When two or more Spark jobs have the same output directory, mutual deletion of files will be inevitable.
I'm writting a dataframe in append mode with spark 2.4.4 and I want to add a timestamp to the tmp dir of spark to avoid these deletion.
my JobSpark write in hdfs:/outputFile/0/tmp/file1.parquet
the same spark job called with other data and write in hdfs:/outputFil/0/tm/file2.parquet
I want jobSpark1 write in hdfs:/outputFile/0/tmp+(timeStamp)/file1.parquet
and the other job write in hdfs:/outputFile/0/tmp+(timeStamp)/file2.parquet and next move parquets to hdfs:/outputFile/
.option("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version", "2")
When Spark appends data to an existing dataset, Spark uses FileOutputCommitter to manage staging output files and final output files. The behavior of FileOutputCommitter has direct impact on the performance of jobs that write data.
A FileOutputCommitter has two methods, commitTask and commitJob. Apache Spark 2.0 and higher versions use Apache Hadoop 2, which uses the value of mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version to control how commitTask and commitJob work. In Hadoop 2, the default value of mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version is 1. For this version, commitTask moves data generated by a task from the task temporary directory to job temporary directory and when all tasks complete, commitJob moves data to from job temporary directory to the final destination.
Because the driver is doing the work of commitJob, for cloud storage, this operation can take a long time. You may often think that your cell is “hanging”. However, when the value of mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version is 2, commitTask moves data generated by a task directly to the final destination and commitJob is basically a no-op.
Data Fusion Pipeline gives us one or more part files at output if sync in GCS Bucket. My question is how we can combine those part files to one and also gave them a meaningful name ?
The Data Fusion transformations run in Dataproc clusters executing either Spark or MapReduce jobs. Your final output is split in many files because the jobs partition your data based on the HDFS partitions (this is the default behavior for Spark/Hadoop).
When writing a Spark script you are able to manipulate this default behavior and produce different outputs. However, Data Fusion was built to abstract the code layer and provide you the experience of using a fully managed data integrator. Using split files should not be a problem but if you really need to merge them I suggest that you use the following approach:
On the top of your Pipeline Studio click on Hub -> Plugins, search for Dynamic Spark Plugin, click on Deploy and then in Finish (you can ignore the JAR file)
Back to your pipeline, select Spark in the sink section.
Replace your GCS plugin with the Spark plugin
In your Spark plugin, set Compile at Deployment Time as false and replace the code with some Spark code that does what you want. The code below for example is hardcoded but works:
def sink(df: DataFrame) : Unit = {
new_df = df.coalesce(1)
This function receives the data from your pipeline as a Dataframe. The coalesce function reduces the number of partitions to 1 and the last line writes it to GCS.
Deploy your pipeline and it will be ready to run
let me first start with my scenario:
I have a huge dataframe stored in HDFS. I load the dataframe in a spark session
and create a new column without changing any of the existing content. After this, I want to store the dataframe to the original directory in HDFS.
Now, I know, I can practically do with with spark's write operation in the fashion df.parquet.write("my_df_path", mode="overwrite"). Since the data is immense, I'm investigating whether there is a so to speak column-wise append-mode or method, that does not write the complete dataframe back only the difference to the stored data. The final target is to save both memory and computational effort for the HDFS system.
I am trying to read the parquet file from hdfs location, do some transformations and overwrite the file in the same location. I had to overwrite the file in the same location because I had to run the same code multiple times.
Here is the code I have written
val df = spark.read.option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").parquet("hdfs://master:8020/persist/local/")
//after applying some transformations lets say the final dataframe is transDF which I want to overwrite at the same location.
Now the problem is before reading the parquet file from the given location, spark for some reason I believe it deletes the file at the given location because of overwrite mode. So when executing the code I get the following error.
File does not exist: hdfs://master:8020/persist/local/part-00000-e73c4dfd-d008-4007-8274-d445bdea3fc8-c000.snappy.parquet
Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? Thanks.
The simple answer is that you cannot overwrite what you are reading. The reason behind this is that overwrite would need to delete everything, however, since spark is working in parallel, some portions might still be reading at the time. Furthermore, even if everything was read, spark needs the original file to recalculate tasks which are failed.
Since you need the input for multiple iterations, I would simply make the name of the input and the output into arguments for the function that does one iteration and delete the previous iteration only once the writing is successful.
This is what I have tried and it worked. My requirement was almost same. It was upsert option.
by the way, spark.conf.set('spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode', 'dynamic') property was set. Even then also the Transform job was failing
Took a backup of S3 folder (final curated layer) before every batch operation
using the dataframe operations, first delete the S3 parquet file location before overwrite
then Append to the particular location
Previously the entire job was running for 1.5Hrs and failing frequently. Now it's taking 10-15mins for the entire operations
I am implementing the file source in Spark Structures Streaming and want to process the same file name again if the file has been modified. Basically an update to the file. Currently right now Spark will not process the same file name again once processed. Seems limited compared to Spark Streaming with Dstream. Is there a way to do this? Spark Structured Streaming doesn't document this anywhere it only process new file with different names.
I believe this is somewhat of an anti pattern, but you may be able to dig through the checkpoint data and remove the entry for that original file.
Try looking for the original file name in the /checkpoint/sources// files delete the file or entry. That might cause the stream to pick up the file name again. I haven't tried this myself.
If this is a one time manual update, I would just change the file name to something new and drop it in the source directory. This approach won't be maintainable or automated.
I have a spark streaming environment with spark 1.2.0 where i retrieve data from a local folder and every time I find a new file added to the folder I perform some transformation.
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(10))
val data = ssc.textFileStream(directory)
In order to perform my analysis on DStream data I have to transform it into an Array
var arr = new ArrayBuffer[String]();
data.foreachRDD {
arr ++= _.collect()
Then I use data obtained to extract the information I want and to save them on HDFS.
val myRDD = sc.parallelize(arr)
myRDD.saveAsTextFile("hdfs directory....")
Since I really need to manipulate data with an Array it's impossible to save data on HDFS with DStream.saveAsTextFiles("...") (which would work fine) and I have to save the RDD but with this preocedure I finally have empty output files named part-00000 etc...
With an arr.foreach(println) I am able to see the correct results of the transofmations.
My suspect is that spark tries at every batch to write data in the same files, deleting what was previously written. I tried to save in a dynamic named folder like myRDD.saveAsTextFile("folder" + System.currentTimeMillis().toString()) but always only one foldes is created and the output files are still empty.
How can I write an RDD into HDFS in a spark-streaming context?
You are using Spark Streaming in a way it wasn't designed. I'd either recommend drop using Spark for your use case, or adapt your code so it works the Spark way. Collecting the array to the driver defeats the purpose of using a distributed engine and makes your app effectively single-machine (two machines will also cause more overhead than just processing the data on a single machine).
Everything you can do with an array, you can do with Spark. So just run your computations inside the stream, distributed on the workers, and write your output using DStream.saveAsTextFiles(). You can use foreachRDD + saveAsParquet(path, overwrite = true) to write to a single file.
#vzamboni: Spark 1.5+ dataframes api has this feature :
dataframe.write().mode(SaveMode.Append).format(FILE_FORMAT).partitionBy("parameter1", "parameter2").save(path);