Scala functional programming - transform java like code to functional code - scala

I'm a bit new to Scala
I'm trying to convert the code block starting from if... which looks like Java to something more Scala like (I think a flatmap or case) but I was unable to create the correct result for the function.
Any ideas?
override def getSubject[A](request: AuthenticatedRequest[A]): Future[Option[Subject]] = {
def parseResponse(body: JsValue): Option[User] = body.asOpt[User]
if(request.headers.keys.contains("user")) {
val jsonObject: JsValue = Json.parse(request.headers.get("user").get)
val userOptional: Option[User] = parseResponse(jsonObject)
} else {

Future.successful(request.headers.get("user").flatMap { value =>
val jsonObject: JsValue = Json.parse(value)
val userOptional: Option[User] = parseResponse(jsonObject)

The conversion from request to User involves three levels of optionality (or "missingness"):
the "user" header could be missing,
the header value could be invalid JSON,
the JSON could not have the right shape to be deserialized into a User.
This multi-level optionality can be elegantly handled with a for-compehension, which will result in None if something is missing at any level, and in Some(user) if everything is good:
def userFromRequest(request: AuthenticatedRequest[A]): Option[User] =
for {
userHeader <- request.headers.get("user") // "user" header may be missing
userJson <- Json.parseOpt(userHeader) // header value may be not valid json
user <- userJson.asOpt[User] // json may be not convertible to user
} yield user
Note that I have taken out the Future from the logic, since this conversion has nothing to do with asynchronous calls.
Then, you can implement the getSubject method by calling the function above:
override def getSubject[A](request: AuthenticatedRequest[A]): Future[Option[Subject]] =


Mocking for a Controller Unit-tests with ScalaTest + Play

I try to write a unit test for a small function in a controller using Play/ScalaTest+ Play. The function I want to test looks like this:
def functionToTest(id: String) = Action.async {
implicit request =>
deeperFunction{ implicit context =>
The deeperFunction
def deeperFunction(block: Context => Future[Result])(implicit request: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = {
// returns Future.successful(Found("DummyUrltoRedirect"))
The deeperFunction is inherited from a trait and I don't want use the real one here because it's a unit test and so I want to use a matcher instead
val deeperMock = mock[Rainmaker]
val contextMock = mock[Context]
val controller = new Controller()(.....) // list of implicit arguments
"Controller" must {
"return something" in {
val request = FakeRequest("GET", "/something")
when(deeperMock.deeperFunction(anyObject)(anyObject)) thenReturn Future.successful(Found("DummyUrlToRedirect"))
val id = "id"
val result = controller.functionToTest(id).apply(request)
status(result) mustBe Ok
But when I run this, the line "val result = controller.functionToTest(id).apply(request)" still seems to call the real deeperFunction, not the fake one and therefore throws a null matcher at some point.
I also tried to use
when(controller.deeperFunction(anyObject)(anyObject)) thenReturn Future.successful(Found("DummyUrlToRedirect"))
instead, because the deeperFunction is inherited, but with the same result.
I tried to stick to theses instructions
but it seems I am still missing some basics/understanding. Thanks in advance.

Play2 - validation of dynamic part of route(s)

I'm building an API, that takes in a variable path parameter, or dynamic part of the route, as the play documentation would specify it.
I would like to validate this as to give the client a proper response.
I have the following route setup
GET /:dynamic/all controller.method(dynamic: String)
The dynamic param for the method is used across the API, for multiple methods, so i would like to get some kind of global validation/whitelist of acceptable strings. (eg: "hello"/"hi" would be accepted, and "noooway" would not be accepted, and i would return a 404 not found as response.
I would preferably like my controller method to not contain any validation so that this would be true:
def method(dynamic: String): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { _ =>
//I already know "dynamic" is valid here.
Future.successful(Ok(Json.toJson(Map("status" -> "OK"))))
Instead of: (excuse my javaisc-psuedo-code)
def method(dynamic: String): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { _ =>
val valid = Helper.validate(dynamic)
if (!valid) return some result/response else
Future.successful(Ok(Json.toJson(Map("status" -> "OK"))))
Play allows you to do this by different ways.
1. PathBindable
You can implement a PathBindable[T] for any type T, so that your value extracted from the path of the request is not a simple String but a T.
If you are ready to change the type of dynamic (which would make sense, since it is not supposed to be just any string but a valid one), you could do the following:
case class Validated(str: String) {
object Validated {
implicit val pathBindable = new PathBindable[Validated] {
val string = implicitly[PathBindable[String]]
override def bind(key: String, value: String): Either[String, Validated] =
string.bind(key, value). // bind as if it were a string
right.filter(Helper.validate).getOrElse(Left("Invalid input")). // filter using your validation function, and give error message // encapsulate in your new type
override def unbind(key: String, value: Validated): String =
string.unbind(key, value.str) //unbind as if it were a string
Note that you need to implement unbind for reverse routing (get a path for a given action call).
Now, you just need to replace String in your router and in your controller by your.package.Validated.
GET /:dynamic/all controller.method(dynamic: your.package.Validated)
NB: if you want to use the simple name of your class, you need to import it in your build.sbt:
(project in file(".").
settings(routesImport += "your.package.Validated")
2. Action Composition
You can also implement an action filter to be used whenever your input needs to be validated:
case class ValidatedAction(input: String) extends ActionFilter[Request] {
override protected def filter[A](request: Request[A]): Future[Option[Result]] = Future.successful{
if (Helper.validate(input)) None else Some(BadRequest("Invalid input"))
def method(dynamic: String) = (Action andThen ValidatedAction(dynamic)).async {
The code inside the async block will be executed only if the filter method returns None, otherwise, it will return the specified Result (here, BadRequest("Invalid input").

Handling loads of different message-types at runtime in an elegant way

In order to be able to handle large amounts of different request types I created a .proto file like this:
message Message
string typeId = 1;
bytes message = 2;
I added the typeId so that one knows what actual protobuf bytes represents. (Self-describing)
Now my problem is handling that different "concrete types" in an elegant way. (Note: All works fine if I simple use a switch-case-like approach!)
I thought about a solution like this:
1) Have a trait the different handlers have to implement, e.g.:
trait Handler[T]
def handle(req: T): Any
object TestHandler extends Handler[Test]
override def handle(req: Test): String =
s"A success, $req has been handled by TestHandler
object OtherHandler extends Handler[Other]
override def handle(req: Other): String =
s"A success, $req has been handled by OtherHandler
2) provide some kind of registry to query the right handler for a given message:
val handlers = Map(
Test -> TestHandler,
Other -> OtherHandler
3) If a request comes in it identifies itself, so we need another Mapper:
val reqMapper = Map(
"Test" -> Test
"Other" -> Other
4) If a request comes in, handle it:
val request ...
// Determine the requestType
val requestType = reqMapper(request.type)
// Find the correct handler for the requestType
val handler = handlers(requestType)
// Parse the actual request
val actualRequest = requestType.parse(...) // type of actualRequest can only be Test or Other in our little example
Now, until here everything looks fine and dandy, but then this line breaks my whole world:
It leads to:
type mismatch; found : com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with Product with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[_ >: tld.test.proto.Message.Test with tld.test.proto.Message.Other <: com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with Product] with com.trueaccord.lenses.Updatable[_ >: tld.test.proto.Message.Other with tld.test.proto.Message.Test <: com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with Product]{def companion: Serializable} required: _1
As far as I understand - PLEASE CORRECT ME HERE IF AM WRONG - the compiler cannot be sure here, that actualRequest is "handable" by a handler. That means it lacks the knowledge that the actualRequest is definitely somewhere in that mapper AND ALSO that there is a handler for it.
It's basically implicit knowledge a human would get, but the compiler cannot infer.
So, that being said, how can I overcome that situation elegantly?
your types are lost when you use a normal Map. for eg
object Test{}
object Other{}
val reqMapper = Map("Test" -> Test,"Other" -> Other)
res0: Object = Test$#5bf0fe62 // the type is lost here and is set to java.lang.Object
the most idomatic way to approach this is to use pattern matching
request match {
case x: Test => TestHandler(x)
case x: Other => OtherHandler(x)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported")
if you still want to use Maps to store your type to handler relation consider HMap provided by Shapeless here
Heterogenous maps
Shapeless provides a heterogenous map which supports an arbitrary
relation between the key type and the corresponding value type,
I settled for this solution for now (basically thesamet's, a bit adapted for my particular use-case)
trait Handler[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T], R]
implicit val cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T]
def handle(bytes: ByteString): R = {
val msg: T = cmp.parseFrom(bytes.newInput())
def apply(t: T): R
object Test extends Handler[Test, String]
override def apply(t: Test): String = s"$t received and handled"
override implicit val cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[Test] = Test.messageCompanion
One trick you can use is to capture the companion object as an implicit, and combine the parsing and handling in a single function where the type is available to the compiler:
case class Handler[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T]](handler: T => Unit)(implicit cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T]) {
def handle(bytes: ByteString): Unit = {
val msg: T = cmp.parseFrom(bytes.newInputStream)
val handlers: Map[String, Handler[_]] = Map(
"X" -> Handler((x: X) => Unit),
"Y" -> Handler((x: Y) => Unit)
// To handle the request:
Also, take a look at any.proto which defines a structure very similar to your Message. It wouldn't solve your problem, but you can take advantage of it's pack and unpack methods.

Slick - What if database does not contain result

I am trying to build a simple RESTful service that performs CRUD operations on a database and returns JSON. I have a service adhering to an API like this
I use a DAO which contains the following method that I have created to retrieve the associated prediction:
def getPrediction(rawText: String): Prediction = {
val predictionAction = predictions.filter{_.rawText === rawText}.result
val header = predictionAction.head
val f =
f.onComplete{case pred => pred}
throw new Exception("Oops")
However, this can't be right, so I started reading about Option. I changed my code accordingly:
def getPrediction(rawText: String): Option[Prediction] = {
val predictionAction = predictions.filter{_.rawText === rawText}.result
val header = predictionAction.headOption
val f =
f.onSuccess{case pred => pred}
This still doesn't feel quite right. What is the best way to invoke these filters, return the results, and handle any uncertainty?
I think the best way to rewrite your code is like this:
def getPrediction(rawText: String): Future[Option[Prediction]] = { === rawText).result.headOption)
In other words, return a Future instead of the plain result. This way, the database actions will execute asynchronously, which is the preferred way for both Play and Akka.
The client code will then work with the Future. Per instance, a Play action would be like:
def prediction = Action.async {
predictionDao.getPrediction("some string").map { pred =>
}.recover {
case ex =>

Asynchronous wait for database-value in Playframework (2.4-M3) and Slick (3.0.0-RC3)

I'd like to keep my application as asynchronously as possible. Now I have this repository:
object LanguageRepository extends LanguageRepositoryTrait
private val languages = TableQuery[Languages]
private def db:Database = Database.forDataSource(DB.getDataSource())
private def filterQuery(id: Long): Query[Languages, Language, Seq] = languages.filter( === id)
private def filterCode(code: String): Query[Languages, Language, Seq] = languages.filter(_.code === code)
private def all() : Query[Languages, Language, Seq] = languages
override def find(id: Long): Future[Language] =
finally db.close()
override def find(code: String): Future[Language] =
finally db.close()
override def get(): Future[Seq[Language]] =
finally db.close()
When I call a url like "domain.tld/{language}" I want to check whether the given language(code) actually exists. Like, if the site isn't available in french (fr) I want to throw an exception or a 404.
Now, my problem is that this whole asynchronously thing is pretty cool and while I do think to understand the theory behind it, I'm rather baffled right now. I mean, I want this to be non-blocking (and asynchronously, which is the reason for me using Future and async ;))
In my controller I want to do something like:
def checkLanguage(language:String) = Action
val lang:Future[Language] = languageRepository.find(language)
case Success(s) = Ok("Yay")
case Failure(f) = 404("Oh no!")
Of course this can't work, but that's a schema of how I want to have things working. I want to wait or postpone the rendering of the site, until it's confirmed that the given language-code is valid or invalid.
I had a look at the Playframeworks async-documentation for 2.3.6 ( but I couldn't really get this to work as intended.
Any input appreciated!
From your db query don't use .head instead use .headOption. that way ur return type will be a Future [Option [x]]
In ur controller u can do something like this { case Some (x) => Ok (x)
case None => 404 ( "not found ")
Try this,
Action.async {
val lang:Future[Option[Language]] = languageRepository.find(language) {l =>{_ => Ok("Yay") }.getOrElse(NotFound("Oh no!"))
First of all, I am assuming that if there is a possibility that a language will not exist then languageRepository.find(language) should return an Option of Language. Change Future[Language] to Future[Result] and use Action.async instead of Action
Now for some explanation, Action takes a block whose result should be Result. However, what you get is Future[Option[Language]]. Play provides async method for Action which needs Future[Result] and it takes cares of completing the request.
So, you need to convert Future[Option[Language]] to Future[Result]. {l =>{_ => Ok("Yay") }.getOrElse(NotFound("Oh no!"))
We map over the lang, if the Option[Language] is not None then we convert it to Ok("yay") else we convert it to NotFound
Even, If you don't get Option[Language], the idea remains the same. Convert Future[Language] to Future[Result] and use Action.async instead of Action