Show custom diloag on Azure DevOps in browser upon PR completion - azure-devops

We want to show our developers a user feedback modal dialog (in browser) upon completion of Pull Request in Azure DevOps. I have tried to Google it and have gone through Pull Request Workflow Extensibility documentation but couldn't find anything suggesting it is possible. Is it even possible to do? If yes, can someone point us to resources\code which can help us implement this functionality?

We want to show our developers a user feedback modal dialog (in
browser) upon completion of Pull Request in Azure DevOps.
We usually use extensibility points to extend the UI in Azure Devops Web portal. But if you want to get the user feedback modal dialog (in browser), the extensibility points doesn't support this behavior.
The Web Hooks in Service Hooks is the best thing I can imagine to trigger the completion of Pull Request.
Any time when we complete the PR, it will send a json representation to specified service (The Url which the Http Post will be sent). Then we can combine WebHooks with other service like Azure Functions to do our customization, like Use Azure Functions to create custom branch policies. It seems you need to create own Azure Function or website which shows up a dialog if receiving the Http post from Web Hooks.


How can I trigger a GitHub Action workflow via an HTTP request using the GitHub REST API?

I am currently having difficulty understanding how to effectively utilize GitHub Actions. I have been seeking information on whether it is possible to trigger a GitHub Action through an HTTP request using the GitHub REST API.
For example, I would like to trigger a GitHub Action from my laptop using curl commands, or even create a script or third-party application that will trigger the actions themselves.
While I have reviewed the official documentation, I have only found information on retrieving information and not on triggering pipelines.
Could you provide guidance on this topic or links to relevant documentation? I would greatly appreciate any help.

Making POST requests in google actions without Inline Cloud Functions

I want to make a simple post request in google actions to a self hosted web server and I cant seem to figure out how to do that. I cant find much in the documentation and I dont have access to inline cloud functions either.
What you're looking for is sometimes known as a webhook or a handler or handling fulfillment in the documentation.
You'll configure the overall Action with a single webhook URL. For specific Intents (in Dialogflow) or as part of a Handler when in a scene in Action Builder, you can specify when the webhook should be called. It will be called with a JSON body that is specific to Actions on Google (and differs if you're using Action Builder or Dialogflow) and expects a JSON response in a specific format.
For details about all of this, consult the documentation for webhooks in either Action Builder or Dialogflow.

User for automation instead of personal access token

I have a service hook configured to point to a server which receives a request from Azure Devops every time a pull request is made, which then in turn makes a call to the Azure Devops services REST API to create another pull request.
This second part is done using a PAT (Personal Access Token) for the time being generated from my account. This means that all the pull requests created automatically are made under my name, meaning I receive all the emails and notifications related to this automation.
Is there a way I can create a "fake" identity (without adding an actual user which may authenticate) with a different token which can be used for this automation (opening all pull requests under that identity)?
Is there a way I can create a "fake" identity (without adding an actual user which may authenticate) with a different token which can be used for this automation (opening all pull requests under that identity)?
Short answer is no.
Notification could be setting with three Levels : Origination,project,personal. It is not related with the PAT token.
Based on my experience, the Azure Devops also has no way to know which request is automation or manual way to create PR.
So if you don't want to receive the created PR notification, you could disable it on the personal level.
You also could customize the receive emails with project setting to receive the related information.For more information please refer to this Document.

Azure Media Services Encoding Job Callback to URL

Using only the REST API, I am able to upload a file to Azure Media Services from my local machine and start an encoding job. Then I need to poll the job for status to see when it is done. But, what I really want is for Azure Media Services to send a request to my callback URL when it is done. Is there way to do this?
Take a look at our Notifications features which supports WebHooks.
It integrates well with Azure Functions also - if you want to host your callback in Azure Functions and just leverage the WebHook trigger in there.
We have some examples of doing that up here:

Enable/Disable Workflow using Azure Workflow Management API

I'm trying to Enable/Disable a logic app on Azure using the management APIs. I always get a 403 saying the client: with object id does not have authorization to perform 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows/disable/action' ...
I do use the authentication token in my request and so far have been able to use the API to list all workflows, get trigger histories and in/out messages using the same method.
Any suggestion?
I've seen this issue a lot before if you are calling the http:// instead of https:// - we are looking into automatically redirecting, but for now you will need to make sure you are calling the https:// endpoint with the correct method (in this case a PUT)
EDIT: We discovered the issue was the account being used to perform the enable/disable didn't have contribute permissions.