deal with the storage details (e.g. HDFS API). Even, if some day you decide to change the final storage you only have to reconfigure the Flume agent for using the new related sink.

PostgreSQL logical log streaming to Apache Kafka

I wonder if it is possible, or if someone has tried to setup Apache Kafka as consumer of PostgreSQL logigal log stream? Does that even makes sense?
I have a legacy source system that I need to make realtime dashboard from. For some reasons I can't hook the application events (btw, it's java app). Instead, I'm thinking of some kind of a lambda architecture: when dashboard initializes, it reads from persisted data "data warehouse" which gets there after some ETL. And then changing events are streamed via Kafka to the the dashboard.
Another use of the events stored in Kafka would be a kind of change data capture approach for data warehouse population. This is necessary because there is no commercial CDC tool that supports postgesql. And the source application is updating tables without keeping history.
A combination of xsteven's PostgreSQL WAL to protobuf project - decoderbufs ( - and his pg_kafka producer ( might be a start.
Take a look at Bottled Water which:
uses the logical decoding feature (introduced in PostgreSQL 9.4) to
extract a consistent snapshot and a continuous stream of change events
from a database. The data is extracted at a row level, and encoded using Avro. A
client program connects to your database, extracts this data, and
relays it to Kafka
They also have Docker images so looks like it'd be easy to try it out.
The Debezium project provides a CDC connector for streaming data changes from Postgres into Apache Kafka. Currently it supports Decoderbufs and wal2json as logical decoding plug-ins. Bottled Water referenced in Steve's answer is comparable, but it is not actively maintained any longer.
Disclaimer: I'm the project lead of Debezium