EF Core: Update FK while Navigation Property is loaded - entity-framework-core

Consider the following class, consisting of a foreign key and a corresponding navigation property.
class MyClass
public long FkId { get; set; }
public MyOtherClass FkNavigationProperty { get; set; }
My update problem
MyClass myUpdate =
new MyClass
FkId = 5, //the new value which i want to save
FkNavigationProperty = new MyOtherClass { Id = 3 } //the old value that was loaded with the entity
The Problem
This leads to a saved MyClass Entity with FK value of 3 instead of the desired 5.
Why do I have this problem
Normally, I would make sure, that no navigation property is loaded on the updated entity.
But currently, this is impossible to make sure.
What I would like to know
What are the best practices for such situations?
Setting the navigation property to null and set only the foreign key id?
Set both, the foreign key id in on the entity and in the navigation property?
Load the desired foreign key entity and set it into the navigation property (leaving the foreign key on the old value)?
Other propositions?
EDIT: is it always the case, that navigation property "wins" over foreign key property? (if yes, is this documented somewhere?)
Thanks for any help with this!
Cheers, Mike


EntityFramework6 "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" on nullable foreign key

I have my entity defined like this:
public class Entity : BaseModel // Has the already ID defined
private int? companyId;
public Company? Company { get; set; }
public int? CompanyId {
get => this.companyId == 0 ? null : this.companyId; // I tried this for debugging purposes to force this value to "null" -> made no difference
set => this.companyId = value;
public class Company : BaseModel // Has the already ID defined
public IEnumerable<Entity> Entities { get; set; } = new List<Entity>();
Anyway, if I set the CompanyId to null, my DB throws an exception with the message: "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed". If the CompanyId is set to, e.g. 123, the relationship is resolved accordingly.
I mean, it makes sense, that EF cannot find null in my DB, but how do I want to set an optional value otherwise? I am using code first annotations only, hence my OnModelCreating of my context is completely empty.
How are you loading the entities in the first place? Are you loading an Entity by ID and trying to dis-associate it from a company, or have you loaded a company with it's entities and trying to remove one association?
Normally when working with relations where you have navigation properties, you want to de-associate them (or delete them) via the navigation properties, not the FK properties. For instance if loading a company and wanting to de-associate one of the entities you should eager-load the entities then remove the desired one from the collection:
var company = _context.Companies.Include(c => c.Entitites).Single(c => c.Id == companyId);
var entityToRemove = company.Entities.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == entityId);
if(entityToRemove != null)
Provided that the relationship between Company and Entity is set up properly as an optional HasMany then provided these proxies are loaded, EF should work out to set the entityToRemove's FK to null.
If you want to do it from the Entity side:
var entityToRemove = _context.Entities.Include(e => e.Company).Single(e => e.Id == entityId);
entityToRemove.Company = null;
That too should de-associate the entities. If these don't work then it's possible that your mapping is set up for a required relationship, though I am pulling this from memory so I might need to fire up an example to verify. :) You also should be checking for any code that might set that CompanyId to 0 when attempting to remove one, whether that might be happening due to some mapping or deserialization. Weird behaviour like that can occur when entities are passed around in a detached state or deserialized into controller methods. (which should be avoided)
Update: Code like this can be very dangerous and lead to unexpected problems like what you are encountering:
public virtual async Task<bool> Update(TModel entity)
await Context.SaveChangesAsync();
return true;
Update() is typically used for detached entities, and it will automatically treat all values in the entity as Modified. If model was already an entity tracked by the Context (and the context is set up for change tracking) then it is pretty much unnecessary. However, something in the calling chain or wherever has constructed the model (i.e. Entity) has set the nullable FK to 0 instead of #null. This could have been deserialized from a Form etc. in a view and sent to a Controller as an integer value based on a default for a removed selection. Ideally entity classes should not be used for this form of data transfer from view to controller or the like, instead using a POCO view model or DTO. To correct the behaviour as your code currently is, you could try the following:
public async Task<bool> UpdateEntity(Entity entity)
var dbEntity = Context.Set<Entity>().Include(x => x.Customer).Single(x => x.Id == entityId);
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(entity, dbEntity))
{ // entity is a detached representation so copy values across to dbEntity.
// TODO: copy values from entity to dbEntity
if(!entity.CustomerId.HasValue || entity.CustomerId.Value == 0)
dbEntity.Customer = null;
await Context.SaveChangesAsync();
return true;
In this case we load the entity from the DbContext. If this method was called with an entity tracked by the DbContext, the dbEntity would be the same reference as entity. In this case with change tracking the Customer/CustomerId reference should have been removed. We don't need to set entity state or call Update. SaveChanges should persist the change. If instead the entity was a detached copy deserialized, (likely the case based on that 0 value) the reference would be different. In this case, the allowed values in the modified entity should be copied across to dbEntity, then we can inspect the CustomerId in that detached entity for #null or 0, and if so, remove the Customer reference from dbEntity before saving.
The caveats here are:
This won't work as a pure Generic implementation. To update an "Entity" class we need knowledge of these relationships like Customer so this data service, repository, or what-have-you implementation needs to be concrete and non-generic. It can extend a Generic base class for common functionality but we cannot rely on a purely Generic solution. (Generic methods work where implementation is identical across supported classes.)
This also means removing that attempt at trying to handle Zero in the Entity class. It should just be:
public class Entity : BaseModel
public Company? Company { get; set; }
public int? CompanyId { get; set; }
// ...
Marking Foreign Keys explicitly is a good practice to avoid surprises when you eventually find yourself needing to break conventions that EF accommodates in simple scenarios.

How to make Many-to-one mapping without foreign key in EF Core?

Using EF Core 5.0, I have a PK-less entity (from a SQL view) OrderInfo, which has a column OrderDetailId. I also have an entity DiscountOrder which a PK from the columns OrderDetailId and DiscountId.
I would like to create a navigation property from Order to DiscountOrders. Such as:
public class OrderInfo
public int OrderDetailId { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<DiscountOrder> DiscountOrders { get; set; }
public class DiscountOrder
public int DiscountId { get; set; }
public int OrderDetailId { get; set; }
// For reference, this entity also exists
public class Discount
public int DiscountId { get; set; }
Obviously, there are no FKs to make use of, but I should be able to create a navigation property anyway.
I think I should be able to do this:
modelBuilder.Entity<OrderInfo>(e =>
e.HasMany(x => x.DiscountOrders)
.HasPrincipalKey(o => o.OrderDetailId)
.HasForeignKey(pb => pb.OrderDetailId)
But a query on DbSet<OrderInfo> results in a NullReferenceException with the breakpoint landing on the HasMany() line. That said, I don't do anything with the DiscountOrders property, so the exception seems like it would have to be configuration related.
I've looked at answers to similar questions, but most answers use HasOne().WithMany() where as I'd like to keep this definition on OrderInfo since we don't really care about the other direction. How can I correctly set up this mapping?
Keyless entities (entity without key) cannot be principal of a relationship, because there is no key to be referenced by the FK property of the dependent.
Note that by EF Core terminology key is primary key. There are also alternate (unique) keys, but EF Core does not enable them for keyless types.
So basically HasNoKey() disables alternate keys and relationships to that entity. Just the exception is unhandled, hence not user friendly. For instance, if you try to predefine the alternate key referenced by .HasPrincipalKey(o => o.OrderDetailId) in advance
e.HasAlternateKey(o => o.OrderDetailId);
you'll get much better exception message at the second line
The key {'OrderDetailId'} cannot be added to keyless type 'OrderInfo'.
Shortly, e.HasNoKey(); and `.HasPrincipalKey(o => o.OrderDetailId); are mutually exclusive.
The only way to make it work is to define PK for OrderInfo even though it does not exist in database. In fact if OrderDetailId was supposed to be alternate key, in other words, is unique in the returned set, then you can safely map it as PK
e.HasKey(o => o.OrderDetailId);
If it is not unique, then nothing can be done - you cannot map and use navigation property, and will be forced to use manual joins in L2E queries.
Update: EF Core also blocks changing "keyless"-ness once it's been set via fluent API (which has the highest configuration priority). So if you can't remove HasNoKey() fluent call because of it being generated by reverse engineering, you have to resort to metadata API to make it again "normal" entity by setting the IsKeyless property to false before defining the key, e.g.
e.HasNoKey(); // generated by scaffolding
e.Metadata.IsKeyless = false; // <--
e.HasKey(o => o.OrderDetailId); // now this works

How to explicitly set the ID property on an autoincrementing table in EFCore

I have a model which has an auto-incrementing ID field by default as is normal. However, I wish to seed the database with initial data and because there are foreign keys I wish to explicitly set the IDs of the seeded data.
My model
public class EntAttribute
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
My seeding code:
public class Seeder
private class AllAttributes
public List<EntAttribute> Attributes { get; set; }
public bool SeedData()
AllAttributes seedAttributes;
string strSource;
JsonSerializer JsonSer = new JsonSerializer();
strSource = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(#"Data/SeedData/Attributes.json");
seedAttributes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AllAttributes>(strSource);
return true;
Please note, I'm very new to both EFCore and C#. The above is what I've managed to cobble together and it seems to work right up until I save the changes. At this point I get:
SqlException: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Attribute' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
Now I'm smart enough to know that this is because I can't explicitly set the ID field in the EntAttribute table because it wants to assign its own via auto-increment. But I'm not smart enough to know what to do about it.
Any help appreciated.
EDIT: Adding the solution based on the accepted answer below because the actual code might help others...
So I added to my Context class the following:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Property(i => i.ID)
.HasDefaultValueSql("NEXT VALUE FOR EntAttributeNumbering");
This first ensures the a sequence is created (the name is arbitrary) and then secondly, sets it to be used for the relevant table instead of auto-increment. Once this was done I was able to my seed data. There are fewer than 10 records so I only needed to set the start value for the sequence to 10. More would normally make sense but I know there will never be more.
I also had to blitz my migrations because they'd somehow got in a mess but that's probably unrelated.
With EF Core you can create and use a Sequence object to assign the IDs, and you can reserve a range of IDs for manual assignment by picking where the sequence starts. With a Sequence you can assign the IDs yourself, or let the database do it for you.
FYI for people using EF Core 3, if using int for your key you can set the start sequence value incase you have seeded data. I found this a much cleaner to solve this problem in my use case which just had a single seeded record.
.Property(p => p.TableAId)
.HasIdentityOptions(startValue: 2);
new TableA
TableAId = 1,
Data = "something"

create linked entities in EF based on automatically generated id

Challenge in EF6:
how to check Id of resulting row in the database after running this (esentially adding an entity record):
...and use that id to add the second entity which has property X = to the id of the first entity?
use that id to add the second entity which has property X = to the id of the first entity?
Right now there is no linkage between entity 1 and entity 2 because i don;t know how to save the id (automatically generated by ef) after first add
... and preserve it for adding it as a fk in the second entity?
Thanks a lot
You could try this following after your call to SaveChanges:
myEntity2.X = myEntity1.Id;
Then call SaveChanges again. This doesn't really utilise the power of Entity Framework, however, which is in managing relationships between entities. If your class was defined something like this:
public class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public int RelatedEntityId { get; set; }
public MyEntity RelatedEntity { get; set; }
You could add your entities something like the following, and the Id/foreign key matching would be handled for you after calling SaveChanges:
myEntity1.RelatedEntity = myEntity2;
This is a fairly general solution, so if you'd like something more specific then you will need to include more details in your question.
You can read more about configuring Entity Framework relationships here.

Entity Framework 4.1 Code First - Unable to remove a relationship between two entities

I have a Supplier entity, each Supplier object may reference another Supplier object as its 'parent'.
public class Supplier
public int? Id { get; set; }
public virtual Supplier Parent { get; set; }
This all works as expected until I attempt to remove the relationship, as in, this supplier no longer has a parent. I can change it from null to a particular supplier and I can set it to a different supplier but setting it to null is not persisted after SaveChanges().
supplier.Parent = null;
The foreign key 'ParentId' in the Supplier table is set as nullable. Explicitly defining the relationship doesn't help.
modelBuilder.Entity<Supplier>().HasOptional(s => s.Parent).WithMany();
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
Just found another place in my code where I do the exact same thing (that works) and found this;
// Must access property (trigger lazy-loading) before we can set it to null (Entity Framework bug!!!)
var colour = modelItem.Colour;
modelItem.Colour = null;
Did the same in the new code and it all works.
Instead of just modelBuilder.Entity<Supplier>().HasOptional(s => s.Parent).WithMany(); use the following modelBuilder.Entity<Supplier>().HasOptional(s => s.Parent).WithMany().HasForeignKey(x=>x.ParentId);
Otherwise it has no idea what the foreign key's name is