Instead of dotted line,Can we use solid line in JS TREE? - jstree

I want to use a solid line in the JS Tree structure instead of the dotted line.
Refer Screenshot
I can remove dotted line using the following code
But I want to change it from dotted to solid. Is there any way for it.?

Yes, it is possible to convert the dotted lines to a solid line. Unfortunately the lines are not text or svg. They are formed using the theme image below. If you're using the default theme, it's available in the themes/default directory as 32px.png.
You can edit this image to change the tree style.


Changing the colour of curley braces inside VSC

I write content in VSC and I use handlebars to write content.
{{#jan}} Hello my name is Tony {{else}} Hi my name is Bob {{/if}}
Is there any way I can get the content inside the {{}} to highlight something like bright yellow? when I have loads of these in the docs, its hard to spot them when scrolling.
I've tried messing around with the workspace settings.js file but have had no luck. Thanks
The title of your question asks how to change the color of the brackets themselves, while the body asks for how to change the content in the middle.
here's a solution for the title part: the extension bracket pair colorizer will give you full control over curly brace colors. by default, it colors nested braces differently, but as per its documentation, you can configure it however you want. so if you choose only one brace color, they can both be yellow or whatever color you want

Background colors for text boxes in github markdown (e.g. red warning box)

I'm converting some documentation from HTML to github-flavored markdown. I have lots of reddish/pink warning boxes in the old documentation.
div.warnbox { background-color:#fcc; border-left: 3px solid #f00; }
<div class="warnbox">
If you pass null as a parameter the world will end.
Is there any way to do something similar in (github) markdown? So far I've been using quote boxes which don't come in assertive red:
> If you pass null as a parameter the world will end
I also saw an interesting solution where someone suggested using diff syntax code blocks:
- If you pass null as a parameter the world will end
But that has multiple problems (gray outline, fixed width font, '-' at the beginning of the line, etc)
Is there any way (even if hacky like the diff thing) to do this?
Changing colour is not possible at this time.
If you want to create info or warning boxes, you can do so as of May 2022.
You can use the accessible note or warning blockquote in Markdown
> **Note**
> This is a note
> **Warning**
> This is a warning
Output Image:
You can create color text or background in a GitHub markdown file by using diff, to create red and green colors, as in the example:
+ Green Text
- Red Text
Where GitHub markdown file does not support color, even though HTML.

Text/Code highlight with jsDoc

jsDoc seems to support most of the MD syntax, but when it comes to highlighting a single reserved word or text, I cannot find a usable tag for that.
In the MD syntax I can use `word`, which would set a grey background and a different font, so you can see it clearly, same as on StackOverflow - word.
In jsDoc, whether I use `word` or <code>word</code>, the effect is just setting italic style to the word, which cannot be clearly seen as a reserved word.
Is there any syntax in jsDoc to clearly highlight a word or a text string, like `some text` in MD, to look like some text?
Alternatively, is there a way to customize it - provide my own CSS for a standard MD tag?
JSDoc documentation seems to be using <code> tag, and it highlights the text using a grey background like you want by setting it on the code tag properties defined on the usejavadoc.css file:
There is a guide on how to edit or create your own JSDoc template, with a section on how to override the default template layout file:
But for something as simple as this, you don't even have to go that far. Just edit the css fragment, before or after generation, and set the background-color you want for the code tag. You may do it before generation by editing this line and setting the background color you want:
Or, if that doesn't work, overriding the property by adding
code {
background-color: #DEDEDE !important;
to the file.
As an alternative you can use a framework like qooxdoo to generate your documentation using JSDoc-like comments. According to their API reference you may use <pre class="javascript"> for inline javascript syntax code highlighting, and it looks pretty nice:

Eclipse editor line color

Is there any way to make Eclipse set the color of the line beginning with some expression to a specified value?
In my code I got lots of working "Log" calls which I want to save until any production-like version occurs, but they make it hard to read the code. So I need theses calls (lines, or it would be better if it would be full construction until ";") to be displayed in some other color, like light gray.
You could add a Task Tag, like "TODO", but use "log." or something like that. And the task tag lines appear in a user-specified color.

How to change Emacs command line color

Is there a way to change the text of the command line in emacs?
I do not know, what the real name of the command line at the bottom ist, but I marked it on the picture. It is the blue text at the bottom:
The bottom part is called minibuffer if I recall correctly.
M-x customize-face
Two possibilities for this one:
Just scroll down until you see the part about color, in which it gives you the libraries where you can change emacs colors using RGB values.
This one's definitely a lot more robust than you need, but it's basically a 'plugin' of sorts that allows you to customize literally any color in emacs, or use premade color themes.