Did the JSSOR option $AutoPlayInterval change to $Idle in 28.0.0? - jssor

I upgraded from jssor 27.5.0 to 28.8.0, and now it seems like $AutoPlayInterval no longer works. In the API, I see that there is an option $Idle that sounds similar. Did something change unannounced?


angular material icons renders first before the interpolation

I'm doing an angular project using angular material, while im using mat-icons it keeps coming before the interpolation even though i coded it after the interpolation enter image description here
i tried typing anything before of after the icon and the icon comes first no matter what
Sort by {{sort}}
I couldn't find it documented anywhere in the official docs for some reason (in neither mat-button or mat-icon parts at least).
Lukcily, it's at least documented in the migration guide here.
What you need to do since v15 is to add iconPositionEnd directive to the mat-icon inside the mat-button, e.g.
<button mat-button>
Icon after text
<mat-icon iconPositionEnd>favorite</mat-icon>
EDIT: There already is a git issue about this feature not being documented here.

Onsen UI page orientation property for landscape and portrait

I am new for Onsen UI. I want to control individual page orientation like one page work only in portrait mode, one another for landscape mode and one for both. Is this possible with Onsen UI.
If you want to have a one page being displayed in one orientation and another one in the other then it is possible even though I wouldn't recommend it. Usually using media queries to change the styles of the page itself is the preferred method. However if you must do it then you can do:
<ons-if orientation="landscape">
<ons-page>Landscape page</ons-page>
<ons-if orientation="portrait">
<ons-page>Portrait page</ons-page>
Here are the docs for ons-if.
If you're using Onsen 1 then you can use ons-if-orientation
The above code does work, but I guess it's not what you want. It seems like what you want is not to display a page if the orientation matches, but rather to force the orientation based on the page if I understand correctly.
If you want to force a specific orientation then I'm sorry to say that Onsen does not provide that functionality currently. link
Cordova provides some features like this
<preference name="orientation" value="portrait" /> in the config.xml but I think that's for the whole app, not only for a specific page.
It seems that there is a plugin which is supposed to be able to do it on a per-page basis. There are standards about this still in development if I'm not mistaken, but maybe they're not implemented everywhere.
I guess there is something like
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json"> which you could put in your HTML, where the json contains {"orientation": "landscape"}, but again I'm not sure that this will work everywhere. Maybe it will work only in Android.
One last thing you could do is something like
#media only screen and (orientation:portrait){
body { transform: rotate(90deg) }
however doing a rotation like that is going to probably create more issues and is not recommended.
Probably the manifest.json could be a solution for android or just the cordova plugin otherwise.

Keyboard hides iOS input fields in PhoneGap Build 3.1 with an iFrame/object and JQTouch

I'm developing an app that loads a form from another website into an iFrame. The iFrame is set to 100% width and height while displayed. That website has JQTouch.
When I touch an input field in iOS 7 on the iPhone, the keyboard pops up and covers the input fields. It doesn't scroll, resize, or even let me scroll down to see the input field. If I type and then close the keyboard, nothing happens.
I've tried everything I've come across. Adding/removing height=device-height in the meta viewport tag didn't do anything. The thing that came closest to a solution was adding the preference "KeyboardShrinksView = true" in config.xml. That made it scroll (but not enough), and permanently pushes the site up about 20px or so.
I've been working on this for the last couple days with no solution in sight. Is this a bug? Is it the way JQTouch is interacting with PhoneGap Build?
UPDATE: Still no fix, but to test I took the form's page out of the iframe and set it using window.location.href="www.mywebsite.com"; They keyboard works in that situation. This is not a valid solution for me (yet), but may provide info on why it's not working.
UPDATE 2: I'm restructuring the app to use window.location.href, rather than an iframe or html object. This creates some small issues, but these are better than the keyboard not working. If anyone has an answer, I'd still like to see it.
Major Edit: I just realized the InAppBrowser plugin does NOT fix the keyboard bug alone. I did some more research, and this topic helped. I had to add "height=device-height" to every meta viewport tag. "width=device-width" should fix any problems viewing the site in mobile Safari. The final result is this:
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1,
maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0, height=device-height, width=device-width"/>
One of these also had a semicolon thrown in there, so be sure to check and double-check for syntax errors, as they may cause the problem.
If this doesn't work, there is another solution that you might try in place of or in addition to the meta viewport fix. It's several comments down in that topic I linked and involves some changes to the CSS. Changes to this didn't fix anything in my code, but it helped at least one person, so it's worth checking out if you still need a solution.
I tested this fix with iframe and object, and it didn't work--InAppBrowser is still necessary.
/Major Edit.
Here are some workarounds that worked for me:
Use the InAppBrowser plugin. This allows the app to interact with loadstart/loadstop/loaderror events in the loaded page within the InAppBrowser. This is the solution I suggest. However, with iOS 7, you will need to hide the status bar manually, the solution for which is here
OR Load the page using window.location.href = [website url]. If you don't need to worry about interacting with or returning to the app or linking to external sites (both of which I needed), this is the way to go. It's pretty simple, but lacks some of the functionality of the first solution.
OR Get rid of JQTouch. I wasn't able to do this, but much of it is redundant when you're building an app with PhoneGap.

DropDownList with dirtyforms jQuery plugin

I'd like to use the jQuery plugin dirtyForms to check if my forms are dirty or not.
But it looks like the DropDownList is not based on the standard select HTML tag.
It seems instead that it's using HTML tag.
Why this choice ? Because of that the jquery plugin dirtyForms don't set my forms dirty when I just change a DropDownList value...
I know nothing about kendo-ui or dirtyForms so I will do my best to answer this by looking at the API. The kendo-ui DropDownList has a change event that looks to only get fired whenever the input in a DropDownList is changed. Additionally dirtyForms has a way of you manually setting the form to dirty. Putting the two together I would guess the following should work.
change: function(e) {
Edit: Since you seem to want this to effect all DropDownList's, you might be able to do the following.
kendo.ui.DropDownList.fn._change = function(e) {
if(this.element && this.element.form)
This seems kind of hackish and I am not sure if I would recommend doing it though. It might break other things.
This sounds like this is a bug that was fixed in pull request 27, which allowed for cross-browser compatibility with select elements.
Or, it could be that you have not properly ignored all of the 3rd party widgets on the page that have anchor elements in their markup.

Removing like button from fb:comments

i just made new project on facebook using i-frame.i have put fb:comments on my application but the problem is like button with connect parts.I have tried to hide like button from css but could not success.Is there any way to hide?
in your custom css, you need the following:
also works without div (.like{...})
you may have to give your css file a version flag to prevent it from being cached, like this:
i just donĀ“t know if it is allowed to hide the like button like this...