Grafana | Auth Proxy - Security - grafana

I am trying to implement Grafana Auth Proxy as documented at
Based on how it works, it seems X-WEBAUTH-USER is set in plain text. So any one who can spoof it, can get logged in.
Grafana does have a IP Whitelist, BUT I dont think its practice to maintain IP Addresses of Docker Containers (Django and Grafana are running in separate docker containers).
Is there a better implementation to achieve some thing more secured?
Can whitelist have a easier value?

That is design. AuthProxy offloads the authentication to your own legacy "auth" server. Of course you will need to secure connection between auth server and Grafana, so no one will be able to spoof it. For example you may create dedicated docker network (mutual TLS connection, VPN, ...), where users don't have access. The best approach depends on used infrastructure. If you are not able to secure this communication properly, then AuthProxy is not the best auth method for you.
IMHO the best authentication (and single sign on) protocol supported also by Grafana is Open ID Connect (or SAML for Grafana Enteprise). But you will need Identity Provider, which will support these standards.


How to create authentication with Kubernetes when service is already existing?

I'm reading through, but it is not giving any concrete commands and it is mostly focusing when we want to create everything from scratch. It's also explaining auth for engineers using Kubernetes.
I have an existing deployment and service (with exposed external IP) and would like to create the simplest possible authentication (preferably token based) for an external user accessing the exposed IP. I can't add authentication to the services since I don't have access to their code. If somebody could help me with some commands I would be grateful.
The documentation which referred is for authentication with k8s (for api accesses). This is not for application layer authentication.
However I can suggest one way to implement application layer authentication without changing the service at all. You can redirect the traffic to nginx (or any other reverse proxy) which can perform the authentication and redirect the authenticated user to service directly. It can also perform some kind of authorization too.
There are various resources available which can help you choose various authentication mechanism available in nginx such as password file based mechanism (link) or JWT based authentication (link)

Is keycloak behind api gateway a good practice?

What are good arguments in favor to use or not to use Keycloak behind Api gateway (Kong)?
There is a tradeoff to putting it behind the proxy: you will not be able to easily protect all of your services by applying the OIDC plugin on the global level. Instead, you will need to individually configure every service with its own OIDC plugin. This is because you will need at least one service that is not protected by the OIDC plugin so that user-agents can authenticate through that service. Unless you're planning to implement some other form of security on that service or need some other services that Kong can easily implement as requests pass through it, I don't see the point of putting Keycloak behind the proxy. That's not to say there aren't good reasons to do it, I'm just not aware of them.
I've set Keycloak up outside of the proxy, and have had good results. Here's what it looks like:
I'm writing a blog post about this set up now which I will release next week. I will try to remember to update my answer here when it is complete.
Links to blog:
Part 1,
Part 2
It is not good practice, in fact I would suggest to put it outside, in the DMZ. In this way that IDP can be leveraged by all APIs that you want to publish and authenticate using the API gateway. This is an example of applying such authentication flow with Keycloak:
Your concern might be then: how do I protect such a critical resource like an IDP authenticating all my services?
Reasonable concern which you can address by:
ensuring autoscaling of the IDP based on authentication request
configuring all the needed threat mitigation options on Keycloak (
add a WAF in front of the IDP with feature such as DDOS prevention and Intelligent Threat Mitigation based on traffic patterns
IP or Domain whitelisting, if you know where all your customers are connecting from
restrict port exposure for the IDP
Kong is an API gateway that'll be in the "hot path" - in the request and response cycle of every API request. Kong is good at efficiently proxying lots of requests at very low latency.
Keycloak and other IAM offerings can integrate with Kong - but they aren't placed in the hot path. Keycloak is good at managing users and permissions and providing this information to systems like Kong, when requested.
Perhaps these links will be helpful and
Is not a good practice, a good Enterprise API Gateway has the obligation to meet (or give you the access to customize) all the advanced authentication and authorization standards available in KEYCLOAK.
But in some circumstances, If you already have a API Gateway with a lot API´s configured (with transformation rules, route rules) and this Gateway can´t provide advanced features for authentication and authorization (ex. 2 factor authentication or Oauth2 authorization code/openId / SAML) and you need more security ASAP, go ahead while looking for a gateway that best meets your needs

Restrict access to Kubernetes UI via VPN or other on GKE

GKE currently exposes Kubernetes UI publicly and by default is only protected by basic auth.
Is there a better method for securing access to the UI? It appears to me this should be accessed behind a secure VPN to prevent various types of attacks. If someone could access the Kubernetes UI, they could cause a lot of damage to the cluster.
GKE currently exposes Kubernetes UI publicly and by default is only protected by basic auth.
The UI is running as a Pod in the Kubernetes cluster with a service attached so that it is accessible from inside of the cluster. If you want to access it remotely, you can use the service proxy running in the apiserver, which means that you would authenticate with the apiserver to access the UI.
The apiserver accepts three forms of client authentication: basic auth, bearer token, and client certificate. The basic auth password should have high entropy, and is only transmitted over SSL. It is provided to make access via a browser simpler since OAuth integration does not yet exist (although you should only pass your credentials over the SSL connection if you have verified the server certificate in your web browser so that your credentials aren't stolen by a man in the middle attack).
Is there a better method for securing access to the UI?
There isn't a way to tell GKE to disable the service proxy in the master, but if an attacker had credentials, then they could access your cluster using the API and do as much harm as if they could get to the UI. So I'm not sure why you are particularly concerned with securing the UI via the service proxy vs. securing the apiserver's API endpoint.
It appears to me this should be accessed behind a secure VPN to prevent various types of attacks.
Which types of attacks are you concerned about specifically?

HTTPS for local IP address

I have a gadget[*] that connects to the user's WiFi network and responds to commands over a simple REST interface. The user uses a web app to control this gadget. The web app is currently served over http and the app's javascript does AJAX calls to the gadget's local IP address to control it. This scheme works well and I have no issues with it.
[*] By "gadget" I mean an actual, physical IoT device that the user buys and installs within their home, and configures to connect to their home WiFi network
Now, I want to serve this web app over https. I have no issue setting up https on the hosting side. The problem is, now the browser blocks access to the gadget (since the gadget's REST API is over http and not https).
The obvious solution is to have the gadget serve it's REST API over https. But how? It has a local IP address and no one will issue a certificate for it. (Even if they did, I'd have to buy a boatload of certificates for each possible local IP address.) I could round-trip via the cloud (by adding additional logic on my server side to accept commands from the web app and forward it to the gadget over another connection), but this will increase latencies.
Is there a way around this problem? One possibility that I have in mind is to:
Get a wildcard certificate (say, *
Run my own DNS that maps sub-domains to a local IP address following a pattern (For example, would map to
Use the wild-card certificate in all the gadgets
My web app could then make AJAX calls to instead of and latencies would remain unaffected aside from the initial DNS lookup
Would this work? It's an expensive experiment to try out (wildcard certificates cost ~$200) and running a DNS server seems like a lot of work. Plus I find myself under-qualified to think through the security implications.
Perhaps there's already a service out there that solves this problem?
While this is a pretty old question, it is still nothing that you find out-of-the-box solutions for today.
Just as #Jaffa-the-cake posted in a comment, you can lean on how Plex did it, which Filippo Valsorda explained in his blog:
This is very similar to what you proposed yourself. You don't even need a wildcard certificate, but you can generate certificates on-the-fly using Let's Encrypt. (You can still use wildcard certificates, if you want, which Let's Encrypt supports now, too.)
Just yesterday I did a manual proof-of-concept for that workflow, that can be automated with the following steps:
Write a Web Service that can create DNS entries for individual devices dynamically and generate matching certificates via Let's Encrypt - this is pretty easy using certbot and e.g. Google Cloud DNS. I guess Azure, AWS and others have similar offerings, too. When you use certbot's DNS plugins, you don't even need to have an actual web server running on port 80/443.
On you local device, contact that Web Service to generate a unique DNS entry (e.g. and certificate for that domain
Use that certificate in your local HTTPS server
Browse to that domain instead of your local IP
Now you will have a HTTPS connection to your local server, using a local IP, but a publicly resolved DNS entry.
The downside is that this does not work offline from arbitrary clients. And you need to think of a good security concept to create trust between the client that requests a DNS and certificate, and your web service that will generate those.
BTW, do you mind sharing what kind of gadget it is that you are building?
If all you want is to access the device APIs through the web browser, A Simple solution would be to proxy all the requests to the device through your web server.this was even self signed certs for the devices wont be a problem. Only problem though is that the server would have to be on the same network as your devices.
If you are not on the same network, you can write a simple browser plugin (chrome) to send the api request to IoT device. but then the dependency on the app/plugin will be clumsy.

Security in Cassandra

How are Cassandra clusters usually built in security way? Should they always be kept locally or are there any security functions that makes it reasonable to open up for external connections to the cluster? As far as I've understand I seems like Cassandra doesn't have any "inbuild security engine" for handling these kind of things. I'm planning on building a service to talk with the Cassandra from, should that connection be made locally (on the same net as the cluster) or from external using the DNS?
Cassandra supports builtin password authentication and authorisation since version 1.2.
User credentials and privileges are kept internally, in system auth tables. This can be viewed as its "inbuild security engine".
As for protecting connections (encryption), since version 1.2, there's SSL support for both internode and client-to-node communication. DataStax Enterprise platform additionally extends that with Kerberos/LDAP support to allow single-sign-on.
Configure a stateful firewall to allow incoming connections, but allow outgoing only if someone requested something from the server. Also C* has inbuilt SSL support, but not all APIs can use the SSL, so you'll have to pick a compatible one.