I'm wondering how to install a package locally so I can test it without having to run a CI job, just like what mvn install does. Is this possible with NuGet?
I know there's nuget add but that requires many manual steps (build the package, copy it over into the proper package directory, etc.). I couldn't find much else, is there anything NuGet (or IDEs) offer to make this easier?
I wrote up two bash functions to help out with this kind of thing:
pack () {
dotnet pack -c Release -o ./packages -p:PackageVersion="$1"
add () {
for nupkg in packages/*.nupkg
nuget add "$nupkg" -source ~/.nuget/custom-local-packages
I don't understood the overall scheme on how NuGet is used on windows platform (because I never saw this, I work with Linux and monodevelop).
In many windows projects, there is a .nuget folder in repository, like
In this folder there is a nuget.exe executable.
Why it is necessary to add executables to source code control(SCC)?
How NuGet build tool differs from all other binary tools like compilers, which are not included into SCC?
Why other package managers like paludis are not added to SCC, but nuget does?
What are exactly the reasons to put NuGet to SCC?
It is not necessary to add NuGet.exe to source control.
The reason some projects have .nuget/NuGet.exe, with a set of other MSBuild files, is to use the MSBuild based package restore. The MSBuild based package restore will run NuGet.exe at build time to download any missing packages.
The MSBuild based package restore has been deprecated by the NuGet team.
Visual Studio with recent versions of the NuGet Package Manager will automatically restore NuGet packages before building the project. If you need to restore NuGet packages on a build server you can use NuGet.exe to restore the NuGet packages by running a command line similar to:
NuGet.exe restore YourSolution.sln
I need to upgrade several projects in VS2013 solution. There are lot of libraries, that depend on each other and a lot of projects in the solution. I don't want to upgrade it all manually. And I don't want to upgrade all so I cant use update all button in "manage nuget packages". What are my options? Ideally I would like to be able to set a list of libraries I want to update. And run a script that would check every project against this list and make updates. Is there a nuget api for that?
I would write a PowerShell script and then run it from the Package Manager Console. You can update all packages in a specific project by using the Update-Package command:
Update-Package -Project MyProject
You can also just update specific packages in a project:
Update-Package MyPackage -Project MyProject
Or you can update specific packages for the entire solution:
Update-Package MyPackage
I would also have everything under source control so you can rollback if the script updated the wrong thing.
I'm trying to use nuget.exe outside of Visual Studio as part of our build infrastructure. The idea is that the various build tools are fetched by a bootstrapper script that initializes a working copy. The bootstrapper does this by using a file that specifies the required tools and their version.
Broken approach 1 - use manually edited packages.config
At first, it seemed like a good idea to keep a manually edited packages.config file and use nuget restore to install them during bootstrapping. However, this does not work for tools that have dependencies, unless I list every single dependency in the packages.config as well, a much to arduous approach to be feasible, because I found no easy way to recursively find all dependencies of a package.
See also using nuget.exe commandline to install dependency .
Broken approach 2 - use nuget install to update packages.config
The second idea was then to use nuget install to install the packages, and let that command update the packages.config, very similar to the Install-Package cmdlet in the package manager console. But, surprisingly, nuget install does not support this! It either takes a packages.config or a package ID as parameter, but I found no way to update the packages.config with the new package and its dependencies.
This problem can also be found in another (two year old) SO question, see nuget.exe install not updating packages.config (or .csproj)?.
Is there a working (and non-hacky) approach at all?
This must be a problem that many people face when using nuget outside of VS, so what is the best approach in that case?
Of course, I could just parse the packages.config and emit a nuget install for each package, but I really don't want to re-invent the dependency management part of nuget, this is what I'm using nuget for in the first place. So I'm left with the feeling that either an -WithDependencies switch on nuget restore or an -UpdatePackagesConfig switch on nuget install is missing...
Note that there are other SO questions regarding the broken approaches described above. What I'd like to know it what the best approach is to solve the root problem, i.e. manage packages with dependencies outside of VS.
nuget install does not currently make changes to the project file.
nuget install can be used to either restore the NuGet packages listed in a packages.config file or download and extract them.
If you do not need the project being modified then your solution of reading the packages in the packages.config file and calling nuget install seems like a reasonable approach.
If you need the project to be modified then you could look at one of the following:
Ripple - a command line tool that adds extra features to NuGet. It has a ripple install command line which is similar to nuget install but it also updates the project file. It has a lot of other features for supporting build servers so this might be a good fit.
NuGet packages outside of Visual Studio with SharpDevelop - this was an experiment I put together to see whether full NuGet support could be achieved, including PowerShell scripts, from the command line without using Visual Studio. It uses PowerShell and quite a bit of SharpDevelop.
Customise NuGet.exe to do what you need. nuget update, for example, does modify the project file, at least for file references, but will not run PowerShell scripts. So you could take the NuGet.exe source code and extend it.
Of the above only 3) would give you exactly what you need. The other two would require a bit of work to read the packages from the packages.config file or some other list and then install them.
See my answer to Why does the nuget command line tool not follow dependencies?
nuget install My.Package.Id will follow dependencies. However, if you want to install multiple packages, you will need to create a batch file with a separate nuget install command for each package. These are top-level packages. You don't need to "install" the dependencies, as they will get downloaded automatically.
If you ultimately want a packages.config file, I imagine you can generate one by enumerating all the packages that were downloaded. However, you would have to take care not to include multiple versions of the same package.
I believe that how nuget 3 works with project.json files may do what you are looking for. Essentially my understanding is that the unit of dependency becomes the package and not necessarily individual assemblies. From what I recall, the idea is the have only one place to manage these types of package references which the project (IDE/Editor), package manager, and other command line tools can use.
What I don't understand and feel somewhat frustrated about is that it appears that the project.json concept is being canceled. I don't know if plans are to reintroduce it at anytime in the future. In the mean time I keep on hearing updated info on tooling that takes advantage of project.json such as nuget so where you can actually rely on this is something that is unclear to me at this point.
I two computers, one with internet connection and the other one without.
I want to install a Nuget package (Nuget.server) with all its dependencies on the offline computer.
Unfortunately it is not possible just to download the package itself and I have to download all dependencies manually and there are dozens of them.
How can I create a package on the computer with internet connection that contains all dependencies?
I just went through the pain of this and wanted to find a solution using only the NuGet CLI. Turns out it's pretty simple really:
> nuget.exe install <PACKAGENAME> -OutputDirectory <OUTPUTDIR>
The key is the -OutputDirectory switch which makes the CLI install the specified package into a directory that doesn't have a project file in it. Running this command will download the package and all of its dependencies into the output directory, with each package put into a separate sub-folder. You can then grab all of the .nupkg from the output directory and do whatever you need to do with them.
Update: As Igand points out in the comments, the -OutputDirectory switch is not actually required. If omitted nuget.exe will just download into the current folder. Still best to not download it into a folder with a project file in it (unless that is what you're after).
I had a similar need, so I created NuSave.
Cache a single NuGet package with dependencies
nusave cache package "Newtonsoft.Json#12.0.3" --targetFrameworks ".NETStandard#1.0,.NETStandard#1.3" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Cache multiple NuGet packages from a .csproj file
nusave cache csproj "C:\path\to\project.csproj" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Cache multiple NuGet packages from an .sln file
nusave cache sln "C:\path\to\solution.sln" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Restore & build a solution offline using my local cache
cd C:\path\to\my-solution
dotnet restore --packages C:\path\to\my-local-feed
dotnet build --no-restore
On the computer with internet access the NuGet packages (.nupkg) should be in the local machine cache. On Windows this is in the directory similar to:
So you should be able to copy the .nupkg files from there to the computer without internet access. I would create a directory on that computer and setup a new package source pointing to that directory. Alternatively you could copy the .nupkg files to the local machine cache, just be aware there is a limit of 200 NuGet packages in the cache. Then you can create a package source pointing to the cache.
Use the dotnet restore command with the --packages flag, which will download the packages to a specified directory.
dotnet restore --packages <TargetDirectory> <ProjectPath>
Ref: dotnet restore
Specifies the directory for restored packages.
A little late to the discussion here but I just ran into the same issue. I work with a medium size software development shop that works offline. Many new NuGet packages have very large dependency trees. Trying to walk the tree manually and download all required packages was very cumbersome. In the end, I wrote the NuGet Dependency Downloader. With it you give a package ID, optionally a version, and choose if you want to allow pre-release packages. After you click "Start" it will pull down the listed package and any dependencies it needs to run. As an example, when I put in "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" and selected "pre-release", this tool brought down 158 packages for MVC 6.0 RC1. Hopefully this will help those working in an offline environment.
In your csproj file:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
Or dotnet publish with all assemblies references.
According to this question:
using nuget.exe commandline to install dependency
The command line NuGet tool does not follow dependencies intentionally. While I could understand this as the default behavior, it seems odd to me that there is no choice to have the tool follow the dependencies. Is anyone aware of the reasoning behind this?
That answer is specific to running nuget install packages.config.
When specifying packages.config, only explicitly listed packages are installed.
However, if you try installing a specific package: nuget install My.Package.Id then NuGet will install the package and any dependencies.
EDIT Additional info as to why there's a distinction.
nuget install should really be called nuget download. It doesn't really install in the traditional sense. That is, it doesn't add references to your project files, it doesn't run install.ps1, it doesn't update packages.config, etc. You need to either use the NuGet GUI or Package Manager console to get a true install.
Since the true install updates packages.config, this file already includes all the dependencies that were installed. So specifying the file means, I want to download these specific packages. NuGet doesn't need to think about it since it's basically pre-calculated.
If you want to install/download multiple packages and have NuGet follow dependencies, just create a batch file and issue multiple commands:
nuget install My.Package.Id
nuget install Another.Package.Id
This will cause NuGet to fetch the package an any dependencies it may have.
Hope this clarifies things.