Kafka not sending enough messages to consumer - apache-kafka

I've a kafka topic, 3 partitions, only one consumer with batch. I am using spring kafka on the consumer side with following consumer props:
Even tho there are thousands of messages (GBs of data) waiting in the queue, kafka consumer receives around 10 messages (total size around 1MB) on each poll. The consumer should fetch batches of fetch.max.bytes(in my prop ~15MB) or max.poll.records (10000 in my case) . What's the problem?

There are several scenarios which may cause this, do the following changes:
Increase fetch.min.bytes- the consumer also may fetch batches of fetch.min.bytes, which is 1.9MB.
Increase fetch.max.wait.ms- the poll function waits for fetch.min.bytes or fetch.max.wait.ms to trigger, whatever comes first.
fetch.max.wait.ms is 1 second in your configuration, sounds alright but increase it just in case this is the problem.
Increase max.partition.fetch.bytes- default is 1MB, it can decrease the poll size for small partitioned topics like yours (limit up to 3MB poll for 3 partitions topic with a single consumer).
Try to use these values:
Deeper explanation:


Kafka consumer can't read from multiple partitions at the same time

I use Confluent.Kafka 1.9.2 C# library to create single Kafka consumer for listening topic with several partitions. Currently consumer drain out all messages from first partition and only then goes to next. As I know from KIP, I can avoid such behavior and achieve round-robin by changing max.partition.fetch.bytes parameter to lower value. I changed this value to 5000 bytes and pushed 10000 messages to first partition and 1000 to second, average size of messages is 2000 bytes, so consumer should to move between partitions every 2-3 messages (if I understand correctly). But it still drains out first partition before consuming second one. My only guess why it don't work as should is latest comment here that such approach can't work with several brokers, btw Kafka server that I use just has 6 brokers. Could it be the reason or maybe something else?

Increase in Consumer Groups will increase delay in Producer Response?

I have an use case where i have to test the saturation point of my Kafka (3 node) Cluster with high no of Consumer groups.(To find the saturation point for our production use case) Producer ack=all.
I created many consumer groups more than 10000 , there is no Problem(No load Just created Consumer groups not consuming).
So i started load testing, I created 3 topics (1 partition) with 3 replication factor,Each broker is leader for a topic(i made sure by kafka-topic describe).
I planned to constantly produce 4.5MBps for each topic and increase consumer groups from zero.100KB size of 45 records to a topic.
When i produce data for no consumer groups in the cluster the producer response time is just 2 ms/record.
For 100 Consumer groups per record it taking 7ms.
When increasing consumer groups for a topic to 200 the time increasing to 28-30ms with that i cant able to produce 4.5MBps .When increasing more Consumer groups the producer response is decreasing.
The broker have 15 I/O threads and 10 Network threads.
Analysis done for above scenario
With grafana JMX metrics there is no spike in request and response queue.
There is no delay in I/O picking up by checking request queue time.
The network thread average idle percentage is 0.7 so network thread is not a bottleneck.
When reading some articles Socket buffer can be bottle neck for high bandwidth throughput so increased it from 100KB to 4MB but no use.
There is no spike in GC,file descriptor,heap space
By this there is no problem with I/O threads,Network Threads,Socket Buffer
So what can be a bottleneck here?
I thought it would be because of producing data to single partition. So i created more topic with 1 partition and parallel try to produced 4.5MBps per each topic ended up same delay in producer response.
What can be really bottleneck here? Because producer is decoupled from Consumer.
But when i increasing more no of Consumer groups to broker, The producer response why affecting?
As we know the common link between the Producer and consumer is Partition where the data remains and is being read and Write by consumers and producers respectively There are 3 things that we need to consider here
Relationship between Producer to Partition : I understand that you need to have the correct no. of partition created to send some message with consistent speed and here is the calculation we use to optimize the number of partitions for a Kafka implementation.
Partitions = Desired Throughput / Partition Speed
Conservatively, you can estimate that a single partition for a single Kafka topic runs at 10 MB/s.
As an example, if your desired throughput is 5 TB per day. That figure comes out to about 58 MB/s. Using the estimate of 10 MB/s per partition, this example implementation would require 6 partitions. I believe its not about creating more topics with one partition but it is about creating a topic with optimized no of partitions
Since you are sending the message consistently with 1 partition then this could be the issue. Also since you have chosen acks=all, this can be the reason for increased latency that every message that you pass to the topic has to make sure that it gets the acknowledgment from leader as well as the followers hence introducing the latency. As the message keeps on increasing, its likely that there must be some increase in latency factor as well. This could be in actual the reason for increased response time for producer. To have that addressed you can do below things:
a) Send the Messages in Batch
b) Compress the Data
Partition : Each partition has a leader. Also, with multiple replicas, most partitions are written into leaders. However, if the leaders are not balanced properly, it might be possible that one might be overworked, compared to others causing the latency again. So again the optimized number of partitions are the key factors.
Relationship between consumer to Partition : From your example I understand that you are increasing the consumer groups from Zero to some number. Please note that when you keep on increasing the consumer group , there is the rebalancing of the partition that takes place.
Rebalancing is the process to map each partition to precisely one consumer. While Kafka is rebalancing, all involved consumers processing is blocked
If you want to get more details
And when that rebalancing happens, there is the partition movement as well that happens which is nothing but again an overhead.
In conclusion I understand that the producer throughput might have been increasing because of below factors
a) No of partitions not getting created correctly w.r.t. messaging speed
b) Messages not being send in Batches with proper size and with a proper compression type
c) Increase in consumer group causing more of rebalancing hence movement of partition
d) Since due to rebalancing the consumer, the consumer blocks the functioning for partition reassignment we can say the message fetching also gets stopped hence causing the partition to store more of the data while accepting the new Data.
e) Acks= all which should be causing latency as well
In continuation to your query, trying to visualize it
Let us assume as per your condition
1 Topic having 1 partition(with RF as 3) and 1 to 100/500 consumers groups having 1 single consumer in each group(No rebalancing) subscribing to same topic
Here only one server(Being leader) in the cluster would be actively participating to do following functions that can result in the processing delays since the other 2 brokers are just the followers and will act if the leader goes down.

How to configure kafka consumer so that during after autoscaling the total number of messages fetched remain same?

Let's say I have a consumer running which is fetching from 10 partitions. In one poll request the consumer fetches 10 records per partition so 100 records in total.
Now after adding one more consumer to the group and rebalancing both consumers are fetching from 5 partitions and each consumer is now fetching 50 records in total(10 per partition).
I want to know if there's a way we can configure Kafka Consumer so that even after adding one more consumer both the consumers starts fetching 20 records per partition so that total remains 100.
I tried using max.poll.records and fetch.max.bytes but it didn't work for me.
After setting fetch.max.bytes to say 1000 kafka was fetching 25 records from partitions.
And after setting max.poll.records to say 50 each partition had 25 max records during poll so 250 records for 10 partitions. I want to keep the records to 50 overall. How can I do that ?
There is no direct configuration you can set to tell the KafkaConsumer how many messages exactly it should fetch.
I am sure there are other solutions but I see the following two options:
If you have the knowledge of the messages sizes and the messages have roughly identical byte size, use fetch.min.bytes together with fetch.max.wait.ms to get the minimal required messages. Adjusting the max.poll.records you can try to get to the exact required number.
Use seek of the KafkaConsumer to tell the consumer exactly to which offset position per partition it should fetch the data on the next poll. The seek API is described in the JavaDocs of the KafkaConsumer as "Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll(timeout). If this API is invoked for the same partition more than once, the latest offset will be used on the next poll(). Note that you may lose data if this API is arbitrarily used in the middle of consumption, to reset the fetch offsets".

Kafka fetch max bytes doesn't work as expected

I have a topic worth 1 GB of messages. A. Kafka consumer decides to consume these messages. What could I do to prohibit the consumer from consuming all messages at once? I tried to set the
fetch.max.bytes on the broker
to 30 MB to allow only 30 MB of messages in each poll. The broker doesn't seem to honor that and tries to give all messages at once to the consumer causing Consumer out of memory error. How can I resolve this issue?
Kafka configurations can be quite overwhelming. Typically in Kafka, multiple configurations can work together to achieve a result. This brings flexibility, but flexibility comes with a price.
From the documentation of fetch.max.bytes:
Records are fetched in batches by the consumer, and if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress.
Only on the consumer side, there are more configurations to consider for bounding the consumer memory usage, including:
max.poll.records: limits the number of records retrieved in a single call to poll. Default is 500.
max.partition.fetch.bytes: limits the number of bytes fetched per partition. This should not be a problem as the default is 1MB.
As per the information in KIP-81, the memory usage in practice should be something like min(num brokers * max.fetch.bytes, max.partition.fetch.bytes * num_partitions).
Also, in the same KIP:
The consumer (Fetcher) delays decompression until the records are returned to the user, but because of max.poll.records, it may end up holding onto the decompressed data from a single partition for a few iterations.
I'd suggest you to also tune these parameters and hopefully this will get you into the desired state.

Kafka Reduce Lag for Consumer

I am setting up the new Kafka cluster and for testing purpose I created the topic with 1 partition and 3 replicas.
Now, I am firing the messages via producer in parallel say 50K messages per Second. And I have create One Consumer inside a Group and its only able to fetch 30K messages per second.
I can change topic level, partition level, consumer level configurations.
I am monitoring everything via grafana + prometheus.
Any Idea which configuration or something else can help me to consumer more data??
Thanks In Advance
A Kafka consumer polls the broker for messages and fetches whatever messages are available for consumption, depending upon the consumer configuration used. In general, it is efficient to transfer as much data is possible in a single poll request if increasing throughput is your aim. But how much data is transferred in a single poll is determined by the size of messages, number of records and some parameters which control how much time to wait for messages to be available.
In general, you can influence throughput using one or more of the following consumer configurations: