I wanted to know if it's possible to use the map here (not mine) : https://www.vinci-autoroutes.com/fr/autoroutes-temps-reel (it's an official french road traffic service) to display it in my website and modify the zoom, location and add some point of interest ?
Like that screenshot I edit :
And if it's possible I want to know how do it ^^
I see mention of how to add google maps to a joget dx page, but I want to use Openstreetmaps instead. I cannot see anywhere in the Joget documentation how you can then use this map to display the location of the assets (jobs, or any other entity you have the address of).
I am obviously a bit thick (!!) so any help gratefully received.
Reading the Joget DX documentation
I am trying to add a WMS service to Google Earth Web/Online: https://earth.google.com/web
I tried importing a .kml file that works in the desktop version of GE but had no success. I also tried adding a tile overlay, which failed as well. I could not find any recommendations for working with WMS services in the google faq/ help docs or on the web. Has anyone been successful with this?
The WMS I would like to add: http://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/php/wms.php?layer_id=61675&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&withChilds=1
WMS overlays currently work in Google Earth Pro, but they do not work in Earth v9.x (web & mobile apps) at this time.
But in Earth for web, you should be able to add a Tile Layer that loads a set of Google Map Tiles (the same tile format as you would use with the Google Maps Platform / Maps API). You need the URL for the tile layer, with the appropriate $[x], $[y] and $[level] variables (note "level" instead of "z"). You'll also want to add the N/S/E/W tile extent coordinates. And I believe it only supports 256x256 tiles at this time. Let us know how you're trying to add a tile layer, and we can try to debug that.
I am loading a google map into qgis 3.6. I don't want to see the lastest map, but (if it exists) I want to load an older map, that I have seen in google earth. Is there a way to make the choice?
when I load an xyz tile I use this reference (for google satellite):
Is there some attribute I can add or modify to the link? Thank you!
I just need some links, where to begin. I am not really familiar with OSM, but I want to create little website with a world map, where visitors of my site can simply add places with a descriptopn. I don't know where to start. Are there any pre-coded templates for a CMS like Wordpress or just non-CMS templates?
Have a look at OpenLayers. There is a QuickStart Tutorial on how to add a map. If you want to add a Marker by a click on the map have a look at ClickHandlers (example can be seen here). What you would have to change is showing a field onClick, where the user can enter the description. What could be also from interest for you is the OpenLayers.Popup.
If the result should be stored, you have to save the description and marker position into a database, so you probably will need some server side implementation for your idea.
I just want to build a drill down map like this - Drill Down Map
Here I want to show some data on tapping of each regions.I am out of clue. How can I ? What should I use ? From where to start ?
EDIT : In the link it's showing the country name on mouse over, instead of that I want to show some data/info of the country on touch. Please visit the map shown in the link,you'll get the whole idea.
Thanks !!
If you want total control on the map layout, and be able to check which country the users taps, there's no secret : you need to have boundaries of all countries you want to detect.
Here's the global approach I would use to reimplement something that looks like the map you linked to (I can you into more details if you want, but at first, here's the global approach) :
Get the data of the boundaries of the countries you need. This can be done using OpenStreetMap.org data.
[EDIT] I just came accross this website to download countries boundaries as files you can then use with tilemill : http://www.gadm.org/country
Use this data with tilemill (http://mapbox.com/tilemill/) : this tool is able to design maps using a language that looks like CSS but dedicated for maps. The results is great and the tool great as well. This tool also support shapes files, so if you can get the countries boundaries as shapefiles, you'll be able to use them with tilemill, and this will be easier than using .osm files from open street map). Have a look here http://mapbox.com/tilemill/data/ for the supported formats.
Then, with tilemill, export your map as an MBTile file (this file contains all tiles needed to get the map rendered at different zoom levels).
Use the route-me project to display the resulting MBTile file (in its latest version, route-me is able to do that, this feature has been implemented by the mapbox team to support their open format MBTile).
Guys from Mapbox have published a good tutorial "from data to maps" here : http://mapbox.com/demo/making_massredistrict/ this may help as well
Your best bet is to use CloudMade ( http://cloudmade.com/ ). They provide custom map builders program where you can build custom maps and can integrate those maps in your iOS app.
Depends what you are looking for. To implement the linked example it's enough with a giant image that you can split in tiles using CATiledLayer. You'll find examples if you google a little, PhotoScroller is one. If you want to display real maps you have to investigate the route me project.
I don't think that using images could be good option.Check this link - arcgis-iphone api. I am not so sure but you can get some idea from this.
Happy to help..