Creating a Closure in Matlab - matlab

I've have functions in Matlab that takes two arguments, an image and a kernel and does various image processing applications on it. The signature is Gen_Filt(kernel,img) for various filtering operations. I'm trying to create a second function that closes over the filterings operation with a specific kernel so it can do a particular operation with images.
function [closure] =Close_Over(General,kernel)
So this will take a specific type of filtering operation (Gen_Filt signature) and a specific kernel and return a function handler with the kernel bound to that specific filtering operation. However, it seems to call the filtering operation function and gives the following error:
Error in Gen_Filt (line 61)
which makes me think it's trying to evaluate the filtering operation Gen_Filt before I can call the handler with a specific image argument.
Do I understand the problem correctly and/or am I making a mistake?

As others have mentioned there are problems with the code you have provided. But, for purposes of answering the title of the post, here is how you create a closure, using nested functions to capture variables in MATLAB.
function fun = createPlusOneFunc
x = 0; % x is captured
fun = #inner
function out = inner(y)
x = x+y;
out = x;
>> fun = createPlusOneFunc();
>> out = fun(1) % Increments captured variable state by 1.
>> out = fun(2) % Increments captured variable state by 2.


"Undefined" error for rewriting but not redefining an already defined function

This works (plots an "empty" figure):
function testme
This works (returns 1):
function testme
plot = #(x)x;
This does not (Error: "Undefined function or variable 'plot'."):
function testme
if 0
plot = #(x)x;
What's going on here? Why does rewriting but not redefining an already defined function render the function undefined?
Note 1: this is not specific for builtin functions; the following code returns the same error:
function testme
if 0
myfun = #(x)x;
function x=myfun(x)
Note 2: the error occurs in a function environment, not in a script; the following code does not return an error (and plots the same empty figure as in the first example):
if 0
plot = #(x)x;
Update: For the interested reader, here is some background information
on my original problem. The above examples are just minimum working
samples to illustrate the main issue (which indeed feature dead end if
statements). In practice, I was trying to make a function useable for
colleagues who did not have certain library/toolbox functions
available, by overwriting those functions for simplified custom ones
if they did not exist, as a quick fix. In particular, it concerned
imdilate (and imerode). The function looked something like the
function [myoutputs] = myfunction(myinputs)
% if the images toolbox is not available, use the following simplified
% replacement function
if ~exist('imdilate','file')
imdilate = #(IM,SE)vecdilate(IM,SE);
%% The original function goes here, which uses a lot of imdilate(IM,SE).
%% local functions
function M = vecdilate(IM,SE)
% simplified version of imdilate (can only process 1-D vertical arrays)
nSE = size(SE);
nIM = size(IM);
SE = logical(SE); % make logical if it isn't yet
% copy and shift xth column x down. new border entries are 0:
M = repmat([IM;zeros(nSE)],nSE);
M = M(1:end-nSE(1));
M = reshape(M,[size(M,1)/nSE(1) nSE(1)]);
% shrink back to column by taking max of every row:
M = max(M(:,SE),[],2);
M = M(ceil(nSE(1)/2)-1+(1:nIM(1))); % clip to obtain correct size
You might see that the replacement function covers some
functionality of imdilate, but not all, and it might not be as
efficient. The purpose simply was to use function A if it was available, and
function B if it was not. To my surprise however, the former case
returned an error, which eventually resulted in this question. For your interest, I solved the practical problem by renaming the function in the
original code, and by using an if/else statement:
function [myoutputs] = myfunction(myinputs)
% if the images toolbox is not available, use the following simplified
% replacement function
if ~exist('imdilate','file')
mydilate = #(IM,SE)vecdilate(IM,SE);
mydilate = #(IM,SE)imdilate(IM,SE);
%% The original function goes here, which uses a lot of mydilate(IM,SE).
%% local functions
function M = vecdilate(IM,SE)
etc. etc. etc.
Just-in-time-compilation (JIT) does not mean that there is no compilation and that every line is interpreted separately, so you can still mess with the code;)
The error would also appear if you use a not-defined function, where you woun't even expect the code to run, like
function [] = test()
if false
a = #(x)x;
Scripts are stored command line entries, i.e. the compiler has no choice but to handle every line separately (you may want to think of it as a keyboard macro).
Functions in contrast are encapsulated pieces of code. The compiler (in general) does not expect anything unknown + it thinks that this encapsulated piece of code might be reused. Therefore, it makes sure to do a proper job compile all code once beforehand (if the compile would do this all the time, it is called ahead-of-time compilation).
This becomes in particular obvious when your clear the variables in between:
function [] = test()
if false
plot = #(x)x;
clear all % clear vs clear all
(Note that clear clears all variables but clear all would also clear excising code (see MATLAB Execution Engine))
Have a look at this interesting blog post from Loren
MATLAB provides the best of both worlds by compiling MATLAB code on-the-fly, or just-in-time. MATLAB code is compiled whether it be in classes, functions, scripts, or simply at the command line. There is no explicit compile step for the user to initiate and MATLAB code can be executed in blocks as small as one line at a time. The MATLAB JIT compiler generates native machine level code that is optimized for the MATLAB code being executed and for the specific hardware platform.
Anyway, you should not write dead ends in your code or overwrite (native) functions. It is good to use function handles to overcome this problem, but make sure that you define it for all cases
function [] = test()
if false % dead end definition
fnc = #(x)x;
fnc = #plot;

Change a constant in ODE calculations under particular conditions with a flag

I have an ODE for calculating how acidicity changes. Everything is working just fine, only I would like to change a constant whenever acidicity reaches a critical point. It is supposed to be some kind of irreversible effect I wish to simulate.
My constants are coming from a structure file (c) I load once in the ODE function.
[Time,Results] = ode15s(#(x, c) f1(x, c),[0 c.length],x0,options);
The main problem I have here is not telling Matlab to change the constant but remember if it happened already during the simulation once. so Matlab should take the irreversibly changed constant rather than the one I supply at the beginning.
I would like to write a flag that is saved while the ODE is running and an if condition, "if flag exists, change constant". How to do that?
Here a first own solution, it is not polished and requires a structure file approach. Which means, the constants which should suddenly changed upon an event, must be struct files which are handed in the ODE function into the function that should be evaluated (look above for the ODE syntax). The function accepts the inputs like this:
function [OUTPUT] = f1(t, x, c)
% So here, the constants all start with c. followed by the variable name. (because they are structs instead of globals)
%% write a flag when that event happens
if c.someODEevent <= 999 && exist ('flag.txt') == 0
dlmwrite ('flag.txt',1);
%% next iteration will either write the flag again or not. more importantly, if it exists, the constant will change because of this.
if exist ('flag.txt') == 2
c.changingconstant = c.changingconstant/2;
Please look into Horchlers kind answer where you have to take care that such a step may introduce inaccuracies and you have to be careful to check if your code does what it is supposed to do.
To do this accurately, you should use event detection within the ODE solver. I can't give you a specific answer because you've only provided the ode15s call it in your question, but you'll need to write an events function and then specify it via odeset. Something like this:
function acidity_main
% load c data
x0 = ...
options = odeset('Events',#events); % add any other options too
% integrate until critical value and stop
[Time1,Results1] = ode15s(#(x,c)f1(x,c),[0 c.length],x0,options);
x0 = Results(end,:); % set new initial conditions
% pass new parameters -it's not clear how you're passing parameters
% if desired, change options to turn off events for faster integration
[Time2,Results2] = ode15s(#(x,c)f1(x,c),[0 c.length],x0,options);
% append outputs, last of 1 is same as first of 2
Time = [Time1;Time2(2:end)];
Results = [Results1;Results2(2:end,:)];
function y=f1(x,c)
% your integration function
function [value,isterminal,direction] = events(x,c)
value = ... % crossing condition, evaluates to zero at event condition
isterminal = 1; % stop integration when event detected
direction = ... % see documentation
You'll want to use the events to integrate right to the point where the "acidicity reaches a critical point" and stop the integration. Then call ode15s again with the new value and continue the integration. This may seem crude, but it how this sort of thing can be done accurately.
You can see an example of basic event detection here. Type ballode in your command window to see the code for this. You can see a slightly more complex version of this demo in my answer here. Here's an example of using events to accurately change an ODE at specified times (rather than your case of specified state values).
Note: I find it strange that you're passing what you call "constants", c, as the second argument to ode15s. This function has strict input argument requirements: the first is the independent variable (often time), and the second is the array of state variables (same as your initial condition vector). Also if f1 only takes two arguments, #(x,c)f1(x,c) is superfluous ā€“ it's sufficient to pass in #f1.

MATLAB Using fzero - returns error

I'm trying to use the MATLAB function fzero properly but my program keeps returning an error message. This is my code (made up of two m-files):
function fric_zero = friction_zero(reynolds)
fric_zero = 0.25*power(log10(5.74/(power(reynolds,0.9))),-2);
function f = flow(fric)
f = 1/(sqrt(fric))-1.873*log10(reynolds*sqrt(fric))-233/((reynolds*sqrt(fric))^0.9)-0.2361;
f_initial = friction_zero(power(10,4));
z = fzero(#flow,f_initial)
The goal is to return z as the root for the equation specified by f when flow.m is run.
I believe I have the correct syntax as I have spent a couple of hours online looking at examples. What happens is that it returns the following error message:
"Undefined function or variable 'fric'."
(Of course it's undefined, it's the variable I'm trying to solve!)
Can someone point out to me what I've done wrong? Thanks
Thanks to all who helped! You have assisted me to eventually figure out my problem.
I had to add another file. Here is a full summary of the completed code with output.
function fric_zero = friction_zero(re)
fric_zero = 0.25*power(log10(5.74/(power(re,0.9))),-2); %starting value for fric
function z = flow(fric)
re = power(10,4);
z = 1/(sqrt(fric))-1.873*log10(re*sqrt(fric))-233/((re*sqrt(fric))^0.9)-0.2361;
f_initial = friction_zero(re); %arbitrary starting value (Reynolds)
x = #flow;
fric_root = fzero(x,f_initial)
This returns an output of:
fric_root = 0.0235
Which seems to be the correct answer (phew!)
I realised that (1) I didn't define reynolds (which is now just re) in the right place, and (2) I was trying to do too much and thus skipped out on the line x = #flow;, for some reason when I added the extra line in, MATLAB stopped complaining. Not sure why it wouldn't have just taken #flow straight into fzero().
Once again, thanks :)
You need to make sure that f is a function in your code. This is simply an expression with reynolds being a constant when it isn't defined. As such, wrap this as an anonymous function with fric as the input variable. Also, you need to make sure the output variable from your function is z, not f. Since you're solving for fric, you don't need to specify this as the input variable into flow. Also, you need to specify f as the input into fzero, not flow. flow is the name of your main function. In addition, reynolds in flow is not defined, so I'm going to assume that it's the same as what you specified to friction_zero. With these edits, try doing this:
function z = flow()
reynolds = power(10,4);
f = #(fric) 1/(sqrt(fric))-1.873*log10(reynolds*sqrt(fric))-233/((reynolds*sqrt(fric))^0.9)-0.2361;
f_initial = friction_zero(reynolds);
z = fzero(#f, f_initial); %// You're solving for `f`, not flow. flow is your function name
The reason that you have a problem is because flow is called without argument I think. You should read a little more about matlab functions. By the way, reynolds is not defined either.
I am afraid I cannot help you completely since I have not been doing fluid mechanics. However, I can tell you about functions.
A matlab function definition looks something like this:
function x0 = f(xGuess)
a = 2;
fcn =#(t) a*t.^3+t; % t must not be an input to f.
a = 3;
x0 = fsolve(fcn1,xGuess); % x0 is calculated here
The function can then ne called as myX0 = f(myGuess). When you define a matlab function with arguments and return values, you must tell matlab what to do with them. Matlab cannot guess that. In this function you tell matlab to use xGuess as an initial guess to fsolve, when solving the anonymous function fcn. Notice also that matlab does not assume that an undefined variable is an independent variable. You need to tell matlab that now I want to create an anonymous function fcn which have an independent variable t.
Observation 1: I use .^. This is since the function will take an argument an evaluate it and this argument can also be a vector. In this particulat case I want pointwise evaluation. This is not really necessary when using fsolve but it is good practice if f is not a matrix equation, since "vectorization" is often used in matlab.
Observation 2: notice that even if a changes its value the function does not change. This is since matlab passes the value of a variable when defining a function and not the variable itself. A c programmer would say that a variable is passed by its value and not by a pointer. This means that fcn is really defined as fcn = #(x) 2*t.^3+t;. Using the variable a is just a conveniance (constants can may also be complicated to find, but when found they are just a value).
Armed with this knowledge, you should be able to tackle the problem in front of you. Also, the recursive call to flow in your function will eventuallt cause a crash. When you write a function that calls itself like this you must have a stopping criterium, something to tell the program when to stop. As it is now, flow will call ifself in the last row, like z = fzero(#flow,f_initial) for 500 times and then crash. Alos it is possible as well to define functions with zero inputs:
function plancksConstant = h()
plancksConstant = 6.62606957eāˆ’34;
Where the call h or h() will return Plancks constant.
Good luck!

Efficient Way to Generate Vector of Points Used in Recursive Scheme

I am implementing the adaptive Simpsons method in Matlab recursively. I wish to store all of the points where function evaluations take place to generate a histogram after integrating. I currently have:
function [S, points] = adsimp(f, a, b, fv, tol, level, points)
d = (a+b)*0.25;
e = (a+b)*0.75;
points = [points, d, e];
Thus, for every function call, I am increasing the length of points by two. My understanding of Matlab's function input/output scheme is poor. I'd like to know:
1) When the input and output share a variable name, does this use a single variable, or is a local copy made and then returned?
2) If it is a copy, is there a way to pass points by reference and preallocate sufficient memory?
To answer your first question, see here. Most MATLAB variables are passed by value (matrices, etc.) unless it is a handle object (function handle, axis handle etc.) A local copy of an input variable is made only if that variable is altered in the function. ie.
function y = doTheFunc1(x)
x(2) = 17;
y = x;
a copy must be made. As opposed to:
function y = doTheFunc2(x)
y = x(1);
where no copy need be made inside the function. In other words, MATLAB is a "copy on write" language. I am almost certain this is true regardless what your output variable output name is (ie. this holds even if your output and input are both named x).
To answer your second question, look at the first answer here. Consider using a nested function or a handle object.

What is a function handle and how is it useful?

Can somebody explain to me the meaning of the # (function handle) operator and why to use it?
The function handle operator in MATLAB acts essentially like a pointer to a specific instance of a function. Some of the other answers have discussed a few of its uses, but I'll add another use here that I often have for it: maintaining access to functions that are no longer "in scope".
For example, the following function initializes a value count, and then returns a function handle to a nested function increment:
function fHandle = start_counting(count)
fHandle = #increment;
function increment
count = count+1;
Since the function increment is a nested function, it can only be used within the function start_counting (i.e. the workspace of start_counting is its "scope"). However, by returning a handle to the function increment, I can still use it outside of start_counting, and it still retains access to the variables in the workspace of start_counting! That allows me to do this:
>> fh = start_counting(3); % Initialize count to 3 and return handle
>> fh(); % Invoke increment function using its handle
>> fh();
Notice how we can keep incrementing count even though we are outside of the function start_counting. But you can do something even more interesting by calling start_counting again with a different number and storing the function handle in another variable:
>> fh2 = start_counting(-4);
>> fh2();
>> fh2();
>> fh(); % Invoke the first handle to increment
>> fh2(); % Invoke the second handle to increment
Notice that these two different counters operate independently. The function handles fh and fh2 point to different instances of the function increment with different workspaces containing unique values for count.
In addition to the above, using function handles in conjunction with nested functions can also help streamline GUI design, as I illustrate in this other SO post.
Function handles are an extremely powerful tool in matlab. A good start is to read the online help, which will give you far more than I can. At the command prompt, type
doc function_handle
A function handle is a simple way to create a function in one line. For example, suppose I wished to numerically integrate the function sin(k*x), where k has some fixed, external value. I could use an inline function, but a function handle is much neater. Define a function
k = 2;
fofx = #(x) sin(x*k);
See that I can now evaluate the function fofx at the command line. MATLAB knows what k is, so we can use fofx as a function now.
ans =
In fact, we can pass fofx around, effectively as a variable. For example, lets call quad to do the numerical integration. I'll pick the interval [0,pi/2].
ans =
As you can see, quad did the numerical integration. (By the way, an inline function would have been at least an order of magitude slower, and far less easy to work with.)
x = linspace(0,pi,1000);
tic,y = fofx(x);toc
Elapsed time is 0.000493 seconds.
By way of comparison, try an inline function.
finline = inline('sin(x*k)','x','k');
tic,y = finline(x,2);toc
Elapsed time is 0.002546 seconds.
A neat thing about a function handle is you can define it on the fly. Minimize the function cos(x), over the interval [0,2*pi]?
xmin = fminbnd(#(x) cos(x),0,2*pi)
xmin =
There are many, many other uses for function handles in MATLAB. I've only scratched the surface here.
Disclaimer: code not tested...
The function handle operator allows you to create a reference to a function and pass it around just like any other variable:
% function to add two numbers
function total = add(first, second)
total = first + second;
% this variable now points to the add function
operation = #add;
Once you've got a function handle, you can invoke it just like a regular function:
operation(10, 20); % returns 30
One nice thing about function handles is that you can pass them around just like any other data, so you can write functions that act on other functions. This often allows you to easily separate out business logic:
% prints hello
function sayHello
disp('hello world!');
% does something five times
function doFiveTimes(thingToDo)
for idx = 1 : 5
% now I can say hello five times easily:
% if there's something else I want to do five times, I don't have to write
% the five times logic again, only the operation itself:
function sayCheese
% I don't even need to explicitly declare a function - this is an
% anonymous function:
doFiveTimes(#() disp('do something else'));
The Matlab documentation has a fuller description of the Matlab syntax, and describes some other uses for function handles like graphics callbacks.