How to use Fade Scale of animations package for SnackBar? - flutter

In Readme of the animations package, I can see the fade scale transition working not only for a modal popup like AlertDialog but also for non-modal SnackBar, but could not find any detailed documentation on it. Files in example and test directories don't have related code either.
It looks like the fade scale transition provides only FadeScaleTransition and FadeScaleTransitionConfiguration; the former is for its (normal) child widget and the latter is for a modal dialog. SnackBar is neither of them, and I couldn't use it successfully although I tried in many ways.
Has anyone figured out how to use the package for SnackBar?


Flutter Recreating the Hero Transition replacing Navigator with a custom Animator

Looking at the Flutter Hero Transition, it appears to move the tagged Widgets to an Overlay class that exists in all Navigator Widgets but sits above the main content in the stack.
If this is correct, it allows the Hero to widgets to still respond to the Route scope and its animators but exist above the actual route content. How is this actually done efficiently? Surely this involves taking an entire Widget and storing it in a state for the duration of the animation. That Widget still has to respond to intrinsic responses from its original position such as slivers responding to active scroll actions.
Recreating this could be done with state management but I wondered how the standard hero actually does this. It seems like Widgets are effectively duplicated and then conditionally rendered on the screen defaulting to the overlay during the route animation and swapping out the original widget with an Offstage or similar. Is this how it is done?
The reason for trying to understand it is the need to replicate this behaviour in situations where Navigator is not an effective use case for a transition taking place internally on a page. I built an accordion style navigator but still want a hero transition to take place on the AppBar / NavigationBar. I know that this could be done with Navigator but it doesn't suit the use case. I could also predefine the AppBar content for each internal navigator state of the accordion but that is a lot of additional code.

Flutter text animation on page view scroll

Reference link:
I have been trying to build the above UI using Page view. I have used the stack as parent widget and handling the image scroll using page controller offset value.
Not sure how to achieve the text animation(In and out) and what could be the trigger point to start the animation for current page?
The animations package from the Flutter team has a nice package that includes an animation that closely resembles your example.
Here is the package:
It is the first example under Shared Axis. They also have good examples of how to implement the animation using this package. If you have issues using the package please add some code samples for the problem and we can help!

Smooth animated transition with valuelistenablebuilder

I have designed a simple dashboard menu using valuelistenablebuilder which basically changes based on the selected icon.
Here's an example of how it looks
Whenever i click one of the dashboard buttons (cards inside a gridview), it updates the listennablevalue, and thus it leads to a similar view but the number of buttons (and the content within the button) changes.
however, there is no transition or animation as the basic material pageroute given the builder is just rebuilding the view.
Is there a way to add a smooth transition using this listener?

How to produce this menu effect in flutter?<image attached>

This effect
I couldn't find any ways to produce this type of home screen card slide menu effect or any combination of widgets to reproduce this, sure could use some help.
This type of custom Drawer done with Stack, AnimatedBuilder and Transform. Most difficult part there is gesture behavior, that could be copied from original Drawer flutter source code.
Marcin SzaƂek represented this implementation, alongside with few other features on Flutter Europe.
At this video he describes how he done it.
And this is link to his github with this feature code implemented.

Flutter: Using Hero without Navigation

I have an app that uses a BottomNavigationBar to switch between two screens with their own navigation stack. I would like to use the Hero tag to create a custom transition between the two, but since I don't use navigation, but rather change the state to switch between screens, I'm not sure if this is possible at all.
Is there any way to recreate the transitions provided by Hero without using Navigator?
The Hero widget is not what you are looking for. Try the animations package made by the flutter team. Here the link to this package.
Is not easy to use, but get a try, or you can use the default Navigation built in.