Flutter Square Plugin crashes in release only - flutter

Flutter Square plugin crashes only in release when I use invalid card or press back.
But when I use flutter run --release & hook up my mobile. the crashes don't occur & the app works perfectly!
here's the code we used
void _pay() async {
await InAppPayments.setSquareApplicationId(sqAppId);
try {
await InAppPayments.startCardEntryFlowWithBuyerVerification(
money: Money((money) => money
..amount = 0
..currencyCode = 'USD'),
collectPostalCode: true,
contact: Contact((ContactBuilder contact) {
return contact.givenName = username;
buyerAction: "Store",
squareLocationId: sqLocationId,
onBuyerVerificationSuccess: (BuyerVerificationDetails result) {
addCard(result.nonce, result.card.postalCode);
onBuyerVerificationFailure: (err) {
return showErrorDialog(context, err.toString());
onCardEntryCancel: () {});
} on Exception catch (e) {
What is the difference between flutter build & flutter run --release ?
Could I use the APK out from flutter run & upload it to google play ?

In the release version you have to add the PERMISSIONS explicitly.
Try adding android.permission.INTERNET to the Manifest file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
to the AndroidManifest.xml located in android/app/src/main.
For your question about uploading a debuggable apk, Google Play-Upload will reject your file.
Refer to this link for the differences between release and debug.


Login with facebook works on real phones but not emulators, it started happening with the new emulator update

This code works on real phones but not on emulators
I use flutter_facebook_auth. This exact code worked fine before emulator update and it's still works on real devices, but on emulator it just do nothing after coming back from fb login page.
static Future<User?> signInWithFacebook() async {
try {
//Trigger the sign-in flow
final LoginResult loginResult =
await FacebookAuth.instance.login(permissions: [
if (loginResult.status == LoginStatus.success) {
facebookAuthCredential =
Credential = await FirebaseAuth.instance
print('here 1');
UserData = await FacebookAuth.instance.getUserData(
} else {
error = loginResult.message!;
user = Credential.user;
await user
.then((value) {
print('success' + UserData['picture']['data']['url']);
return Credential.user;
} on FirebaseException catch (e) {
error = e.code;
In the above code the app flow stops or freezes on
Credential = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithCredential(facebookAuthCredential);
What I have tried is:
Tried other emulators, different api's and models.
I tried adding new release and debug keyhashes to both facebook and firebase
I tried increasing emulator ram and cpu cores etc
I tried refreshing fb sdk and json and other dev dependencies
I tried flutter clean
I tried Invalidate Caches
I uninstalled android studio and all of it's components and install again
Is this happening with just me or it's a bug in the new emulator update?
It's been 12 hours, can somebody please help and check if their updated emulator is working with fb login
I solved it by downgrading emulator version to 31.2.9,
Here is emulator_archive how you can do it:

flutter embedded pos printer (Like: Android Q2 device)

Already I have built a flutter project. Now I need to print from a pos embedded device. I am googling, but I don't get any solution.
Please help me if there is any solution.
Actually I need for Android Q2 device
I have the same device and i already built flutter application , and ran into the same probleme .
I contacted the company and they provided me with android sdk so i added a channel and called the print from the flutter code.
In your case, you can download the SDK provided by the company and write native code to print the receipt.
in flutter
static const platform = const MethodChannel('com.example.myapplication');
Future<void> _print() async {
try {
final bool result = await platform.invokeMethod('print',{"data":Printdata});
if (result) {
// success
} else {
// failed
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
//failed to print
Then in the Main.java / Main.kt implement the method from the SDK documentation
public void onMethodCall(MethodCall call, MethodChannel.Result result) {
if (call.method.equals("print")) {
data = call.argument("data");
// Code from SDK documentation
} else {
ref: Example Nativcode in flutter
Add third party SDK to android
Try this library "flutter_bluetooth_serial" and connect to the printer via direct mac address like this:
BluetoothConnection connection = await BluetoothConnection.toAddress("mac");

Flutter web PWA install prompt from within the app

I'm working on a Flutter Web PWA app and having trouble with triggering the Add To Home Screen prompt from within the flutter app. I understand it can be triggered using Javascript with the code below, but how do I do this from my Flutter dart file?
buttonInstall.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// Hide the app provided install promotion
// Show the install prompt
// Wait for the user to respond to the prompt
deferredPrompt.userChoice.then((choiceResult) => {
if (choiceResult.outcome === 'accepted') {
console.log('User accepted the install prompt');
} else {
console.log('User dismissed the install prompt');
Currently, Flutter web can only prompt PWA installs from the browser. The issue with displaying PWA install prompt is it breaks the compatibility/design with Android/iOS builds as the feature is web-specific.
A different approach that you can take here is by displaying "PWA install" reminders when the app is run on web. Otherwise, it's best to file this as a feature request.
I created the pwa_install package specifically for this purpose.
1. Update index.html
<!-- Capture PWA install prompt event -->
let deferredPrompt;
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', (e) => {
deferredPrompt = e;
function promptInstall(){
// Listen for app install event
window.addEventListener('appinstalled', () => {
deferredPrompt = null;
// Track how PWA was launched (either from browser or as PWA)
function getLaunchMode() {
const isStandalone = window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches;
if(deferredPrompt) hasPrompt();
if (document.referrer.startsWith('android-app://')) {
} else if (navigator.standalone || isStandalone) {
} else {
2. Call PWAInstall().setup()
You can call this method in main.dart before calling runApp()
Future<void> main() async {
// Add this
PWAInstall().setup(installCallback: () {
debugPrint('APP INSTALLED!');
runApp(MaterialApp(home: App()));
3. Check if the Install Prompt is enabled
Before calling the promptInstall_() method, you can check if the Install Prompt is available using PWAInstall().installPromptEnabled.
installPromptEnabled will be true if:
The app was launched in a browser (It doesn't make sense to prompt a PWA install if the app is already running as a PWA)
The beforeinstallprompt event was captured.
promptInstall_() won't do anything if installPromptEnabled is false so you should check this flag before attempting to call the prompt.
4. Call PWAInstall().promptInstall_()
Finally, call PWAInstall().promptInstall_() to show the install prompt.
Note that this will not work on Safari since Safari does not implement the beforeinstallprompt method this package relies on.

Flutter getting an exception when calling queryPastPurchases (in_app_purchase plugin): Cannot find receipt for the current main bundle

I'm trying to utilise the in_app_purchase plugin (https://pub.dev/packages/in_app_purchase) for my Flutter App.
Calling a queryProductDetails(ids) works just fine,
but when calling the queryPastPurchases() I get the following exception:
PlatformException (PlatformException(storekit_no_receipt, Cannot find receipt for the current main bundle., null))
Seems like this is the source for the exception:
Worth mentioning:
I've setup an IAP in App-Store-Connect.
This IAP hasn't been sent for Apple approval yet.
App is in development, tested using TestFlight with beta testers.
Another issue is that this exception doesn't get cought in the try-catch statement (see code below), but only by the environment when checking the "All Exceptions" option in VSCode...
Tested on Emulator and real device.
Added a breakpoint to the objective-c code of the plugin, and saw that the receiptURL refers to "sandboxReceipt". So maybe it's because I don't use sandbox users?
Future<void> _getPastPurchases() async {
try {
final QueryPurchaseDetailsResponse response = await InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.queryPastPurchases();
if (response.error != null) {
// Handle the error
print('response = ' + response.toString());
for (PurchaseDetails purchase in response.pastPurchases) {
if (Platform.isIOS) {
setState(() {
_purchases = response.pastPurchases;
} on PlatformException catch(err) {
catch (err) {

I can't receiving notifications when the app is closed or swiped away on huawei device?

I'm using onsignal notifications with my flutter app,I've tested my app on three Samsunge devices and notifcations working perfectly in all these devices when the app on foreground, background, and also when I swiped it away.
after that I tested the app on huawei device which using EMUI 9.0.1 Os
the notifications only works if the app is active or on background
if I swiped it away I can't receiving any notifications.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been struggling with this for a long time. I'll post my code for setting onesignal below
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
if (!mounted) return;
OneSignal.shared.setLogLevel(OSLogLevel.verbose, OSLogLevel.none);
var settings = {
OSiOSSettings.autoPrompt: false,
OSiOSSettings.promptBeforeOpeningPushUrl: true
OneSignal.shared.setNotificationReceivedHandler((notification) {
this.setState(() {
print('Notifiaction received');
.setNotificationOpenedHandler((OSNotificationOpenedResult result) {
this.setState(() {
newUrl = result.notification.payload.additionalData['url'].toString();
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => WebNotification(newUrl)));
// NOTE: Replace with your own app ID from https://www.onesignal.com
await OneSignal.shared
.init("xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx", iOSSettings: settings);
You need to set up a service extension. Take a look at our docs on Background Notifications. Also, consider Notification Behavior when designing your implementation
make sure you sue latest version of onesignal
for huwaii use HMS if possible ( onesignal support HMS )
In your root build.gradle, under buildscript, add the following 2 new lines to your existing repositories and dependencies sections
buildscript {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url 'https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/' } // Gradle Plugin Portal
dependencies {
// ...
// OneSignal-Gradle-Plugin
classpath 'gradle.plugin.com.onesignal:onesignal-gradle-plugin:[0.12.8, 0.99.99]'
Add the following to the top of your app/build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.onesignal.androidsdk.onesignal-gradle-plugin'
you need to make user add your app to ignore battry optmztion in huwaii it is (protacted app )
in flutter you can make button and attach it to the app setting ( use these plugin https://pub.dev/packages/app_settings)