How to change reaction time and typing speed on holding a key in suckless dwm? - x-dwm

In source code must be some function or variable for that, but I can't find it and I don't know how to even google it

Changing the speed of a keypress is handled at the level of the Xorg server. The xset command is what you are looking for.
The r option controls the autorepeat. Invoking with -r, or r off, will disable autorepeat, whereas r, or r on will enable autorepeat. If the server supports the XFree86-Misc extension, or the XKB extension (which it does), then a parameter of rate is accepted and should be followed by zero, one or two numeric values. The first specifies the delay before autorepeat starts and the second specifies the repeat rate.
For example, I have this command run every time I login (in .xinitrc):
xset r rate 300 50
This increases the autorepeat on holding all keys.


How to disable the "71 keys pressed in the last..." Window

I have an NKRO keyboard, so when I hold down a bunch of keys, sometimes when gaming, the "71 keys pressed in the last ____ seconds" window pops up from AHK. Is there a way that I can disable that window or remove it from the AHK program altogether?
AutoHotkey has two directives for controlling this behavior:
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval <Value>
This lets you define how many hotkeys can be fired within a certain interval (see below) before the warning dialog comes up. The default is 70.
#HotkeyInterval <Milliseconds>
This lets you define the length of the interval describe above in milliseconds. The default is 2000, which is 2 seconds.
This warning popup is in place to protect you, so don't overdo it with these directives. They are intended to prevent you from creating an infinite loop where a hotkey triggers itself. 70 hotkeys within 2 seconds is quite a lot for most applications.
Try adding #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 9999 to the top of your script. If that doesn't work, it might be useful to know what scripts are using in case those are contributing to the problem.

Can I watch what accesses a particular address?

With Cheat Engine it is possible to watch a particular address and keep track of what has accessed a particular memory address. I was wondering if this can be done too with OllyDbg or IDA. I could not find anything that would do that.
You can use hardware log breakpoint for that purpose.
Go to the address you want to monitor in the dump window (e.g here, I want to monitor 0xCB7008):
Press CTRL+F5 on the chosen address in the dump window (or right click and `breakpoint > hardware log):
Set Break on to Access R/W
In Expressions enter once again the address in square brackets
Set Pause Program to never if you don't want to stop on each access.
Set Log values of expressions to Always
Note that the data size if not really important (1 byte will break for 2 or 4 bytes access).
Go to the log window (ALT+L), press CTRL+X to clear it, and run your program (F9).
In the log window: you should see all accesses to the memory (the leftmost column indicates the code address where the read/write happens):

Does `evil-mode` have vim like `changes` function?

As per vim wiki:
Vim remembers the locations where changes occurred. Each position
(column number, line number) is recorded in a change list, and each
buffer has a separate change list that records the last 100 positions
where an undo-able change occurred.
One can then use g; to move to the last change in the change list. This list survives through different sessions. This means, that even if one did not make any change to the file after opening it in a new session, g; will move the cursor/point to the line where the latest change occurred in previous session.
From what I can tell, evil-mode does not have the change list per buffer which survives session. Or does it?
You probably want to have a look at Undo Tree, which is used by evil-mode if undo-tree is installed. I do not think that it has the g; functionality that you describe though. It can, however, maintain undo history between sessions.
Take a look at goto-last-change on melpa. Evil has default integration through g;.

Seeing which part of code MatLab is currently running [duplicate]

Is there any way to stop the execution of a matlab program from the debugger like ctrl+c does, but then being able to continue execution (like you can in say c#)?
If not, is there any better way to workaround this other than trying to pre-emptively set break points or dbstop statements in your matlab code?
I would like to be able to interrupt a long running simulation to look at the current state and then continue the simulation.
The two options I'm currently using/considering are
dbstop commands (or (conditional) breakpoints) in the code.
Drawback is that sometimes I don't want to stop the simulation for a few hours, sometimes want to stop after only a few seconds (and I don't necessarily know that in advance) and this doesn't work well with this approach: If I set the break condition to break every 5 minutes, I can't leave matlab running for hours without interaction. If I set the condition to higher, I have to wait too long for the condition to hit.
include code to save the workspace every few seconds/minutes and import the workspace into a second matlab instance. Drawback is that this is a huge hassle and also doesn't necessarily allows me to resume the simulation with the state of the saved workspace then step through the code for a few iterations.
I'm hoping there is a better solution than either of the 2. Thanks for any advice!
Edit: I think what I'm going to do is write simple matlab function that checks an environment variable or a file on disk every iteration and calls dbstop if I set a flag in this file or env. This way I can control when (and if needed which of several) the breakpoint hits from outside matlab by editing the file. Messy, but should work.
This is not necessarily the best way, but you could simulate a file-based signal/interrupt framework. It could be done by checking every once in a while inside the long simulation loop for the existence of a specific file. If it does, you enter interactive mode using the keyboard command.
Something along the lines:
CHECK_EVERY = 10; %# like a polling rate
i = 1; %# loop counter
while true %# long running loop
if rem(i,CHECK_EVERY) == 0 && exist('debug.txt','file')
fprintf('%f seconds since last time.\n', toc)
%# ... long calculations ...
i = i + 1;
You would run your simulation as usual. When you would like to step in the code, simply create a file debug.txt (manually that is), and the execution will halt and you get the prompt:
2.803095 seconds since last time.
You could then inspect your variables as usual... To continue, simply run return (dont forget to temporarily rename or remove the file). In order to exit, use dbquit
EDIT: Just occurred to me, instead of checking for files, an easier solution would be to use a dummy figure as the flag (as long as the figure is open, keep running).
hFig = figure; drawnow
while true
if ~ishandle(hFig)
hFig = figure; drawnow
%# ...
With the release of R2016a, you can just hit the Pause button in the code editor and it will halt right away. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+F5.
To pause the execution of a program while it is running, in the Editor tab, click the Pause button. MATLAB pauses execution at the next executable line*.
When your code is running, the Start button will turn into a pause:
Another change with this release is the ability to add/remove breakpoints while running. Previously you couldn't do this, apparently.
You can set a conditional breakpoint in the MATLAB Editor. You can also use DBSTOP to do this. For example, this will set a conditional breakpoint in the file myFcn at line 20 which will stop execution when a loop variable i is a multiple of 500:
dbstop in myFcn.m at 20 if rem(i,500) == 0
Then you can continue execution after you inspect some of your variables.
If saving the workspace to a file is a good proxy for what you want, how about making a simple GUI with a toggle button. In your code, check the state of the button. If the button is depressed, save the state, update a static text to reflect time stamp of last save, unpress the button. Optionally, have a conditional breakpoint based on the state of that toggle button.
Here is an alternate solution using the waitinput File Exchange submission.
The advantage is that you can use it from whithin the current session or in cases where it is troublesome to set up a file. Also it won't leave a file behind on the computer.
The downside is there as well unfortunately, you need to wait for the checking moment before you can terminate and it costs a little bit of time.
for t = 1:10
pause(3) %Doing some calculations
str = waitinput('Enter 1 if you want to stop ',5);
if ~isnan(str)
keyboard; % Enter dbcont if you want to continue from here
['moving on, it is now: ' datestr(now)]
pause(3) %Doing some more calculations
If you want, you can prevent lines being printed to the screen. In this case you need to enter the input at the time the figure window is open (Look in your start bar on windows).
To summarize, the short code that you can put somewhere like a conditional breakpoint would be:
if ~isnan(waitinput('',5))
After certain version (I don't know which one exactly):
Windows: Ctrl + F5
Mac: Command + F5 (I guess)
Unix: I am looking for answer too
After 2016a, there is a button for that on the interface too.

Is there a region change hook in emacs lisp?

I'm trying to get the content of current selected region in buffer. I'm aware of idle timer, but a hook should be more efficient/cleaner...
Not sure what you mean by "region change". If you mean "the text in the region is modified", then you'll need to use after-change-functions. If you mean that the selected text is modified by changing its bounds, then you'll probably want post-command-hook or maybe an idle timer (which is not less efficient than a hook, the main difference is that you get less guarantees about when it gets run; e.g. it won't be run between two commands if there's no idle time between the two, as is the case when running a keyboard macro).
A way to go seems to advice handle-shift-selection. AFAICT this function is called with every region-change by keyboard. Resp. advice mouse-drag-region.