How can add data on WillPopScope - flutter

I want add data at all 'pop'
It two case,
Android back key and some button for 'navigator.(context).pop()'
So I used WillPopScope but I can't add data like this
onWillPop: () async {
return Navigator.of(context).pop(myData));
this is not working.
How can I add data?

If you call
in your code, the pop with arguments will be delivered if onWillPop return true.
When popping a page, onWillPop has the duty to day "ok you can pop" or "ok you cannot".


When I click back button WillPopScope is not working in flutter?

I am using WillPopScope and to navigate I am using Navigator.pushNamed(), so that onWillPop is not working fine, if I remove pushNamed and add pushAndRemoveUntil and make route false it works. But, I do not need like that I need to use pushNamed. How can I achieve this.
Try the below code :
onWillPop: () async {
return false;

How can I change or override android/ios back button's action in flutter

I need to make a change in my page (changing a bool in setState etc...) when the user presses the back button.
I looked it up and I know people use WillPopScope to override the default "back" action, but in all of the examples they were just popping the page, and I need to do a custom function instead of that, and have no Idea how to do so.
my function looks like this, and I need to run in when the user pressed the back button:
Future<void> backToCats() async{
setState(() {
setState(() {
You can perform custom logic in the onWillPop argument of a WillPopScope widget. Just make sure to return true or false at the end to indicate whether the page is allowed to pop. WillPopScope will activate for the back button, and other actions that automatically navigate back such as swiping from the side of the screen on iOS.
For example, if you need to set a bool to false in your stateful widget, it would look something like this
onWillPop: () async {
setState(() => myBool = false);
return true;
child: ...

Return data when a screen is closed

I have several sub-screens which give the user the option to save some data. When that screen is closed, I want the parent screen, which pushed the sub-screen, to know whether data was saved or not. The sub-screens maintain a didSave flag and are set to true when data is saved.
There are several ways for the sub-screens to be closed:
hardware/software back button.
The close button on the AppBar.
A button on the screen itself.
I can handle the 3rd case using Navigator.pop(context, didSave) and in the parent that didSave flag is captured using final didSave = await Navigator.push<bool>(context, myRoute).
However, for the first 2 cases, the result will obviously be null.
I have looked into WillPopScope but that only is used to determine whether the screen should be closed or not. It doesn't seem that I can set any data to be returned for the push call.
I have also looked into wrapping the parent screen in a Provider where it can listen to didSave states but that will trigger immediately when emitted which is not desirable for my use case. I only want to act when the sub-screen is closed not when data is saved.
I can potentially use WillPopScope and emit an event there if a save operation has occurred but I would like a simpler solution if available.
Is there a way for this that I am missing?
as you said the Provider will listen to didSave and this doesn't fit in your case you can use just a simple inheritedWidget:
wrapping the parent like this:
didSave: false,
child: Parent(),
you need to set a setter to didSave
then on the ascendant widgets on the widget tree, you can:
InheritedExampleWidget.of(context).didSave = true;
this will not trigger it immediately, which the Provider package solves.
then you can manage the state however you want
Did you try to create the variable with state management? And there is method with the push that do task after user come from the child screen. So, when they come you can checkout the use have saved data or not.
For EG:
saved = false; //State management variable
//We are pushing on another screen.
builder: (BuildContext context) =>
new ScreenName(),
).then((val) {
//This part with work when user popped the screen on which we have pushed
if (!saved) {//Do Something when not saved}
Try above code and let me know if you get any error or you're facing any issue.
when you push a new route, using StatefulWidget, it will have a lifecycle starting from an createState, when the widget isn't there on the widget tree ( when we pop ), the dispose method will be called.
those cases of popping the route:
hardware/software back button.
The close button on the AppBar.
A button on the screen itself.
will trigger the dispose method to execute.
so you can put inside it your logic that you want.
exmaple :
class classTest {
bool didSave = false;
then when on the property where you want to push the screen set it to that classTest's didSave, as an example:
builder: (context) => const YourRouteWidget(didSave: classTest.didSave,
on that point it's false, then when the user will complete using the screen, going back with any king of popping the route (with Navigator.pop(context), or with back button...), the dispose method will be called, so you can :
void dispose() {
if(/* your conditions*/ ) {
classTest.didSave = true;
it will be back with a true value to the parent page.

Flutter - how to handle commands in an application when a user makes use of the phone's built-in back button

I've been building an app that has a back arrow '<-' and cross 'X' in the app bar. Programmatically, I have included various commands, including Navigator.pop(context) and to clear global data stored with a GetX data controller, like so:
onPressed: () {
try {
/// Clear data, so the app is ready to use again
/// Close Screen
} catch (e) {
'Error when closing the database input window.');
In this instance, clearing the value means simply replacing whatever string is stored with an empty string.
Now, this works perfectly when either the back arrow or cross in the app bar are pressed. However, I've noticed on a physical device that when I make use of the phone's back arrow/button, which is outside of the app, whilst it moves the screen, it does not clear any of the data, as per the first statement in my onPressed function above.
My question is, how do I get the same commands to take place when the user makes use of the phone's back button, compared to the app's programmed back button?
Thank you!
Wrap your Scaffold with WillPopScope and execute the same command on the onWillPop like this:
return WillPopScope(
onWillPop: () async{
try {
/// Clear data, so the app is ready to use again
return true; // true allows navigating back
} catch (e) {
'Error when closing the database input window.');
return false; // false prevents navigating back
child: Scaffold(....),

How can I control what is passed to Navigator.pop() when clicking outside of a showModalBottomSheet?

I launch a modal bottom sheet, then use the data that is returned as its future.
var modalFuture = showModalBottomSheet(
// ...
modalFuture.then((data) {
// Use data
I return data to it from the modal widget with:
Navigator.pop(context, data);
This is working well when completing the modal interaction with a widget I've set up.
I encounter my issue when clicking outside of the modal. Clicking outside of the modal causes the modal to dismiss automatically (with a Navigator.pop(context) call?). I am okay with this closing interaction, but I would like to send data back with it (with a Navigator.pop(context, data) call). Is there anyway to override the implicit pop when clicking outside of a showModalBottomSheet modal?
You can wrap your ModalWidget with WillPopScope. You can see the example below
onWillPop: () async {
Navigator.pop(context, data);
return true; // return true if needs to be popped
child: ModelWidget(
This will ensure that Navigator.pop is called when auto popped using the back button.