How to get around using apostrophe in double quotes with Powershell - powershell

I am working with Powershell. My issue is that my file path (which does not exist on a local computer) has an apostrophe in it. Powershell is seeing this as a single quote, so it is giving me the following error: The string is missing the terminator: '. I thought that I could escape the single quote using a backtick, but that gave me the same error.
The error does not occur when I am doing the first line of code, and I don't even need the backtick for that part. I can even see that the contents of the variable matches up with the file path that I am using. It is only when I am doing the invoke-expression part that it is giving me the error.
I am using, so I don't think the second line of the code is the problem.
My code is listed below:
$code = "\\example\example\John_Doe`'s_Folder\example.ps1"
invoke-expression -command $code
I have also tried wrapping the entire file path in double-quotes and single-quotes, but my program did not like that either. I can't remove the apostrophe as we have over a hundred of systems that are directing to John_Doe's_Folder.

Invoke-Expression should generally be avoided; definitely don't use it to invoke a script or external program.
In your case, simply use &, the call operator to invoke your script via the path stored in variable $code (see this answer for background information), in which case the embedded ' needs no escaping at all:
$code = "\\example\example\John_Doe's_Folder\example.ps1"
& $code
As for what you tried:
"\\example\example\John_Doe`'s_Folder\example.ps1" turns into the following verbatim string content:
That is, the ` was removed by PowerShell's parsing of the "..." string literal itself, inside of which ` acts as the escape character; since escape sequence `' has no special meaning, the ` is simply removed.
For the ` to "survive", you need to escape the ` char. itself, which you can do with ``:


String containing double quotes as argument for PowerShell Script

This question was asked many times on SO and yet...
All I've seen were solutions where the input string has to be modified. Either by replacing all double quotes with single quotes or by using backticks.
But I have no control over the input string since I have no access to the source. I cannot change Hello "W"orld to Hello 'W'orld or Hello """W"""orld
What I can do is to wrap the whole string with any escaping characters. For example with single quotes around 'Hello "W"orld'. But none of thoses escaping mechanisms I tried worked. And I can change my PowerShell script
Q: How can I pass a string with double quotes to PowerShell as argument and retain the quotes?
How to reproduce
Save this
write-host $args[0]
as PowerShell script echoArgs1.ps1 on your desktop.
Open a CMD window, navigate to your desktop folder and enter
powershell -file echoArgs1.ps1 "Hello "W"orld"
Current Output
Desired Output
You're using the $(CurText) macro to pass the currently selected text in Visual Studio to a PowerShell script file via an external tools definition.
Unfortunately, Visual Studio doesn't offer a way to escape double quotes in the selected text to guarantee that it is ultimately seen as-is by whatever external executable you pass it to.
(For most executables, including PowerShell, embedding literal " chars. in a "..."-enclosed argument requires escaping them as \" - see this answer for the full story.)
Due to this lack of proper escaping, PowerShell won't parse text passed as an argument to a script file (*.ps1) via the -File CLI parameter as expected if it contains literal " chars.
This is Visual Studio's shortcoming, but there is a workaround:
With just one argument being passed, inspect the raw command line via [Environment]::CommandLine, and consider everything after the *.ps1 file the argument, verbatim.
To simplify that process, pass $(CurText) without enclosing it in "..." in the external-tool definition (and make sure that it is separated from the previous token by just one space char.).
Inside of echoArgs1.ps1, use the following command to retrieve the argument verbatim:
$rawText = ([Environment]::CommandLine -split '\.ps1 ', 2)[-1]
The problem is that the command line interpreter has already removed the quotes. In other words, the quotes are already gone before the command reaches the PowerShell interpreter.
What you might try to do is: pulling the original bare command line ($MyInvocation.Line) and resolve the arguments by removing the command itself:
$FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$Arguments = $MyInvocation.Line -Replace ("^.*\\" + $FileName.Replace(".", "\.") + "['"" ]\s*")
Write-Host $Arguments
Note that there are a few pitfalls with regards to the command filename in the command line:
it might contain a relative or absolute path
it might be quoted or not

Execute Windows Powershell command copy text to clipboard (incl. `r`n ')

I am trying to execute a powershell command to copy text to the windows clipboard including carriage returns and ALL special characters. I can execute the command ok using:
powershell.exe -command Set-Clipboard 'TEXT'
This is not in the powershell console directly so syntax differs.
I was using double quotes around text, substituting carriage returns in original text with `r`n and escaping all other special characters with `
It worked up until I got to a single ' which I understand is used by powershell to mean a literal text string.
So I changed approaches and wrapped un-escaped text in single quotes (except substituting 1 ' for 2 ''). Of course `r`n within the single quoted text are interpreted literally so doesn't work. I have tried stringing them together outside single quoted text like:
'some text here' "`r`n" 'more text here'
This works in the console but not in the command. Tried adding + either side but still does not work.
User "TessellatingHeckler" suggested -EncodedCommand but unfortunately I am unable to produce any version of base 64 encoded strings (to include in the command) which match the same string encoded via the PS console. So that is not going to work.
I have been attempting to simply substitute carriage returns in the original text with an obscure string, wrap the text in single quotes (literal) and then substitute it back to `r`n within PS. I have gotten the substitution to work in the console directly but cannot figure out how to actually send it as a command.
powershell.exe -command Set-Clipboard $Str = 'this is a test--INSERT_CRLF_HERE--1234'; $Car = '--INSERT_CRLF_HERE--'; $clr = "`r`n"; $Str = $Str -replace $Car, $clr
Can the above command be modified to work? Is it possible to achieve the intended outcome without writing to a temp file? It is preferable to be able to use single quoted text blocks as it is more robust and lightweight than trying to escape everything (even spaces) in the original text.
I was informed about a rather tidy solution by Rob Simmers on another forum, which I am currently employing.
Original Text:
Test text
String with 5x characters substituted ({ = {{, } = }}, ' = '', crlf = {0}, " = {1}):
Test text{0}!##$%^&*()_+-=[]\{{}}|;'':{1},./<>?
Powershell.exe command:
powershell.exe -command "$str = 'Test text{0}!##$%^&*()_+-=[]\{{}}|;'':{1},./<>?' -f [System.Environment]::NewLine, [Char] 0x22 ; Set-Clipboard $str"
Output (literal text placed on the clipboard) - same as the input, as desired:
Test text
As an aside: A fully robust solution that works in any invocation scenario would indeed require use of -EncodedCommand with a string that is the Base64 encoding of the command string's UTF16-LE byte representation - but you've stated that creating such a string is not an option for you.
If you were to call from PowerShell, you could more simply use a script block (see bottom).
Update: The OP's own answer now contains a robust, if nontrivial, solution based on careful string substitutions.
The answer below may still be of interest for simpler scenarios and for background information on quoting requirements and pitfalls.
Using the scenario from your question, this simpler solution should do (verified from cmd.exe - we still don't know where you're calling PowerShell from, but I expect it to work if there's no shell involved):
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard \"this is`r`na test\""
As for other special characters:
' can be embedded as-is - no escaping needed
" requires escaping as `\"
$ as `$, but only if you want it to be treated as a literal (the same escaping that would apply in a regular double-quoted PowerShell string)
If your use case requires passing an arbitrary preexisting string, you'd have to employ string substitution to perform the above escaping - including replacing embedded newlines with literal `r`n.
If there is no shell involved (such as with subprocess.check_output() from Python), the above rules should suffice and make for a robust solution (assuming you only use printable characters and there are no character-encoding issues).
From cmd.exe, however, a fully robust solution that doesn't use -EncodedCommand requires extra, nontrivial work, due to its lack of proper parsing of embedded double quotes:
The following cmd.exe metacharacters typically require ^-escaping, but sometimes the mustn't be escaped:
& | < >
In the following example, & requires ^-escaping:
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard \"this is`r`na ^& test\""
However, if your string also has embedded (and escaped) " chars., whether these characters require^-escaping depends on their placement relative to the embedded "; note how in the following example & need not be ^-escaped and indeed must not be, because the ^ would then become part of the string:
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard \"this is`r`na 3`\" & test\""
Anticipating these variations algorithmically is a nontrivial undertaking.
Additionally, if your string had %...% tokens that look like cmd.exe-style environment variables - e.g., %FOO% - but you want to treat them as literals, the % cannot be escaped.
There is a workaround that may work, but it again depends on the presence and placement of embedded " chars.
In the following example, the "^ disrupter" trick can be used to prevent expansion of %OS%:
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard \"do not expand: %^OS%\""
However, if an embedded " precedes it, the workaround becomes ineffective (the ^ is retained), and there's no direct fix that I know of in this scenario:
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard \"do not expand: 3`\" %^OS%\""
You'd have to split the string into multiple pieces to break the %OS% token apart and concatenate the pieces via a PowerShell expression:
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard (\"do not expand: 3`\" %\" + \"OS%\")"
Algorithmically, you could use placeholder chars. that you then replace as part of the PowerShell command, a technique you've used in your own answer.
As an aside:
Extra escaping would be required if you wanted to execute this from PowerShell:
powershell.exe -command "Set-Clipboard \`"this is`r`na test\`""
However, from PowerShell it's not hard to construct a Base64-encoded string to pass to
-EncodedCommand, but there's an even easier method: use a script block to pass your command; no extra quoting requirements apply in that case, because -EncodedCommand is then automatically used behind the scenes (along with -OutputFormat Xml).
Do note that this only works from within PowerShell.
powershell.exe -command { Set-Clipboard "this is`r`na test" }

Using PowerShell to replace string that contains double quotes in the string [duplicate]

I have a DOS batch file that has a line that executes a powershell script. First I tried a very simple script with this line in the batch file:
powershell -command "get-date" < nul
That worked great. But the script has nested double-quote characters, which can sometimes be escaped with a backtick (`) character. So then I tried this:
powershell -command "Write-Host `"hello world`"" < nul
That also worked great. However, the script I need to run is pretty complicated and has more than one level of nested double-quote characters. I have taken the complicated script and simplified it to an example that has the same principles here:
[string]$Source = " `"hello world`" ";
Write-Host $Source;
If I save this script inside a PS script file and run it, it works fine, printing out “hello world” including the double quotes, but I need to embed it in the line in the batch file. So I take the script and put it all on one line, and try to insert it into the batch file line, but it doesn’t work. I try to escape the double-quotes, but it still doesn’t work, like this:
powershell -command "[string]$Source = `" `"hello world`" `";Write-Host $Source;" < nul
Is there a way to do what I want? You might ask why I am doing this, but it’s a long story, so I won’t go into the details.
You'll have to use a combination of batch's escape character and PowerShell's escape character.
In batch, when escaping quotes, you use the common shell backslash (\) to escape those quotes. In Powershell, you use the backtick `.
So if you wanted to use batch to print out a quoted string with Powershell, you need to first batch escape the quote to declare the variable in Powershell, then to ensure the string is quoted you need batch and Powershell escape another quote, and then your add your desired string, ensuring you batch escape first.
For your example, this will work:
powershell -command "[string]$Source = \"`\"hello world`\"\"; Write-Host $Source;"
Here's a break down of the declaration of the $Source variable:
"[string]$Source = # open quote to begin -command parameter declaration
\" # batch escape to begin the string portion
`\" # Powershell+Batch escape
hello world # Your content
`\" # Posh+Batch again
\"; # Close out the batch and continue
more commands " # Close quote on -command parameter
This renders the string like this in batch:
`"hello world`"
One note, you don't need to explicitly cast $Source as a string since you are building it as a literal string from scratch.
$Source = "string stuff" will work as intended.

How to escape "<" character in password inside PowerShell script

Here's my script:
#rasdial "My VPN" "user#domain" 'my<password'
My password contains < character. This, without # works when entered into PowerShell console.
I know ` is the quoting character, but obviously it doesn't work with <.
My password contains many special characters so it has to be quoted. But it doesn't work when double quotes are used. How to escape the password properly? Is there a way to import it from an external file? BTW, rasphone.exe remembers my password, maybe is there a way to use it?
Here's the solution I found working. I used double quotes instead of single quotes. It didn't work at the first time, because there was also % in my real password, which needed to be quoted with %%.
So, inside .cmd script: 'my%`<password' won't work, but "my%%<password" will.
Can anyone confirm he used string like '...`<...' inside .cmd script and it worked? Does it behave differently in different PowerShell versions? Mine is from Windows 8 x64.
I had a similar issue and it took me a while to get to the bottom of it. In my case I had a password similar to this
Putting it in double quotes allows for variable expansion so obviously that wont work.
Putting it in single quotes is supposed to work but didn't for me. Escaping problem characters with the back tick also didnt work for me.
What worked for me was to surround with single quotes first and then double quotes
Have you tried:
` <--- The tilde key backquote is the Powershell escape character.
I would also encourage using -AsSecureString
Testing in the PS console:
PS C:\Users\Athomsfere> $pw = 'my<password'
PS C:\Users\Athomsfere> write-host $pw
So its not the character by itself.
It still woks like this too: (As a script)
'#rasdial', "My VPN", "user#domain", 'my<password' |`
Write-Host $_

How do I feed a quoted argument to perl in Powershell?

I want to call a perl script from powershell where a parameter is quoted:
myProg -root="my path with spaces"
I've tried to use -root='"my path with spaces"', -root='my path with spaces', -root=\"my path with spaces\", but nothing seems to work. After pressing <ENTER>, I see >> as a prompt.
How do I pass this quoted argument on the command line in Powershell?
Try putting the entire argument in quotes and escape the inner quotes, that way powershell won't try to parse it:
myProg '-root=\"my path with spaces\"'
It may be useful to explicitly denote each command-line argument. Instead of relying on the parser to figure out what the arguments are via whitespace, you explicitly create an array of strings, one item for each command-line argument.
$cmdArgs = #( `
'-root="my path with spaces"', `
'etc', `
& "C:\etc\myprog.exe" $cmdArgs
I solved a similar issue with
Invoke-Expression '&.\myProg.exe `-u:IMP `-p: `-s:"my path with spaces"'
Hope this helps.
I ran into a similar issue when trying to use powershell to pass arguments with spaces to an executable. In the end I found that I could get a quoted parameter passed by triple-escaping the closing double quote of the argument when using Invoke-Expression:
iex "&`"C:\Program Files\Vendor\program.exe`" -i -pkg=`"Super Upgrade```" -usr=User -pwd=password2"
What isn't apparent is why I can use a single back-tick character to escape the executable while I have to use 3 back-ticks to finish off a quoted parameter. All I know is that this is the only solution that worked for me.