Passing null vs nothing to named parameters - flutter

This is my class:
class Source {
final int value;
Source({this.value = 1}) {
print("source = $value");
This is how I'm passing values:
Source(value: null); // prints null
Source(); // prints 1
The question is if I am passing null to value in first call, why doesn't it print 1, aren't they equivalent?

In your definition you are creating a default parameter.
value is being defined as 1 and will be the default value in the absence of any other value being assigned to that parameter. When you actively provide it null as a value, it takes precedence over the default.

#adlopez15 is the correct answer.
But if you want null to result in 1 you can do this:
class Source {
final int value;
Source({int value}) : value = value ?? 1 {
print("source = ${this.value}");


How do I make the map value a constant in function parameter in dart

Why does dart complain "The default value of an optional parameter must be constant". How do I make the map value constant
Map<String, int> toastDuration = {
"defaut": 4000,
void showToast({
BuildContext context,
String msg,
int msDuration = toastDuration["default"], // Error: The default value of an optional parameter must be constant
bool hidePrev = true,
}) {
I tried adding const but that didn't work as it expects map part to be a class.
int msDuration = const toastDuration["default"],
toastDuration["default"] can't be constant because it's an expression calculated later (Think about the fact you can put any string in the braces). You can do something similar like that:
const defaultToastDuration = 4000;
Map<String, int> toastDuration = {
"default": defaultToastDuration,
void showToast({
BuildContext context,
String msg,
int msDuration = defaultToastDuration,
bool hidePrev = true,
}) {
As the error message says The default value of an optional parameter must be constant. Think about what happens if you remove the default key from toastDuration. Instead of using a map here you can simply use the default value directly.
void showToast({
BuildContext context,
String msg,
int msDuration = 4000,
bool hidePrev = true,
Another problem in your original code is that if you change the default key to say 300, the showToast will break because default parameters must be constants.

A value of type 'Null' can't be returned from the method 'fetchById' because it has a return type of 'Location'

static Location fetchById(int id) {
List<Location> locations = Location.fetchAll();
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
if (locations[i].id == id) {
return locations[i];
return null;
// if the condition is not true then return null when I try to return null or false it gives the error 'A value of type 'Null' can't be returned from the method 'fetchById' because it has a return type of 'Location'.
With null-safety feature in the dart language, you have to explicitly tell if you want to make a value nullable.
Define the return type with a ?, so dart knows that return value can be null.
static Location? fetchById(int id)
/// function body

differentiate undefined and null in Dart

Consider the following function:
BasicClass copyWith({
String id,
}) {
// some code behaving differently for 1) id is undefined and 2) id is explicit null
And consider the two parameters below:
Nothing (id is undefined)
Null (id is null)
copyWith(id: null);
in the copyWith method, is there any way I can make it behave differently for 1) and 2)
There is no way to differentiate null from "no parameter passed".
The only workaround (which is used by Freezed to generate a copyWith that supports null) is to cheat using a custom default value:
final undefined = Object();
class Example {
final String param;
Example copyWith({Object param = undefined}) {
return Example(
param: param == undefined ? this.param : param as String,
This requires typing your variables as Object though.
To fix that issue, you can use inheritance to hide the Object under a type-safe interface (again, see Freezed):
final undefined = Object();
class Example {
factory Example({String param}) = _Example;
String get param;
void method() {
Example copyWith({String param});
class _Example extends Example {
_Example({this.param}): super._();
final String param;
Example copyWith({Object param = undefined}) {
return Example(
param: param == undefined ? this.param : param as String,

How to set default value in function

I try to set default value in function:
bool isOnGoing([DateTime date =]) {
But studio returns "Default values of an optional parameter must be constant".
How can I set default parameter in this case?
The syntax you use is correct, but as the error message says, the value has to be a compile time constant.
A compile time constant doesn't make sense for
As a workaround, you can use:
/// Returns `true` is still going on.
/// [date] the date to check.
/// as default value `` is used
/// if no value or `null` was passed.
bool isOnGoing([DateTime date]) {
date ??=;
When you have multiple parameters use like below
int findVolume(int length, int breadth, {int height = 4}) {
return length*breadth*height;
void main() {
var result = findVolume(2, 3);
//Overriding the default parameter
var result2 = findVolume(1, 2, height: 5);
*===== output ======*
If you use [ ] instead of { } to declare local variables in function,
int findVolume(int length, int breadth, [int height = 12]) {
return length*breadth*height;
===== you can call like below ======
findVolume(3, 6);
findVolume(3, 6, 5);
All credits go to:-

Converting boolean integer to string value in javascript

I am reading a boolean integer value from database (0 or 1).
Is there an simple solution to convert a boolean int to boolean string?
When I was saving the value to my database I was able convert the string to an int using a javascript ternary operator.
var i = result ? 1 : 0;
Is it possible to preform the opposite?
My current work-around is:
function boolIntToString(i) {
if (i == 1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
The expression i != 0 evaluates to boolean false if i = 0, or true otherwise, so to get true or false, you could simply write:
var theBool = i != 0;
If you want a string, you can call .toString() on that boolean result. Wrapping this into your function, you get:
function boolIntToString(i) {
return (i != 0).toString();
Note that your own function returns a boolean, not a string.