Rundeck schedule a job on the first monday of the month - rundeck

I would like to a rundeck job on a specific day of the month. Like for example the first Monday of the month.
I have tried to following: 0 10 10 1-7 * MON *, but this gives me the following error:
"day of week or day of the month must be '?'"
Is there a way to solve this?

Can you try this?
0 0 12 ? 1/1 MON#1 *
You can use to generate and test your cron expressions.

Use this:
0 0 0 ? * 2#1 *
You can use this website to generate Quartz crontabs.

Try this,
0 0 10 ? 1/1 MON#1 *


How to print a message in the console between the times form 9.00 AM to 16.30 PM in Flutter?

I want to print a message in the console every hour between the times from 9.00 AM to 16.30 PM using flutter.
You can setup a cron job using this package. Here is an example of cron expression that will perform an action every hour from 9am to 4pm: 0 9-16 * * *.

Kafka latency optimization

My kafka version is
My service have really low qps (1msg/sec). And our requirement for rtt is really strict. ( 99.9% < 30ms)
Currently I've encounter a problem, when kafka run for a long time, 15 days or so, performance start to go down.
2017-10-21 was like
Time . num of msgs . percentage
cost<=2ms 0 0.000%
2ms<cost<=5ms 12391 32.659%
5ms<cost<=8ms 25327 66.754%
8ms<cost<=10ms 186 0.490%
10ms<cost<=15ms 24 0.063%
15ms<cost<=20ms 2 0.005%
20ms<cost<=30ms 0 0.000%
30ms<cost<=50ms 4 0.011%
50ms<cost<=100ms 1 0.003%
100ms<cost<=200ms 0 0.000%
200ms< cost<=300ms 6 0.016%
300ms<cost<=500ms 0 0.000%
500ms<cost<=1s 0 0.000%
cost>1s 0 0.000%
But recently, it became :
cost<=2ms 0 0.000%
2ms<cost<=5ms 7592 29.202%
5ms<cost<=8ms 17470 67.197%
8ms<cost<=10ms 698 2.685%
10ms<cost<=15ms 143 0.550%
15ms<cost<=20ms 23 0.088%
20ms<cost<=30ms 19 0.073%
30ms<cost<=50ms 11 0.042%
50ms<cost<=100ms 5 0.019%
100ms<cost<=200ms 11 0.042%
200m s<cost<=300ms 26 0.100%
300ms<cost<=500ms 0 0.000%
500ms<cost<=1s 0 0.000%
cost>1s 0 0.000%
When I check the log, I don't see a way to check the reason why a specific message have a high rtt. And if there's any way to optimize(OS tune, broker config), please enlighten me
Without the request handling time break-down it is hard to tell which part maybe the culprit of your issue. More specifically you'll need to hook up your jmx and check the following request-level metrics:
Check their avg / 99 percentile value over time and see which one is contributing to the perf degradation.
Consider upgrading to 0.11 (or 1.00) which has performance improvements in it
Optimisation article:

Quartz Cron Schedule Not Triggering

I used this trigger to run job every 1 hour from 12 AM- 8 AM. But this is not triggering at all. Is this expression correct?
0 0/60 12,8 * * ?
You can this site to build and check expressions based on "Quartz Cron" format.
The correct expression is this:
0 0 0-8 * * ?

Quartz Cron String Understanding Issue

I currently have this quartz cron string 0 0/35 11-13 1/1 * ? *. Now what it generally means is Occurs every 1 day(s) every 35 minute(s) between 11 AM and 1 PM. At least from my understanding that is what it means. Though when I look at possible run times I get these.
06/08/2013 11:00:00 AM
06/08/2013 11:35:00 AM
06/08/2013 12:00:00 PM
06/08/2013 12:35:00 PM
06/08/2013 1:00:00 PM
That does not make sense to me. It seems to reset on the hour. Is there anyway for this not to occur? I would like the job to run at 11AM, then 11:35AM and then 12:10PM not 12PM.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes , this is the problem my colleagues encounters every now and then.
As per the documentation for Quartz scheduler ( and yes off-course, as per my understanding of Quartz till now :-p ), cron trigger will be set to fire at "every 35th minute of the hour" and not "every 35th minute in a day".
For your requirement you should use a simple-trigger .
Date firetime=null; //initialize to Your start time of trigger "11.00am"
Date endtime=null; // initialize to Your end time of trigger "1.00pm"
Trigger tr1 = TriggerBuilder
.withIdentity("First Trigger", "First Group")
And use another trigger to schedule this trigger daily.:-)

Is this cronExpression correct?

I don't know if the below expression is correct:
<property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 12 2 * MON-FRI ?"/>
I try to configure my trigger to fire every second day of every month, no matter the year, at noon, and the day of week has to be between Monday and Friday.
I'd really appreciate if someone could help me. Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you meant "every second day (every other day), as long as it's MON-FRI".
According to Quartz CronTrigger Tutorial:
'1/3' in the day-of-month field means "fire every 3 days starting on
the first day of the month".
So, 1/2 would mean "fire every second day starting on the first day of the month". A cronExpression like 0 0 12 1/2 * MON-FRI * should then be close to what you want. Checking with
org.quartz.CronExpression.isValidExpression("0 0 12 1/2 * MON-FRI *")
...says that the expression is valid.
However, testing it a little further with:
CronExpression e = new CronExpression("0 0 12 1/2 * MON-FRI *");
e.isSatisfiedBy(new DateTime(2012, 9, 26, 12, 0, 0, 0).toDate());
...throws an exception:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
> Support for specifying both a day-of-week AND a day-of-month parameter
> is not implemented.
So, seems like jhouse is right and you just can't do that with a cronExpression.
Maybe something like this would work as a workaround: Quartz cron expression for cron triggers executed every Nth Hour/Day/Week/Month
You cannot specify both a day of month and a day of week - it is not supported.